jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 9TH DAY #47 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Sorry if this has been mentioned before but when she said that if she was in Travis' position (being a pedophile) she'd want to jump off a bridge??? Like saying 'I did a favour by killing him' ???????????

I was thinking more like having to deal with her Crazy butt.. again understand the whole... You spin me right round round round..
I can tell you my bf dosn't like Juan and he feels he is jumping all over and confusing the jury and no making his points

It's necessary with someone like Jodi. She is smug and believes herself superior. Should he let her have the upper hand?
Did anybody get a picture when she actually LAUGHED at Juan? I got a "smug-shot"


Her mother and aunt were laughing also.:banghead::banghead:
I believe what he is doing is drawing her out so the jury can see how she is. And I'm sure he made a promise to the family to expose her lies and clear his name. What she has said about Travis proves had he survived and forgiven her, she would have tried to kill him again. I hope the jury sees her sarcastic smirk. Like him or not, he's an officer of the court. Just because Gus did it and got away with it does not mean she will. Gus was not facing the DP. jmo

JMO trials have become less about the crime and more a circus. It comes down to who can get control of the jury more, its almost like a game. I understand why the defense has went back to 1903 to current and now JM has to undo some of the lies but it is frustrating what has been allowed in this trial and in the justice system. JMO DONT SHOOT
Did you guys catch her taking the evidence with her from the stand? I saw her leave and grab one of the exihbits

What I did notice about her leaving the stand is she has dropped the act. She didn't wait patiently looking like the poor little beat down girl with her side hair pulled in a fluffy, wringing her hands. Unreal, she is.
Computer had to be restarted, again. Both times happened when the margins were blown here and I was refreshing. Could that be why? Is there any guidelines that posters should follow to avoid this, as it screwed up my live feed as well. :(
I haven't seen the full day, just some of this afternoon. I feel like I was following what was going on and what he was trying to establish.

The only phone Jodi had access to on that day was a cell phone. Where she lived there was NO landline. Her texts to him are normal. If she had been driving her own car, there would have been no need for her to exchange cars. So, she had his. For an excuse to see him. She said he called her several times in a row, but not on cell phone. How is that possible she only had a cell.

She said she only has memory loss for traumatic things. On this day though she only remembers the traumatic event, nothing of events surrounding it. However, on the day she murdered TA she remember everything around the murder but not the murder itself. So which is it?

I think Juan is doing a fine job, it wouldn't hurt to tone it down a little buuut lets face it, JA is holding her own. If anythig she is acting like its a contest of wills and not the most important time in what could be a short life.

I am off to see if there is transcripts or something from this morning and read the threads. If anyone understood in a different way, I would love to hear your take on it.

I love the way it's playing out, he's not too tough at all, you have to be with this personality.

The minute he softened up, she went back to Scarlet O'Hara
He needs to keep Cybil on the surface at all times
amen sista:rocker:
he is using data.. the phone records to prove her wrong.

the jury has already seen her memory

as for getting under her skin I don't think that is his intention.

She is non responsive.

She cannot say yes or no.

I think he is doing a great job and very glad he as all this data to prove her lies just as such.... LIES.:moo:

ITA, Nurse! The ONLY way to win this is to methodically present evidence that refutes all the lies Jodi has told on direct. She can smirk, play games & feel superior, but she's a moron. She can't see how Juan is taking her down with each lie. It's incredible the AMOUNT of lies she tells--she is ALWAYS lying! If she's asked a question on the stand, she lies! Wow! She's one for the books.

AND, Juan looks so handsome proving she's a liar.:blushing:
I'm not surprised about her demeanor. I mean its not like I didn't already know she is crazy.
I can't stand to look at JA today....

IMO JA needs to be called out aggressively on her lies. I think Juan is doin' good.
The word "jealousy" is a hot button. Jodi is completely made up of frothy green jealousy that bubbles out of her wonders.

She wants to be seen as being chased by Travis. The more Juan reveals her stalker jealous nature the better this is going to get.
She was red-faced at times, but it has clearly appeared that she's up to the challenge.

You can see that it gives her tremendous satisfaction to correct JM, which she has now done more than once.

To everyone who said that she wasn't smart or articulate -- even for a high-school dropout -- it pains me to say that I told you so.

She should enjoy her battle scars and small victories, because I still think that this is the State's war to lose, and I think it's unlikely that they will.
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