jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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He was the State's expert in the hearing about the pedophilia letters. A week or so later, they continued the hearing, and Jodi (representing herself for a very short time) put her own document examiner expert on the stand. Then she asked if her lawyers could take back over again, and her lawyers immediately said "we give up on this one--forget about the letters."

Hi AZ. Did Jodi face Mr. Martinez during the short time she represented herself? tia
He shouldn't touch it and use it in his closing. IMO

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I agree, Linda7.

JA's Panning for Gold story is such a whopper that it deserves a prominent spot in Juan's grande finale. :takeabow:
When did this song publish? It is soooooooooooo eerie. JA can easily enter our imagination as the singer walks into his house, bed, shower, office...OMG!

As far as the tape, I can't take it..:blushing:

My God that's like a map and Jodi followed it step by step. I can only sit here and shake my head...and mumble. Oy to the Vey!
I just saw a liar shake his head no, when saying yes.

Wow, once you start looking for it you start to see it more often.

I was disappointed in not being able to see such obvious signs of lying in Jodi the first eight days with her defense. She is so much more animated and engaged in sparring with Juan. She forgets to hide under her mask. I'll study her like a bug now, oh yeah.
I just saw a liar shake his head no, when saying yes.

Wow, once you start looking for it you start to see it more often.

I was disappointed in not being able to see such obvious signs of lying in Jodi the first eight days with her defense. She is so much more animated and engaged in sparring with Juan. She forgets to hide under her mask. I'll study her like a bug now, oh yeah.

I hope we get a few days of this study. I agree completely w/ your thoughts here!
I wonder when Jodi testified that after she dropped the camera that Travis was yelling at her and that he spit on her and then she added quickly as an afterthought, "maybe it was water, I don't know". Maybe it was neither. Maybe it was blood? Could she have dropped the camera deliberately and when he went to pick it up she stabbed him in the chest? She obviously appears to be covering her tracks by saying..."maybe it was water." jmo
anyone else notice she has mentioned spit at least 5 times?
My God that's like a map and Jodi followed it step by step. I can only sit here and shake my head...and mumble. Oy to the Vey!

Which song is it? I just watched the "You Oughta Know" video which is very eerie...including her carrying a suitcase in to the desert and changing her clothes. :what:
Can anyone really imagine her creeping around the back of his house and peeping in the windows......LOL at the fact that Travis had another girl there.

I can't remember, but was it verified by phone call or text records that she actually called Travis and said she needed her social security card?

Or...did she just show up over there snooping and planned to tell Travis if she got caught that she needed her ss card? As often as she moved around and changed jobs, I can't imagine she would pack away her ss card...I really can't.
No! I wonder if they found her saliva on his body. :(

Since there was not any blood from his neck being sliced from ear to ear, I doubt there was any saliva and she washed it off in the shower

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I tried many, many times (spent more time than I would like to admit) trying to find out who/what company it was that jodi did the modeling for - well he finally broke his anonymity and was on NG. I uploaded it - for those interested. I find the shot of her with boxer fists and snarling haunting in hindsight.

NG interview with Fitness Wear owner who hired JA for a modeling job - YouTube

PS - Our other Dr. Drew juror is uploaded too now - see the A view from the inside thread for the link.
IF ANYONE is a DR. DREW juror, or sees something great on one of the shows that is not uploaded - send me a mail message ASAP and if I have it - I will upload it. I do have to dump out of my DVR sometimes to have space to record more! So, don't dilly dally - LOL.
That sent chills down my spine when she said that. my hair stood on end as I knew what she was trying to infer. how she could say that it was such a great picture, but Travis said he did not like it. knowing full well that Travis never had an opportunity to review and have input on it.


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Maybe he got out of the shower and was looking at the pics - he made disparaging comments like they were taken by a 5 yr old - and that's when she went postal.

I'm just gonna say I imagine her stabbing TA in the back first.
Help, I need advice

My husband has shown a smidgen of interest in the case and I'd like advice on how I should proceed.

A little background:
Like many other WSers , I became interested in this case when I watched the first JA television interview. Was it 20/20 or 48 hrs? Anyway, it certainly peaked my interest, as her affect just seemed to be off and creepy.

I'm a crime scene/murder psychology fanatic (groupie?). I did my first real college thesis on serial killers (Abnormal Psych) back in 1991. My husband and I went to the Death Museum in So. California, (when it was located in San Diego, it is now in L.A.) for our first date. Crime scene shows are like lullabies for me, as I always have something murder'ish on the television when I'm winding down for the night.

I'm such the fanatic that I will press the back button, on the dvr, repeatedly to connect things that I may have missed. My husband hates watching anything 'murder' or 'psychological' with me. He also does not appreciate going to sleep with "murder themes" playing in the back ground (so, I wait until I hear his first snore and ON IT GOES :giggle:), says it gives him weird dreams.

Okay, back to keeping my husband interested in the case...He left for a business trip on Wednesday. As he was walking out the door he asked, "hey, if that prosecutor guy gets up anytime this week, will you record it, for me?" What? :what:

It would be so nice to share this with him and actually be able to discuss the case with someone in the household:great:

After I watched yesterday's 'Juan & Jodi Show' and the responses from many of the tv commentators, I'm a little worried he will lose interest before he really had any. I want him to understand and know what Juan is referencing and why it is important (some are 'bombshell worthy).

Any WSers had luck recruiting others (husbands?) into this circus?

Oh btw, he did say that he isn't interested in the "whole defense stuff", "just that prosecutor guy". I really think he will be lost and confused if he jumps right into Thursday's testimony.

Should I start him off with one of the television interviews, like 48 hours? Or, should I read him the police report or have him listen to the opening statements? (if he is willing - of course) Any cliff notes? I wish I could find a very condensed (like, 15 minutes) youtube video with JA' on the stand before Juan.
:waitasec: HTH did JA pay for anything? manicures, brazillians, hair color, gas, car, rent, clothes, vacations, cameras, etc? Everytime I look, she's working as a waitress in the daytime...not much money there.
Wonder if this is where the family money and Disney and family restaurants is going?
I'm off to bed! Thank you kindly for the insight, humour, and the opinions you shared. I appreciated them all. :countsheep:
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