CA/Canada - Elisa Lam - 21 years old - Los Angeles/Vancouver - 31-Jan-2013 - #3

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Regarding the elevator; I wonder if the amateur investigators tried the alarm? Could it be Elisa did activate the alarm in the elevator but it was not functioning?
Also here's at least one reference advising:
"If you suspect trouble or are attacked, push the alarm button and as many floor buttons as possible so that the elevator will halt quickly, probably at the next floor."
IMO, in the case of a suspicious death we have to assume that there is or could have been a perp. To come to the conclusion that "it could have been an accident therefore let's rule out homicide until we know for sure" gives room for the perp to slip away.

If the police took that approach to crime, there'd never be any justice.

I don't think there is much chance of catching the perp if there was one. Why do I say that? I didn't see anyone collecting any evidence that could be used to determine who the perp was. Unless she was sexually assaulted and dna can determine who the assailant was how is the perp going to be found?

If you look at the live news video taken from a helicopter above the Cecil Hotel showing the firefighters climbing all over the tanks, the reporter who is flying in the helicopter says that "apparently this call came out just a little over an hour ago"

So a little over an hour before this live shot was taken is when the maintenance man or the staff at the hotel called called 911 reporting that a body had been found in the water tank. Every homicide investigation I have ever followed crime scene services (CSI) is called, the crime scene is secured, individuals are logged in and logged out as to know who might of contaminated the scene, photos are taken, measurements are taken, possible evidence is collected, and an investigation that takes hours is conducted before the body is ever moved, ect, ect, ect. BUT in this case every fireman in the department is climbing all over the roof and the tanks only a little over hour after the "call came in". The fire department is then trying to remove her body and eventually had to cut a hole in the side of the tank to remove her that way. WHAT I didn't see was any investigators (CSI) collecting evidence, although I did see one photographer with a camera in some of the still photos. Ya, I did see some guys in suits on the roof too who were likely investigators from the LAPD, but they didn't look like they were actually looking or collecting evidence, they looked like they were more worried about staying dry holding their umbrella's.

This is also the same reporter who said that the body was floating face up (which we all know bodies float face down) It was also reported that the body was "wedged" in the tank by MSM. Who was right, who was wrong?

Wedged in the tank means to me that the body was caught in the pipes somehow inside of the tank which makes more sense to me than floating (face up or face down) because this would have likely explained the cause in the reduction in water pressure if the body was obstructing the inflow of water to the pipe leading to the rooms in the hotel and everyone should know that the intake pipe for a water tank would be near the bottom of the tank.

Now the big question for me is how did this reporter, who is flying around in a helicopter above the hotel a little over an hour after the call came in, know if the body was floating face up? Did he land and take a look? Did he call one of the firemen on the roof who was looking into the tank and ask? Did he call and talk to the maintenance man or hotel staff within that hour to know for sure that this body was found floating face up? Was it reported on the scanner? (Car 51 we have a body floating "face up" in the water tank on the roof of the Ceclil Hotel, respond code one) I don't think so. The one thing I'm sure of is LE didn't call this reporter and tell him that the body was floating, much less face up. I think this reporter is just doing what he does best and that is sensationalizing the story.


[ame=""]Body of Missing Tourist Elisa Lam, 21, Found in Cecil Hotel Water Tank LOS ANGELES - YouTube[/ame]
I couldn't agree more. I was very active in this thread from the beginning but am having a difficult time reading it now. It's really frustrating and I'm hoping new info will be released soon because some of these "theories" are just out of hand.

Kaliste, I'm new to this site, so I don't have a clear idea what the discussion here is usually like. I think we're not supposed to stifle others' views even if they seem outlandish or try to moderate the discussion ourselves. So maybe we just "let a hundred flowers blossom", so to speak.

But I agree with you on substance. I think we ought to focus on facts and on what's most probable (without definitely ruling out the improbable). Unfortunately, the LAPD has been very tightlipped here. And so we have little to go on.

Still, we know there was a young woman traveling alone in a seedy hotel with known sex offenders as residents and lax security, and that she wound up dead in the hotel's water tank on the roof. That just strongly suggests to me that some sexual predator found her, assaulted her and disposed of the body such that it would not be soon discovered.

And we have the elevator video, in which she's behaving strangely. There is some testimony by an expert and a friend of hers that she seems drugged... At any rate, she is either drugged or experiencing some kind of mental break.

There doesn't seem to have been anyone in the hall when she's in the elevator (though it's possible there was), so that suggests that she was wandering in an altered state of mind, making her vulnerable. Someone found her. Perhaps someone she had already met there. Most likely someone on the hotel staff or a long-term resident who knew how to access the water tanks. That person assaulted her, killed her (maybe by suffocation or through the interaction of a drug with medications) and dumped her body.

That's my theory, anyway. I think its grounded in fact and plausible reasoning, not it wild speculation...

Anyway, this case has captivated me. I feel very sorry for Elisa and her family and friends. I hope to God that they catch whoever killed her and punish him severely.
Well, she did seem to be a big fan of that movie called Drive? I don't know much about it, but she mentioned it on her blog and that postcard and I believe it is set in that area.

However it is highly possible that she went to meet someone from the internet there, too.

It could be that she was referring to a "Rodeo Drive" pilgrimage, and Ryan Gosling's movie was just a coincidence. Rodeo Drive is near LA, and fashion-centric.
Thanks for your translations, anansie!!! :rocker:

The information you have been translating is very interesting!
I'd really like to know more about Elisa's travel plans. How did she get from San Diego to Los Angeles? Was she planning on flying up the coast of California? She would have had to travel from San Francisco to San Luis Obispo or Santa Cruz by bus or car.

Her last tweet was on January 27th, she tweeted: "SPEAKEASY"

And this is her Tumblr post from January 27th, presumably posted after she went to the speakeasy:

"The Speakeasy WAS AWESOME
except I lost a cellphone

This has been tagged with #and it's not even mine #it's my friends old blackberry #that he's lending to me #and ughhh #well not lend #he doesn't want it anymore #but UGHHH #STUPID #caliblah


Since she checked into the Cecil/Stay on Saturday January 26th, we can assume that the speakeasy was in LA. Do we know anything more about it? Name? Location? Where would she have found out about it and did she go alone?

Also, she says she lost a cellphone at the speakeasy. Who did she borrow the phone from: a friend in Vancouver or a friend she met up with in LA? (And I'm not suggesting that the friend she borrowed a phone from should be suspect in any way, I'm just trying to piece it all together.) Is this the same phone that the LAPD 'doesn't want to talk about'? According to this article,

she made daily calls home to her parents, but the calls stopped on Thursday January 31st. Was she making these calls on the borrowed cellphone, and if so, how did she call her parents every day after she lost her cell phone on the 27th? By using a hotel phone? Pay phone? Phone card? And if she lost her cell phone, what is the phone that the police stated they 'don't want to talk about'?
Thanks for the input, Binoculars and sorry for the loss of your friend. However, according to the news reports, her body was positively identified by "body markings." Do you know if you had any tatoos? In one of the Tumblr postings, the author (presumably EL) mentions a boy she meets mid Jan (in Toronto I think) that had a tatoo on his left hand and that she's thought about placing a tatoo in the same place.

Also, since EL's family is down in LA, I'd assume they would have ID'd her body and dental records would have been checked by now.

Hi. I was a friend of Elisa. I haven't seen or heard from her in over a year, but we use to hang out and talk quite a bit online before I moved to Montreal. In my opinion the lady in the elevator isn't her, not only because the woman doesn't look like Elisa in the face, but it also appears the person in the elevator is wearing heels with straps. I've never seen or known Elisa to wear shoes that look like that. Also climbing up a steep ladder to a roof with heels on seems quite impossible in my mind. Elisa also had contact lenses she wore, she didn't always wear glasses. She was near-sighted.

The shoes the woman has on in the elevator sort of looks like they would be in this style:


I've never seen or have known Elisa to wear shoes like that. I've never known Elisa to wear heels at all... In my mind I could overhear me and her laughing at girls wearing those "prostitute heels". She was full of funnies and was quite blunt at times. I really don't think she would be caught dead in shoes like that!
I really don't feel it's her in the elevator.
Seems like we're all getting different numbers. I used a measuring tape and the board of wood is about 4mm/4 units and the hatch is 15 units/mm. So assuming the board of wood is a 2x4, with 4inches as the width then it would be about 15 inches.
I think the OP didn't align the angles giving a few extra units at the side.

Sorry if this was already discussed.. I am late today..

A 2x4 is actually only 3.5 inches wide.
LAPD mentioned regular contacts, not necessarily phone calls, can be SMS, whatsapp or any other text messages.
Agreed on Chinese women not being submissive. I'm a Chinese man, and I say "don't mess with Chinese women." Besides, wasn't Tiger Mom Chinese?

Chinese women are submissive? You gotta be kidding me, lol... I totally agree, no way. I have my mother, my grandmothers on both sides, my aunts, every woman in my family to prove that. And none of my Chinese female friends are submissive as well. I am strong-willed as hell. No way I will "submit" to anyone lol
I haven't caught up on the board since last night, but anyone notice that Elisa's tumblr was updated? I am an avid Tumblr user and know all about automatic queue, but it's still creeping me out.

I wonder... if anyone has access to her Tumblr? Did the perp steal her computer and is now posting and taunting us?

VERY creepy. Especially with the image posted (a tarot card of "The Hermit")
I'd really like to know more about Elisa's travel plans. How did she get from San Diego to Los Angeles? Was she planning on flying up the coast of California? She would have had to travel from San Francisco to San Luis Obispo or Santa Cruz by bus or car.

Her last tweet was on January 27th, she tweeted: "SPEAKEASY"

And this is her Tumblr post from January 27th, presumably posted after she went to the speakeasy:

"The Speakeasy WAS AWESOME
except I lost a cellphone

This has been tagged with #and it's not even mine #it's my friends old blackberry #that he's lending to me #and ughhh #well not lend #he doesn't want it anymore #but UGHHH #STUPID #caliblah


Since she checked into the Cecil/Stay on Saturday January 26th, we can assume that the speakeasy was in LA. Do we know anything more about it? Name? Location? Where would she have found out about it and did she go alone?

Also, she says she lost a cellphone at the speakeasy. Who did she borrow the phone from: a friend in Vancouver or a friend she met up with in LA? (And I'm not suggesting that the friend she borrowed a phone from should be suspect in any way, I'm just trying to piece it all together.) Is this the same phone that the LAPD 'doesn't want to talk about'? According to this article,

she made daily calls home to her parents, but the calls stopped on Thursday January 31st. Was she making these calls on the borrowed cellphone, and if so, how did she call her parents every day after she lost her cell phone on the 27th? By using a hotel phone? Pay phone? Phone card? And if she lost her cell phone, what is the phone that the police stated they 'don't want to talk about'?

There was an LA resident who lived in a nearby tower who said a Speakeasy was located fairly close to the Cecil and it was not a place that she would go unaccompanied. She talked about it in the first thread I believe.
I haven't caught up on the board since last night, but anyone notice that Elisa's tumblr was updated? I am an avid Tumblr user and know all about automatic queue, but it's still creeping me out.

I wonder... if anyone has access to her Tumblr? Did the perp steal her computer and is now posting and taunting us?

VERY creepy. Especially with the image posted (a tarot card of "The Hermit")

I believe the discussion begins on 38. She probably used the tumblr feature of queuing posts to make it easier for her to update it while she was traveling.
Her last tweet was on January 27th, she tweeted: "SPEAKEASY"

And this is her Tumblr post from January 27th, presumably posted after she went to the speakeasy:

"The Speakeasy WAS AWESOME
except I lost a cellphone

Since she checked into the Cecil/Stay on Saturday January 26th, we can assume that the speakeasy was in LA. Do we know anything more about it? Name? Location? Where would she have found out about it and did she go alone?

Here is a speakeasy just nearby:
So reposts are manually queued and there's no auto-report option? I guess that could explain why the last reposting I recall seeing was around Feb 18.

I have a Tumblr account myself and I can confirm you can reblog a post instantly or "Add to queue" so it gets posted at a later date.

From my Tumblr options, I've cut and pasted for you what can be seen on my Queue control panel (I've substituted the drop-down bar options for "x") :

"The queue lets you stagger posts over a period of hours or days. It's an easy way to keep your blog active and consistent.

Automatically publish a queued post x times a day between x am/pm and x am/pm.

Timezone: *advertiser censored* (change)"

To be fair, I'm not a hardcore Tumblr user. I use it as a way to update on stuff in my life sporadically and sometimes I use it a little bit as a journal (though really, my "real" journal is a diary I keep that is private to me). I've never properly learnt about this Queue function on Tumblr until today when I decided to Google it.

For more information about the Queue function in Tumblr, check this page :
There was an LA resident who lived in a nearby tower who said a Speakeasy was located fairly close to the Cecil and it was not a place that she would go unaccompanied. She talked about it in the first thread I believe.

A quick google shows three places within the same block that come up under the search "LA Speakeasy"

Here's the link to the search as it comes up on google maps
[ame=""]speakeasy downtown LA - Google Maps[/ame]

"A" marks one of the three to aid in your search
I remember reading some posts here about the speakeasy near Stay/Cecil early on, just wondered if anyone had heard any more info about it.

I also remember reading this bit of info, from before the Find Elisa Lam Facebook page was deleted:

Someone posted (yesterday) they worked with Elisa at The Bay until the beginning of January and she was very happy because she found a job to work in a farm in California.
Source: [ame=""][/ame]

Did we ever get any confirmation that this is true? Anyone have any updates/info on this?

I've found no media source that confirms she was on her way to Santa Cruz to work on a farm. All I get is that Santa Cruz was believed to be her final destination, reasons for visiting California/Santa Cruz either unknown or 'leisure trip'.

From the accounts that we have of her activities, plus her Tumblr posts both before and during her trip to California, it sounds as if she's on vacation, not en route to a new job/town/life. Most live/work farm jobs would require that you come prepared with work clothes and rain gear. If she had really been on her way to a farm job in Santa Cruz, I'd imagine that we would have heard some kind of confirmation of this somewhere.

Nothing about any of this makes any sense.
I haven't caught up on the board since last night, but anyone notice that Elisa's tumblr was updated? I am an avid Tumblr user and know all about automatic queue, but it's still creeping me out.

I wonder... if anyone has access to her Tumblr? Did the perp steal her computer and is now posting and taunting us?

VERY creepy. Especially with the image posted (a tarot card of "The Hermit")

Mark my words
A quick google shows three places within the same block that come up under the search "LA Speakeasy"

Here's the link to the search as it comes up on google maps
speakeasy downtown LA - Google Maps

"A" marks one of the three to aid in your search

I believe it was determined she was in San Diego at that time. There is a place called the gaslamp speakeasy that has live jazz there. It's in the gas lamp district and is quite popular. IMO this has nothing to do with her death
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