jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 12TH DAY #60 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Motive doesn't have to be proved, or even mentioned (unless Arizona has different requirements than here), but we all know that juries want one.

What do you think Martinez will claim in his closing?

So far, we have:

1. Wanted to go to Cancun (Jealousy)
2. Travis ended the relationship for good in texts (Rejection)

Anything else?
If you open it and it still fizzes then it is still ok to drink...I think. I would drink it. jmo

my Pepsi has expiration and they do taste a little off after a month of expiration.
What happens when InSession goes off the air? Is HLN going to pick up the trial. Please help! tia.

HLN does carry it. I record it all day in case I miss something on the live feed while at work.
She has not admitted to remembering putting TA in the shower after killing him.

She did not actually say that she did it. JM was asking her when she took her shower after sex that day. He said something like "so that was in the shower you put Travis' body in" - or something like that. She said "yes" and did not try to act like she didn't remember.
There was a subtle thing yesterday by JM that I loved. He's asking JA about the skaters and she talks about the "snickering" and says "yes as they were skating away from my car" and he goes with that sarcastic tone (subtlely) "rrrrright".

It was awesome. I just heard it again on IS.

That was one of my favorites along with him saying something like "What, was there a costume change somewhere in there?" When she wasn't sure if she put the pants she was wearing when she killed him on after her shower.

"Snickering skaters" mmmmkay...

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This trial is really starting to get to me. Earlier today I made a Jodi sim in Sims 3. I drowned her in the pool.
In the replay of the 48 Hours she talks about how TA "mirrored and matched" her demeanor when they met. I seem to remember once hearing that this is what sociopaths do - they copy the behavior of people they want to get close to . . . "mirror and match". I'm pretty sure this is what JA has always done but I find it interesting that she seems to think this is what everybody does. I guess, being a sociopath, you don't realize how different you really are.
And Twinkies...and Keith Richards. All things that will survive the apocalypse.

Twinkies did they survive the company closing? :( I wouldn't eat Keith Richards if there was NO food left on this planet.

I've heard honey and pickle juice will also last forever but I don't want anybody keeling over because they took that to heart. So it's iffy on the pickle juice.
Just a few questions JM should have asked yesterday ...

2) Did the skaters take the license plate screws or did you pick them when retrieving the plate ?

The devil is in the details ...

The Starbucks skater story is almost as absurd as the ninja warrior intruder story.

Here we have ?? California adolescent male skaters, who are out and about after 9PM in a public parking lot, who are looking to perform a prank. There must be over 20 cars parked at Starbucks.
YET the skaters decide to pick JA car – a white car chosen to avoid detection- which is parked near the opening of Starbucks. Pranksters generally would pick a car well away from the store.

The pranksters amazingly have a properly fitting screwdriver with a Philips head. During the 5-10 minutes JA is inside Starbucks the skaters unscrew 4 screws on the front plate; remove the plate entirely AND then carefully place the CA license plate oblique against the curb facing forward. Why would a prankster take the time and effort to remove a plate and then carefully set it into place alongside the curb??
PLUS the same prankster – we assume – also took the time to remove 4 screws on the back plates and instead of tossing these plates, the skaters remove the plate, rotate it 180 degrees, and then take the time to screw it back on. And - mind you - this is ALL done at night time with little light shining on the car's rear. Makes absolutely NO SENSE.

Arias backs out of the parking stall and sees a flash. She steps outside the car in order to view this suspicious “flash in the night”. Alas JA discovers “ A CALIF plate”. She then grabbed the plate and tossed it into the car. As JM emphasized JA could not have known that CA plate belonged to her UNLESS she went to the back of the car to check the rear license plate. BUT because she secured a loose license plate that may or may not have belonged with the rental car she was overcome by a sense of menace and opted to lock the doors and drive away immediately.

The story is completely fabricated to conceal her alteration of the plates and is absurd on its face.
One of the things that bothered me about her appearance is that hole when her lips are together.

I now know why. I keep waiting for this to dart out.


You people make me laugh so hard...where do y'all come up with all this stuff???? :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
Originally Posted by Davia18
My BF whom I have made watch the last 2 weeks feels she is going to get off. That JM is so all over the place he can't keep up and feels the jury is lost. He doesn't know any of the back ground stuff and all the details, which is why I have him watching because I would like an idea of how the jury feels. He also feels TA didn't get what he deserved but feels he was not a good guy his Opinion is TA was a hypocrite and player.
I hope he is wrong, very wrong and she gets the DP because she deserves nothing less MOO

If he only watched the last 2 weeks, he didn't watch the prosecution's case in chief. Make him watch those videos!
That was one of my favorites along with him saying something like "What, was there a costume change somewhere in there?" When she wasn't sure if she put the pants she was wearing when she killed him on after her shower.

"Snickering skaters" mmmmkay...

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Oh how could I have forgotten about the costume change! That was awesome (people were actually snickering behind me). So perfect because everything about her is a performance.
The Starbucks skater story is almost as absurd as the ninja warrior intruder story.



That is such a funny prank. All the cool kids are doing it these days. Well, back in 2008. Maybe now they've moved on to removing the plates completely and hiding them in the trunk.
From yesterday's testimony, when JA actually tells a truth, albeit a twisted one:

On June 3, 2008, en route to TA's after being "guilted" to go there:

-- JM- "were you "in love" with him then? that's a distinction you sometimes make."

--JA: "No, not in love like I was before. It was different. It wasn't like I was forward to being married to him or to having a future together."

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