a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

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I would like that as well--paypal is something I won't use. Thanks

Sure thing- I guess if this is not ok to post, it'll be taken down. I do think it was posted weeks ago on another thread. I got it though a PM from Katiecoo.

Samantha Alexander
P.O. Box 130023
Carlsbad, CA 92013
Ok my thoughts about the whole Snow White business in court yesterday are simple.

Juan Martinez had at most 40 min with this witness.

This time was not adequate to dive in to any meaty issues really but it was about establishing "rapport" if you want to call it that.

What I prefer to call it is establishing who is the ALPHA in the dynamic and to let ALV who is in control of asking questions and directing the flow of the testimony. She'd been like a celebrity guest on The View for days and now she's actually having to testify in a court of law.

So he came out swinging with Snow White (she helped by trivializing it even more from Grimm to Disney imo) and that's where it was left.

I can't wait for Monday.

Thanks for all the nice comments guys. Just talked to Alfonse and he's much better this morning. Hope it lasts today. Very rough go of it this past week. :(

It will get better.
Sure thing- I guess if this is not ok to post, it'll be taken down. I do think it was posted weeks ago on another thread. I got it though a PM from Katiecoo.

Samantha Alexander
P.O. Box 130023
Carlsbad, CA 92013

yes that is the address Samantha herself wrote in my journal.
I wondered that same thing - has she even seen the crime scene/autopsy photos? Maybe Juan will enlighten her so she can see exactly what the murderer she's so vigorously defending perpetrated on the victim in this case - Travis.

I hope she gets enlightened by the photos. She needs to see what her poor lil victimized female has done.
Lol Better watch out Jodi and Nurmi don't have you removed from the courtroom.
I can just hear the Judge on Monday morning : If Katiecoollady is in the courtroom can you please take the the stand.

They will get more than they bargained for. :)
Ok I just taped this off my tv with my iphone and let's see if it works here. ;)

Katiecoolady abc15 - YouTube

They live in a sound bite world. If it can't be expressed in 10 seconds, they don't get it. They can't appreciate the dance that JM does. Snow White was brilliant. They are jealous of his skill, imho.

KCL - I too wonder what the courtroom was like in reacting to the laughter led by ALV friends over behind Donovan. What was the juror reaction to that particular disruption?

Excellent interview about your common experience and compassion for the Alexander family! :seeya:

BBM - I found it completely unprofessional that the DT's note-passing-person (sorry don't know her title) not only burst out laughing but appeared to be ready for that line and was on the verge of laughing for a minute prior.
I don't know about jurors, but the talking heads on TV have blasted JM over the SNow White junk and have been very hard on him regarding the style he used with this witness. Really, really negative.

They can blast all they want. They are there to stir the pot and get ratings. Juan is in the courtroom to get justice for Travis.
I was there and can tell you people were paying attention to Juan's version of Snow White. The jury started taking notes again. Something I'd not seen much of when JW was questioning/coddling ALV. MOO
The TH have blasted JM from the beginning and who is winning? They should be ashamed!

Agreed. Eiglarsh keeps regurgitating Trial Practice 101. Well, guess what? 30 years of prosecuting big crimes allows one to develop their own style. JM has been doing this day in, day out for 3 decades! He knows what he's doing. He goes in with a very definite strategy (Eiglarsh would have Juan reading from typed questions), and he pursues it. No matter how evasive or cantankerous the witness, he hammers the points until he gets what he wants. That's the mark of success and experience.

I'd like to point out, again, that JM likely has a team of folks back at the office doing support work for him. I am sure that someone found every mention of ALV on the internet, watched every youtube, read every book and seminar materials, etc. The team brings stuff to JM, and he no doubt carefully reviews all of the important stuff. When court ends, JMs day is just beginning. He's an awesome courtroom lawyer. When some TH said that defense lawyers are more skilled at cross than prosecutors, I wanted to scream. How many witnesses do you think JM has crossed in 30 years? Far more than Eiglarsh or any of the other TH defense lawyers, of that, I am certain.
Was it ALV who waved her arm as in, well what can we do?
I am really upset by this. This was confrontational and all for ALV.
Narcissistic doesn't even begin to describe her!

I'd be banned if I posted what I think of her. :)
Agreed. Eiglarsh keeps regurgitating Trial Practice 101. Well, guess what? 30 years of prosecuting big crimes allows one to develop their own style. JM has been doing this day in, day out for 3 decades! He knows what he's doing. He goes in with a very definite strategy (Eiglarsh would have Juan reading from typed questions), and he pursues it. No matter how evasive or cantankerous the witness, he hammers the points until he gets what he wants. That's the mark of success and experience.

I'd like to point out, again, that JM likely has a team of folks back at the office doing support work for him. I am sure that someone found every mention of ALV on the internet, watched every youtube, read every book and seminar materials, etc. The team brings stuff to JM, and he no doubt carefully reviews all of the important stuff. When court ends, JMs day is just beginning. He's an awesome courtroom lawyer. When some TH said that defense lawyers are more skilled at cross than prosecutors, I wanted to scream. How many witnesses do you think JM has crossed in 30 years? Far more than Eiglarsh or any of the other TH defense lawyers, of that, I am certain.

Ummm, her naked pictures wouldn't be there of she didn't have them taken in the first place!

And would have never been on every media outlet had she not murdered Travis.
She has no shame, and if she does, too dang bad. MOO :)
I am having extremely mixed feelings about juror 5. I keep getting the feeling that this is a disaster waiting to happen. I know that she has every right to be there if she wants to, but common sense is screaming at me that this case does not need another distraction or controversy. I have never seen anything like this & there's something about it that is unsettling to me.

It wouldn't be an issue/distraction if the media wasn't trying to make one out of it. She came in, sat quietly, took notes.
Once the gallery realized she was there it was business as usual.
Couldn't agree more. Anyone paying attention can also see how shallow & dishonest Willmott has proven herself to be. How is this woman a death penalty qualified attorney? She behaves in a courtroom like a petulant 5 year old, CLEARLY shaking her head yes or no to tell witnesses how to answer a question!!
She thinks standing up at the table will somehow stop the train that is Juan Martinez. I'm disgusted watching her snarky little objections accompanied by smirks & outright laughing. What IS that?? Take your job seriously!

You watch, she will try to haul Juan up to the sidebar bench every 2 minutes in an effort to slow that train down.. "Objection!! Your honor, may we approach?" Let's just hope the judge has the guts to use the authority she's been given by the state of Arizona and say "NO, you may not ~ overruled." For the love of pete lady, please start saying no to this woman!

^^^^ this, exactly. Great post!
The TH have blasted JM from the beginning and who is winning? They should be ashamed!

Just jumping off your post, but IMOO, look at WHO is standing in a court of law fighting for our victim Travis Alexander? Juan Martinez is! And who is on TV running their mouths saying oh, he should be saying/doing this or that....blah, blah, blah...yeah...those THs ... I'd much rather have a lion like JM fighting for me than any of the THs...seems to me like maybe the THs don't have the stamina to fight the real fight...in a court of law...most THs are lawyers, etc. bet you won't ever see Juan Martinez in the role of a TH...he's too busy fighting real evil in the courtroom!
Go Juan!!!

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They should have been told to leave the courtroom..I am waiting for Donovan to stand up and scream she is not quilty and cause a mistrial.

Katicoollady are any of the court officers watching D ?? Jody seems to be sending her some type of signals.

There are cameras and microphones all over the place (as we've been told by the court several times). I don't think D is giving signals in the courtroom. But, I do believe she is going out to the jail and feeding ja information. It seems more disruption is occurring since she showed up. D hadn't been there for a few weeks (after the magazine code testimony). I believe it was her "friend" who was supposed to deliver the magazines to MM but were intercepted by MCSO.
So many emotions after yesterday and catching up on the notes today.

Exactly what KCL was saying is what I have been thinking. Still it really saddens me that the news (coughHLNcough) has not learned after all these months that JM knows what he is doing. I'm really getting fed up! He has not even begun with this expert. Watch them all swoon over him on Monday and proclaim what a great cross he did.

I am :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: that AVL went over to Sam.
I feel I know exactly why MOO
She wanted to prove to the DT what kind of big bad girl she is so she approached Sam. Who cares about the laws, laws? What laws? AVL is above the law. :furious: And that IS abuse.

I really hope Juan will move forward and "take care of it" as harshly as possible. Poor Sam. My word anything that happens to this family just fires me up.

Katie I'm really glad you did get the chance to get the candies to Juan. I just knew he was a cool enough guy to appreciate something like that. He deserves every ounce of kindness, love and hilarity he deserves.

"It's your fog!" Is my favorite. :)
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