trial day 51: REBUTTAL; #158

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Why in such a major trial would the judge have any other trials going on at the same time? That does not sound correct to me.

I never expected this trial to go more than a month.

In the eyes of any victim--all trials are "major"...

Juans on a few other cases as well...the DT too...(oh my goodness lol)
I wish a Mormon would chime in here and tell us if its really unusual for a young man and woman in their early 20's, who are living together, been together for several years, not dating anyone else, to enjoy sexual intercourse ... and what degree of a sin that is.

Travis and Deanna weren't living together.

I'm not a mormon, but I am catholic. Sure it happens, but it's against the moral (lack of a better word) rules of the church. My aunt/extended families are mormons; I know a lot about the religion and the law of chastity is pretty much the same thing as remaining a virgin until marriage behaviour encouraged by the catholic church. A sin is a sin, no hierarchy.
I thought the juror question to Deanna about LDS and the Chastity Law was brilliant. I believe the motivation was to ask a Mormon herself about just how familiar chruchgoers and members are of the beliefs about premarital sex OF ANY KIND, any sexual contact whatsoever, are. This leads me to think that juror is questioning JA's vesrion of events pertaining to sex.

JA herself and by proxy through ALV told teh jury that TA fibbed to JA about what sort of sexual activities might be "okay" because they weren't "really" sex. And the suggestion was that JA believed him because how the heck was she to know?

The question gave Deanna a chance to tell the jury that it is known, it is discussed in those 3 hour church sessions JA attended, it is a familiar known thing to all who attend LDS services, classes, etc.

I liked that question. I did not find it dumb at all.

absolutely. i wasn't sure, but you really clarified it. that makes a lot of sense. thanks.
<snipped by me>

Yes, a marching band, please! They could play 76 Trombones Foghorns.... :floorlaugh:

I agree this was a fantastic day for the Prosecution!

(I appreciate the insights from many of your posts BritsKate, thank you!)
I'm going to have 'The Music Man' going through my head the rest of the morning now! Thanks. No really. Thank you for sharing. Ever so kind. ;)

(What we've got here in Mesa is Trouble with a Capital T that rhymes with C that stands for convicted!) :biggrin:
off topic but nancy grace should wear red lipstick more often. she looks great tonight
I'm bringing this post over in order to reply.


I appreciated your post!!!! Primarily because of the bolded part.

The first bolded sentence made me laugh. I don;t know why but he sure does come across as creepy.

However, objectively, this is so far from being the worst defense team in the history of court cases that it;s not even funny. They are a solid, good defense team. jodi arias is very well controlled, compared to the kinds of defendants that you see routinely in court rooms across America. Seriously.

The reclining and what you call "flirty" gestures will not impact the jury one way or another.

Like I have said repeatedly, what disgusts me about the defense team is their willingness, like you said, to try to destroy an innocent dead man's reputation with what they know darn well is a lie.

But they are doing well with what they have, which is nothing. They are not bad attorneys.

Hi gitana!

You have my interest peeked now.:) Which defense team is worse than this one?

I have been watching trials for over two decades. I have seen many defense attorneys that I liked and thought they put on a great case. I don't think I've ever seen one like this where the DT has asked for so many side bars or has objected as much or ones who have filed such frivolous motions ad nauseum...not even in a death penalty case.

I don't think I've ever seen a defense team quite as slow and laborious either. I cant even remember a defense CIC that took as long as this one and half of it could have been omitted because so much of it was repetitive. Imo, it reeks of wanting to milk the taxpayers dry because they both know they will never have a case like this one again.

I truly have cringed watching the defense witnesses and the defense lawyer asking the questions. I admit that it got so boring a lot of times in the defense CIC that I tuned a lot of it out. I just couldn't pay attention and that is not like me.

If they are doing a good job then I hope I never have to see another DT like them. They are absolutely the most boring team I have ever witnessed. Never mind that they have been repulsive, snarky, and condescending during many of their cross examinations even when it hasn't been necessary. Nurmi comes across as fixated on sex.

I have found it ironic that some have complained about Juan's demeanor yet the DT has shown far worse behavior, imo.

To Everyone that's been STRESSED over what Nurmi pulled today

I heard Deanna's testimony...bless her heart...very brave. Are you talking about the letter she had to read and the litany of vulgarities he asked her about? Made me sick to my stomach. Proved more for the prosecution than def, IMO. Also, what's with the def asking for jury to be allowed to consider lesser charges? They're desperate & running out of smoke, mirrors & B.S.!
I like the way you think. How about even if the Defense is allowed their surrebuttal that JM finishes Thursday. Defense gets one extra day on Monday. Closing arguments Tuesday or Wednesday and deliberations by end of next week?

IMO it is bs if the defense is allowed another shrink to testify. Come on, they knew exactly what this Doc D would say. Do we honestly believe if there had been a disclosure violation KN wouldn't have been screaming prosecutorial misconduct again?????

JA has had 5 years to prepare her defense. The "my experts got friggin busted by Juan" is not an excuse to bring in yet another expert psych witness.

Sorry for the tirade, but enough is enough.
I agree in normal cases, but this case is far from normal. Other major trials I have seen, the judge made it their only case and only priority. IMO I think the same should be done here to get this thing over with.
I get your point, but it's just not practical given how much crime there is (unfortunately) and the numbers of judges to handle it in various jurisdictions. It's finally starting to feel like the end is near with this trial.
I agree 100%. She used a timer to take the photos. You can tell by the look on her face that she was rushing to get into position before the timer went off.

Where was this camera set up then? There is no place in the room she could put it for a timer picture like that. She did not use a timer on herself.

What could be the possible reasoning for her to take nude pictures of herself, and then delete them? That's even too nonsensical for JA.
Which means she had every intention of leaving the whether that goes to putting it in the washing machine on purpose or mistake, who knows. But someone was either IN those pics, or knew of their existence and JA wasn't going to take the chance of someone saying, "Hey, where's TA's camera? He had some cool pics on there......"

Oooooh, good catch!
I agree 100%. She used a timer to take the photos. You can tell by the look on her face that she was rushing to get into position before the timer went off.

The time between the photos indicates no timer used. Testimony on day 6
Jodi was having the time of her life today. She enjoys hurting people, and she thought that she was getting to hurt Deanna with Nurmi's sewer-brained questions. She had a gloating, smirking, smug look and she would try to catch Deanna's eye. She glared at her many times & when Deanna left the stand it was a look of pure evil from Jodi's face.

Willmott is morphing into her client--and that's got to be bad for business. Act like a professional!! Please!!

Jodi is pure evil. And I know the jury saw that clearly today.

Amazing post! I always look forward to reading your your view on this trial...right on:seeya:
Thank you
Travis and Deanna weren't living together.

I'm not a mormon, but I am catholic. Sure it happens, but it's against the moral (lack of a better word) rules of the church. My aunt/extended families are mormons; I know a lot about the religion and the law of chastity is pretty much the same thing as remaining a virgin until marriage behaviour encouraged by the catholic church. A sin is a sin, no hierarchy.

Abstinance is the preference in most religions. It is not just LDS, Catholic, or
Baptist. ty
Which means she had every intention of leaving the whether that goes to putting it in the washing machine on purpose or mistake, who knows. But someone was either IN those pics, or knew of their existence and JA wasn't going to take the chance of someone saying, "Hey, where's TA's camera? He had some cool pics on there......"
Amen! If she planned to take the camera with her, she wouldn't have wasted time deleting any pictures before making a getaway. Had the camera gone into the washer with the sex and shower pictures on there along with the other 90, then maybe I could see the possibility that she unintentionally scooped the camera up with the other wash. It's clear she thought that once deleted, they'd be unrecoverable after going through a wash cycle-bleach or no bleach. Who knows, if she hadn't deleted the pictures, her fog defense may have been slightly more credible--except of course, it isn't real and everyone in that courtroom knows it.
NG now discussing the defense literally begging the Judge to include the manslaughter charge.

Desperate. Very desperate.


ETA - Nurmi's cross-examination of Deanna is sickening.

JA, camera poses, deleted pics and computer use

I have always believed her trip to AZ was a last ditch effort. Win him back with incredible sex, go to Cancun, and live happily ever after. Or kill him and be done with it all for once and for all.

I wonder if she took the photos with the idea that she would somehow get onto the computer and email them to Mimi, as if they had come from TA. A sort of big ole honkin F YOU to Mimi if things went JA's way and he relented.

But she couldn't access his accounts, he didn't relent and take her back, she then thought she would use the photos for blackmail and he basically told her do your worst, everyone who know me knows you are a sociopath, you will be shunned, you will be reviled, but go ahead, do your worst.

Her worst was plan B. She did it. Her worst.

So then the pics become a liability rather than leverage. Now we must get rid of (delete) the pics, not only that but he didn't die easy like she'd imagined it. He made her cut her finger and now she bled on the danged camera, oh well, into the wash it went.

I also believe that's exactly what happened. The Defense also knows it. I think the crime LOOKS like a "crime of passion" because after Jodi failed to get her way with Travis, she became enraged and slaughtered him brutally.

She was mad enough to kill in Yreka when she stole her Grandfather's gun, and began to plan the "road trip" to mask her visit to Mesa. Being the dumb-a$$ that she is (sorry, Einstein!), she got caught with reciepts and gas cans and license plates and her big mouth.

When she surprised Travis on the 4th, he just wouldn't go along with what she demanded. Take her to Cancun? Marry her? Have her move in with him? Who knows. And she killed him.
JA, camera poses, deleted pics and computer use

I have always believed her trip to AZ was a last ditch effort. Win him back with incredible sex, go to Cancun, and live happily ever after. Or kill him and be done with it all for once and for all.

I wonder if she took the photos with the idea that she would somehow get onto the computer and email them to Mimi, as if they had come from TA. A sort of big ole honkin F YOU to Mimi if things went JA's way and he relented.

But she couldn't access his accounts, he didn't relent and take her back, she then thought she would use the photos for blackmail and he basically told her do your worst, everyone who know me knows you are a sociopath, you will be shunned, you will be reviled, but go ahead, do your worst.

Her worst was plan B. She did it. Her worst.

So then the pics become a liability rather than leverage. Now we must get rid of (delete) the pics, not only that but he didn't die easy like she'd imagined it. He made her cut her finger and now she bled on the danged camera, oh well, into the wash it went.

I was really hoping that would be driven home to the jury... and it probably was...

Nurmi's insinuations that it was Travis' member was just shot to heck when MMelendez testified that there were NO *advertiser censored*/nude pics on Travis' electronic devices...


Unless I missed it, Juan should've rebutted and specifically asked:

"So, what you are saying to the jurors and so I understand this is: there was no evidence suggesting Travis EVER sent ANY illicit pornographic photographs to Ms Arias then, is that correct?"

"That is correct"

"Because if he did, that certainly would've shown up in your forensic tests, right"

"That is correct"

"No further questions"
NG now discussing the defense literally begging the Judge to include the manslaughter charge.

Desperate. Very desperate.


ETA - Nurmi's cross-examination of Deanna is sickening.

With all the clear evidence of premeditation, I really hope the judge doesn't allow manslaughter because Jodi doesn't deserve it.
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