MI MI - Jessica Heeringa, 25, Norton Shores, 26 April 2013 #2

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Could you edit that a bit, maybe? This forum is supposed to be somewhat friendly for victim's families....I don't think we need that stated explicity? But I don't know. Sorry, you're probably correct but no fun to read, princessk. Can't imagine being a family member and seeing that. *shudder*
Perhaps the abductor is someone who delivers something to the store on an semi-regular basis. If so, perhaps he asked her to help him unload his delivery from the van. The "I hurt my arm, can you help me get the boxes" ploy. Recognizing him from prior deliveries her guard was down, and wanting to get the store closed so she can get home she want's to hurry the late delivery along.

Oh nooo...

Like he was "grooming" her prior to the abduction...

He could have gained her trust in previous visits...

so that he could abduct her with minimal resistance....


Recall the Ohio case of Clarence Elkins (wrongly accused) and Earl Mann (convicted years later thanks to Elkins wife's awe-inspiring devotion and effort).

Earl Mann's woman pretty much set up Elkins to protect Earl--who had a history and who she knew did it.
Could you edit that a bit, maybe? This forum is supposed to be somewhat friendly for victim's families....I don't think we need that stated explicity? But I don't know. Sorry, you're probably correct but no fun to read, princessk. Can't imagine being a family member and seeing that. *shudder*

I sure can, tell me what you want me to take out or reword...It is a positive in all scenario though...it means their daughter/fiance/family could still be alive...let me try to change some wording around...or i could just delete if you feel it may offend...was actually trying to show hope here..
How do you pull up google street view of LLL's house?
I googled his address and then clicked on "maps." Street view was already in the left margin. I think I just clicked on it to bring up the larger map. Problem is, the enlarged picture is grainy. That seems unusual for Google maps. The date on it is 2009, but looks like a gray minivan in the garage.
I sure can, tell me what you want me to take out or reword...It is a positive in all scenario though...it means their daughter/fiance/family could still be alive...let me try to change some wording around...or i could just delete if you feel it may offend...was actually trying to show hope here..
I think you're probably right, but it is distressing for anyone to imagine what she's experiencing right now. I'm sure it would be even more difficult for her family. But, when something like this happens, I would rather believe the victim is still alive. I just want the victim to be found and rescued as quickly as possible so that she and the family can begin healing. It is agonizing waiting for that end to come, but will be such a relief when it does happen. I'm confident that LE is closing in on the perp. I feel that he will more likely let her go and try to flee the state when he realizes LE is closing in. I hope I'm right.
I think all points lead to an abduction of a sexual type. This does not bode well for the victim. If she is still alive, I would assume she is locked up somewhere secure. With the latest news and sketch being released, this would also hinder the victim. The suspect might get nervous if such is the case and go ahead and get rid of her. I think time is definitely the most important factor here right now. And prayer. Perhaps if Jessica knows this man, she supposedly has a great demeanor about her and may be able to connect with the suspect and eventually he will let her go.

I saw a show last night about a teen who was abducted and kept as a slave for SEVEN YEARS. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
The perp was a sexual sadist with a wife and baby in the house. So, she could very well be alive.
I saw a show last night about a teen who was abducted and kept as a slave for SEVEN YEARS. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
The perp was a sexual sadist with a wife and baby in the house. So, she could very well be alive.

This is exactly why RSOs who have outbuildings set away from the house and apart from the neighbors make me so nervous!
Theres no evidence saying shes NOT still with us. So Im gonna keep hoping.
Thats just how I roll though....:eek:
This is exactly why RSOs who have outbuildings set away from the house and apart from the neighbors make me so nervous!

does LLL have an outbuilding? and I've been trying to follow, but did someone say you could see a silver minivan in goolge maps at his address? or was that a local driving by who saw it?
That is awful. I must say what i have to say though. I have a murderer in my family. He did it under the use of drugs, and was in prison a long time. He was young, and he knows what he did wrong. He is a great person now, and has total remorse and has learned his lesson. So some people do learn and can be rehabilitated. so glad he was given the chance at life again, even though what he did will never be forgotten.

Just popping into this thread to say that it's interesting to read your perspective. I'm under the impression that certain types of murder, like that of an innocent young women require a level of sociopathy that can not be rehabilitated. I suppose there could be some conditions where murders are capable of empathy and regret what they did. Having to learn their lesson with someone else's life is a serious evil though (unless they were on drugs to the point where it was an accident). Its an interesting thought to consider that a person with that in their past isn't entirely sociopathic. Thank you for sharing.
I saw a show last night about a teen who was abducted and kept as a slave for SEVEN YEARS. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
The perp was a sexual sadist with a wife and baby in the house. So, she could very well be alive.

Yes, actually if he has no anger towards her, and it is completely a sexual nature, her odds of being alive right now are pretty good! Why not keep her for his pleasure instead of using once, then disposing of her. Plus, if she was kept alive and let go, he could have a chance of not being in prison for the rest of his life. So keeping her alive would be the smart thing to do!
I googled his address and then clicked on "maps." Street view was already in the left margin. I think I just clicked on it to bring up the larger map. Problem is, the enlarged picture is grainy. That seems unusual for Google maps. The date on it is 2009, but looks like a gray minivan in the garage.

maybe a(n) SUV?
Just popping into this thread to say that it's interesting to read your perspective. I'm under the impression that certain types of murder, like that of an innocent young women require a level of sociopathy that can not be rehabilitated. I suppose there could be some conditions where murders are capable of empathy and regret what they did. Having to learn their lesson with someone else's life is a serious evil though (unless they were on drugs to the point where it was an accident). Its an interesting thought to consider that a person with that in their past isn't entirely sociopathic. Thank you for sharing.

Well you are correct about the drugs....<modsnip>
Going to bed now, good night everyone. Hopefully we find Jessica tomorrow.
Theres no evidence saying shes NOT still with us. So Im gonna keep hoping.
Thats just how I roll though....:eek:

Jaycee Dugard, Shawn Hornbeck and Elizabeth Smart always fill me with hope in these cases! Even the little girl for Northridge who was recently let go after being kidnapped from her home. Hoping to add Jessica to this list :)
i saw a show last night about a teen who was abducted and kept as a slave for seven years. :banghead::banghead::banghead:
The perp was a sexual sadist with a wife and baby in the house. So, she could very well be alive.

o m g ~~~
Jaycee Dugard, Shawn Hornbeck and Elizabeth Smart always fill me with hope in these cases! Even the little girl for Northridge who was recently let go after being kidnapped from her home. Hoping to add Jessica to this list :)

AMEN!!! :clap:
For those who say "RSO's are not supposed to have social media pages". Remember these very same people raped/assulted/whatever innocent victims. Do you really think the "internet police" will scare them? It sucks but it is life as we know it right now :-(

JMVHO & sorry i am late on this subject!!
There is a spot to submit a tip on the offenders page. I did that. I hope someone is checking those.

Also, I notice a large outbuilding behind the house which is completely surrounded by woods or fields. That makes me nervous.

I didn't even notice the outbuilding b/c it's set so far back behind the house. so far into the trees and away from the neighbors. that's odd and unsettling.
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