aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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Originally posted by aoibhinn:
Some of her facial expressions today were truly vile. The way she was looking at Mr Martinez was terrifying, at some points during his closing statement. She gave me chills, she really did.

She looked so perky for the verdict. I thought she was heavily drugged earlier. She's very inconsistent.

I can't possibly imagine how someone in her position is supposed to behave/look in court. I did try to imagine but it was beyond me. I was actually looking at her today thinking 'Is this real life?' because you wouldn't get anyone to play that part as 'well' in a movie. Just very sad and shocking ...

I brought this over from last thread because this is so true! Hollywood will never be able to make a movie that comes anywhere near to the "real life" story!

To see the felon's and DT's facial expressions, demeanor and attitudes cannot be reproduced in a studio. As well as the tremendous charismatic energy and dedication of Juan Martinez!

No actress can hope to mimic CFJA's, as you put it, chilling presence in that courtroom day after day!
So the tshirts they are hawking......what would you do if you saw someone sporting one at the local grocery??

I was saddened when I saw one of the most vile comments on that other fb was from someone fairly near my area.
That would explain the chill between the DF team and the defendant yesterday.

Good Morning one and all on this fine Thursday morning!!!

I hope those in Northern Texas are ok.. My prayers are with you all while you recover from the Tornado. Geeez like those fine folks need one of them last night.

I, also, noticed the very chilly interaction between Wilmott toward Arias during the hearing yesterday. To me, it seemed Wilmott just responded the min. to Arias including answering questions, etc.

Arias was doing everything to engaged Wilmott to taunt her so Wilmott had to speak to her. *shakes head* I haven't felt sorry for the Defense Team. However, after what Arias has done to them after what the DT has done for her and pulling the interview stunt, I have tinge of sympathy for them.

On that note, I have fresh :coffee: for anyone needs a mug full or needs a refill to get the brain juices moving!!!

:rose: Justice has been given to Travis by Martinez, Flores and the Judge. Many hugs and love to the Alexander Family and all of Travis' Friends!! :rose:
Don't know if you are a parent, but I raised 3 kids and I'm hear to tell you it's a crap shoot. It's a combination of nature and nurture. Nurture can modify but not overcome a kid's basic nature, not unless the kid agrees to change.

I have one child who from a very young age decided that he didn't have to listen or do anything he didn't want to. We had him in and out of counseling since the age of 3 -- that's not a typo. By the time he was three we knew we had a very serious problem on our hands. Little did we know it would only get worse.

Here's the sad but very true reality of parenting a child. The only power a parent has over their child is the power the child allows them to have.

Once they decide not to listen there is not a whole lot you can do. You can't actually force them to go to school short of chaining them to a desk, which you can't do. You can't force them to do homework or housework for that matter. You can't force them to be honest or loving or caring.

We were hauled ad infinitum into school and threatened because he kept cutting classes. He stole our cars and wrecked them. We reported him to the police, but they refused to file charges.

Our whole family was hostage to his behavior. We were helpless and we had to house, feed and clothe him until he was 18. He always manged to never get caught crossing the line. The law said we were responsible for his actions, but we had no tools to make him listen or follow the rules.

When I watched her parents' interviews, I saw two people who had decades of trying to help their daughter and realized the futility of it. My heart went out to them.

It's really easy to sit and blame the family but the fact that her parents called the cops told me they had been trying for years to get her under control. Hence their desperation of turning their own child in.

You can't force a child to accept help. My son sat in therapy week after week for years on end refusing to participate. We tried individual, family, group sessions. We tried MFCC's, psychologists, shrinks. We tried meds (which he refused to take). We tried and tried and tried. And he just said "You can't make me" and did whatever he wanted.

I haven't seen my son in years. I love him, I worry about him, but I know full well what he is and I know that we tried to "fix" him and "failed". I been waiting for the call from the police since he was a pre-teen. It hasn't come yet and I pray it never will but if it does I won't be shocked and I know we will be blamed.

CMJA didn't happen overnight, but that doesn't mean her parents made her. It could just mean they couldn't "unmake" here.

I feel badly for you and I hear what you are saying but the Arias family appears to be a horse of a different color. Often the mother and aunt were heard/seen laughing in the courtroom, even when horrible autopsy photos were being shown. So , because of these people appear to be, I don't have any sympathy for the mother and other relatives of this murdering monster.
Dan Abrahms was on GMA. He does not feel she will get the DP.
Then I saw Nancy Grace, but hubby was talking to me and I did not get what she said but I heard her mention Daryl Brewer. I am now wondering if he is going to give a statement on behalf of CKJA. Did anyone hear this report on GMA?

beth said on HLN this morning that darryl IS going to speak for her. and that her mother won't be saying anything.
I brought this over from last thread because this is so true! Hollywood will never be able to make a movie that comes anywhere near to the "real life" story!

To see the felon's and DT's facial expressions, demeanor and attitudes cannot be reproduced in a studio. As well as the tremendous charismatic energy and dedication of Juan Martinez!

No actress can hope to mimic CFJA's, as you put it, chilling presence in that courtroom day after day!

Wonder if Al Pacino or Kevin Spacey (not that he looks like JM but he's such a fine actor) can play JM! :loveyou:
did you know Tuesday court minutes defense lawyers tried to withdraw from the case judge denined

Wow. I missed that. I posted the link to the minutes before just pointing out the motions denied for videotaping the victim statements and "discovery" for the statments!

Don't blame the DT for wanting to withdraw. She is a nightmare to everyone...even her own "team".

I better get back to work...hehe

Guess i will be missing court today since it starts 1:30 NY time...thank God for you tube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But OF COURSE I will be checking in here! PLEASE!!! Details, deatails! Make me feel like I am watching with you all!!!!

:seeya: See ya later!
I agree. She will never ever apologize and it has nothing to do with future appeals. Her post-verdict interview is all the proof anyone needs of that. I bet she hates the fact that she had to keep her mouth shut and face off cameras yesterday. Lots of the attention was paid to Travis and his family last night, as it should be and should have been last Wednesday after the verdict, but you can bet she hated it!

That's exactly what I thought during that interview last week. She just couldn't stand that SHE wasn't the focus of the guilty verdict; that TA and his family were what everyone was thinking of, she had to come up with some way to take that away from them, anything.

I'm still pssed at the Sheriff's office for even allowing that. There is NO WAY they didn't know that was going to happen. After all her phone calls are ALL monitored and she has a guard posted just for her. What happened she *snuck* away??? Not.

"I feel deep remorse and shame for murdering Travis. I wish we had handled everything so differently. If I hadn't been so careless with the camera, I wouldn't have enraged Travis so much and if he hadn't jumped out of the shower, I wouldn't have reacted with such fright and fought him so hard. I know what I've done is beyond forgiveness but if you could find it your hearts to forgive Travis then by association you've forgiven me and that's all I can ask. That I allowed my fear of such anger to drive me to such a brutal murder is still so upsetting for me. The sacrifices I've made to ensure no one discovers what really happened before I fought back, well ... it's so painful for me. This damage to my finger will be a reminder of what I endured that night and how horribly I reacted to it and it's a burden I will carry with me forever. If you allow me a forever. Thank you for your time."

and don't forget she said she was "ashamed" so I expect she will throw that in somewhere, how ashamed she is that lost control even though she was attacked and what could she do? she had to defend herself.
Don't know if you are a parent, but I raised 3 kids and I'm hear to tell you it's a crap shoot. It's a combination of nature and nurture. Nurture can modify but not overcome a kid's basic nature, not unless the kid agrees to change.

I have one child who from a very young age decided that he didn't have to listen or do anything he didn't want to. We had him in and out of counseling since the age of 3 -- that's not a typo. By the time he was three we knew we had a very serious problem on our hands. Little did we know it would only get worse.

Here's the sad but very true reality of parenting a child. The only power a parent has over their child is the power the child allows them to have.

Once they decide not to listen there is not a whole lot you can do. You can't actually force them to go to school short of chaining them to a desk, which you can't do. You can't force them to do homework or housework for that matter. You can't force them to be honest or loving or caring.

We were hauled ad infinitum into school and threatened because he kept cutting classes. He stole our cars and wrecked them. We reported him to the police, but they refused to file charges.

Our whole family was hostage to his behavior. We were helpless and we had to house, feed and clothe him until he was 18. He always manged to never get caught crossing the line. The law said we were responsible for his actions, but we had no tools to make him listen or follow the rules.

When I watched her parents' interviews, I saw two people who had decades of trying to help their daughter and realized the futility of it. My heart went out to them.

It's really easy to sit and blame the family but the fact that her parents called the cops told me they had been trying for years to get her under control. Hence their desperation of turning their own child in.

You can't force a child to accept help. My son sat in therapy week after week for years on end refusing to participate. We tried individual, family, group sessions. We tried MFCC's, psychologists, shrinks. We tried meds (which he refused to take). We tried and tried and tried. And he just said "You can't make me" and did whatever he wanted.

I haven't seen my son in years. I love him, I worry about him, but I know full well what he is and I know that we tried to "fix" him and "failed". I been waiting for the call from the police since he was a pre-teen. It hasn't come yet and I pray it never will but if it does I won't be shocked and I know we will be blamed.

CMJA didn't happen overnight, but that doesn't mean her parents made her. It could just mean they couldn't "unmake" here.


Thank you for telling it straight as a parent who has endured many years of despair and sorrow in dealing with a child who is out of control and beyond help. Most parents never have to deal with a child like this.

Judging is easy unless they have walked in your shoes.
I feel badly for you and I hear what you are saying but the Arias family appears to be a horse of a different color. Often the mother and aunt were heard/seen laughing in the courtroom, even when horrible autopsy photos were being shown. So , because of these people appear to be, I don't have any sympathy for the mother and other relatives of this murdering monster.

Yes I agree. I think there are some parents that are involved in their childrens lives until the day they die. Then I think there are parents when the going gets a little rough they throw them to the wind so to say. So I can see it both ways.

The Arias are a horse of a different color. Watching them in court was very uncomfortable. I tried to understand but I think my initial feeling rang true. They are weird.
Here are some of the things JA will spew out today. Using her creepy little girl voice, of course:

I wish I were dead. I wish I had committed suicide. I wish I had never been born.

I've let everybody down. My family and friends are saints for supporting me.

All I ever wanted in my life was to be a good person. I always considered myself a good and decent person.

I had a tough time growing up. I didn't feel loved or supported (I don't blame my parents, just saying how I felt). I sacrificed everything for men. I've had low self-esteem. I wish I had gotten help for my problems.

I loved Travis. He was a wonderful man in many ways. I wish it hadn't come to this. I wish I had died that day. Worthless human that I am.

I really loved Travis We had a love/hate relationship. There was a lot of passion and emotion in our relationship. I never meant to hurt him that day. I felt as though my life were in danger that day. Even if that was not the case. (This goes back to everything I've been through since I was a kid. I've always felt like I had defend myself against everyone, against the world.) I never meant to hurt Travis. I can't remember much of that day. It's all a blur. I didn't realize I was hurting him. I blanked out and went on some sort of auto mode. I wish I had died instead.

I hope Travis' family has some peace now. I never wanted to say anything bad about Travis. I wish I had kept quiet about that. In any case, God has forgiven him for his flaws. No one is perfect.

Again I wish I had died that day. I wish I had not lied so much. I still wish to die but my heart hurts for my family. They will just wither away out of sadness and guilt if I'm sentenced to death. My father who has cancer will not be able to take the anguish. I want to die but for their sake I ask that I'm given the chance to live, even it's behind bars. I will try and be a better human being.

oh, you're good- exactly what i would expect her to say
beth said on HLN this morning that darryl IS going to speak for her. and that her mother won't be saying anything.

That is interesting. That is going to be powerful on the jury that her mother isn't going to testify. I am sure that weigh heavily on the jury to see her mother every day in court and then not say one thing in defense for her life?!? To me that is powerful evidence indirectly that Arias is not worthy of mitigation for LWOP. At least in my opinion.
I brought this over from last thread because this is so true! Hollywood will never be able to make a movie that comes anywhere near to the "real life" story!

To see the felon's and DT's facial expressions, demeanor and attitudes cannot be reproduced in a studio. As well as the tremendous charismatic energy and dedication of Juan Martinez!

No actress can hope to mimic CFJA's, as you put it, chilling presence in that courtroom day after day!

she just could not resist peeking at the autopsy photos; i kept thinking she really wanted to laugh but of course she had to try and look sad. she really is proud of her handiwork.
That is interesting. That is going to be powerful on the jury that her mother isn't going to testify. I am sure that weigh heavily on the jury to see her mother every day in court and then not say one thing in defense for her life?!? To me that is powerful evidence indirectly that Arias is not worthy of mitigation for LWOP. At least in my opinion.

beth said the jury can consider as mitigation the fact that her family has been there for the whole trial, even if her mother doesn't speak.

maybe they're worried that JM could use the interrogation tapes to rebut what she says, so they're not risking it? that's all i can think of.

like the part where she said JA acted so normal when she got back from her 'trip' and then says 'who DOES that?????'

just to add my opinion on JA speaking.......i say she doesn't.
Missed the tweets. What did she say?

Paraphrasing here: we obey Gods law because he loves us.
I guess she forgot she broke all of them or they don't apply to her.

God loves us so much he even loves the proud and the wicked blah blah.
Maybe she is talking about herself. Nah

You know I hate feeling such ill feelings for someone. I don't hate her. Hate is a word I can't stand but I despise all that she has done and continues to do. I find it difficult to muster up any feelings of sympathy for her because she just doesn't quit with the evilness. I am not an advocate of the DP but if she gets it, I won't care.
"I feel deep remorse and shame for murdering Travis. I wish we had handled everything so differently. If I hadn't been so careless with the camera, I wouldn't have enraged Travis so much and if he hadn't jumped out of the shower, I wouldn't have reacted with such fright and fought him so hard. I know what I've done is beyond forgiveness but if you could find it your hearts to forgive Travis then by association you've forgiven me and that's all I can ask. That I allowed my fear of such anger to drive me to such a brutal murder is still so upsetting for me. The sacrifices I've made to ensure no one discovers what really happened before I fought back, well ... it's so painful for me. This damage to my finger will be a reminder of what I endured that night and how horribly I reacted to it and it's a burden I will carry with me forever. If you allow me a forever. Thank you for your time."

:laughcry::laughcry:....I couldn't find 'barf'.
Strategically, she won't come clean.

Convicted first degree murderess Jodi Arias and her DT bet the farm on self-defense *advertiser censored* "snapped".

If she wants to posture for future appeals, she must maintain that she did only what she was forced to do to protect herself while letting Fognesia™ take care of the rest.

Their cockamamie yarn didn't fly and it won't henceforth.

The lethal syringe has never been closer, and at this point it's only nearing a vein in her bony left arm.
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