Penalty Phase - Verdict Watch #3

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I bet that at least one juror thinks she's mentally ill and so is against giving her death. There was nothing in the list of mitigators that any of these jurors could possibly have found compelling. JW's bringing in mental illness at the last minute must have stuck with someone.

Jodi is in for a big surprise. She does not know it yet, but a prison official said jodi will go into maximum security if she gets life. He said no book clubs for jodi. She will be in a cell all by herself. No contact with other inmates. Think about it. Who usually gets max security? IMO they are watching her current behavior and they are planning to shut her down. The circus is leaving town.:seeya:
In your opinion. What if there is in one or more jurors opinion?

Provided they still continue to "deliberate" with the rest of the jury they will remain hung. If they flat out refuse to deliberate then it's possible that a note could be sent and the non deliberating juror(s) could be booted and a alternate replaces that juror(s).

I think if there is a juror who isn't comfortable with the DP as a whole then there is no way more deliberation is going to change their mind(s). And if that's the case then we will get a hung jury.
I am going on the true question of what was asked- who knows, they may have had a few that were swaying in a different direction BUT~

The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”

It was signed by juror No.18.

BBM To me, this bolded part almost sounds like the jury was still carefully going through the jury instructions and that maybe there was something on "bottom P. 10" about letting judge know if they are not unanimous (as they might do in the previous phases of the trial) and then there is a box on the verdict form to mark if they are not unanimous (which IIRC is only there for this phase of the trial) and so they were wondering how to reconcile those two things should they not be unanimous at some point. All my speculation only. Thoughts?
I have to believe the jury will come to a decision...either way. In my heart of hearts, I can't see them leaving this unfinished...not with the Alexander Family waiting. They just can't, right???

I want this jury to finish this, also. Life or death.

My only decent feeling is that even if she gets life with the ability of parole, one has to recognize their crime, admit truthfully to their crime, and show remorse for their crime. JA will NEVER get out of prison.

She will rot away, doing hard time with a bunch of women who are smarter, tougher and hardcore criminals. She won't like the "recycling" program she is going to be thrust into.
I think it's kind of odd that the jurors were seen carrying in bags of food, as if they expected a long day. Then the judge calls them into the courtroom to read the instruction that she missed yesterday. Then only a short while later they sent the note saying they couldn't come to a unanimous decision -- it's not as if it were a long amount of time. I find it hard to believe that they came to this conclusion so quickly. I'm wondering if, like some have said, it was just a question of what if, not that they can't. It all just seems bizarre to me. On the other hand, I can't imagine the judge misreading what they were implying. :dunno:

Really good point. The note said 'IF' but the Judge said they were unable to reach a verdict. Considering the timing and all it's possible that they just wanted to clarify everything.
Just thinking - could the question be from the Jury just reading through the instructions and were just asking for direction on what would happen if that were the case? They'd not been deliberating for long....
You're killing me...:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

...but... Darling naive Rose...
I think there are maybe 8 total men on this site...
Darling emu man, sweetie sleuthy...and majestic mr. Midnight being three...

But that jury AIN'T:floorlaugh:
this is very frustrating...the waiting..
it may not end well .
it must be the garbage recycling idea that impressed one of them?
Wondering if this is source of the "what if" this morning from the jury:

Your decision is not a recommendation. Your decision is binding. If you unanimously find that the defendant should be sentenced to life imprisonment, your foreperson shall sign the verdict form indicating your decision. If you unanimously find that the defendant should be sentenced to death, your foreperson shall sign the verdict form indicating your decision. If you cannot unanimously agree on the appropriate sentence, your foreperson shall tell the judge.
Just heard on HLN that if a hung jury & new penalty trial, it might have to be held somewhere besides AZ. If so, We here in TEXAS would like to volunteer.

It has to be in the state of Arizona, not necessarily in the same county tho.
My take is they felt deadlocked and were asking which is the correct way to inform Judge Stephens, via note or verdict form

But I'm no lawyah, TX!

I agree. And if they were asking "what if" b/c they wanted to see what would happen to the trial...well they didn't get any answer b/c JSS didn't say that if it was hung, then they have to get a new jury. So I don't think they even know that? I kind of wish JSS would have told them, but I can see how that would not be allowed.
Can a juror quit? Like say... one juror refuses to issue a death penalty verdict and all the rest want to do that, what would happen if that juror just said forget it and walked out?

alternate jury would step in
The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”

It was signed by juror No.18.

I have a question. How does MKiefer know the exact content of thr note? He didn't give a source in the article.

I wonder the same thing...but the fact he put it in quotes tells me that is how the question actually read. He referred to Wilmott as Jen in the interview with CMja yesterday..I wonder if they are friends. If so, she or someone else on the DT could have told him.
Originally posted by Totally Obsessed "I am thinking that society in general has become way to liberal minded to support the death penalty except for places like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia. "Her life could be worth saving"..... yeah right.

If this crime, where the jurors all agreed was premeditated and heinous, does not warrant the death penalty, what does??????? "


:ditto: I call it the Dumbing Down of America. Core values and critical thinking skills have given way to politically-correct, touchy-feely tolerance.

OP cites AZCentral with this information...

The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”
It was signed by juror No.18.

I wonder if anyone is reading the above quote like I am...

If I read the above quoted information right, it looks like the question may be related to confusion as to the forms anddocumentation process in the EVENT they cannot reach a unanimous decision, RIGHT?


In last thread I said that it was posed as What If but JSS treated as We've been..

I personally believe they hadn't even takin a vote but just discussing then asked question in case or in the event that happened how do they proceed forward but JSS treated it like done deal..

I REALLY WISH.. we could get someone like Katie or Kathy let us know what the jury reaction was when JSS said I received note that you've been.. I THINK THAT would be a tell.. Like were they surprised etc?

EITHER WAY no official jury decision has come down yet!!
A juror can not be replace with a alternate unless they have been excused for whatever reason by the judge
I bet that at least one juror thinks she's mentally ill and so is against giving her death. There was nothing in the list of mitigators that any of these jurors could possibly have found compelling. JW's bringing in mental illness at the last minute must have stuck with someone.

This is what I think too.
Really good point. The note said 'IF' but the Judge said they were unable to reach a verdict. Considering the timing and all it's possible that they just wanted to clarify everything.

Perhaps they were just clarifying so they could influence a hold out.
:banghead:I just woke up to the not-so-good news. (Japan: morning) My first reaction is that I HATE this jury!! I absolutely am sick of this ineffective and abusive form of "justice"!! HOW is this a hard decision?? HOW?? I am in disbelief and need someone to hose me down :stormingmad: Gotta calm down, got kids to teach soon. However, after school I will turn livid again if this jury turns out to be hung or gives this lying, evil, alien, '3HW' murderess LIFE and a "SECOND CHANCE" which Travis (and to a huge degree his family) will NEVER EVER HAVE!!!
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