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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
  1. J

    Australia Claremont Serial Killer, 1996 - 1997, Perth, Western Australia - #19

    Anyone else’s heart drop when they heard the missing woman in Perth is from Claremont. She even looks like the others. Strange timing. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    Curious if anyone is planning to go in and watch the trial, if it's allowed. Maybe someone could take notes each day and put up. Would be great to know what has been said. I wish they televised major trials like in the US, would be riveting. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    IMO they may be able to use it to judge MM height. If they know the height of JR they could calculate MM height and say someone similar in height was seen talking to her before she disappeared but I don't think it would be useful for much else. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    That is funny you say that. My husband works in automotive repair and worked with someone that around the time of JR disappearance bought his car to work and pulled it apart (as in took the seats out, etc) and cleaned it absolutely soaking it inside and out. We reported to crime stoppers a...
  5. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    I thought something similar. IMO she could have been chased again and lost control sending her rolling off somewhere along the road. They may have not been looking for the car going in at the right place, as it may only have ended up there. The seat could have been thrown out during the roll...
  6. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    There was one other thing that I found interesting but not sure if relevant, maybe you or innerchild would know. The rip research paper mentions that the rip pushes along the groyne and then meets with the current going north about 10m from the end of the groyne. Was this around the same area...
  7. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    Drinks can be spiked with alcohol, not just drugs. But hey as long as it's not you being raped and waking up in a strange place, we will just assume the victims are drunk *advertiser censored*. I have never been a victim of this, but if I had and read this... you should be careful how you word things, victim...
  8. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    Out of curiosity I just spent the last 20minutes looking for this information and it isn't as easy as you said. Could you point out a good website for me please? I was curious not just on amount of time but wanted to adjust for the colder August weather. It gets down to 1-3 degrees Celsius in...
  9. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    The difference is people on this forum don't search out family members and tell them their niece was brutally raped and announce it to the media. With zero evidence. There was no value to what that psychic said. I'm just glad her parents weren't the ones conned. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    A huge grain of salt is not enough for these "people". Let's say she is legit, what is to be gained by telling an already grieving family she was brutally raped? It does nothing but cause unnecessary pain. There may be legitimate psychics out there, but they are outnumbered a thousand to one...
  11. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    Ignore me, just pressed refresh and got the rest of the conversation. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    Play nice! We are adults. I personally don't think DA is related, she was found in a burnt out car in middle swan and went missing 4 years (? going from memory) after CSK. If by SMM you mean Sarah McMahon, she worked and went missing from Claremont which gives her case a link to CSK. IMO this...
  13. J

    Australia Australia - Claremont SK, 1996-97, Perth, WA - #14

    Does it rule it out? If you can rape and kill, why not throw in an Oedipus complex too? ;) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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