WA - Civil rights activist Rachel Dolezal pretending to be black, parents say #1

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Rachel made numerous allegations over the years of hate crimes and accused her mentor of slipping her a date rape drug. This article details some of her allegations.
"One of Doležal’s paintings was at a convention center in San Francisco, where her and a trusted mentor went out to dinner together to celebrate the sale. As soon as Doležal looked away, the mentor slipped gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, also called the “date-rape drug,” into her drink. - See more at: http://easterneronline.com/35006/eagle-life/a-life-to-be-heard/#sthash.6TVjVCVl.dpuf

Hard to believe the date rape story when the article mentions her NAACP role [passing as black], her LE ombudsman role [which she got by claiming her father was a black Oakland police officer], and that she's a professor at EWU [which she isn't].
At first I thought the sexual molestation of a child accusations against Josh were related to the adopted brother that RD took guardianship for, hence the family rift. But the most recent story I read was these allegations came to the forefront because Josh has a 1 y/o daughter and someone felt the need to protect that child. Most sexual perpetrators do not jump ship. In other words, they have a fondness (for lack of a better word) for a particular sex (generally) and stay with that. So if he perpetrated against a male child, I would not automatically assume he would do so against a female child.

BTW, if there have been 14 years since these alleged acts occurred against a 6 y/o or 7 y/o child that would put the child at being approx. 21 now - the same age as the adopted brother/fictive son of RD.

How come charges from 14 years ago can be brought against this man, but Josh Duggar can't be held accountable in 2006 for his child molestations in 2002 & 2003 because the statuate of limitations has run? Is this just a difference between State statuates? I am truly confused!

Different states.
Matt Lauer should be embarrassed. I am not sure why anyone needed to rush out an interview her now. Her worst nightmare is about to come true-people will be ignoring her. They will ignore her art, her perspective, her thoughts, her presence. The assumption will always be that she is lying. jmvho.

Mark my words, her next defense will be that this was some type of social artistic experiment.

The John Stewart Daily Show segment is priceless..........."Oppression Cosplay" and the "Whaaaaaaaat?" segment arent to be missed:

She reminds me, remarkably, of Casey Anthony. Who worked at Universal, or not. Whose daughter was kidnapped by the nanny, or not. And on and on
Ha ha.


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I didn't hear the part about the "teacher/crayon" scenario. I heard her talk about the crayon, but not with a teacher around...I'm going to have to go back and listen. You must have great listening skills!

You are right - she didn't mention the teacher during this interview. The teacher was mentioned (along with this same coloring story) in the EWU student's video IIRC. Sorry to confuse the 2 interviews. Her lies make it hard to keep straight which story was told when, to whom, and how much embellishment is added each time.
CNN has an op-ed comparing RD to Caitlyn Jenner, asking, 'why is it OK for Bruce Jenner to identify as a woman, but not for RD to identify as black?' (I'm paraphrasing here). I don't know if it's against TOS to post the link here, so I won't.

But I don't understand this support for this woman. She lied. Many times, about many things, not just her race. Do we just gloss that over? She didn't have to lie. She could have just said, "Although I was born white, I identify as black."
She is holding on to semantics...after all we are all from the African Continent are we not? Insert eyeroll here.

Now that the worst is over, IE she has been caught, she can spend her next 15 minutes pointing out her superiority...although she will never, ever get a leg up on Donjeta. ;)
She is holding on to semantics...after all we are all from the African Continent are we not? Insert eyeroll here.

Now that the worst is over, IE she has been caught, she can spend her next 15 minutes pointing out her superiority...although she will never, ever get a leg up on Donjeta. ;)

I don't know, still trying to figure it out, I suppose?

DNA Deciphers Roots of Modern Europeans
JUNE 10, 2015
Carl Zimmer
Something else bothers me about the Matt Lauer interview. Rachel stated the picture of her at 16 (showing her lily whiteness) referring to herself in the 3rd person "she" identifies herself as white. But in the next sentence RD states she was drawing herself as a black person with the brown crayon at age 5, when "the teacher" took away her brown crayon and handed her a peach colored one. She contradicted herself in the same interview!

Whether or not she attended public school after 8th grade, she clearly was homeschooled at age 5 using the CLASS program (which does go up to 12th grade at least now BTW). So who was the teacher she referred to? Her parent(s)?

I am quite sure I painted myself as blue when I was 5. Does that mean I identify with the blue race? And the next time, I drew myself with a green crayon. Did I switch identities? I didn't like pink, in general. But I am Caucasian. So, maybe I was awakening to the fact that I considered myself green? At 5, just like RD?

Rachel made numerous allegations over the years of hate crimes and accused her mentor of slipping her a date rape drug. This article details some of her allegations.
"One of Doležal’s paintings was at a convention center in San Francisco, where her and a trusted mentor went out to dinner together to celebrate the sale. As soon as Doležal looked away, the mentor slipped gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, also called the “date-rape drug,” into her drink. - See more at: http://easterneronline.com/35006/eagle-life/a-life-to-be-heard/#sthash.6TVjVCVl.dpuf

She is no doubt confusing her mentor with Bill Cosby. The outlines of this story have appeared quite frequently in the media. Copycat!
2010 was a very interesting year in Rachel's life. For the previous two years she'd been working as Director of Education for the Human Rights Ed Institute in Idaho and raising her only actual son.

The only recorded blip of a problem in her life had occurred months earlier, in November 2009, when she reported finding a swastika (anti-Jewish, of course) on the door of the Institute and had reported it as a hate crime. A camera that might otherwise have helped identify a culprit had been mysteriously turned off, though, and police soon closed the investigation.

Rachel's first report of a hate crime directed at her personally came in April 2010, when she told police she'd received a threatening phone call from a student who said she favored darker skinned students. Police investigated, said it (whatever has actually happened or was said) was a one time occurrence, and that was that.

Two months later, in June, Rachel reported finding a noose on her porch. One month later, in July, Rachel demanded that the Institute promote her to Director. The Institute didn't, Rachel resigned, the Institute hired someone much better qualified as a fundraiser for the position, a white man. Rachel accused the Institute of discrimination.

For the remainder of 2010 (until late 2014 when she was hired by the NAACP) Rachel taught part time in Idaho and in Spokane. Coincidentally or not, this was when she asked for and was given guardianship of her very dark skinned adopted brother.
2010 was a very interesting year in Rachel's life. For the previous two years she'd been working as Director of Education for the Human Rights Ed Institute in Idaho and raising her only actual son.

The only recorded blip of a problem in her life had occurred months earlier, in November 2009, when she reported finding a swastika (anti-Jewish, of course) on the door of the Institute and had reported it as a hate crime. A camera that might otherwise have helped identify a culprit had been mysteriously turned off, though, and police soon closed the investigation.

Rachel's first report of a hate crime directed at her personally came in April 2010, when she told police she'd received a threatening phone call from a student who said she favored darker skinned students. Police investigated, said it was a one time occurrence, and that was that.

Two months later, in June, Rachel reported finding a noose on her porch. One month later, in July, Rachel demanded that the Institute promote her to Director. The Institute didn't, Rachel resigned, the Institute hired someone much better qualified as a fundraiser for the position, a white man. Rachel accused the Institute of discrimination.

For the remainder of 2010 (until late 2014 when she was hired by the NAACP) Rachel taught part time in Idaho and in Spokane. Coincidentally or not, this was when she asked for and was given guardianship of her very dark skinned adopted brother.

IIRC, according to EWU, she only taught two classes and these were continuing ed classes, not for-credit classes. No credentials typically are required for teaching continuing ed classes.

How was she making a living? What did she have on her resumé to get the NAACP position if she wasn't working between 2010 and 2014?

Almost everything about this woman is fishy.

I'd still like to see it publicized in the main stream media that RD plagiarized Turner. No mention was made on the Today show. I'll bet there are more examples of copying in her portfolio, since many styles are represented and they look as though they were painted by several individuals. "Her" artwork is for sale at very high prices. Did her scholarship at Howard also depend on a portfolio that wasn't entirely her own?
Another noted curiosity of timing.

Rachel and family are divided by allegations of physical abuse by parents, she obtains guardianship of brother in 2010. Joshua is accused of molestation in 2013, Rachel supports his accuser. In 2013 Joshua writes a memoir about his childhood through marriage, the book is published in the fall of 2014.

The memoir mentions his adopted siblings exactly once, and then it is to essentially accuse his parents of adopting them to serve their own political agenda. His references to Rachel are few, impersonal and brief, with one glaring exception: a chapter about something else entirely in which he alternates between that topic and writing about Rachel's marriage and divorce.

It is odd and awkward, especially since his discussion of Rachel in no way connects to anything else about his own life. He says his brother in law was controlling, and he says he researched domestic violence and was responsible for saving his sister.

But he also says this......(that he knew the language of victim blaming, but not then for the ) "tangled stories and half truths, the murky war of a custody dispute.."

Less subtle, he says he asked Rachel directly about physical abuse and she told him her husband had never hit her.

Interesting, since she alleged just that during her divorce and custody hearings, which Joshua says she discussed with him.

Also interesting that he wrote Rachel left her 3 year old son behind with her husband the day she and deputies served him with separation papers and a restraining order, because she didn't have a legal right to take him. Really? LE left a 3 year old child with a man they were serving with a restraining order? Something so wrong with that whole story..
Oh wow I just read the wiki on that (drew/meier). So sad- and terrible that a grown woman, a MOTHER, could do that to a child. Awful. :(

And yeah, totally agree- grudge holders to the highest form, to say the least!

I see Rachel Dolezal, Jodi Arias, Casey Anthony, and Betty Broderick in Lori Drew. Very immature, deceptive, and resentful. They always act like victims.

People obsessed with victim hood or grudge holders (same thing) are constant complainers.

Tricia's True Crime Radio Adult Cyber Bullying

At the 20:40 minute mark, Tina Meier's description of Lori Drew describes Rachel Dolezal, Jodi Arias, Elliot Rodger, Seung-Hui Cho, or Adam Lanza.
I very easily found the sister's blogspot through a quick google search via social media. The first 2-3 chronological entries are interesting, and give a bit of family history and dynamics.
....Rachel has even policed their own Blackness or their seats at the table as people of color. 3 or 4 people have come out to say they’ve had encounters where Rachel Dolezal has questioned how Black they are or whether they are WORTHY of speaking about white privilege in the black experience......She is wearing a coat she tried on one day AND DECIDED SHE REALLY LIKED THE FEEL OF IT and then tells other people their coats aren’t worthy. It is the pot calling the kettle unBlack and that takes some nerve......

OMG this person...her karma has come UNDONE.

I'll swear RD has had a nose job. I noticed it when this story first came out. As a young white girl, her nostrils flare much more than they do now. I don't think it's just makeup?
Another noted curiosity of timing.

Rachel and family are divided by allegations of physical abuse by parents, she obtains guardianship of brother in 2010. Joshua is accused of molestation in 2013, Rachel supports his accuser. In 2013 Joshua writes a memoir about his childhood through marriage, the book is published in the fall of 2014.

The memoir mentions his adopted siblings exactly once, and then it is to essentially accuse his parents of adopting them to serve their own political agenda. His references to Rachel are few, impersonal and brief, with one glaring exception: a chapter about something else entirely in which he alternates between that topic and writing about Rachel's marriage and divorce.

It is odd and awkward, especially since his discussion of Rachel in no way connects to anything else about his own life. He says his brother in law was controlling, and he says he researched domestic violence and was responsible for saving his sister.

But he also says this......(that he knew the language of victim blaming, but not then for the ) "tangled stories and half truths, the murky war of a custody dispute.."

Less subtle, he says he asked Rachel directly about physical abuse and she told him her husband had never hit her.

Interesting, since she alleged just that during her divorce and custody hearings, which Joshua says she discussed with him.

Also interesting that he wrote Rachel left her 3 year old son behind with her husband the day she and deputies served him with separation papers and a restraining order, because she didn't have a legal right to take him. Really? LE left a 3 year old child with a man they were serving with a restraining order? Something so wrong with that whole story..

All those lies are crashing down. :crazy:
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