Found Deceased ND - Savanna Lafontaine-Greywind, 22, pregnant, Fargo, 19 Aug 2017 #1 *Arrests*

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Even with a medical background and the ability to set up a Pitocin drip, it would take many, many hours to build up enough in the system to start contractions, especially with an unripe cervix which she would have had at 8 months gestation. When I had my daughter and they induced it was almost 36 hours with the IV before I went into labor, and then the labor lasted over 24 hours. No, I'm afraid the baby was taken, as quickly as possible, which likely would have been immediately fatal to the mother either through blood loss or shock. Prayers for her family and the baby's father if the baby is indeed Savannah's.

bbm Savanna disappeared on Saturday, the baby is reportedly two days old - born Tuesday. So maybe they did induce labor, given this time frame. And maybe that's where the four men come in who were contacted by LE yesterday. Doctors? Nurses?

Just clinging to hope that Savannah is alive, kept sedated somewhere but recovering. Praying!
On June 19 - the victim posted a comment similar to: I'm so tired of living in apartments, my last apartment I lived in my clothes would be in the dryer and people would open it & dig through them. The apartment im in now I've literally found my clothes on the stairs, I've put up a sign saying NOT to be taking people's clothes. The last few weeks I've noticed my almost all my clothes have gone missing well guess what???? I see the ***** above me wearing my clothes. Gross

Savanna lived on bottom floor. There are two floors above her. She could have been talking about someone on the 2nd floor and not the possible suspect on the 3rd floor.

That recent news clip says that the mom estimates the couple was in their 40s-50s. That William that's previously been linked is definitely NOT that age (he's early 30s). Now I'm even more confused! She does say that their names were William and Brooke, though.

I haven't seen photos but a lot of people with 'rough' lives (IE: drugs, etc.) look much older than their years. So maybe she's off a bit.
So was anyone else home when Savanna ordered the pizza, then went upstairs? I mean she texted her mom, so did anyone actually witness the actual request of help with the dress?

Per this earlier report, it's likely her family was present:

'No answer'

Savanna's family lives in a basement apartment of the seven-unit, three-story building on 10th Street North. On Saturday, a woman living in a third-floor apartment knocked on their door and asked Savanna if she would act as a model so she could pin a dress she was sewing. She offered to pay her $20. Savanna agreed.

The family didn't know the woman well, and her mother was wary of her because of previous experiences.

Savanna texted her mom to inform her that she was going upstairs to help the neighbor. She also texted her boyfriend about the same time. "We were joking around," he told WDAY-TV.

"We didn't think too much about it," her mother said.

Savanna was supposed to give her brother a ride to work shortly before 3 p.m. on Saturday. Her mother sent the brother upstairs about 2:30 p.m. to get Savanna, but nobody answered the door when he knocked. Then Savanna's father, Joe Greywind, went upstairs and knocked on the door. The woman who lives there answered, and she told him they weren't finished working on the dress.

Since Savanna wasn't available, her mother gave her son a ride to work. She assumed when she returned home that Savanna would be in her room. When she discovered she wasn't, she panicked, ran upstairs, knocked on the door and was told her daughter had left.

"I repeatedly called her, texted her," she said. "I got no reply, no response, no answer."

Savanna's mother said it would be out of character for her to go anywhere by herself on foot because she was cautious, and would get upset when her sister walked by herself anywhere. She said it is also "very" out of character for her not to respond to texts or phone calls.

"My daughter is always on Facebook, always texting," she said. Savanna had posted or shared posts on Facebook four times on Saturday morning.

Savanna's mother said she had no history of mental issues and has never disappeared before.

She said Savanna was experiencing the normal physical discomforts of a woman who is eight months pregnant, but was "very, very, very excited" about becoming a mom. "She was fine," her mother said. "She was a little moody here and there, a little miserable moving around, but she was fine. She was out shopping the night before with her sister buying baby stuff."
That recent news clip says that the mom estimates the couple was in their 40s-50s. That William that's previously been linked is definitely NOT that age (he's early 30s). Now I'm even more confused! She does say that their names were William and Brooke, though.

It could be the case that the reporter misunderstood what the mother said. The mother might have been trying to say two different couples lived above Savanna but might not have known the name's of the 40s-50s couple, only the younger couple "William and Brook".
It could be the case that the reporter misunderstood what the mother said. The mother might have been trying to say two different couples lived above Savanna but might not have known the name's of the 40s-50s couple, only the younger couple "William and Brook".

Im getting so confused, older couple had the baby ?? My god this is right out of Rosemarys Baby !!!
bbm Savanna disappeared on Saturday, the baby is reportedly two days old - born Tuesday. So maybe they did induce labor, given this time frame. And maybe that's where the four men come in who were contacted by LE yesterday. Doctors? Nurses?

Just clinging to hope that Savannah is alive, kept sedated somewhere but recovering. Praying!

With what end game? She promises to not go to the Police?
She can't possibly have survived this ordeal unfortunately. Imo
Unbelievable that there are 10 previous documented cases of "Fetal kidnapping". Woman in many of these instances is aged in her late 30's, stalks and murders young 20's girl and cuts her open to steal the baby. This is horrendous!
I keep saying this on various crime threads..but here I go again....I just can't even.......I JUST CAN'T EVEN


I just can't.

I take breaks from here...and I don't post...but I read. It just seems like things are getting worse. Or maybe I'm just more sensitive because I'm getting older.

I'm on a long stretch of just reading and not posting hardly at all myself, Shelby1.

The murders, child abuse, and disappearances were too hard on emotions and the swing from extremely sad to pure rage at what was happening to the innocent were affecting me.

This tiny, innocent baby will forever live with losing her Mom when she was born. (I think Savanna is no longer alive.) Every single birthday will remind her as well as her remaining family. It saddens as well as angers me to the extreme.

I don't think Savanna was murdered in the upstairs apartment, but I do believe she was subdued there so as to make a quiet removal. There just would have been too much blood and body fluids to conceal for when the three searches that was done. After LE hearing about the sounds coming from the upstairs bathroom and the shower running, SURELY LE dismantled all of the drains and the entire bathroom, brought out the luminol, and so forth. I also think that when the woman was seen coming and going with a big basket/bag, was when the woman took the baby to Savanna for feeding. Savanna may have clung to life after the surgery to take the baby. Infection may have killed her after a number of days. That would still be deemed as murder even if she did die of infection. Of the man and the woman, maybe the woman believed (erroneously) that the baby was the mans rather than Savanna's boyfriend's.

When more than one person knows of a crime, sooner or later someone talks and I believe the call concerning the state park was legitimate. IMO, she will most likely be found there.

Obviously, I cannot possibly know what has happened or has been done to Savanna. It sickens and angers me.

A part of my prayers were answered with the tiny baby being found alive and healthy. I'm thankful for that but am devastated for Savanna and her family. This shouldn't have happened and certainly didn't have to.

Now that I've added my opinion, I just have to go back to silently reading. Thanks to all that are posting the updates and for being here so people like me can read them!

***Love you, Shelby1!
Wow. I don't really remember a case where the baby was found healthy and the mother still missing.
I do hope by some miracle she went into spontaneous labor and is being held somewhere while they figured out what to do...
They aren't the smartest obviously so maybe she IS still alive....
The State Park tip....was that Savanna's phone ping location or an actual tip called in?
If the former, these perps are stupid, (besides being the monsters they are)
If the latter...who? Confession or who?

I did read her phone pinged there but I don't have a link. Since LE was talking to them though I bet someone is talking.

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So, Savanna was kept alive until Tuesday and then the baby was taken? And the couple, who lived upstairs and who know Savanna's family were looking for her at their apartment, brought the newborn back to the apartment like no one would notice a new baby when one is missing?

Well, if she was stealing and wearing Savanna's clothes, surely they were maternity clothes so this woman must have been faking a pregnancy. Perhaps the BF/husband has no idea what happened, thought his GF/wife was really pregnant and had delivered?

I do not think Savanna is alive. :scream: She was murdered for her baby. :tantrum:
Some dumb questions:

Would she have to be alive during a C Section?

Also what about the breastfeeding aspect?

Could they have induced labor with drugs? I saw upstream it takes time for that to work...if they were holding her somewhere?

If they're nuts enough to perform surgery, might they have dismembered her?

Yes she would need to be alive however if they got the baby out fast there is a chance for the baby.

If they planned to take a baby from a mama I would hope they were esmarte enough to get some formula.

Of course you can induce labor w meds but how would they access them? There is pitocin which is usually IV and cervadil which is usually inserted into the vagina along the cervix. Sometimes if mom is ready to go into labor, you can sweep the membranes and that may jump start things. It's not unheard of if she is 8 months. I'm curious how many weeks she was.

I totally think if they were sick enough to cut the baby out they possibly could dismember her. But they prob just dumped her somewhere.

Sick sick sick. Poor mama and baby.

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They took Savanna's phone and looked up her contacts?

My question is why did they contact Savanna's mom in the first place, divulging where Savanna was, if it wasn't Savanna's text?

Am I understanding correctly? Savannah "apparently" texted her mom to tell her she was upstairs?

Yes. I am one who thinks she didn't send that text but on the same token I don't understand why they would incriminate themselves... unless she never was in their apartment and they were dumb enough to think that would exclude them.

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A small detail that is new, from The 3rd floor couple lived on the opposite side of the complex. So not directly above them. Also, the mom saw them frequently at the retail place where she worked, and said that they were not the kind of people she would acquaint herself with or be friends with.
I am sorry that there is not a text of the above linked video to share.
Yes. I am one who thinks she didn't send that text but on the same token I don't understand why they would incriminate themselves... unless she never was in their apartment and they were dumb enough to think that would exclude them.

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They might not have thought that far ahead (incriminating themselves) but just thought it would buy them time.
I'm on a long stretch of just reading and not posting hardly at all myself, Shelby1.

The murders, child abuse, and disappearances were too hard on emotions and the swing from extremely sad to pure rage at what was happening to the innocent were affecting me.

This tiny, innocent baby will forever live with losing her Mom when she was born. (I think Savanna is no longer alive.) Every single birthday will remind her as well as her remaining family. It saddens as well as angers me to the extreme.

I don't think Savanna was murdered in the upstairs apartment, but I do believe she was subdued there so as to make a quiet removal. There just would have been too much blood and body fluids to conceal for when the three searches that was done. After LE hearing about the sounds coming from the upstairs bathroom and the shower running, SURELY LE dismantled all of the drains and the entire bathroom, brought out the luminol, and so forth. I also think that when the woman was seen coming and going with a big basket/bag, was when the woman took the baby to Savanna for feeding. Savanna may have clung to life after the surgery to take the baby. Infection may have killed her after a number of days. That would still be deemed as murder even if she did die of infection. Of the man and the woman, maybe the woman believed (erroneously) that the baby was the mans rather than Savanna's boyfriend's.

When more than one person knows of a crime, sooner or later someone talks and I believe the call concerning the state park was legitimate. IMO, she will most likely be found there.

Obviously, I cannot possibly know what has happened or has been done to Savanna. It sickens and angers me.

A part of my prayers were answered with the tiny baby being found alive and healthy. I'm thankful for that but am devastated for Savanna and her family. This shouldn't have happened and certainly didn't have to.

Now that I've added my opinion, I just have to go back to silently reading. Thanks to all that are posting the updates and for being here so people like me can read them!

***Love you, Shelby1!

I don't know if I even believe the story about noises coming from the upstairs bathroom. Isn't the couple who stated that the same people who claimed DK lived in that apt., when the fact is she didn't live there, never had, and didn't even know SG. DK looks nothing like the woman who lives in that apt.These people had a photo of DK on their phone that they showed the reporter and claimed that it was her who lived there. DK explained when shown the picture that it was indeed of her but she had no idea where these people got it. The apt manager even called this couple after their appearance on the news to tell them DK did NOT live in that apt. I'm wondering if they weren't just looking for their 15 minutes of fame. They'll be lucky if they don't get in some sort of trouble for making up that story about DK. And since DK didn't live there as they claimed, how did it come to be that they have a picture of her on their phone? Creepy.
This is almost 10 years old but it is a (morbidly) interesting list of other cases of fetal abduction. Sadly, it seems as though most commonly the baby survives and the mother does not. How anyone could do this I do not understand.

Horryfying list! And that's only in the US!

From the intro:
Most of the offenders have traits in common, such as faking a pregnancy up until the point where they would eventually be expected to give birth. Planning ahead for the inevitable end of their “pregnancy,” they seek out a woman or women who are near term and either befriend them or simply stalk them with the intent of stealing their baby straight from their womb.
I think we need to take the "2 day old" thing with a grain of salt. I am wondering if someone told the family the baby was "a couple days old" and they assumed that meant two days.

I will not be surprised if we find out whatever happened to Savanna occurred on the day she disappeared and that was the day the baby was born.
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