Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #25 Arrest

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According to the Wichita Eagle, the badly decomposed body was under a bridge on a gravel road, about a quarter of a mile from the nearest house. Sheila Medlam, a volunteer searcher, says she got a text message from a private investigator telling her, "We found him at 5:01." Within hours of the discovery, about two dozen volunteer searchers went to where the body was found and stood vigil for him, per the Eagle. The area where the body was found—near the town of Sedgwick about 20 miles north of Wichita—was close to where they had been searching.
Kansas: Missing 5-Year-Old Found Dead Under Bridge

ETA: Who is this Medlam person? I see her name listed in articles as if she was lead searcher. I don’t have Facebook so I’m out of the loop.
She is a mother who lost her own child a few years ago. He was found in a body of water not far from the home. She lives in the area and it’s pretty much been her mission since then to help families in similar situations. Be a resource to help locate missing children etc. I know her personally she is a good person who has gone through hell and back honestly.

I am new here but have been following this case. It is such a heart breaking story. I feel like the state failed this poor little boy and should be held accountable as well. I don't understand why JH and EG had custody when he was out of town all time and she wasn't even allowed around her own kids. Also, other family members brought up the suspected abuse to cps twice I read. Why was he never placed with other family members? His real family like his mom or either grandparents? I just don't understand why he was allowed to stay with EG. I know it's irrelevant at this point and not sure if I'm allowed to ask on this forum, but I just don't understand. My heart aches for this family so bad. The state definitely has a hand in responsibility in this imo.
In the last thread someone quoted an article in which Emily stated she woke up Saturday and Lucas had passed. According to everything thing I've seen, her time is accounted for except for the missing 45 minutes that morning. It would take her an hour just to get to the spot Lucas was found, so is there is no possible way that it can be true that she did the round trip in 45. Impossible. Expect everything from her vile mouth to be a lie.
Add one more lie to her list of lies.
The more she tells the better.
It will work against her in trial.
The jury won't appreciate it.
She's going down.
Private Investigator says Emily Glass told him a different version of what happened to slain boy, Lucas Hernandez: Report
After the grim discovery of the remains of Kansas boy Lucas Hernandez, who vanished from his home in February, the private investigator who found the little boy opened up about talking to the woman who led him to the child’s remains.

The Wichita Eagle reports that private investigator David Marshburn was contacted by the paternal grandmother to help find 5-year-old Lucas, who vanished on February 17 while under the care of his father’s live-in girlfriend, Emily Glass. Since she reported him missing, Glass has maintained that she took a nap at around 3:30 p.m. on the day Lucas disappeared, according to police. Glass said she woke up three hours later to find the back door open and Lucas missing. Marshburn, however, indicated that Glass told him a different version.

According to Sheila Medlam, an organizer of a search group for Lucas, Masrshburn told her that Glass told him “she put Lucas to bed Friday night (Feb. 16) and when she woke up Saturday morning (Feb. 17), he was dead.”

According to an arrest affidavit and a written statement by the suspect, Glass wrote that on February 16, she woke up with Lucas and her toddler daughter between 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. She wrote she changed her daughter’s diaper, then helped Lucas out of his pull-up diaper and into his underwear before turning the television on for the children to watch. After giving the children breakfast, Glass wrote she walked outside to smoke a cigarette, then walked back inside the home and lounged around with children and watched cartoons.

I do wish everyone would stop with the discussions so much in the media.
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I am so tired of the 'he died, so I hide his body because I was afraid' stories. They are all bunk. These children are murdered and tossed away because the murderer hopes to not get caught.

How do we know this? Because people in a panic call 911, the don't plan a disposal.
One thing I have learned in life is never to assume what you would do in a panic. Not unless you’ve been there yourself to know how you’d react. I can honestly say what I would hope to do is one thing & what I’d really do is another. That’s why I don’t think it was premeditated. The panic set in & she thought of the consequences. She knew that if she called 911 there would be explaining to do because of his bruises, malnutrition etc. One lie begins to snowball & there was no turning back. Imo
Looking at Sherin Mathews case recently I’m worried that the same thing could happen here. Even though there’s evidence of abuse, it seems the courts have a hard time proving who’s responsible. I blame DHS for lack of funding & man power. Or at least that’s their excuse usually. Idk
One thing I have learned in life is never to assume what you would do in a panic. Not unless you’ve been there yourself to know how you’d react. I can honestly say what I would hope to do is one thing & what I’d really do is another. That’s why I don’t think it was premeditated. The panic set in & she thought of the consequences. She knew that if she called 911 there would be explaining to do because of his bruises, malnutrition etc. One lie begins to snowball & there was no turning back. Imo

I spent my entire formative years 'in a panic' induced by the poor life choices of an out of control raging maniac- I learned 'simply do nothing' but my limbic system has other plans (based on being mauled).

There may not be a 'right' way to react to crisis, but there are definitely predictable patterns one will see arise in reaction to the unexpected... each decision is based off of a changing reality, in an attempt to contain the crisis.

Concerning an ordinary guardian concerned with child: In the event a child is found not breathing, immediately seeking emergency assistance is an extremely pervasive pattern.

Concerning a disturbed guardian: In the event a child is found not breathing (nonresponsive), you force them to react in some way until they are breathing.

Have woken up to screaming and kicking in the later event. More than once.
I genuinely appreciate everyone who speaks their mind in here, and wouldn't bother at all if I didn't. You are all awesome people levels above anything I have experienced elsewhere- most won't even go 3 feet down this road for anyone missing let alone a child whose had a very sad story- their comfort is more important.

I do hope that we're above assuming our peers here are making personal jabs, when it is the IDEAS we each present which must be tested and adjusted until reality is revealed for what it is, at last.

This is what I believe under it all, at the end of the day has made this forum a fascinating and unique place among all the internet.
I am working every day and have for eight years now, to get my son the therapy, medication, lessons, interventions, what have you to ensure that he learns how to control his outbursts and deleterious behaviors. Self injurious and harming others. We aren’t there yet, but my gosh at the progress we have made. It is inexplicable to anyone outside the heartbreak I go through on a daily basis. The path is difficult and many times I want to just give up it feels like we aren’t making any progress or doing any good. I know this isn’t ecactly applicable to EG, but to the conversation of getting help and intervention as a whole- it has to start early. The behaviors become ingrained, habit, second nature. I used to look like I worked in the cage with the big cats at the zoo. I couldn’t give up- I can’t give up. I know one day the work will pay off. I have had a fair share of run ins with DCF because people are well intentioned and don’t understand why or how a child could hurt themselves or a grown adult. Responding to his outbursts with quiet and calm, to teach him quiet and calm is the appropriate response not violence isn’t always easy. But anything else would reinforce his behavior and I can’t allow that to happen. Someday soon he will be bigger than me and really capable of bad things even if he doesn’t intend it. Navigating the system is difficult, but giving up isn’t an option.
But a short look at the news shows how many do give up and the horrific results
It’s never too late to get the proper interventions but the longer one waits the harder the behaviors are to correct

Bless you for fighting the good fight. Life throws us curve balls and unfortunately some families have to field much harder ones than others. Bless you for doing all you can do.
Emotions are running high, but what I struggle with is all the anger being placed on one person when it wasn't just one person who failed or caused the death of Lucas. I need more facts to come out about what happened, I realize some have the luxury of having more behind the scene information than I do, but it just doesn't appear so cut and dry to me and I want ALL people who played any part in this to be held responsible. Anyone who physically struck Lucas, anyone who ignored the bruises, anyone who had knowledge of what happened and kept quiet, anyone who chose not to do what was necessary to put Lucas first instead of themselves. The excuse of I didn't think this would happen is not an acceptable excuse IMO.
I am working every day and have for eight years now, to get my son the therapy, medication, lessons, interventions, what have you to ensure that he learns how to control his outbursts and deleterious behaviors. Self injurious and harming others. We aren’t there yet, but my gosh at the progress we have made. It is inexplicable to anyone outside the heartbreak I go through on a daily basis. The path is difficult and many times I want to just give up it feels like we aren’t making any progress or doing any good. I know this isn’t ecactly applicable to EG, but to the conversation of getting help and intervention as a whole- it has to start early. The behaviors become ingrained, habit, second nature. I used to look like I worked in the cage with the big cats at the zoo. I couldn’t give up- I can’t give up. I know one day the work will pay off. I have had a fair share of run ins with DCF because people are well intentioned and don’t understand why or how a child could hurt themselves or a grown adult. Responding to his outbursts with quiet and calm, to teach him quiet and calm is the appropriate response not violence isn’t always easy. But anything else would reinforce his behavior and I can’t allow that to happen. Someday soon he will be bigger than me and really capable of bad things even if he doesn’t intend it. Navigating the system is difficult, but giving up isn’t an option.
But a short look at the news shows how many do give up and the horrific results
It’s never too late to get the proper interventions but the longer one waits the harder the behaviors are to correct
@ScarlettLin you are hands down one of the best mom’s I know. Your strength and dedication are amazing. :loveyou:
I would hope that one's first reaction to the question would be what is so important about sympathy for a mistake, that I need to make a few more points about dysfunctional adults not being blamed for the outcomes of their actions?

It is not super concerning in my eyes after watching thousands of adults in boring courtrooms plead for second chances, and seeing them largely granted.

It's not rare for dysfunctional families to remain intact.

Where are all these parents in prison for murder who'se children have died accidentally in spite of the parent's best efforts? It's not happening- that is why a few chimed in about the commonplace occurrence and correlating lack of punishment.

'You know', like EG says.

I think there is a huge gap between dysfunctional adults, who need to be held accountable, and the parents who make a mistake that leads to a tragedy. I can sympathize with the second not the first. Two separate issues in my opinion. Accidents truly can happen to anyone. Having compassion towards parents that have had tragedy happen due to an unfortunate mistake is something I’m able to do. I understand if you can not. Everyone has a perspective based off experience. But I think it’s ok since more than a “few more points” were made on both sides.
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Emotions are running high, but what I struggle with is all the anger being placed on one person when it wasn't just one person who failed or caused the death of Lucas. I need more facts to come out about what happened, I realize some have the luxury of having more behind the scene information than I do, but it just doesn't appear so cut and dry to me and I want ALL people who played any part in this to be held responsible. Anyone who physically struck Lucas, anyone who ignored the bruises, anyone who had knowledge of what happened and kept quiet, anyone who chose not to do what was necessary to put Lucas first instead of themselves. The excuse of I didn't think this would happen is not an acceptable excuse IMO.

Of course we all understand EG spent 90% of her waking life manipulating and organizing perceptions so as to go on her merry way unhindered. Based on how she compartmentalized connections and information.

Is it acceptable to discuss WHY any enabler might accept and provide assistance to a guardian whose ward seems to have constant injuries and health issues?
Emotions are running high, but what I struggle with is all the anger being placed on one person when it wasn't just one person who failed or caused the death of Lucas. I need more facts to come out about what happened, I realize some have the luxury of having more behind the scene information than I do, but it just doesn't appear so cut and dry to me and I want ALL people who played any part in this to be held responsible. Anyone who physically struck Lucas, anyone who ignored the bruises, anyone who had knowledge of what happened and kept quiet, anyone who chose not to do what was necessary to put Lucas first instead of themselves. The excuse of I didn't think this would happen is not an acceptable excuse IMO.

Sadly, we all know this is just not going to happen. It never does. Sure, LE will do all they can but at the end of the day, it's more than likely going to be just 1 person that faces the music for poor Lucas' tragic death. Sure, someone else might be charged with being an accessory or something carrying much less weight.

Of course MORALLY and ethically there are many who should also be held accountable, and we see this in SO many cases here. Oddly, it's usually with the live-in boyfriend, just the opposite of this case. In this case, I think I'm just going to be super thankful that two little boys and a little girl are no longer in the care of a dangerous adult. It shouldn't have taken Lucas' life to spare them but sadly this is quite often the way it works in abusive homes.
I genuinely appreciate everyone who speaks their mind in here, and wouldn't bother at all if I didn't. You are all awesome people levels above anything I have experienced elsewhere- most won't even go 3 feet down this road for anyone missing let alone a child whose had a very sad story- their comfort is more important.

I do hope that we're above assuming our peers here are making personal jabs, when it is the IDEAS we each present which must be tested and adjusted until reality is revealed for what it is, at last.

This is what I believe under it all, at the end of the day has made this forum a fascinating and unique place among all the internet.
That’s the beauty of this forum. Just imagine if we were all on a jury! (Any jury, not being specific).
What I don’t understand is why if someone is kept away from their own kids, they are allowed to be around other children? If that person can be abusive to their own child, why would DHS think it wouldn’t happen to someone who wasn’t hers? Especially if she’s the sole caregiver? I blame social services for not doing more
I probably missed this but hanks for the answer in advance: so we know if he was placed under the bridge of thrown off it?
I don’t think that has been said. They really are keeping tight lipped (which is a good thing) about the placement of where he was. Because he was so well hidden, if I had to guess I would say he was placed but that is truly just a guess.
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