Supreme Court Nominee

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Should a person be judged on something done over 40 years ago?

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    Votes: 59 39.1%
  • No

    Votes: 17 11.3%
  • Depends

    Votes: 75 49.7%

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Seems to me that Kavanaugh is tainted --whether he did what he is accused of doing or not--- and because of this wouldn't it be wiser of the republicans to pick another conservative judge and move on. I also think it looks like
piling on by the democrats----anyone can allege anything----and ruin somebody's life in the process.
Republicans are seizing on a vintage clip of then-Sen. Joe Biden during the 1991 Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings dismissing the usefulness of having the FBI investigate allegations against the Supreme Court nominee.

Vintage Biden clip on FBI fuels GOP pushback on Kavanaugh probe

Addressing Thomas, Biden said, “The reason why we cannot rely on the FBI report—you wouldn’t like it if we did: because it is inconclusive.”

“They say ‘he said,’ ‘she said,’ ‘they said,’ period,” Biden explained. “So when people wave an FBI report before you, understand they do not, they do not, they do not reach conclusions. They do not make, as my friend points out more accurately, they do not make recommendations.”

“My Democrat friends might want to consider this from then-Judiciary Committee Chairman JOE BIDEN (D-DE) In 1991: The ‘FBI explicitly Does Not, IN This Or Any Other Case Reach A Conclusion, Period’,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., tweeted.
Both their yearbooks as they interrelate to one another:

= both refer on their pages to not knowing the final result of the same basketball game, in the context of apparently being too inebriated

= references to the Rehoboth Beach Police Department.--convene for a week of partying --at Rehoboth,-

“bacchanalia of drinking and sex, or at least attempts at sex.”

, “Guys began slam dancing, tackling each other, and drowning themselves in beer. … We lit each other’s underwear on fire, had beer fights, and barfed in the sink.

A couple of guys took pictures of their penises.”

Kavanaugh, on his page, referenced “Beach Week Ralph Club” — an apparent reference to throwing up — and described himself as “Biggest Contributor.”

“Certain women should be struck regularly, like gongs.

-Kavanaugh’s page also includes an altered quote from Benjamin Franklin that appeared to be a play on Judge’s last name, and it seemed to suggest that these two friends had secrets they should not share with others.

Bart O’Kavanaugh -- Bart is a nickname that Judge appeared to use for Brett Kavanaugh on his yearbook page.

During blackout Judge would need to be told the next day what he did the evening before :

drunkenly lunged at a bridesmaid during a wedding, and he worried afterward that he might have hurt her

Kavanaugh’s Yale roommate in the fall of 1983, James Roche, has backed up Ramirez. In a statement posted on Twitter, Roche said that “although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time,

The Closer You Look, the Worse Brett Kavanaugh’s Relationship With Mark Judge Appears

Judge delivered a bitterly homophobic wish to an editor who turned down stories he wanted to write about swing dancing. It was 1998, when Judge was freelancing for Washington City Paper, and the editor was Brad McKee. According to the Post, Judge “blew up at him after the rejections. McKee, who is gay, said Judge sent a vituperative email wishing him the same fate as Matthew Shepard, the gay college student who was beaten and left to die in Wyoming in 1998.” The Post quoted McKee as saying, “He shows signs of true hatred.”
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Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford offers Senate four people who corroborate her assault claims

The attorneys for Christine Blasey Ford have sworn and signed declarations from four people who corroborate her claims of sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

In documents sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee and obtained early Wednesday morning by USA TODAY, Ford’s attorneys present declarations from Ford’s husband, Russell, and three friends who support the California college professor’s accusation that Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, groped her and attempted to pull off her clothes while both were high school students in 1982.

The declarations will be used by Ford’s attorneys during a committee hearing on Thursday that could determine the fate of Kavanaugh’s embattled nomination. He's also facing a second accusation of sexual assault from Deborah Ramirez, who claims Kavanaugh exposed himself and pushed his genitals into her face at a drunken party during the 1983-84 academic year at Yale University.

She has 4 ppl that will say what she told them.

Bretts mentor is equally charming:

Kozinski has been accused of sexual misconduct, ranging from harassment to assault, by more than fifteen women. Former Kozinski clerk Katherine Ku has described Kozinski's chambers--where three or four law clerks, one or two judicial assistants, and one or more judicial externs typically worked at a given time--as a "hostile, demeaning and persistently sexualized environment."[24] An image posted on the legal gossip blog Underneath their Robes shows Kozinski with a law clerk draped around him.[25][26]

Some former Kozinski clerks have observed that because Kozinski retired from the bench after the first fifteen women accused him of misconduct, "additional targets of, or witnesses to, Kozinski's transgressions" will not be likely to speak publicly.[24][27] His former clerk, Brett Kavanaugh, during his hearing before the Judiciary Committee taking up his nomination for the Supreme Court, received written questions tendered to him by Senator Chris Coons about any knowledge of Kozinski's inappropriate behavior, including his circulations of sexually explicit emails via his "Easy Rider Gag List." Though Coons had asked him, on September 10, 2018, to review his emails from the judge, Kavanaugh's written and oral responses were vague, and skirted the senator's direct inquiry.[28]

Kozinski interacted with, and allegedly harassed and assaulted, lawyers at different stages of their careers. He would regularly employ salaried full-time law clerks (recent law school graduates) and unpaid externs (law students). He interacted with clerks for other judges when they traveled to other courthouses for oral arguments. While on the bench, Kozinski was also a mainstay at law school moot courts[29][30] and conferences.[31] He also taught courses at Stanford.

Public allegations of Kozinski's sexual misconduct toward female lawyers and law students include:

  • Kozinski would call clerk Heidi Bond into his office, pull up *advertiser censored* on his computer, and ask if she thought it was photoshopped or if it aroused her sexually, interrogating her about why it did not.[32]
  • A former Kozinski clerk said Kozinski, in his chambers, showed her an "open-legged image of a male figure that was naked."[33]
  • "One recent law student at the University of Montana said that Kozinski, at a 2016 reception, pressed his finger into the side of her breast, which was covered by her clothes, and moved it with some 'deliberateness' to the center, purporting to be pushing aside her lapel to fully see her name tag."[33]
  • A lawyer "said Kozinski approached her when she was alone in a room at a legal community event around 2008 in downtown Los Angeles and — with no warning — gave her a bear hug and kissed her on the lips."[33]
  • University of California at Irvine law professor, Leah Litman, said Kozinski pinched her at a dinner this year, and he also joked that he had just had sex with his wife and she or others at the table would be 'happy to know it still works.'"[33]
  • Former U.S. Court of Federal Claims judge, Christine O.C. Miller, 73, said that "around early 1986 said Kozinski grabbed and squeezed each of her breasts as the two drove back from an event in Baltimore in the mid-1980s, after she had told him she did not want to stop at a motel and have sex."[33]
  • Dahlia Lithwick, wrote in Slate that when she was clerking for another judge on the 9th Circuit and Kozinski learned she was in a hotel room, he asked her what she was wearing.[34]
  • Nancy Rapoport, special counsel to the president of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, has written that when she was clerking for another judge on the 9th Circuit, Judge Kozinski invited her to drinks and asked, "What do single girls in San Francisco do for sex?"[35]
  • Emily Murphy, who was clerking for another Ninth Circuit judge at the time and later became a professor at UC Hastings, said Kozinski suggested to a group that she exercise naked in the courthouse gymnasium.[36] Murphy has said, "It wasn't just clear that he was imagining me naked, he was trying to invite other people — my professional colleagues — to do so as well. That was what was humiliating about it."[36]
  • A former 9th Circuit clerk reported that in late 2011 or early 2012, she found herself sitting next to Kozinski at a dinner in Seattle. He "kind of picked the tablecloth up so that he could see the bottom half of me, my legs," and he remarked, "I wanted to see if you were wearing pants because it's cold out."[32]
  • A "former 9th Circuit clerk said that at a dinner with other clerks, Kozinski brought up a movie that contained a topless woman, talking about her 'voluptuous' breasts. The woman . . . said she made a face to signal her disbelief at what he was saying, and Kozinski turned to her and said something like, 'What? I'm a man.'"[33]
  • One "former Kozinski extern said the judge once made a comment about her hair and looked her body up and down 'in a less-than-professional way.' That extern said Kozinski also once talked with her about a female judge stripping." The clerk said she wouldn't want to be alone with Kozinski.[32]
  • A former extern said she had at least two conversations with Kozinski "that had sexual overtones directed at me."[32]
Former clerks also describe abusive employment practices by Kozinski.[32] For many years, Judge Kozinski's job announcement stated that "I'm looking for amazingly intelligent Supreme Court clerk wannabes eager to slave like dogs for an unreasonably demanding boss."[37] Former law clerk Heidi Bond, described how Kozinski forbade her from reading romance novels during her dinner break: the Judge asserted, “I control what you read, what you write, when you eat. You don’t sleep if I say so. You don’t *advertiser censored* unless I say so. Do you understand?”[38]Bond also described interactions consistent with cycles of abuse.

This sort of diatribe was a regular occurrence. The judge had incredibly high standards, and when we failed to meet them, we were raked over the coals. I do not think a week passed without at least one such outburst; during bad times, they were a daily occurrence. He also had an innate sense of when he’d gone too far. . . .

After he’d demonstrated that he had forgiven me for the misplaced comma or misspelled word that gave rise to his outburst, he would go up to me.

“Heidi, honey,” he would ask. “Do you still love me?”

There was only one answer. To say “no” would be to invite the tempest a second time.

“Yes, Judge,” I would say. “Of course I still love you.”

He’d kiss my cheek, and I would kiss his.

Former clerk Katherine Ku wrote that Kozinski expected to be able to approve the location of her apartment, would complain when his clerks "wanted salad for lunch instead of whatever he was having," and "regularly diminished women and their accomplishments."[24]

Complaints about Kozinski's abusive employment practices were raised as early as 1985 by former Kozinski employees. Those employees claimed Kozinski was unqualified to join the 9th Circuit "because of a harsh temperament, questionable decisions and misleading testimony before the Judiciary Committee."[8]They said Kozinski was "harsh, cruel, demeaning, sadistic, disingenuous and without compassion," and that his actions as a boss "portray[ed] an unusual degree of hostility . . . and at times an almost complete disregard for the consequences of the actions upon individuals."[8]

Alex Kozinski - Wikipedia
I have had teen boys and girls, and what boys consider, "horsing around", girls think is, "abusive". Seriously, this is not in any way justifying the behavior, but a review of perception is needed.

Thank goodness they are all gone, another year of "referee", I would have kicked them all to the curb.
Republicans are seizing on a vintage clip of then-Sen. Joe Biden during the 1991 Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings dismissing the usefulness of having the FBI investigate allegations against the Supreme Court nominee.

Vintage Biden clip on FBI fuels GOP pushback on Kavanaugh probe

Addressing Thomas, Biden said, “The reason why we cannot rely on the FBI report—you wouldn’t like it if we did: because it is inconclusive.”

“They say ‘he said,’ ‘she said,’ ‘they said,’ period,” Biden explained. “So when people wave an FBI report before you, understand they do not, they do not, they do not reach conclusions. They do not make, as my friend points out more accurately, they do not make recommendations.”

“My Democrat friends might want to consider this from then-Judiciary Committee Chairman JOE BIDEN (D-DE) In 1991: The ‘FBI explicitly Does Not, IN This Or Any Other Case Reach A Conclusion, Period’,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., tweeted.
There's more to that story. Joe Biden voted NO on the Clarence Thomas nomination in 1991. Source: THE THOMAS CONFIRMATION; How the Senators Voted on Thomas

Anyway, this thread is about the Kavanaugh nomination in 2018.
Julie Swetnick is 3rd woman to accuse Kavanaugh. Attorney Michael Avenatti releases her sworn affidavit claiming gang rape, excessive drinking. Avenatti discussed on MSNBC. Horrific. Swetnick is highly credible person and has held numerous security clearances. I expect more people to come forward. Even Kavanaugh's male friends from Yale are disputing his Fox interview.
grinding on girls

ripping off clothes from girls (breasts / other regions)

names girls he rubs up against their will

spiking drinks so girls would get blasted

gang rapes

other disgusting behaviors that will not be discussed at this point

confident the more disgusting will come out in the next several hours

document signed is used in criminal arena Maryland police have said they will look into these things for criminal prosecution when given the complaint!!


Be warned moo - dudes like this tend to be fond of recording parties like this -- stay tuned - they did not turn over 100,000 pages of documents for reasons moo
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Julie Swetnick is 3rd woman to accuse Kavanaugh. Attorney Michael Avenatti releases her sworn affidavit claiming gang rape, excessive drinking. Avenatti discussed on MSNBC. Horrific. Swetnick is highly credible person and has held numerous security clearances. I expect more people to come forward. Even Kavanaugh's male friends from Yale are disputing his Fox interview.
Affidavit by 3rd woman, Julie Swetnick, is here: Read the sworn declaration by Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick
@Hartford Courant The Senate Judiciary Committee is reviewing new allegations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh
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