IN - Grandfather charged in cruise ship death of toddler Chloe Wiegand #3

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No one would be talking negatively about him if he hadn’t changed his story multiple times, and if the family wasn’t blaming the cruise line.

I suspect that Grandpa's lame excuses for what happened to Chloe will be exposed when the video is shown in court, if there is a trial. If they don't already know what really happened because SA has told them the truth, Chloe's parents will eventually have to come to terms with Grandpa's careless, reckless actions.
I do not know if it has been mentioned earlier this forum, but apparently SA was/is a stage actor.

Allegedly, he quickly he deleted most of his videos including his stage acting after Chloe’s death."
Kimberly said of Anello, who resides in Valparaiso and has ties to community theater in Crown Point. "

This helps to put his feigned grief in his interview into perspective?

He needs to keep his day job as IT person. :D
You are coming from the point of view that this was truly an accident and that SA is tormented by guilt and feels remorseful. How do we know that’s true? That is as much speculation as saying he was acting during his interview because of his stage background.

There are all sorts of aberrant personalities and ways of thinking... Maybe he feels horrible or maybe he is enjoying life just fine and making plans for the future. I wouldn’t take it as fact that SA is tormented by what he did.

I am not coming from the point of view that this was "truly an accident."

We have plenty to cover with the facts connected to this case, including the fundraising, the family blaming the cruise line, what happened, etc., that's all connected directly to the case.

We're now on the 2nd huge thread and we had 2 other early threads before the arrest, that got deleted.

The good thing about Websleuths is that it stays within certain limits unlike FB groups. It keeps some dignity because of that. That means I can't post everything I might want to post but I know WS has these rules for a good reason in the long run.

If someone posts speculation then what often happens is that others go off on that speculation as though it's a fact - something to be cautious with.
I suspect that Grandpa's lame excuses for what happened to Chloe will be exposed when the video is shown in court, if there is a trial. If they don't already know what really happened because SA has told them the truth, Chloe's parents will eventually have to come to terms with Grandpa's careless, reckless actions.

I won’t be surprised if there’s a suppression order on the cctv footage.
Why the Christmas Vids on youtube?
Does anyone know what the point of SA’s videos is, or maybe there’s not one. But why even post them.
Salvatore Anello
I just find them strange, recorded music and a house with Christmas lights, well ok then... Seems an odd thing for a grown man his age to spend his time doing. But that’s just me.
@neesaki :) Last night looking at his youtube vids, I wondered the same.
Is it possible that in 2014, that he wrote/created PC programs for the lights & music? Or was that already commonly available/'ready made' in 2014 (sorry, I'm far back in the cave. In our area w "dark skies" ordinances, these light shows are prohibited).
And doing this at his age? Seems like a 'thing' that is done for kids in household or neighborhood or an area lights contest.
Then I saw references there re fundraising for "Our Community" organization and feeding the hungry in Porter County, pls fill the donation box. That, in turn, prompted me to search for the organization, which I found, noted, & linked in my ^ post 331.

IDK why he (assuming he posted them, "joined August 26, 2006") posted initially. Is/was his house?
Why leave those vids in place now, instead of deleting w his acting vids & g'son hockey vids? IDK.
Maybe he's thinking --- nobody could think I could do something bad (re Chloe) if I solicited donations for this charity. Ok, it's a stretch, but some of his other explicit stmts have been a stretch too. jmo.
My guess is that they'll never release the video to the public, and it will only be shown in court, IF his case actually ends up going to trial. Unlikely they'll release before that, otherwise it could be seen as influencing potential jurors.

Sounds as though there all indications that this will go to trial.

"Anello stood before a judge Wednesday with an attorney and translator present. No evidence was released. Anello's next court appearance will be on December 17, at which time the court will pick a trial date."
For grandfather charged in girl's cruise ship death, surveillance video likely key evidence
That would make sense, that SA smokes, because that window was the ONLY one open. He went over there to smoke, opened the window, picked up Chloe, put her on the rail, so she wouldn't run off, while he smoked his cigarettes.

I believe that there are specified smoking areas on the cruise liners. Not generally anywhere near the children's play areas.

"To assist in locating areas where smoking is permitted, guests will find visible signage posted within all smoking areas and ashtrays that are provided for use. Outdoor areas near restricted areas, food venues and children's play areas and pools will not allow smoking."
Onboard Smoking | Guest Policy | Royal Caribbean Intl.

Which is not to say that he didn't light up there. There is evidently something in that video that has led to the negligent homicide charges.

"The accident was caught on surveillance camera, and although Winkleman thinks the grandfather is not criminally responsible, the prosecutors may be seeing something else, he said.
"You have to assume that it shows something that really led the Puerto Rican authorities to believe there was criminal offense, so clearly there's something in that video," he said. The video has not been released."
For grandfather charged in girl's cruise ship death, surveillance video likely key evidence
Please Grandpa. Stand up and take responsibility.
IMO the time to do that was the day Chloe fell to her death. Now SA's between a rock and a hard place due to both the criminal and civil issues. IOW, if he were to admit to his culpability now it would damage his criminal case. And if the parents are still planning to sue RCCL it would likely kibosh that suit.

However, the fact that he refused a breathalyzer test (or a blood test if he felt it would be more accurate) and also refused to give a statement to LE and instead fled Puerto Rico and flew home says to me that he knew he acted in a negligent way. IMO. As a grandparent it's really hard for me to understand not stepping up and begging Chloe's parents to forgive him. MOO.
Talking about a man's Christmas lights and acting in community theater dating back years has nothing to do with this case, come on. I think it's cruel to imply he was acting when he collapsed knowing he caused his g-child to fall 11 stories. Can we please stick to the case; the man is cooperating and going to trial. He isn't going to enjoy anything ever again whether he's honest or not, regarding what happened. We've covered plenty of criticism of him here already & I don't feel good about all of it. How would you feel if he takes his own life, or has a stroke? His life is ruined and through his own actions, there's nothing worse than that really. He can't undo his error and surely he would do anything if he could. If the video or report of it shows blatant, appalling negligence I will be just as angry and upset as anyone, but right now this thing is on hold until some other info comes to light. I'm sure someone will be offended by my words, sorry about that. My fellow posters know I like, respect, and support them all these months.

You stated that he hadn't posted stage plays so I was correcting you, which if you hadn't been making incorrect assertions about the stage plays I wouldn't have said anything. Now I'm really confused as you're now stating as fact that the same play videos you had just said didn't exist are now saying the stage plays go back years. Have you seen the videos now? If you can view them now you should tell others how you did and then people can determine for themselves how relevant or irrelevant these are. For me I didn't see the videos as relevant except to note he had virtually no videos of his 'best friend' but lots of her brother. I don't think he did anything premeditated or criminally malicious but was incredibly self-involved and careless where he should be criminally convicted for what he's charged with, but I can't blame others for considering this as a possible murder.
You stated that he hadn't posted stage plays so I was correcting you, which if you hadn't been making incorrect assertions about the stage plays I wouldn't have said anything. Now I'm really confused as you're now stating as fact that the same play videos you had just said didn't exist are now saying the stage plays go back years. Have you seen the videos now? If you can view them now you should tell others how you did and then people can determine for themselves how relevant or irrelevant these are. For me I didn't see the videos as relevant except to note he had virtually no videos of his 'best friend' but lots of her brother. I don't think he did anything premeditated or criminally malicious but was incredibly self-involved and careless where he should be criminally convicted for what he's charged with, but I can't blame others for considering this as a possible murder.
BBM This.
You stated that he hadn't posted stage plays so I was correcting you, which if you hadn't been making incorrect assertions about the stage plays I wouldn't have said anything. Now I'm really confused as you're now stating as fact that the same play videos you had just said didn't exist are now saying the stage plays go back years. Have you seen the videos now? If you can view them now you should tell others how you did and then people can determine for themselves how relevant or irrelevant these are. For me I didn't see the videos as relevant except to note he had virtually no videos of his 'best friend' but lots of her brother. I don't think he did anything premeditated or criminally malicious but was incredibly self-involved and careless where he should be criminally convicted for what he's charged with, but I can't blame others for considering this as a possible murder.

I wasn't referring to your post in my post that you quoted. I signed off last night and there have been a lot of posts since then. You just pointed out the fact that there were some stage play videos and I'm sure that is correct.

Edited to add: Our posts were 5 minutes apart; I was writing my post when you posted.
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You are coming from the point of view that this was truly an accident and that SA is tormented by guilt and feels remorseful. How do we know that’s true? That is as much speculation as saying he was acting during his interview because of his stage background.

There are all sorts of aberrant personalities and ways of thinking... Maybe he feels horrible or maybe he is enjoying life just fine and making plans for the future. I wouldn’t take it as fact that SA is tormented by what he did.
YES! I totally agree. We really don't know what his mindset is. And yes, we are on hold until more information comes to light. I haven't seen anyone outright ACCUSE SA of acting or faking his emotions, but in watching the interview, he didn't strike me as genuine. MOO. Perhaps I'm wrong and he truly feels awful regret and if that is the case, then I will admit it and I apologize. But we don't know that right now. I think most of us here are just trying to understand how this awful tragedy could have happened and we are looking at EVERY possible scenario and seeing which ones seem to make sense. If SA hadn't dropped his granddaughter off a cruise ship, I wouldn't be in a position of trying to figure out what happened. If he had dropped her, and had taken responsibility and owned his mistake, I might be less inclined to want to dig into the details and figure out what's going on. But because he is blaming the cruise line and because he doesn't appear"genuine" to me (MOO), and because the story has changed 3 times, I want to know the truth of what happened. A little girl lost her life. She deserves justice.
Part of my process of getting answers involves looking into darn near every area I can of grandpa's life because he is the one who did it. And his story keeps changing. And he doesn't take responsibility. And I feel like we (I) owe it to Chloe to find out what the hell happened to her. She is owed that. SA is owed nothing in my opinion, (except of course to not be vilified without cause or something extreme such as hate speech etc.)
And our speculating about his acting or the many places he's allegedly lived are not hurting him in any way. And I haven't heard anyone say they are taking any of that info as proven fact or jumping to outlandish conclusions based on possibly erroneous info. I think everyone just wants the truth and for me, personally, I think digging into some of these areas might provide us with a clue into the real story. Maybe it won't and maybe I'm just wasting my time but I honestly don't think so. I think anything that could provide a clue to the real story is worth looking into. And this is just my opinion, but I don't feel like SA is particularly worthy of defending in this instance. Not because he was the cause of Chloe's death but because of the way he's acted since then. I won't give him the benefit of the doubt, sorry. A little girl died, the stories we've been given are B.S. , the excuses are even worse and the stakes are too high to assume that Grandpa is a good person. We don't know that he's a bad person but neither do we know that he's good. And I for one want to explore every piece of evidence. I will be thrilled if someone can come up with some that is more favorable of SA. I dont want to believe he is making excuses and refusing to accept responsibility. I want to believe he was acting with care and this was a tragic accident and he's truly remorseful, but I haven't seen a lot to dissuade me of my opinion that that's not the case. I will continue to look under every rock and into every crevice of his life and I'm sorry if that's offensive to some people. I'm not trying to be rude or insensitive, honestly. I just want to know why this beautiful girl had to die and SA isn't telling the truth. IMO MOO
Smoking Area, or Not? A Lit Ciggie in One Hand?
@SouthAussie :)
From ship's policy:
"visible signage posted within all smoking areas"
As you said/post 348: "Which is not to say that he didn't light up there."

Can anyone imagine G'pa thinking to self "The heck w that. The smoking area is where I say it is."
Or not so militant, maybe "Nobody right here. Closest ppl are 10 (20? or ?) ft away, they won't notice. And anyway they can't write me a citation."

Regardless of whether G'pa & Chloe were in a smoking area or non-smoking area, if, a big if, G'pa had a lit ciggie in one hand while trying to physically hold her up off the floor/on the rail, imo seems to greatly increase chances of a handling mishap occurring, potentially like one that led to Chloe's fall & death.
BTW, from the Department of Redundancy Department.
Re ship policy: "Visible signage posted within all smoking areas"
Unlike the invisible signage posted? Or the visible signage not posted?
Trying to make sure they got the point across?

You stated that he hadn't posted stage plays so I was correcting you, which if you hadn't been making incorrect assertions about the stage plays I wouldn't have said anything. Now I'm really confused as you're now stating as fact that the same play videos you had just said didn't exist are now saying the stage plays go back years. Have you seen the videos now? If you can view them now you should tell others how you did and then people can determine for themselves how relevant or irrelevant these are. For me I didn't see the videos as relevant except to note he had virtually no videos of his 'best friend' but lots of her brother. I don't think he did anything premeditated or criminally malicious but was incredibly self-involved and careless where he should be criminally convicted for what he's charged with, but I can't blame others for considering this as a possible murder.
Excellent post, Spanish. Rock and roll. :thumbsup:
When it comes to right and wrong, much more comes into play than our emotions. So, should we not put our Emotions aside?
. I haven't seen anyone outright ACCUSE SA of acting or faking his emotions, but in watching the interview, he didn't strike me as genuine. MOO. Perhaps I'm wrong and he truly feels awful regret and if that is the case, then I will admit it and I apologize

Yes. I couldn't understand what troubled me exactly, about his interview, but you pinned it down... SA seems to be looking for sympathy, as if he were the victim.

He always seems to talk about himself, his own pain, rather than Chloe, or any ownership of his role in her death.

His (self!) pity is misplaced.
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Why the Christmas Vids on youtube?
@neesaki :) Last night looking at his youtube vids, I wondered the same.
Is it possible that in 2014, that he wrote/created PC programs for the lights & music? Or was that already commonly available/'ready made' in 2014 (sorry, I'm far back in the cave. In our area w "dark skies" ordinances, these light shows are prohibited).
And doing this at his age? Seems like a 'thing' that is done for kids in household or neighborhood or an area lights contest.
Then I saw references there re fundraising for "Our Community" organization and feeding the hungry in Porter County, pls fill the donation box. That, in turn, prompted me to search for the organization, which I found, noted, & linked in my ^ post 331.

IDK why he (assuming he posted them, "joined August 26, 2006") posted initially. Is/was his house?
Why leave those vids in place now, instead of deleting w his acting vids & g'son hockey vids? IDK.
Maybe he's thinking --- nobody could think I could do something bad (re Chloe) if I solicited donations for this charity. Ok, it's a stretch, but some of his other explicit stmts have been a stretch too. jmo.
Digital christmas displays are very popular in the midwest. Maybe he programmed them, and wanted to remember it so videoed it.
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