Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #50

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The following is MOO.

I think it's a bit misleading to compare Beverly England's case to Suzanne's. Other than both being women who went missing in CO, there aren't a whole lot of similarities. Also, the original pathologist categorizing BE's remains to be a pioneer woman, pretty sure something like that would just not happen these days. Forensic technology has become much more precise.

I have always been on board the K.I.S.S. boat. BM is an outdoors man. I don't see him as being a big detail type guy. He had the vast, unforgiving terrain of CO to work with, along with his knowledge as a landscaper. I do not see him as being a very creative type, taking into consideration the absolutely generic landscaping he did for the Puma Path house. I just don't see BM doing anything real complicated, thinking far outside the box. He's also not a professional criminal, he's a guy who likely murdered his wife. So, the simple solution to the problem of what to do with Suzanne is probably the most likely. He had a lot of tools at his disposal to make it happen, including all that wilderness.

At this point, I think if Suzanne's remains are found, it will be an accident. Someone out hiking, or hunting, or stops to pee on an ATV. But I don't think she is going to be found. I posted about this a while back, but I think it bears reiterating: Some of Ted Bundy's CO victims have still not been found to this day, even with Bundy highlighting areas where he disposed of them and extensive searches. And Bundy was not an outdoorsy type of guy, nor had he spent a lot of time in CO.

I agree that BM likely thought that through his position as a FF would make him above suspicion. I think he was shocked and angry when it didn't play out that way, and it makes me very curious as to how his three thirty hours of interviews went. I think there was something that indicated immediately this was not someone who had an accident on a bike ride. His position with the FFs may have even worked against him; what if one of his buds heard him talk about SM in a disparaging way or make light of DV or something along those lines?

I also wonder about the quasi- militia group in the area; while I don't think it had any bearing on Suzanne's disappearance, I do wonder if loyalties come into play somewhere. I am not implying BM was involved in any of that, but it's something that makes me think and consider that this is a very small area, population-wise. Lots going on in the background, perhaps?

I'm very hopeful the incoming DA determines there is enough evidence to prosecute the case. I have these dark thoughts that while many of us are eagerly awaiting an arrest announcement soon after she takes office, we hear nothing other than a statement that says she's working with LE on the case.


The vast wilderness surrounding the area is exactly why I find the two cases to be similar. A body can be disappeared for decades. The major difference is that identifying the remains, once they are discovered, can now happen quickly - thanks to modern technology.

I am beginning to become more interested in Monarch Pass and the area around it because of the power line cut and it's potential accessibility to ATV's.

We might be overthinking what BM did with SM's remains. Using K.I.S.S. thinking, I think he took SM, by ATV to (Monarch Pass) where he threw her over the edge.

SM could have been already deceased or she might have died from the fall. In either case she would probably fall far into an inaccessible area of very difficult and steep terrain. There are also dirt roads in the area where older versions of Monarch Pass are.
Old, Old Monarch Pass - Monarch Mountain

Assuming the ATV had no GPS and no phones along, that might explain why LE doesn't know where SM is.

Just a possible theory, JMO, MOO

This is great and a good possibility.

Monarch pass would have been pretty busy over a holiday weekend. The offroading/hiking would have been fairly busy, white water peak season would be starting and the Hot Springs would have been packed. Snow had just melted, possibly a little still there, meaning the outdoor activities were busier than normal. Covid has increased the camping throughout.

Having said that, I think she would have been found by now if close to any trail, park or area accessible to the public. As well as along any roads between Denver and Salida.

IMO it lends itself to think she is closer to home(s).

And MOO it seems like after that deficient plea is when TN disappeared from the scene.

I've often wondered if TN recorded Barry's unconvincing plea. I can imagine TN making his own plea early on for a reluctant Barry to go public. Perhaps BM's hesitation and lame performance spoke volumes, after which TN withdrew his support.

The timing works.
I do not see him as being a very creative type, taking into consideration the absolutely generic landscaping he did for the Puma Path house.


I'm curious about something that maybe slipped my notice. You're not the first person to mention BM's shoddy landscaping at Puma Path. But as far as I can recall, the photos we've seen from Zillow showing the property as advertised before the Ms bought it, looks the same, landscaping-wise, as it does in the current listing photos.

The driveway/parking area appears freshly gravelled, and another poster pointed out a tree that had been removed. But those are the only major differences I can think of. I believe the rock area on the creek side of the house, with the little bridge, was already there.

What landscaping is being referred to when folks comment on his poor skills at his own home?

Snowpack remaining May 8-12, 2020. When Suzanne went missing, there was still deep snowpack and it began not too much higher than the home on Puma Path. The info below indicates 15"-20" still at 10,760 feet elevation around a mile southwest of, and 500' lower than, Monarch Pass. Likely the back roads might not have been plowed passable yet at elevations above the Morphew home. The blanket of snowpack varies a lot in depth and along the back roads would have been much deeper than 20" in places and, I think, would have substantially challenged travel by truck or ATV. Guessing that traveling the back roads around Monarch Pass on, say, May 10 would have required a snowmobile.

The closest Snotel weather station records are from the Porphyry Creek recording station. Hope this link works.

NWCC Report Generator

For perspective, the pointer on this Google map shows the approximate location of the Porphyry Creek weather station relative to Highway 50, Monarch Pass, and the Fooses Creek Road number 225 that also shows. Hope this link works.

Google Maps
@Auntie Cipation, I would the expect the yard and grounds of a landscaper's home to be their own best advertisement. And the landscaping that was done after they purchased it seems to be more like maintenance, not an actual example of BM's own landscaping skills. His poor landscaping skills are that he apparently didn't really do any at his own house. Where are the unique features that show that he is not only a professional landscaper, but also good at it and proud of his work?

But that's just my opinion.
@Auntie Cipation, I would the expect the yard and grounds of a landscaper's home to be their own best advertisement. And the landscaping that was done after they purchased it seems to be more like maintenance, not an actual example of BM's own landscaping skills. His poor landscaping skills are that he apparently didn't really do any at his own house. Where are the unique features that show that he is not only a professional landscaper, but also good at it and proud of his work?

But that's just my opinion.

IMOO PP "landscaping" looks like a child with a Tonka truck likes moving rocks into piles. :rolleyes: Like my three year old used to do. A pile of rocks, a line of rocks, trimmed with get the picture.
Good theory!

It bugs me that BM went so hard with the mountain lion theory, so that's why I am so sure she's closer to home, as opposed to on the way to Broomfield. IF she had been found in the immediate area, in those first few days or weeks, her final resting place needed to align with his theories. (ML dragged her up the hill, she hit her head and wandered off, etc).

And I still think he would never have left with her in a vehicle due to the possibility of being caught on camera or GPS. An ATV, on the other hand, would not look as suspicious. He could have easily said he was hanging trail cams, hunting, or even doing yard work, if he was seen on adjacent or nearby land with an ATV.

The only thing about dropping her over the edge like that would be buzzards. But maybe LE were so focused on her bike and the item, and investigating the PP property, they weren't looking at MP area quickly enough, and the buzzards came and went. This could also explain why he (possibly) planted the bike and item, though. To keep attention right there at the house long enough for any wildlife scavengers to do their job and move on.

All of this. Don't forget the moldering elk head!
Thanks @MrsWatson for explaining your meaning. I understand!

IMOO PP "landscaping" looks like a child with a Tonka truck likes moving rocks into piles. :rolleyes: Like my three year old used to do. A pile of rocks, a line of rocks, trimmed with get the picture.

I don't necessarily disagree with this concept, I just hadn't had the impression that what we see there is necessarily BM's work. But I understand the reasoning behind the comments now and I thank you both for adding context.
I have always been on board the K.I.S.S. boat. BM is an outdoors man. I don't see him as being a big detail type guy. He had the vast, unforgiving terrain of CO to work with, along with his knowledge as a landscaper. I do not see him as being a very creative type, taking into consideration the absolutely generic landscaping he did for the Puma Path house. I just don't see BM doing anything real complicated, thinking far outside the box. He's also not a professional criminal, he's a guy who likely murdered his wife. So, the simple solution to the problem of what to do with Suzanne is probably the most likely. He had a lot of tools at his disposal to make it happen, including all that wilderness.

I agree wholeheartedly. Like you, imo, I don't see him being that creative. He had a job to do (disposal of his wife), and he had to think and act quickly. His kids would be arriving home and time was getting short.
This is great and a good possibility.

Monarch pass would have been pretty busy over a holiday weekend. The offroading/hiking would have been fairly busy, white water peak season would be starting and the Hot Springs would have been packed. Snow had just melted, possibly a little still there, meaning the outdoor activities were busier than normal. Covid has increased the camping throughout.

Having said that, I think she would have been found by now if close to any trail, park or area accessible to the public. As well as along any roads between Denver and Salida.

IMO it lends itself to think she is closer to home(s).


When i was up there in September and I drove Monarch Pass, my heart sank. It's vast and you could technically just push someone off side of main road in areas. It's steep and far and inaccessible... There are also many mines. And PP is right at the bottom of Monach Pass...

I am still not ruling out that he stopped somewhere between Salida and Broomfield, but something about Monarch Pass chilled me.
I agree wholeheartedly. Like you, imo, I don't see him being that creative. He had a job to do (disposal of his wife), and he had to think and act quickly. His kids would be arriving home and time was getting short.
Did he have to think quickly though?
I'm not sure how long in advance the camping trip had been planned, probably quite some time before.
I'm not getting a sense it was a sudden thing either.
Looking at the landscape below in the above 2 files made me shudder.
But it would have been accessible to heavy machinery.
If planned in advance, well in advance, maybe up to a year or more, a place could have been created off The monarch Pass?
Snowpack remaining May 8-12, 2020. When Suzanne went missing, there was still deep snowpack and it began not too much higher than the home on Puma Path. The info below indicates 15"-20" still at 10,760 feet elevation around a mile southwest of, and 500' lower than, Monarch Pass. Likely the back roads might not have been plowed passable yet at elevations above the Morphew home. The blanket of snowpack varies a lot in depth and along the back roads would have been much deeper than 20" in places and, I think, would have substantially challenged travel by truck or ATV. Guessing that traveling the back roads around Monarch Pass on, say, May 10 would have required a snowmobile.

The closest Snotel weather station records are from the Porphyry Creek recording station. Hope this link works.

NWCC Report Generator

For perspective, the pointer on this Google map shows the approximate location of the Porphyry Creek weather station relative to Highway 50, Monarch Pass, and the Fooses Creek Road number 225 that also shows. Hope this link works.

Google Maps
Some really good theories have been posited about disposal somewhere off Monarch Pass.

If SM not thrown over the edge off Monarch Pass/Old Monarch Pass, could another possibility be SM was disposed (dropped/thrown) down into an old abandoned mine shaft. If mine is deep enough, the chances would be great that remains hidden as such, likely/probable would never be found. I wonder though, if possible that a snowmobile could get to some of these abandoned mines around Monarch Pass, considering as you mentioned above, the snowpack remaining May 8-12, 2020.

I did a search for mines/abandoned mines/Monarch Pass, and Madonna mine (abandoned) populated on the map at link below, as well as several other mines located off US Route 50.

Madonna Mine

Just another thought/possibility.

ETA: Jinx @NoSI

Hoping and Praying that Suzanne is found soon!!


Last edited:
Snowpack remaining May 8-12, 2020. When Suzanne went missing, there was still deep snowpack and it began not too much higher than the home on Puma Path. The info below indicates 15"-20" still at 10,760 feet elevation around a mile southwest of, and 500' lower than, Monarch Pass. Likely the back roads might not have been plowed passable yet at elevations above the Morphew home. The blanket of snowpack varies a lot in depth and along the back roads would have been much deeper than 20" in places and, I think, would have substantially challenged travel by truck or ATV. Guessing that traveling the back roads around Monarch Pass on, say, May 10 would have required a snowmobile.

The closest Snotel weather station records are from the Porphyry Creek recording station. Hope this link works.

NWCC Report Generator

For perspective, the pointer on this Google map shows the approximate location of the Porphyry Creek weather station relative to Highway 50, Monarch Pass, and the Fooses Creek Road number 225 that also shows. Hope this link works.

Google Maps

Thank you for bringing the snowpack data @On Track. Poor Suzanne. If a snowmobile was involved, she could be anywhere.

Here is another link to info about ATV and backcountry routes around Salida and Maysville. Points out routes 240, 210, 220, Green’s Creek Rd, Marshalls Pass. But these may not have been passable, even with ATV or 4wd, with the snowpack still in place in May. Ugh.

Colorado Mountain Vacations

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