Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #50

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A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned
Chaffee County woman missing since Sunday after neighbor said she went out for bike ride

Media, Maps & Timeline thread (No Discussion)

Detailed timeline of events in the Morphew case:
CO - CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 , MEDIA,MAPS,TIMELINE *NO DISCUSSION*

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Had a chance to speak with Tricia tonite and it is decided to leave the recently 'found' t-shirt out of the discussion for now. We're not real confident in the source or that it is a legitimate find and don't want members going down that rabbit hole if it's not related to the case. If it is a legit find and has been turned over to LE, nothing lost.

Basically everything else from last nights post remains the same. In summary:

Discussion of the Adventures with Purpose search is approved (minus any/all references to psychic intervention)
Tube Crime is not approved
T-shirt talk is off limits for now
Sooo for me personally, the theory some person that Suzanne “knew well“ harmed her, requires too many mental gymnastics to make it work/be believable.

By all accounts, Suzanne was a caring, loving, beautiful soul. I have no reason to believe otherwise, nor do I think Suzanne was having an affair.

If a person she knew wanted more than friendship with her and she let them know the feelings weren’t mutual, ok so what then? This person goes into if I can’t have her no one can thinking and decides to ambush her at her home, and killed her right then and there? Or less likely, Suzanne invited this person into her home to discuss things, they tried to put the moves on her, she resisted and they killed her in a fit of rage in the home? Or they abducted her from the home, killed her at another location or didn’t kill her and are holding her hostage somewhere?

First, obviously for any of the above scenarios to be possible, would have to have been carried out on Sunday after BM left for Broomfield. Second, this person would have to have known Suzanne was going to be all alone on Sunday, doubt she’d tell this person she’d be home alone since she knew they wanted more than her friendship and she’d be alone and vulnerable living in a remote area. Third, doubt Suzanne would invite this person over for a chat for same exact reason as the aforementioned.

If this person by some other chance knew Suzanne would be alone and snuck in, ambushed her and killed her, what did they do with the body/where did they hide the body so well it may never be found? Abducted her and holding her hostage somewhere? Doubtful.

Lastly, WHY on earth would this person stage a bike ride scene???? And WHY would LE dig up and search the Husband’s job site????

That’s all I got for now, I’m sure I’ve forgotten some things, feel free to offer thoughts or pick it apart lol.



One other thing makes it just about impossible for it to have been anyone other than BM.

Suzanne’s phone.

If Suzanne’s phone was turned on after BM left, then he’s pretty much cleared (at least as far as being her killer).

Obviously that isn’t the case.

Some day in the future, we will learn that Suzanne’s phone went dark before Barry left that morning.

She didn’t check it when she woke up.

She didn’t check it to communicate with her daughter’s on Mother’s Day.

She didn’t turn it on before she went on that “bike ride.”

Because she was dead.
One other thing makes it just about impossible for it to have been anyone other than BM.

Suzanne’s phone.

If Suzanne’s phone was turned on after BM left, then he’s pretty much cleared (at least as far as being her killer).

Obviously that isn’t the case.

Some day in the future, we will learn that Suzanne’s phone went dark before Barry left that morning.

She didn’t check it when she woke up.

She didn’t check it to communicate with her daughter’s on Mother’s Day.

She didn’t turn it on before she went on that “bike ride.”

Because she was dead.


Her phone is a BIG problem.

Especially if it ceased pinging on Saturday at 8:30, 12:30, 2:30 or 9:30.

Because the girls were away, there was extra time for clean up, concealment, staging, and alibi building. None of which accounts for all those hours of radio silence from Suzanne.

Anyone want to guess where HIS phone pinged when HER phone stopped pinging?

That's going to be a problem. For the defense.

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One other thing makes it just about impossible for it to have been anyone other than BM.

Suzanne’s phone.

If Suzanne’s phone was turned on after BM left, then he’s pretty much cleared (at least as far as being her killer).

Obviously that isn’t the case.

Some day in the future, we will learn that Suzanne’s phone went dark before Barry left that morning.

She didn’t check it when she woke up.

She didn’t check it to communicate with her daughter’s on Mother’s Day.

She didn’t turn it on before she went on that “bike ride.”

Because she was dead.
Didn't Andy mention something about Suzanne's phone being turned off by 8:00 am on Saturday morning? I remember being confused by that because of the communication between Suzanne and her friend about the wedding on Saturday. Her friend was said to have been diligently trying to reach her after the conversation ended abruptly. She would probably know approximately when the phone went dead.

Of course none of the details have been confirmed, so it could be that Andy spoke to several people who told him different things. It's also possible that Suzanne commuicated with more than one person on Saturday. Imo
Didn't Andy mention something about Suzanne's phone being turned off by 8:00 am on Saturday morning? I remember being confused by that because of the communication between Suzanne and her friend about the wedding on Saturday. Her friend was said to have been diligently trying to reach her after the conversation ended abruptly. She would probably know approximately when the phone went dead.

Of course none of the details have been confirmed, so it could be that Andy spoke to several people who told him different things. It's also possible that Suzanne commuicated with more than one person on Saturday. Imo

I wonder if the communication with the wedding friend on Saturday was perhaps accomplished via a tablet or a laptop rather than a phone?

That would mean her phone ceasing to ping at a specific time would be uncoupled from her last contact with that friend.

Although -- if her phone was shut off first, and done in violence/against her will, or even just "oops, dropped it and broke it", it seems like SM might have mentioned that to her friend. Or -- perhaps not, if she didn't want to spoil the wedding day mood of her friend...

Sorry for disjointed thoughts here, just musing. MOO
Didn't Andy mention something about Suzanne's phone being turned off by 8:00 am on Saturday morning? I remember being confused by that because of the communication between Suzanne and her friend about the wedding on Saturday. Her friend was said to have been diligently trying to reach her after the conversation ended abruptly. She would probably know approximately when the phone went dead.

Of course none of the details have been confirmed, so it could be that Andy spoke to several people who told him different things. It's also possible that Suzanne commuicated with more than one person on Saturday. Imo
IIRC 8pm Sat.

Her phone is a BIG problem.

Especially if it ceased pinging on Saturday at 8:30, 12:30, 2:30 or 9:30.

Because the girls were away, there was extra time for clean up, concealment, staging, and alibi building. None of which accounts for all those hours of radio silence from Suzanne.

Anyone want to guess where HIS phone pinged when HER phone stopped pinging?

That's going to be a problem. For the defense.

I agree. The phone is really a problem for BM. I am sure LE knows much more than we do. When it was on , off .....and really if it was off long before the supposed " bike ride", why isn't it home? Who takes a dead cell phone on a bike ride? That cell may well be his undoing.
If Suzanne had a "secret admirer" who was obsessed with her, wouldn't it make more sense for him to kill Barry?


Yep. The entire secret admirer thing is of course far-fetched (but vaguely hinted at by BM <modsnip>, a mountain lion, a roadside abductor). Whatever BM has decided is going to be his main story, he has managed to "terrify" the daughters out of living in the Puma Path home.
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I wonder if the communication with the wedding friend on Saturday was perhaps accomplished via a tablet or a laptop rather than a phone?

That would mean her phone ceasing to ping at a specific time would be uncoupled from her last contact with that friend.

Although -- if her phone was shut off first, and done in violence/against her will, or even just "oops, dropped it and broke it", it seems like SM might have mentioned that to her friend. Or -- perhaps not, if she didn't want to spoil the wedding day mood of her friend...

Sorry for disjointed thoughts here, just musing. MOO
Yes, we've heard several different versions concerning the time of the conversation and when it suddenly ceased.

I think at first the PE guys said they were communicating via SM or Facebook, and then later it was said they were texting by phone? I'm not sure now and I can't remember the latest details about that. Maybe it was both, at different times. They were reportedly communicating throughout the day.

At some point someone must have called her and it went straight to voicemail, which may have been the time the phone was powered down or the battery died. I think that may be what Andy was referring to when he said the phone was dead. Imo
Yep. The entire secret admirer thing is of course far-fetched (but vaguely hinted at by BM <modsnip>, a mountain lion, a roadside abductor). Whatever BM has decided is going to be his main story, he has managed to "terrify" the daughters out of living in the Puma Path home.

Speculation :
BM cannot, repeat, cannot have those girls seeing what was damaged or deliberately removed by investigators during the first or second searches !

I'm curious if there's been any interest and if the potential buyer has requested a visual inspection ?
As in here are few people who would put out the cash for a home before seeing it in person.
And if someone has been shown the property by a realtor, I'd like to know what they've observed.
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Been thinking.

There's always How Things Were Supposed To Go and How Things Went.

For example, it's possible no one went into the weekend with murder on the menu.

But let's say things escalated overnight on Friday. An escalation that threatened one person's careful construct of control. Let's say Saturday morning, that same person was desperate to change the other person's mind, perhaps the only way he knew how. Control, coercion, appeal to Christianity, appeal to guilt. Appeal to whatever worked in the past. And when none of that worked, appeal through force.

Suddenly one person has blood on his hands, symbolically or otherwise. Past the point of no return, BUT outside that perimeter, no one knows. And there's no one left INSIDE the perimeter but him. Sets to work cleaning, hiding... thinking. Still has time, no one else is home, feels he can dodge social media. Just has to think of a way for it to look Like He Didn't Do It. While it's still Saturday. Maybe he staged something on Saturday that went unnoticed and he had to up the ante for Sunday. Maybe he felt safe through Saturday so wanted Saturday to appear as business as usual. Spied around town in Salida. AS his alibi, in case she or her absence were noticed.

Because really, if he wanted an alibi that half-worked, shouldn't he have driven straight up to Broomfield on SATURDAY, to say he was working ALL weekend. A home invasion gone bad would've been more credible than a next-day bike ride.

As tragic as this all is, as much distancing as he tries to put out there, he can't steal her memory from those who hold her close.

I agree. The phone is really a problem for BM. I am sure LE knows much more than we do. When it was on , off .....and really if it was off long before the supposed " bike ride", why isn't it home? Who takes a dead cell phone on a bike ride? That cell may well be his undoing.

I agree.

If her phone went off air anytime Saturday then if she supposedly went on a bike ride Sunday and took her phone with her Sunday, then why wasnt it turned on again before the ride? Most everyone would at least turn it on to check its battery if they were taking it on a bike ride.

If she didnt take it with her where the bike was found then it should have still been at the house.

If her phone records dont make sense with the bike ride story, then the bike ride story dont make sense.
JMO of course.

Ive been following along and patiently waiting for justice in this case. I sure hope LE can get whatever evidence they need someday soon.
To me, once you prove the bike is staged, you have your murderer. There is only one person who is going to go to the trouble of staging the bike to throw off the police.

That's why BM is so upset that police botched the bike evidence...

eta: I realize that LE has to put the pieces of the puzzle together to convince a jury of this, and it takes time, especially, without a body.
If we had access to LE files, we’d see every single bit of evidence points to BM. They know without a shadow of a doubt who did this, but they only have one chance to get a conviction. Without a body, they need concrete evidence that a defense team won’t be able to explain away.

<modsnip> No one wants to believe someone you love could be capable of doing something so heinous. I rewatched the videos of Cindy Watts last night and it was like watching Cindy Anthony all over. You can tell deep down they know the truth, but they absolutely don’t want to believe they raised someone who did the unthinkable. I’m definitely not defending them, but I also couldn’t imagine being in that situation. This is just my two cents for the day. However, anyone that is still riding the fence... LM KNOW who is responsible for SM’s disappearance. This will be evident once the truth comes out.
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