Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #77

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IMO it could happen if there’s only a few bones or bone fragments, which is reported to be the case here. They don’t seem to have much to work with, so it wouldn’t have taken long. Jmo
Precisely because only a few body parts were found is the reason an autopsy is precluded from being “completed”, much less reported publicly. And yet the reserve has been opened to the public where the remainder of body parts presumably lie. Nah
He added that what gives him "pause," however, is Bertolino's statement saying the Laundries informed law enforcement on Tuesday night — a day before law enforcement discovered their son's remains discovered — of their intentions to search the park on Wednesday. Bertolino confirmed at the time that while searching areas that Brian frequented, "some articles belonging to Brian were found."
What is this suggesting?
The discrepancies between what JT of NPPD and SB have said about when LE was notified that BL had gone missing make me curious about how the FBI interfaces with local LE. What if the FBI were already in contact with the L family, and they had told them on the day BL went missing? Would the FBI automatically relay that to the NPPD? Could it be true that the NPPD didn't know (bc the FBI and the Ls hadn't told them) that BL was missing until the 17th? Some of the calls on the list of LE visits posted upthread are called "agency assists" -- maybe that's when the FBI had the NPPD go out to take care of something?
I don't recall this ever being discussed but then I haven't read everything in every single thread..

I remember it was stated here a while ago that the Reserve had trail camera's and entrance camera's.

All this time people have been upset, etc about so much time being spent at the reserve. LE/FBI stated they had good reason to be there based on good data.

I personally doubt FBI was going into Carlton based only on L's information or pleas to search. I'm starting to think BL was seen on video going into the reserve and never exiting. That is something I'd consider good data. JMO JMO JMHO
On Nancy Grace’s show today, Joe Scott Morgan said something super interesting to me. Warning. It’s a bit graphic. But idk any other way to say what he was saying. LE said they found a partial human skull. He said that the word that stands out to him the most is the word “partial.” That the human skull is robust & very very strong. Making him question how did the skull of all things end up in a “partial” state. Even considering outside elements (weather, scavengers, etc.), the skull being “partial” was very significant to him just considering how robust & strong the human skull is. Then to take into account they had enough there to get a match on the dental records was also a significant piece of info to him considering something had to have happened to leave a strong bone like the skull in a “partial” state. Idk…when he said that I was like…hmmm. It really got me thinking.. & I had not thought of it like that before. I thought it was super interesting so I thought I’d share. JMO.
I wonder did anyone bother to do a grid search UP?
Is there a rope hanging in a tree? At some point, during decomposition his body is going to drop to the surface below.
Also IIRC cadaver dogs can't "sniff up".
Really interested in what an anthropologist could come up with that a medical examiner couldn't. As far as I know they can detect a lot of things about bones that maybe a medical examiner wouldn't be specialized in.
Also curious to know how many more bones were found and if the rest of the skull were found.
Assuming at this point that no gun was involved as they would have found one by now.
Edit: as far as I know an anthropologist cannot officially determine a cause of death as they are not qualified to.

I would not be surprised with the park back open there will be sleuths searching for more evidence.
The discrepancies between what JT of NPPD and SB have said about when LE was notified that BL had gone missing make me curious about how the FBI interfaces with local LE. What if the FBI were already in contact with the L family, and they had told them on the day BL went missing? Would the FBI automatically relay that to the NPPD? Could it be true that the NPPD didn't know (bc the FBI and the Ls hadn't told them) that BL was missing until the 17th? Some of the calls on the list of LE visits posted upthread are called "agency assists" -- maybe that's when the FBI had the NPPD go out to take care of something?
I agree the “agency assist” may be an FBI request. As far as telling the FBI he was “missing”, I have several issues with that. First off, it is very well known that the FBI will never confirm or deny any such information given to them - and SB knows that. He also knew immediately just how bad it would look if his clients waited multiple days to report BL missing. Could he have made it up? I firmly believe he did but everyone can make up their own mind on that. Another issue I have is that the FBI doesn’t take missing persons reports. In fact, the trials and tribulations that Gabby’s parents went through trying to navigate where the missing report for Gabby could be filed is just a hint of how specific a missing report is as to location, residence etc. And last, telling someone in the FBI that BL had gone for a hike, may not have made that particular agent concerned. After all, if the parents were so concerned about BL’s state of mind, wouldn’t they be calling and pushing to have NPPD involved themselves?
I meant during the search...sept 17 and on, or whenever they started the massive search. jmo

There is Heli footage from during the srarch.
The link I have saved on my computer is from when there was a white LE van w light blue striped awning on that bridge. There were searchers driving vack & forth between two locations. Its the footage I based my 1st map on. Warning... its long time wise and contains several view points, N-S-E-W zooms & far away shots (great for perspective) depending on the Heli's flight path, circling etc. I dont have the date of that footage at the moment as I'm on my phone but if you look in the MAPS forum for Gabby, I'm sure you'll find it.
Tomorrow morning I'll make sure to reply to you with the link I have in case you can't find it tonight.
Grab sum food & coffee & hit the John beforehand cause its a fairly long piece of footage. :D
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