Theories: Who and Why?

"That's my gut feeling,” Rosser said. "It's an isolated area. We don't know if this is some kind of random thrill killing or an attempted abduction or a case of mistaken identity. It's possible they may have interrupted something at the bridge.”

When I was a kid, I remember interrupting a few couples engaged in "relations" out in the woods. The ones I remember were male-female couples, but has anyone considered that these girls might have interrupted a male-male couple who would rather their secret not get out?
When I was a kid, I remember interrupting a few couples engaged in "relations" out in the woods. The ones I remember were male-female couples, but has anyone considered that these girls might have interrupted a male-male couple who would rather their secret not get out?

That idea has been kicked around. At this point it seems like just about anything is possible. I just never thought we would be wondering who the murderer(s) were, 7 months later.
Originally Posted by murdershewrote
"the grandfather told everyone "They shot the girls"

Not casting any blame on the gf at all, I'm sure he went into immediate shock and people do say things that are odd at times like that...but it does seem a telling statement that, right away, he knew who shot them (whoever "they" is) or he had some sort of idea who it was. Maybe not specific people but a group in general, say druggies for example. It just seems odd rather than saying "the girls have been shot". It would be like him saying "he shot the girls", people would certainly be focusing in on that, so why this is being dismissed so easily, I dont really understand. But I'm sure he has told LE any people he might suspect, he seems to have a good, solid head on his shoulders.
This post was created in the very beginning of of case...:waitasec:
I still think there are some answers within this statement
I don't think so, just because of where taylor was shot(private area). why i think this is why would if they walked up on someone or saw something. why would she be shot there? to me, there is a reason why she was shot there. just my thinking. and they say when a person is shot that many times, it usually is family or someone they knew. they had to make sure they were dead.
When I was a kid, I remember interrupting a few couples engaged in "relations" out in the woods. The ones I remember were male-female couples, but has anyone considered that these girls might have interrupted a male-male couple who would rather their secret not get out?
I have been saying that since these girls were killed. It makes sense to me. a gay couple caught in the act...and took matters in their hands so they wouldn't be caught.
I really can't see that scenario its hust my oppinion but i beleive one of too things one is that there were to men out on an old back road drinking smoking or high on something when they seen those 2 girls maybe they stopped and tried to get them in the truck or even tried to get them to do something right there and one started yelling for there parents maybe dad,dad mom and they being paranoid just lost it and shot them with there guns knowing they had to be killed because they could identify the truck which makes me beleive its unique somehow the other scenario i think about it kinda the same idea meaning too guys just out joy riding drinking and smoking whatever came across these too girls with no one and nothing in site and judt did it for the thrill of knowing they could get away with it regardless these are some sick people and personally i think they will be caught because they will be drinking in a bar some night maybe awhile from now and they will tell there buddies all about it and one of them buddies will either have the heart to call it in or they want the reward OR someone like a bartender will over hear the conversation when these too clowns are drunk stoned whatever they do but they will spill it its just gonna take time...
I'm just trying to think this through.

A pair of men, on a remote road, in a small community, carrying guns.

Why were they there?

Were they a couple of local ne'r do wells, out there to drink, get high? It just seems that if this was the case that local LE would know that a couple of gun toting murderous druggie thugs were known to pal around. Typically small town LE know who the troublemakers are very well.

Were they not local? If so, what were they doing in that remote location? From reports here, the road is not easy to find. That doesn't seem likely to me.

Was one of them from the area originally, but had moved away long enough ago that they might not be recognized. Why did they come back to the area? To go fishing, hunting, to visit an old makeshift shooting range? Who knows for sure, but this seems like the most likely scenario to me. Someone who didn't live in the area, but was familiar with it because they once lived there, or had a family connection there.
I think it was a couple of high school boys who were out on their four wheelers target shooting in the woods and ran across the two girls, started shooting in the air to scare the girls, the girls started running and the boys kept shooting wildly and it escalated to murder.
Were they shot in the back?

IMO~ Taylor was shot first. She was shot 5x. She had no entry wounds in her back. Skyla (imo) was shot 2nd. She was shot 8x. She had entrance wounds in the front and back. I believe Skyla saw Taylor get shot and turned to flee. While fleeing, she was shot. Hence the entrance wounds to her back.

This is strictly from memory, if I am wrong, someone please correct me. :)

IMO~ Taylor was shot first. She was shot 5x. She had no entry wounds in her back. Skyla (imo) was shot 2nd. She was shot 8x. She had entrance wounds in the front and back. I believe Skyla saw Taylor get shot and turned to flee. While fleeing, she was shot. Hence the entrance wounds to her back.

This is strictly from memory, if I am wrong, someone please correct me. :)


Flossie, I believe you are correct in your assumptions.
I had a couple of theories in the beginning and abduction was not one of them. I learned some things today that have made me think it is a possibility. LE has been a visible presence in our area lately. A friend of mine talked to one that he went to school with about a different concern in our community. The officer said they were in the area because there had been some trouble and did not elaborate. My friend came across some information and called Okfuskee County Police Dept. and asked if they were looking for a certain man. They confirmed that they were trying to get him but had been unable to find him. He has been in and out of prison. My friend said he got in a fight with some teens and pulled a gun on them. He also allegedly tried to abduct a young woman at gun point. The reason he called LE was because a woman had gone to a neighbor and said she had been abducted and had just been able to get away. This man is dangerous and I am afraid he could get mad and use his guns. He may not have anything to do with this case, but this has made me think that abduction may have been the reason.
Stay safe stormie.. WOW, how scary is this? Take care of yourself and please keep us posted. Hugs, matilda
Today my friend showed me a flyer that said this man was wanted for possessing a gun while on probation and having a gun on school property. He is not a student. He and his brother went to school with my friend and he is 30. He got in a conflict with teens on the graham school grounds and pulled a gun on them. I cannot remember his last name. I tried to find a flyer while I was doing errands after work but did not find any. But I do remember what he looks like. The young woman that escaped from him said he had held her captive for a month. Of course I cannot look it up because I cannot remember how to spell his name, but my friend said it is thought he was in jail at the time of the murders. The flyer said he was armed and dangerous so we are being careful and keeping our eyes open.
It seems like there was a guy arrested right after the murders for having a gun at the school. I believe he was ruled out as a suspect. I will find a link. Maybe that is what you are thinking about.

Here is a link. Is this what you were thinking about?
Yes, I remember when that happened. That happened at the Weleetka school. This happened at the Graham school were the girls went. LE know who they are looking for but have not been able to find him. This was told to my friend when he called the police department. As I said earlier we think he was in prison at the time of the girls murders. I have not found anything. I cannot remember the spelling for sure but I think it might be Frair. He has been violent since a young age. He is armed and dangerous and it scares me to think what could happen. Thank you Claycat for your help.

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