2011.01.05 Hearing TES Volunteer Computer Subpoena

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Didn't we know about Joe Jordan months before the defense deposed him? Didn't people on here and IS trace his blogs and websites?
I don't get why Jose says he didn't know about them beforehand. Surely if he was important enough for Jose and Mason to both be there when he was deposed a little google action beforehand would have made sense thereby discovering his blogs beforehand?
I think it would have made sense for one question for all those being deposed to have been-have you posted on the internet about this case? (as is your right!!!)

Pretty much all those with RELEVANT information have kept quiet (Tony Lazzaro, Rosciano (sp)Amy, Mark Hawkins etc)

Just another example of how little Baez does and how far he is willing to go to look like an idiot.

When Burdick is interviewing Cindy, she references a deposition, and Baez says "I'd like a copy of that". I was in the sauna reading Burdick's depo of Cindy and laughed out loud at how absolutely lazy this man is. He does not mind letting the world know how much he HAS NOT DONE on this case.
I think Baez or which ever flunkies he used for his internet research did not do a thorough enough job. They obviously did not find what they needed on the forums from JJ's comments - or the information was not there because what they are asserting is in fact not true. Either way it is a lose lose situation once again for Baez.

Wonder if it is the same young women who show up in court either smirking/rolling eyes while the State speaks, or giggling and chitty chatting away while babysitting ms Casey when Jose goes to sidebar. He needs to school his interns on maturity. Wait ..... Never mind.
He stated: "what little we knew of blogs"....somehow I just don't think Cindy would have not educated JB to these sites.

But later in his comments, he stated there were "thousands" of websites!

He can't keep his lies straight. :banghead:
Granted or forgotton. Either way is OK. :)

We knew exactly what JJ had posted, and so would anyone with an ounce of sense. It wasn't like he posted under a pseudonym FGS. (I will let CM look up FGS himself.)



awww, really? I thought about playing nice and sending him the lingo list - no subpoena necessary. :D
here is the jib jab video in question
Did anyone else think when JB was talking about filing more paperwork about the reports, that he is actually going to try and go up against HJBP to get JP order removed or changed when it comes to him having to supply reports from experts to the SA office....I seems to me that JB may be planning on challenging HJBP with some case law or something, I can tell you I would not be surprised if that is what he is going to do, and I would love to see JP throw the contempt and the $500 a day on him...Do you guys think that is what JB was alluding to?
I would like to take this opportunity to thank JJ at this time for the amount of volunteer effort and time he put into looking for this child. The fact that JB brought up the recording had nothing to do with what he was asking for in his motion. Shows how disrespectful JB is of any and all TES volunteers who wanted nothing more than to help find this child. And, unfortunately afterwards, trying to avoid being "Kronked". jmo
It reminds me of a bug continuously flying into a bug zapper. Over and over and over.

Since the Defense read posts: HHJP will not allow you a trial by ambush. No trial by surprise. No fishing exepditions. PERIOD. You won't be able to complain about evidence you were denied in front of a jury. Defending your client is not about throwing spaghetti at a wall. IMO you were dealt/sought out a guilty client. Play the cards you were dealt. This crock of "anyone in the state of Florida/TES/anyone who posts on the net" could have killed Caylee is nonsense. Period. No one will buy this.

The smartest and only card you had to play, the one you were dealt (an as the HHJP reminded you on Monday to it is not the cards, but how you play said cards) was arguing that Caylee's death was accidental and not intentional. And that Caylee was under Casey's care at the time. Seriously.

By throwing all of these innocent people under the bus in a vain effort to pretend like anyone other than your client caused Caylee's demise, you are ACKNOWLEDGING that there was in fact, a murder. And not an accidental death.

I know some WS's are following my logic at least.

:) My goodness. Rant over. Again, the above is all my opinion.
Did anyone else think when JB was talking about filing more paperwork about the reports, that he is actually going to try and go up against HJBP to get JP order removed or changed when it comes to him having to supply reports from experts to the SA office....I seems to me that JB may be planning on challenging HJBP with some case law or something, I can tell you I would not be surprised if that is what he is going to do, and I would love to see JP throw the contempt and the $500 a day on him...Do you guys think that is what JB was alluding to?

It wouldn't surprise me in the least.

I think JB and CM are both willing to do literally ANYTHING to keep this from going to trial in May. jmho
Baez and Co. have got nothing, nothing and so we see these pointless motions filed one after the other. You only have to go back to the video of Casey on the day she was arrested for murder (will Worldaccording come in with a link? :) ) and the FBI agent flat out told her "we have more than that, we have a lot". It begins and ends right there. The state have more than enough.

Wait till the jury sees the pictures (AND THEY ARE COMING IN) of KC dancing at Fusion on June 20th. That should put her in solid with them. Way back during the Punic Wars, I was at the beach with my 8 year old son, and for a minute I could not find him and for 30 seconds I was on the verge of a heart attack - found him in the surf. But it was something I will never forget and never wanted to feel again. The Fusion pictures are coming in.

Also, I know this was discussed somewhere, but in the last 911 call when Cindy is falling apart, she is asked to put KC on the phone and Cindy says they want to talk to you and KC replies I don't have anything to talk to them about.

And lets not forget that KC, according to Cindy, is giving them "clues" to finding Caylee and once she gets out, she can help them look.

She is "allowed" to give clues, but not tell anything. This is okay with the kidnappers and even after THEY KILL Caylee, she says nothing. Not even the murder of her child will make her give up the kidnappers. What a trooper.

This jury is going to look at this case and in the end they are going to have sympathy for Cindy and George, because they will be cryin, but at the same time, they will be insulted by the lies they have tried to pass on to the detectives and the public. My opinion.
so i'm confused. Did JB say that during the deposition JJ had a picture that was about 30 feet away from where Caylee's remains were found? Is the recording available for review yet?
Did anyone else think when JB was talking about filing more paperwork about the reports, that he is actually going to try and go up against HJBP to get JP order removed or changed when it comes to him having to supply reports from experts to the SA office....I seems to me that JB may be planning on challenging HJBP with some case law or something, I can tell you I would not be surprised if that is what he is going to do, and I would love to see JP throw the contempt and the $500 a day on him...Do you guys think that is what JB was alluding to?

I think he was definitely alluding to some "problems" with getting the reports. I'd be interested to see Baez push Judge Perry a little further. Maybe Baez thinks he is setting Judge Perry up for a fall? Maybe Baez will try to show in the future he was discriminated against by Judge Perry.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least.

I think JB and CM are both willing to do literally ANYTHING to keep this from going to trial in May. jmho

They can try all they want, but they have a sociopath for a client and she is not going to admit this. She has it in her brain that since no one saw me do it, no one can say I did.
Regarding the hysterical last few minutes of the hearing, Defense Expert Richard Hornsby helped us with this matter, last year. I do think Jose remains horribly in over his head on this topic.
Here is an old post.

Pandora's Box..Casey Anthony's expert defense witness list


The World According to Julia
You just can't make this stuff up! Join Date: Mar 2009

Richard Hornsby says:
December 29, 2009 at 10:38 am


...the problem an expert witness list creates for Baez is two-fold.

1. It requires your experts to finally give their opinion – and an opinion is no good unless is supports your theory. If their opinion does not support your theory, you don’t list them.
2. It allows the State to inquire into how they are getting paid, by whom, and financial arrangements they have made, and media rights they have negotiated, etc. And if the experts are doing this “pro bono” the State can then go into ulterior reasons they agreed to work on the case – books that are coming out, etc.

3. Finally, when the State deposes an expert (or any attorney deposes the other sides’ expert) the opponent has to pay the expert what the expert charges the hiring attorney. So if these experts are not charging Baez, they are not allowed to charge the State.

Basically the witness list opens Pandora’s Financial Box for Mr. Baez."http://blog.richardhornsby.com/2009/...time/#comments

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This is what I have been waiting for, the finances to be truly examined!!!
Richard Horsby was calling for a thorough investigation from jump! I am glad the judge is holding a hearing, at least on the experts and the money!! Here is what Mr. Hornsby opined many, many months ago in an interview with Steph.------------------------------------------------------------

Richard Hornsby: "Let me correct you Steph, the media has reported that Jose Baez will be paid 15K by the state. He will not.Regarding her being declared indigent for costs. Jose Baez will not be paid ANY MONEY, he is not court appointed. A private, retained attorney that tries to have his client declared indigent does not get paid for representation. The state will pick up costs for expenses such as investigations, expert witnesses, things other than attorney fees."

Host: What about the money that has already been paid out, over a hundred thousand?

RH: "There are two Affidavits have to be filled out to request your client be declared indigent, an affidavit for status of finances right now, second is an affidavit regarding the lawyer to say how much they have been paid and where that money came from.

If Baez has a financial conflict of interest, if he was somehow deceptive, if he made a profit off of the money and brokered all these deals, and meanwhile has pinched pennies on handling her expenses, if he somehow was deceptive about how he handled her money,it is a problem. He could absolutely be disbarred.It is very clear how he drafted the affidavit he had Casey sign was CLEARLY prepared to protect himself and protect the third party. Baez did not want to declare her indigent because it would have let the cat out of the bag, of who had paid that money. If Baez has mismanaged her money,if there is a conflict of interest, that is the real issue. Jose Baez may have to step down in this case."


RH "Andrea Lyon knows that she cannot properly defend Casey while they are pinching pennies, so she likely forced his hand to declare her indigent."

"Jose has brokered all the deals and that creates a conflict of interest. He wasn't let in by the Florida bar for several years because he couldn't manage his money". He makes a profit off of how much he doesn't spend on other people, and if you notice he had all these people on the case pro bono,that is more he can keep for himself, it just seems so blatant! If this information comes to light, it could be a big problem. Understand, the only person who can complain about this is Casey Anthony, unless it comes out in the hearing.

RH" The concern is Casey will bring up this money mismanagement on appeal, for sure , she will say he pinched pennies, he tried to save money for himself, he delayed my trial, he did a bad job,because he was trying to cover his own butt."Host : You lose a lot of business when you have a high profile client?

RH: " If Jose Baez would have handled this case right, it could have been the most lucrative case for him. When it first came out I had clients s coming to me, because he was quoting them astronomical fees. This could have been a gold mine for him. What has hurt him is he has become a clown, legal clown. He can't even get the margins right on his documents."__________________

RH: "He could be disbarred, if he wasn't using this money in Casey's best interest, if he didn't have her money in a trust account, if he was co-mingling the money, if he brokered these deals and managed her money yes, he absolutely could be disbarred."

RH " You cannot sell your clients rights, you cannot sell even yours, you cannot sell her media publication rights. It would be a conflict of interest. He cannot broker the deal and then manage the money. The only way it would have been anywhere close to ethical and within the rules would be if he got a sep. lawyer to come in and broker the deal and manage her money."

Host " The grandparents could get paid and then give the money to the defense, right?"

RH " That did not happen. The grandparents did not get paid these amounts. They have been deposed. They have been asked under oath how Jose Baez is being paid. They said they do not know. They denied it under oath. It was Casey Anthony or Jose Baez. If he brokered these deals it is unethical, it is against the rules.

The March 25th hearing was sealed. SOME MEDIA OUTLET NEEDS FILE A MOTION TO REQUEST THAT BE UNSEALED BECAUSE NOW THAT THE STATE IS GOING TO PAY, THE PUBLIC HAS THE RIGHT TO KNOW. (Mr. Hornsby is speaking of the time they all went into a side room with the judge for five minutes where Casey and Baez explained the source of the money.) That was sealed because they didn't want to disclose to the public how he was being paid.

Jose Baez hasn't spent money doing many depositions or anything else in the case. He has totally mismanaged this case from day one. Nothing at all was getting done until Andrea Lyon came into the case, nothing. Think about it, the less money he spends, the more money he makes."

RH "She was only in three places, jail ,home confinement and his office, so it had to happen on his watch. We do not have to speculate.

THE J A C , they manage all the state funds, they attend all the hearings, are going to look into this in a perfunctory way, as usual, normally they appear by phone .They are not going to know the background of this case. So, unless someone brings them up to speed, they are not going to be well informed about these issues, they wont know that Baez had a secret hearing that was sealed. They aren't going to know Jose Baez has all of these financial problems. Unless Judge Strickland wants to take the bull by its horn and bust this open for them, all they will see is the paperwork and maybe it will get past them."

RH "As a taxpayer it really makes me mad." __________________
In the hearing in video ( below) Mr. Ashton alerts the court that the witness that the defense had flown in, he objected to; because, of a number of things, first of all her name was not even on the witness list, until a couple of days before the hearing!!! Of course they had not had time to look at her work or depose her. Is this what they are going to try by not listing the experts until the very last minute, or after the drop dead date the judge ordered?

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=5840483&postcount=2"]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Defense Motion to Seal Penalty Phase Discovery Documents[/ame]

He is the proverbial sloth. He got this case and proceeded to make himself look like an idiot when he examined Yuri Melich at the Bond Hearing. Why he was rude to him, I do not know. Melich is a detective doing his job.

The only thing Baez has done on this case is gain weight, get a new haircut and make sure his suits are ready for Court. Now the procrastination and sloppy lawyering is coming to fruition and he is being called to task and sanctioned. He will be sanctioned again as Perry said we may have to go to the 500 a day if things are not done (not verbatim) and Baez, stupidly shook his head, as if in shock.

I can see Cindy and George, especially George, hiring a civil lawyer to sue Baez for ineffectual representation when this is over. I know Cindy heard that part of Perry's parting words yesterday.

IMO, Baez is incredibly rude to almost everyone he comes up against. Even in today's hearing, he brought up felony and felonious whenever he got the chance, like anyone has forgotten when he was in court with another motion to get JJ's tape saying no one on the defense had a problem with JJ taping it. He also made a snide comment about JJ trying to get in the way of the defense (forgot his exact words) and I was really glad to see the other attorney stand up and call him on it. It's like he can't get up and plead anything with the court without taking potshots at the court, the State, LE, random civilian witnesses, etc.

IMO, this all goes to their 'victim' strategy, how everyone is out to get their poor, innocent client, which is all well and good pre-trial, but I don't think is going to fly when the actual trial starts. It seems to me if Baez and/or Mason continue in trial to throw out unsubstantiated accusations against any and everyone with the slightest involvement in this case, they might both get contempt and get thrown in a cell.
Did anyone else think when JB was talking about filing more paperwork about the reports, that he is actually going to try and go up against HJBP to get JP order removed or changed when it comes to him having to supply reports from experts to the SA office....I seems to me that JB may be planning on challenging HJBP with some case law or something, I can tell you I would not be surprised if that is what he is going to do, and I would love to see JP throw the contempt and the $500 a day on him...Do you guys think that is what JB was alluding to?

JB was very hesitant about confirming that the expert reports would be prepared on time, and I felt he was waffling way to much. I would not be a bit surprised if he tries to challange the deadline once again with some lame excuse why he doesn't have them.
Did anyone else think when JB was talking about filing more paperwork about the reports, that he is actually going to try and go up against HJBP to get JP order removed or changed when it comes to him having to supply reports from experts to the SA office....I seems to me that JB may be planning on challenging HJBP with some case law or something, I can tell you I would not be surprised if that is what he is going to do, and I would love to see JP throw the contempt and the $500 a day on him...Do you guys think that is what JB was alluding to?

You could be right. I will have to listen to it again. I thought JB was saying he plans to file more motions. lol Either way it did not appear to go over too well.
so i'm confused. Did JB say that during the deposition JJ had a picture that was about 30 feet away from where Caylee's remains were found? Is the recording available for review yet?

No, he wasn't brave enough to say something that ridiculous - JB asked JJ to pinpoint on a map where he searched on Suburban Drive and JJ pointed to a spot that was 24 feet from where Caylee's remains were found. And JB suggested JJ did take pictures while he was there but he's never seen them and never heard JJ admit he did take them

But he could have, y'know?
What in the world was up with Cheney Mason in today's hearing? The post about Weekend at Bernie's was pretty accurate! He sat in the same position, hand up to his mouth, turned sideways, slouching and didn't move. It appeared to me that at least twice JB turned to him as if to ask for help or get some input from him and he didn't even acknowledge him. It was bizarre to say the least!

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