GUILTY FL - Abraham Shakespeare, 42, lottery winner, Polk County, 7 April 2009 #8

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Sep 13, 2003
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Here is a brief recap of the Abraham Shakespeare Case. Thank you ACandyRose for your help in putting this together for us.

Abraham Shakespeare won $31 million in 2006 Florida Lotto. The 43-year-old was last seen in the Lakeland area in early April 2009 but wasn't reported missing until November 9, 2009. The Polk County Sheriff's Department began investigating.

By January 2010, Dorice "Dee Dee" Moore was listed as a person of Interest by the Polk County Florida Sheriff's Department. Reports were that Dee Dee Moore was text messaging Abraham's family on the guise that it was Abraham.

Then on January 26, 2010, Abraham Shakespears body was found buried in the back yard of 5802 State Rd 60 in Plant City, Florida, a home owned by Dee Dee Moore's boyfriend, Shar Krasniqi. In the Probable Cause Affidavit of 02/19/2010 (Page 17), "Ms. Moore further advised that the victim had been killed in her office and pointed to the residence located at 5732 Highway 60, which is located directly to the west of the residence where the victim's body is buried.

Dorice "Dee Dee" Moore was arrested on 02/02/2010 for Accessory after the fact / First Degree Murder, in the death of Abraham Shakespeare in Hillsborough County, Florida. On 02/19/2010 a Probable Cause Affidavit was issued and Dorice Moore was charged with First Degree Murder.

Dorice Moore is currently in the Hillsborough County Jail since her arrest 02/02/2010. She is charged with CAPITAL MURDER in the death of Abraham Shakespeare. (Case Number: 10-CF-001733). She is being held without bond. A court appearance was scheduled 05/10/2010 but Dee Dee Moore waived the court appearance. Currently, the Hillsborough County court docket shows a scheduled disposition hearing for 07/08/2010 at 9:00am before Judge Daniel M. Sleet.

Dorice Moore was also arrested 03/03/2010 on a Wiretapping (Interception of Wire or Oral Communication) charge (Case Number: 10-CF-003449), Hillsborough County, Florida. The Hillsborough County court docket shows a scheduled disposition hearing for 07/08/2010 at 9:00am before Judge Daniel M. Sleet.

Troy McKay Young, a Lakeland Police Officer was arrested 01/25/2010 in Polk County, Florida and charged with "Unlawful Compensation and Misuse of Confidential information." (Case # 532010CF0003940000XX). Troy McKay Young reportedly provided Dee Dee Moore with information obtained through law enforcement data bases and information on identities of vehicle owners on tags Dee Dee Moore provided. The Polk County court docket shows a hearing scheduled for Tuesday, 05/18/2010

I am going to give this discussion one more chance. I mistakenly let everyone post away to their hearts content and it turned into a free for all.

From now on our Terms of Service will apply to this thread. Read our TOS here:

BUT, let me remind you of a few things that are black and white on Websleuths:

1-You cannot attack a poster.
I don't care what this person has said about you in the past. I don't care what they said about you somewhere else. You can only attack what is written in the post and you can only do so in a mature and dignified manner.

2-No name calling.
Calling someone a liar is name calling. You can't accuse someone of something without proof to back it up.

If you do respond you will be either timed out or banned.

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Hit the alert button, the red triangle in the upper right hand top of the post, and alert us to any posts that violate TOS. That is the best thing you can do to help us keep the forum under control.

If the name calling and accusations do not stop then people will be immediately banned for life. If that doesn't help then I"ll shut the thread down.

I mean it. Don't think because someone accused you of something on the old threads that you can pick up right here and start off again because you can't.

I won't be putting the pictures back up of the house. So that issue is now a non-issue.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Here is a post from (one of the moderators of this thread) which he posted right before the last thread was pulled. I'm putting it here because I don't think many of you saw it.

Good evening, folks. I've been tied up with real life, so to save time I'm going to address a number of questions and concerns all together here, in this post, on the thread, so that everyone can benefit - and so I only have to go through it once.

First, some general advice. We on the staff always happy to discuss things with you. However - and this does not only apply here at WS but in the world in general - don't ask for something you don't want. If you say we can go ahead and ban you if you don't get things your way, we may fulfill your expectations and ban you. If you say you know we won't do anything about a situation, we may fulfill your expectations by not doing anything. In either case you have no reason to complain about the outcome, because it was your idea.

Now then.

We are here to discuss crimes, among other things. We may not know exactly what crimes were committed against Abraham, but without a doubt he is a crime victim. He was living his life without bothering anyone, and because he came in to money his money was stolen from him by various means, he was killed and his body was hidden, and his family is left with a big empty hole where this man once was. Meanwhile, various people are running around with various bits and pieces of what was his and should now be in the hands of his family, but is not.

Those are the facts, and they are not in dispute.

If you want to discuss the particulars of this crime, including scouring public records to try to determine who can be shown to have ended up with Abraham's things, that's fine. If you knew Abraham, had dealings with him, or had dealings with people that have been identified, that's fine. But under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to direct your comments at EACH OTHER and/or try to settle your disputes here on the board. That's not what we do here, but despite repeated warnings it keeps happening. The thread has been yanked for the last time, next time the posters who cannot follow the rules will go. It's only fair to everyone else.

Furthermore, the moderators here are not going to judge the merits of anyone's claims and establish an official position that everyone must follow. Again, that's not what we do here. Either side of any argument can be made, although we do all have to use the same facts.

Argue your case, not with the other posters.

I assume this is clear now.
Quoted from above":

"Troy McKay Young, a Lakeland Police Officer was arrested 01/25/2010 in Polk County, Florida and charged with "Unlawful Compensation and Misuse of Confidential information." (Case # 532010CF0003940000XX). Troy McKay Young reportedly provided Dee Dee Moore with information obtained through law enforcement data bases and information on identities of vehicle owners on tags Dee Dee Moore provided. The Polk County court docket shows a hearing scheduled for Tuesday, 05/18/2010".
Troy Young was also the officer who accompanied Dorice Moore to the bank to open Abraham's safety deposit box at her request as per the probable cause statement. This was a result of a previous Judgement a law firm had against Abraham, I believe it was for their services in the lottery ticket defense. Dorice Moore managed to get herself substituted for the Plaintiff in that case.
There are 40 pages of discovery in Troy Young's file at the clerk's office. I will be checking them out next Friday. I am hoping his hearing will also bring to light what was in the safety deposit box. I will be trying to get the previous file on the Judgement that allowed her to open that box to see if there was an inventory of what was in it.

Thank you, Trisha for bring the thread back.
YAY!! Thank you Trisha!! :woohoo:

I was starting to worry.

Hopefully there will be more arrests in this case soon. I remember the case in Sarasota The Sheila Ballush murder. They knew who was ultimately responsible, her millionaire ex-husband in Texas, but it took like two years to finally get him and make it stick.

Link to story on that:

I have a lot of faith in LE. Besides there are at least two agencies working on it now.

Hear that Stitzel? How about you JK and SK? You are done.

New alert......reunion...sunday night 6pm (before survivor).....i will bring chips and more food...we all need to know we r here...
ok, I think I'm having a stupid moment
I've been following this case from the very beginning but I simply don't remember anything about the wiretapping charge?
I must have missed a few days/posts in a row or something

off to dig ...
ok, I think I'm having a stupid moment
I've been following this case from the very beginning but I simply don't remember anything about the wiretapping charge?
I must have missed a few days/posts in a row or something

off to dig ...

LOL! Nawww LadyL, so much going on, it's easy to miss something.
LOL! Nawww LadyL, so much going on, it's easy to miss something.

(-; ty for that vote of confidence

I found it on the Ledger website ... didn't give much in the way of details so off I go to search some more!
WOW!!! I've been checking daily for the thread to reappear. Thank you Tricia for getting us back up and running. :woohoo:

Is everyone present and accounted for?? I dont even remember where we left off.

Time to start anew!
The link above is to the wiretapping case.

Below is a link to the article about the wiretapping. As a previous poster pointed out, the recording was done in a park where one does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy and therefore, how well that charge will stick has yet to be determined:

The link below is for the murder case:

The link below provides a link to the probable cause affidavit for murder. I tried linking to the actual document, but it wanted to load on this page and took forever, so this is the two step way to get there:
As per the Probable Cause Affidavit:
Although Abraham won $31 million in the Florida lottery, he elected the lump sum payout and collected approximately $12.7 million after taxes. Between the time he won the lotto and he met Dorice Moore in the latter part of 2008, Abraham had spent, gave away, or loaned the majority of his winnings and was left with approximately $1.5 million in cash and approximately $3 million in assets. Within 4 months of meeting Abraham, Dorice had secured control over approximately $3.5 million of the victims remaining assets, including cash, real property, and outstanding debt owed to Shakespeare.
In December 2008, Abraham liquidated an annuities account worth approximately $250,000. In January 2009, this money was transferred to the business account of American Medical Professionals, a business owned by Dorice Moore since 2004. In her interviews, Ms. Moore stated this money was provided to her for the purposes of paying taxes on behalf of Abraham. This money was tracked to several recipients, including Ms. Moore's boyfriend, Shar Krasniqi, and Real Time Services, American Medical Proessionals' payroll and accounting service. Additionally, a review of bank statements of American Medical Professionals and accounts related to Dorice Moore has shown that Moore utilized the American Medical Professionals checking account as her primary account, including personal charges. Any personal accounts of Dorice Moore that have been located have minimal activity. The investigation has not reveealed any records of these funds having been used to pay any tax debt of Abraham.
Now this is not a word for word quote, but it is pretty darn close. The woman's name is Dorice, not Deedee. I have yet to see any legal name change for her. Her marriage license states her name is Dorice. She would have had to provide ID for that. So for me, Dorice is her name.
The criminal probable cause affidavit clearly states that the money went into the account of American Medical Professionals, a business Dorice has owned since 2004. That is the LLC company. I have yet to see a retraction or a correction from the Sheriff's Department. They even say the money was traced to her payroll company.
I am looking forward to their releasing the Discovery documents to the public and I am hoping they include the bank statements and the reports that traced this money into each account. It would appear from the affidavit that Dorice Moore defrauded Abraham of this money and used it for her boyfriend and her business, American Medical Professionals, LLC, payroll service.
They say there was $1.5 million in cash = $1,500,000.
On page 4 of the affidavit, it goes on with more cash leaving Abraham and going under Dorice's control.
On Feb. 5, 2009, a faxed request form for surrender of the Prudential Annuities Account in the name of Abraham Shakespeare, purportedly with Shakespeare's signature, was faxed from Staples in Lakeland, Florida. The surrender form requested the full amount contained in the account, $1,095 million (=$1,095,000) to be paid in the form of a check made payable to Abraham Shakespeare and sent via mail to his address.
On Feb. 9, 2009, Ms. Moore registerd the business Abraham Shakespeare, LLC, with the Department of State, Division of Corporations, where she is listed as the registered agent and director.
On Feb. 10, 2009, Ms. Moore opened an account at Bank of America in the name of Abraham Shakespeare, LLC with $100 cash. Ms. Moore was the only signor on the account at that time.
On Feb. 11, 2009, Dorice Moore provided the bank Articles of Incorporation along with papers purporting to be "meeting minutes" of the "board" of Abraham Shakespeare, LLC. Contained among the meeting minutes were minutes of a "meeting" which was purported to be "attended" by Dorice Moore, Judith Haggins, and Abraham Shakespeare. The document discussion was about adding Abraham Shakespeare's name as an authorized signer. Furhter, the $1.095 million check from Abraham's Prudential Annuities account was then deposited into the Bank of America account in the name of Abraham Shakespeare, LLC...
No activity occurred in the Bank of America account until Feb. 17, 2009, when the bank was again provided with "meeting minutes" of Abraham Shakespeare, LLC, by Dorice Moore. Ms. Moore was the only person listed in attendance. These "minutes" describe the purported discovery of "criminal activity" on the part of Shakespeare, which may result in criminal charges. Ms. Moore directed Bank of America, consistent with the information within the meeting minutes, to remove Abraham Shakespeare as an authorized signatory on the Abraham Shakespeare LLC account. Bank of America complied with Dorice Moore's directive and removed Abraham as an authorized signatory to this account. As a result of Dorice Moore's directives, Abraham Shakespeare no longer had access to the $1.095 million that he transferred into the account six days earlier.
From Feb. 10 to Feb. 17, 2009, the account shows no activity.
On Feb. 18, 2009, a cashiers check for $250,000 was drawn on Abraham Shakespear LLC account and was made payable to ASTAT which was deposited in to a Navy Federal Union account. ASTAT and Supply, LLC was a business registed with the Department of State Division of Corporation and was reinstated as an active corporation on Oct. 15, 2008. Shar Krasniqi was listed as CEO. Addionally, the account holder of the Navy Federal Credit Union account is Shar Krasniqi.
Further, on Feb. 18, 2009, a cashiers check for the sum of $250,000 was drawn on the Abraham Shakespeare LLC Account made payable to the IRS. This check was endorsed by D. Moore. Notated on the check, in the endorsement section, were the hand written words "not needed for intended purpose". This $250,000 check is then deposited into the business account of American Medical Professionals LLC. By the use of the endorsement "not needed for intended purpose" Dorice Moore was able to divert the sum of $250,000 from its intended purpose to her own control and benefit.
On Feb. 19 and Feb. 23, 2009, cashiers check for $200,000 and $250,000 respectively, were drawn on the account of Abraham Shakespear, LLC and were made payable to American Medical Professionals.
During the month of Feb. 2009, Judy Haggins and D. Howard Stitzel received approximately $20,000 each from the account of Abraham Shakespeare, LLC.
An electronic debit check made payable to the IRS in the amount of $30,000 was issued from the same account.
The balance of the Abraham Shakespear LLC account as of Feb. 28, 2009 was $44,296.
Transactions from the Abraham Shakespeare LLC, Bank of America account show funds were transferred to the account of American Medical Professionals (Dorice Moore), ASTAT and Supply (Shar Krasniqi) just 2 months before the purchase of a residence located at 5802 Hwy 60 East for approximately $253,000 in April 2009, titled to Shar Krasniqi,. Richard Land, the former owner of the property, stated to detectives that Dorice Moore paid him with a check from the account of American Medical Professionals.
If my numbers are correct from the information from the affidavit, Dorice owned both American Medical Professional companies at this time. $500,000 is associated with AMP, LLC and another $450,000 to AMP without the suffix. So Dorice transferred $950,000 of Abraham's money to her own companies. She transferred another $250,000 from Abraham's account to Shar's company.
This is just the cash portion. Dorice also transferred the property loans over to herself. Those were the people she was complaining would not pay up on their loans.
I cannot see anything that either Dorice or Shar did for Abraham to earn that money. In my opinion, these are the money amounts that Dorice and Shar and their companies took from Abraham, and these are the money amounts that Dorice and Shar and both their companies should be forced to pay back to Abraham's family, plus interest. Shar turned over the Corvette, but he also needs to Quit Claim the tan house with all it's improvements over to Abraham's estate, IMO. The assignments should be reassigned to Abraham's estate as well.
I was looking at another aspect of this case, can the corporation be held liable for criminal activity, and I found the link above. Since the money was funneled through at least two, if not more, corporations, it would seem there may be laws that could be used to prosecute the corporations and the agents of the corporations as well. The link above discusses corporate liability and the different crimes a corporation and their agents can be charged with.
There are other threads here that have verified lawyers posting. How can we go about getting our thread a verified lawyer?
If my numbers are correct from the information from the affidavit, Dorice owned both American Medical Professional companies at this time. $500,000 is associated with AMP, LLC and another $450,000 to AMP without the suffix. So Dorice transferred $950,000 of Abraham's money to her own companies. She transferred another $250,000 from Abraham's account to Shar's company.
This is just the cash portion. Dorice also transferred the property loans over to herself. Those were the people she was complaining would not pay up on their loans.
I cannot see anything that either Dorice or Shar did for Abraham to earn that money. In my opinion, these are the money amounts that Dorice and Shar and their companies took from Abraham, and these are the money amounts that Dorice and Shar and both their companies should be forced to pay back to Abraham's family, plus interest. Shar turned over the Corvette, but he also needs to Quit Claim the tan house with all it's improvements over to Abraham's estate, IMO. The assignments should be reassigned to Abraham's estate as well.

What about the million dollars that was in the trust fund that she liquidated after she had AS removed as a signor? Also, I would assume all assignments would have to be reversed since they were STOLEN from him and she didn't purchase them. I hope the family is going after all that as well!
What about the million dollars that was in the trust fund that she liquidated after she had AS removed as a signor? Also, I would assume all assignments would have to be reversed since they were STOLEN from him and she didn't purchase them. I hope the family is going after all that as well!

Nevermind. I missed it in your prior post. Sorry! (its late LOL)
I am very interested in the legal liability of the corporations that Abraham's money has been funnelled through and if the liability extends beyond Dorice's ownership. I found an attorney on another thread who was willing to answer my question and who gave his permission for me to post the answer. So here is what I found out:

Originally Posted by Susan1
I am coming over from the Abraham Shakepeare thread where we don't have any lawyers.
Dorice Moore took about $950,000 of Abraham's money and funnelled it through her company, American Medical Professionals. She then allegedly murdered Abraham. Months later, she either gave or sold her corporation to another woman.
What I wanted to know is if the corporation is responsible for damages and if the new owner would assume that liability since it is still the same corporation.
I don't know if you can help us or not, but it is not personal legal advice, it is for this case.
Thanks for responding to me. I wasn't sure if anyone would.
You are more than welcome to come on over to our thread and join us as well. I'm sure the posters over there would love to hear what you had to say.

11:04 PM AZlawyer
Oh, sorry! I just have to be careful that I'm giving "information" and not "advice."

Here's how it would work: Abraham's estate would sue DM, and get a judgment against her for the theft. Then they could take whatever assets she had (including whatever $ she got from selling the corp) to collect on the judgment. If she "gave away" the corp, the transfer could likely be set aside as a fraud--I don't know the facts, but giving away a corp that just received $950,000 sounds like a fraud to me--and the $ could be returned to the estate that way. If it is necessary to set aside the sale, the corporation and perhaps the new owner would have to be named as defendant(s) at that point.

Please feel free to post this on whichever thread you think is appropriate. And if you guys have legal questions in the future on that case, PM me.

Thank you, AZlawyer, for your assistance. I hope that you will come and join us here as well. We've had many legal questions along the way and the more legal experts we can get the better. I appreciate your help.
AZLawyer, I hope you do come to visit us because I do have another question for you. Dorice has been charged with both murder and wiretapping. We had another poster look up the law and it would seem to exclude tape recording conversations in a public place where you have no reasonable expectation of privacy. It is our understanding from what we read in the Ledger that the tape recording was done in a park. If what we are reading is correct, I don't see how that charge can stand, and yet it has not been dismissed so I think we must be missing something.
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