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Index of Questions to Kaine from Media July 15/16 2010

Index of Oregonian Questions

Q. Kaine, did you know the landscaper who was involved in the alleged murder-for-hire plot? Did you ever meet him?

Q: What are you reactions to this week's developments in court documents, which said Terri Horman had struck up a relationship with Kaine's high school friend, Michael Cook, and was sexting him days after you moved out and filed for divorce?

Q: What were the "red flags" or warning signs that Desiree Young thought she may have missed prior to Kyron's disappearance? Desiree told the Today Show that Kyron seemed increasingly unhappy when he left their home after his visits with the Youngs. Kaine, did you see any warning signs and if so what?

Q: While you have said your marriage suffered after Baby K's birth and Terri's post-partum depression, was there any talk of separating or divorce before Kyron disappeared?

Q: Can you describe how Terri Horman handled the polygraph requests? I believe you have said to others that Terri walked out of a second polygraph, and then waited about 10 days before taking a third? Can you clarify this for us?

Q: Kaine, when are you planning to return to work?

Q: How is Baby K doing? What have you told Baby K about why she can't see her mom? Have Terri's parents seen Baby K or will they be able to and if so under what circumstances?

Q:Kaine, how is the rest of your family handling the situation?

Q: What is your reaction to Terri's attorney's characterization of the "witchhunt" aimed at his client?

Q: You have said in the past that you believe someone else may have been involved , aside from Terri, in Kyron's disappearance? What leads you to believe this and do you still hold those feelings?

Q: Do you expect to open your home, once you're back in it, for a more thorough search of it by law enforcement? Do you know if they've combed through the house carefully, with a dog?

Index of KPTV Fox 12 Questions

FOX 12: Kaine, we know that you are trying to fast track the process of Terri moving out of your house, can you explain why and what you want the judge to know about why it's important for you right now?

FOX 12: Kaine, what are your feelings about what came out in the restraining order documents this week about Michael Cook's involvement with Terri? His friend tells us that she believes he was trying to play along with Terri's advances in hopes of getting information about Kyron. Do you think there's any truth to that?

FOX 12: Desiree, Kaine and Tony -- all three of you are becoming more and more vocal about the fact that you think Terri is lying and that she's behind Kyron's disappearance. How do you think she might be reacting to that? Do you think it's pushing her to start cooperating with police?

FOX 12: You've all said recently that you think someone else besides Terri may have been involved in Kyron's disappearance. Do you have any theories about who that may be?

Index of KOIN Questions (Set 1)

Do you believe Michael Cook could be called to court?

Did you have any concerns about Michael Cook before?

What's your focus?

Should Terri be arrested?

Index of KOIN Questions (Set 2)

KOIN: How did Kaine meet Terri?

Q: Did Terri care for Kyron when he was a baby?

Q: How are you holding up?

Q: Have you gone back to work?

Q: Describe how life is without Kyron.

Q: Why do you think Terri is involved in Kyron’s disappearance?

Q: Do you believe that Michael Cook could be called to court for his alleged role?

Q: Did you have any serious concerns about Cook before the allegations came forward?

Q: Is there anything the public should know at this point? Any kind words about Kyron?

Q: Has Kaine ever heard of [the alleged landscaper hired by Terri Horman to kill Kaine]? Has he ever seen him on his property?

Q: When would you like to be back home?

Q: Do you feel safe?

Q: Should Terri be arrested

Q: What's your response to the allegations Terri had an inappropriate relationship with Michael Cook?

Q: What do you think Michael was going to do with the information about your current address?

Q: Have you been told where Terri will be staying after she moves out of the house?

Q: With Terri out of the home, do you still feel like there is a threat to you and Baby K? Do Desiree and Tony feel there is a threat to them?

Q: A number of people in the public have written us asking for an explanation as to why Kyron was living with Kaine and only visiting Desiree (as it were). Would you feel comfortable giving a brief response?

Q: Can you please, both Desiree and Kaine, explain why you believe Kyron is alive? Have investigators given you specific reason to believe so?

Q: What are you doing to prepare the home for Kyron’s return and Baby K’s well being?

Q: Do you foresee another busy week with investigators?

Q: Regarding Terri and the polygraphs; can you walk us through her response to the request to even take the test and her reactions to both polygraph sessions?

Index of KATU Questions

KATU: Can you share with us the nature of the settlement between Kaine and Terri as far as when Terri is to move out and when Kaine can move back in? Does the settlement include any financial help for Terri?

KATU: Kaine, does Terri still have access to your shared bank accounts, credit cards, etc? Or do you have some kind of financial restraining order in place as well?

KATU: When is the next scheduled on camera media interviews with Desiree and Kaine?

KATU: What sort of emotional stressors developed for Terri Horman since Kaine and Terri married, leading up to your belief that she was involved in Kyron’s disappearance?

KATU: Why are you still wearing your wedding ring?

KATU: Kaine, why did you and Terri switch cars the day Kyron disappeared? Did you typically drive the white truck, and Terri the red mustang? Did she request to have the truck that day?

KATU: Do you believe authorities are close to making an arrest?

KATU: Can you confirm that Terri walked out of the 2nd or 3rd polygraph tests?

KATU: Was Terri bi-polar, either diagnosed or not? Was she on medication at any point for mental health issues?

KATU: Kaine, do you know if Terri is in Roseburg right now? Thank you again for all your help.
White truck transciption

Kaine Horman & Desiree Young 8/27 pt.2


Chit chat from reporter in the beginning not included. Only what's needed from her for context.

Reporter: Potentially one person in the truck... three people... the white truck, Terri's truck... can you talk...

Desiree: (interrupts) Kaine's truck (laughs)

Reporter: a little bit about that...

Reporter: Kaine's truck. I'm sorry... What are your thoughts on that new information? Do you feel as though Dede was in that truck?

Desiree: (interrupts) It just makes me feel stronger that, that there were people helping her... that Kyron saw it all and was involved and that there were other people helping her... which is what we suspected.

Reporter: So because... but do you believe that a man was spotted? I mean again, these are witness accounts, and I don't know how much information that you've been privy to about what the, what is the likeliest scenario?

Desiree: Well first of all, why would Kyron even be outside the school? Why would he even be near a truck with somebody else in it?

You know. I mean it's significant in a huge way to the case. If the timeline played out the way that it supposedly did? That contradicts that completely.

So I mean, other than that (shrugs), that's how significant it was to me.

Reporter: How authentic do you think that witness is? I mean how...

Desiree: (interrupts, shifts eyes to side) Very authentic.

Reporter: So it's a credible...

Desiree: (interrupts, shifts eyes to side and down) Yep.

Reporter: ...witness.

Reporter: And what exactly are they claiming that they saw?

Kaine: (audibly sighs/intakes breath, clears throat)

Kaine: Well I think, Sarah, I think to be more direct about it... I think that law enforcement needs to determine that still.

Desiree: Yeah, that part.

Kaine: We've been briefed on a lot of the information and the tips and the things that they're looking into, and that was part of that bucket of tips that they're...

Desiree: (interrupts) Yeah.

Kaine: ...that they're working their way through. Until they confirm and until they bring some of that information forward to the greater public, they're still looking into it, so I think us commenting on that is a little bit premature.

There's how we feel about it...

Desiree: (interrupts) Yeah.

Kaine: ...and then there are the facts. And the facts...

Reporter: (interrupts) How do you feel about it?

Kaine: How do I feel about it? I feel it's definitely significant. I don't know how credible the sources are. I'm hoping that they are because it helps us bring more of those pieces that we talked about before, the puzzle, in to paint the bigger picture, but until they're confirmed, I'm not going to maintain a sense of false hope that they're valid, until they're actually valid, until I see them and get from law enforcement that yep, this is verified, this is air tight, this is another piece that we found, and then I will believe it.

Desiree: Yeah.
Kyron's Parents Press Stepmom, Her Friend Anew
CBS News Early Show national correspondent Hattie Kauffmann spoke with missing Kyron Horman's biological parents who still firmly believe that his stepmother Terri Horman is hiding something.
August 28, 2010

Video: [ame][/ame]
Oregonian's one-on-one interview with Desiree and Kaine
Friday August 27 2010{videoid:4323386}
Desiree on Terri: 'She was not human to Kyron'
Story Published: Aug 29, 2010 at 4:50 PM PDT

The biological parents of missing 7-year-old Kyron Horman spoke heart-to-heart with KATU On Your Side Investigator Anna Canzano Friday.



Watch the raw video from Anna Canzano's interview:

Part 1 with Desiree Young and Kaine Horman

Part 2 with Desiree Young and Kaine Horman
June 12

Media Questions from Family

1. What is Kyron like? What is his standout attribute?
He has a very quiet and loving personality, demonstrating warmth and enthusiasm for the people and activities that he loves. Some of things that he enjoys are playing with his Hot Wheels cars, fishing, his artwork, playing with Bootsy and Ernie, and loves to go on trips where he gets to fly on airplanes.

Kyron easily makes friends with other kids his age. He has a belly laugh that is infectious when you hear it and you can’t help but to laugh too. He is quick witted and can make any situation funny. He looks up to his big brothers and enjoys spending time with them, they dance and rock out in the living room. Kyron is the type of kid that can play by himself for hours or quickly become the center of attention with his family.

2. What does Kyron want to be when he grows up?
A Police Detective and investigator.

3. What was Kyron looking forward to doing this summer?
Kyron is looking forward to going on his annual family trips; he is going to California to spend time with friends, a trip to Seaside for his birthday, a houseboat trip on Shasta Lake in August and a Hellgate Jet Boat excursion in July. He got a new fishing pole for Christmas that he has been practicing with in the backyard so he has been looking forward to the many camping and fishing trips.

4. We were wondering about the t-shirts the family wore at the press conference yesterday – were they made and designed by the family?
It was a collaboration of efforts joining Taylor Made Printing and Lithia Motors LAD advertising agency to design, print, and ship the T-Shirts to the family. All labor and materials were donated.

5. Was Kyron in a good mood the morning he disappeared?
He was very excited about his Red Eyed Tree Frog diorama and poster board that he and his dad had been working on. Kyron was very proud of the project because he had done a lot of the diorama himself.
Kyron’s Parents in Touch With Oprah but Say They Won’t Take Money for the Story
11:08 AM July 30th, 2010

Kaine’s Feelings Now About Decision to Marry Terri (Updated With Audio)
9:24 AM July 29th, 2010

Kyron Horman Update: Parents Not Scheduled to Testify to Grand Jury
9:34 AM July 28th, 2010

Kyron Horman Update: Clarifying Stepmom’s Entry Into the Family
4:48 PM July 26th, 2010

Kaine Horman: High-School Friend Contacted Family After Kyron Disappeared, Then Started Affair
3:26 PM July 12th, 2010

Kyron’s Parents Describe Web of Deception from Stepmom (With Audio)
4:05 PM July 10th, 2010

Kaine Horman: Kyron’s Stepmom Walked Out on Polygraph (With Audio Clip) 4:59 PM July 9th, 2010

Kaine Horman: Kyron’s Stepmom Suffered Post-Partum Depression
11:05 PM July 8th, 2010

Kyron Horman’s Family Boots WW and The Oregonian from Bizarre News Event
1:04 PM July 1st, 2010

A Visit With Terri Moulton Horman, and What’s Changed at the House This Week
12:40 PM June 28th, 2010
June 7 - Family statement released by Kyron's aunt, Kelly Ramirez

The following is a statement from Kyron Horman's aunt that was posted on Facebook on Monday.

June 7, 2010

Kelly Ramirez, who is Kyron's aunt, said the family has received an outpouring of support since Kyron vanished from school grounds. In a statement Monday night, she thanked the police agencies involved in the search and asked for the help of citizens in the area.
Links to the statements by Tony and Kaine, as well as videos of the first public appearance of the parents and steps at an LE press conference June 11 can be found within the first few posts of this thread:

[ame=""]Kyron Horman Case Review #1: Thread #7: LE Press Conferences & Releases: June 11 2010 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Horman family speaks publicly
The parents and step-parents of little Kyron Horman came out of seclusion for the first time since the seven-year-old's disappearance last Friday and read a statement, their hands trembling and voices shaking with emotion.
Posted on June 11, 2010 at 1:30 PM

Kyron Horman's parents talk one-on-one with KGW
The parents of missing seven-year-old Kyron Horman spoke to KGW and NBC’s ‘Today Show’ Friday morning, in their first one-on-one interview.
Posted on June 25, 2010 at 7:06 AM

Raw: Kyron's parents; full interview
Posted on June 25, 2010 at 1:16 PM
Updated Tuesday, Jul 6 at 12:36 PM

Statement from Kyron Horman's parents, 7/5
In response to questions submitted by the media, the parents of Kyron Horman, Desiree and Kaine, submitted these written answers late Monday evening.
Posted on July 5, 2010 at 11:19 PM
Statement from family released through MCSO June 18:

Statement from Kyron Horman's Family

It has been two weeks since our son, Kyron, disappeared. For the last 14 days we haven’t been able to talk to him, see him playing around the house, or tuck him in bed. Any parent would understand the grief this has caused our family.

We are so grateful for the support and work of the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office as well as the hundreds of searchers, police officers and FBI for what they have done during the last two weeks. They have never met Kyron but we know that this has been very tough on them also.

To Kyron’s teachers and classmates, as well as the media and the community, thank you for your support in trying to find Kyron. Your interest and help is overwhelming.

We are sorry that we aren’t there today to stand with investigators, but please know that we fully support the release of this flyer. We want Kyron home and we hope this will help do that.

Father’s Day is Sunday. For the first time in seven years, we will not have Kyron around to hug and talk to. It hurts us deeply and our hearts are broken.

Please help bring Kyron home.

MCSO website:[/QUOTE]
Posted: June 28th, 2010 5:52 PM

We have been fully briefed by law enforcement on the on-going criminal investigation. We are in complete support of that investigation. We have asked the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office to facilitate releasing this statement for us due to their access to the media/flash news.
We understand that we have free access to the media but are limiting statements to the media to keep the integrity of the investigation intact.
Any actions taken by the investigation, or by us, are based on the best interests of Kyron and Kiara and comply with the law. Beyond this, we have no comment on the matter.
Desiree, Tony and Kaine

Posted: June 21st, 2010 4:56 PM

Desiree Young, Kyron Horman's mother has asked me to release this letter written by her to her son. She wants the media's attention to focus on her son Kyron and him to be back home.

Dear Kyron,
I am so soooooo sorry that this has happened. I am sorry that I was not there to protect you. I will never be able to forgive myself for being so many hours away when you needed me the most. I pray that you come back to me because I am afraid that I can’t live without you. I miss you every second of every day. I would give my life for yours, I just want you back safe. You must come back to us. We have so many things that we have planned this summer that you are going to love. Quinn loves you so much and wants you home too. All of the family is here and wants you to know just how much they miss you. Mayson is terribly sad without his best friend to play with and wants you home soon.

When you come home I will show you all of things that everyone did for you, just to find you. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people that don’t know you and yet they pray for you every night. They know how much I miss you and need you and they just want to bring you home to me. There are so many wonderful people working on this case and they are going to find you soon.

I would give anything to run my fingers through your short hair again. I miss having you to hug anytime I want. Night time is always hard for me. I miss you so much and want you back here so that I can protect you from all of the horrible things in this world. I just can’t believe that you aren’t still with us. Your life has been really great and I know that it is done yet. A long time ago you saved my life and now I am going to do the same for you. Our lives will never be the same after this.

I love you very much!


(Desiree Young)

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