How good is your memory of June 4?

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Fasten your seatbelts...
Mar 4, 2010
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Since at least one of my WS colleagues thought this was worthy of its own thread, I'm asking how well you recall events in your day on Friday, June 4.

Can you recall exactly what you did on Friday, June 4? I have an excellent memory and had to check my calendar to jog my thoughts about that day. As soon as I noticed that I had an appointment with my allergy/asthma specialist at 10:00am, I was able to reconstruct the rest of the day until I returned home at @ 2:00pm.

People in Portland/environs are being asked to recall their actions on that day and jog their memories about who they might have seen in such-and-such a place. How well would you do if you were asked to respond to the new questionnaire?
I also had to go to my calander and get my thoughts together.
I am sure I have moments I cannot account for.
I think this is a great topic. Thanks for the thread.

I checked my calendar - only thing on it was Cub Scouts that evening.

Then I checked my bank statement online - looks like like my husband and I went to two different Safeway grocery stores that day (that is odd - I could contact the bank or the stores to get copies of the receipts so show time and what was purchased).

I then checked my email - nothing in received (but I could have deleted since then). One outgoing to my hubby at work.

Then I looked at the cell phone. 2 outgoing calls my DH made later in the evening, one to a friend, one to his brother - both out of state. No incoming calls. The texts have rolled over so I no longer have record for that date.

Other than what I was able to verify, I don't have a clue. The things I determined were not able to bring that day clearer into my mind.

ETA: If I had had a receipt for let's say Red Robin or something like that - it would have made it much easier to remember my day and remember being there and who I was with.
If something significant happened that day, I could probably recall most of the days activities. Otherwise, I am a pretty disorganized person. :blushing:

Now if I were at the school that day, I am quite sure I would have been going over every minute from the 4th on. Asked about a pharmacy visit 2 months later, i'm not so sure how much I would remember. :(

I thought Kyron would have been found long ago. :(
No idea. And definitely no idea on any kind of vehicles I came into contact with.
when I first started to think of that date I thought I have no clue what I was doing that day, then with your suggestion I looked at the calendar and remembered I was away and do recall the day only because it was remarkable, I can even remember where I parked my car because like I said that was a remarkable day for me so I tried to think about the next day, it was not so remarkable since it was a travel back home day and I got to say I am very vague about the memories of that day.
I think this is a great topic. Thanks for the thread.

I checked my calendar - only thing on it was Cub Scouts that evening.

Then I checked my bank statement online - looks like like my husband and I went to two different Safeway grocery stores that day (that is odd - I could contact the bank or the stores to get copies of the receipts so show time and what was purchased).

I then checked my email - nothing in received (but I could have deleted since then). One outgoing to my hubby at work.

Then I looked at the cell phone. 2 outgoing calls my DH made later in the evening, one to a friend, one to his brother - both out of state. No incoming calls. The texts have rolled over so I no longer have record for that date.

Other than what I was able to verify, I don't have a clue. The things I determined were not able to bring that day clearer into my mind.

ETA: Does anyone know a way to scroll back to a specific date on Facebook?

ETA: Does anyone know of a way to get to a certain date on Facebook? Or do I just have to scroll and scroll and scroll? LOL

ETA: If I had had a receipt for let's say Red Robin or something like that - it would have made it much easier to remember my day and remember being there and who I was with.

I have a horrible memory unless promted by other things and then it slowly comes back. So your suggestion to look at emails was very helpful. ;) As I mentioned in another post, I was at Fred Meyer that day but wasn't sure of the time or which store. (Could be either Walker Road or Canyon but definitely not Imbrie) I was online sending an email at 10:09 am so I wasn't at Freddy's at 10:00 for sure. I may have gone to the store between dropping off kids at 8:00 and about 9:00am but back home at 10:00. Scrolling back on Facebook is another idea but I have many posts so that's going to take a lot of time to find.

In answer to the original question, I stink at remembering a specific day and what I did without a lot of help.

ETA: Does anyone know a way to scroll to a specific date on Facebook?
I might be able to pinpoint certain things I did that day, but I couldn't possibly account for most of the day. Now, if I had been at a science fair that morning, I could remember that and maybe some people I spoke to, but as to any vehicle I might have seen that morning or where it was parked? No way.
I would not be able to remember that information on the afternoon of the 4th.
I have no idea what I did on June 4th. I will say if something significant happened that day that was in my area, I may be able to recall more than I give myself credit for.
Once I saw that I went to the allergist that morning, I was able to piece together my specific whereabouts from 9:15am until approximately 1:45-2:00pm that day.

Left house at 9:15 because trip would take longer than usual due to construction. Arrived at Dr.'s office @9:55am. Was there for about an hour.

Took circuitous and slightly longer route to avoid construction on my way to market. Travel time @20 minutes. Shopped about an hour.

Stopped at CVS to drop off new prescriptions and went to Hallmark store while they were being filled. Returned to CVS to pick up meds. Probably another 40 minutes total.

Drove home. Stopped at mailbox. Unloaded groceries. Probably had to pee like a racehorse :D
we were on our last day of vacation, so we left our hotel in Alexandria, VA and proceeded to the IKEA in Woodbridge. We got there just as they opened and parked in the parking garage, probably the main level as it was early on a weekday, but I don't know for sure. We shopped there for about an hour, my son played in the childcare area but my daughter couldn't b/c she's not big enough and wasn't potty trained at the time. They gave the kids cookies and milk coupons which we redeemed in the restaurant before we left. I bought bedding for the kids' beds and I think something else but I can't remember what it was....

After Ikea, we continued our trip home.... but it gets fuzzy after that... I know we stopped at a Wendy's for lunch but I'm not sure where it was and I can't say at what time.... I wasn't driving, maybe Dh would know. No cellphone calls that day which is not at all surprising since I pretty much only ever call DH and we sitting right beside me all day.

We got home in time for me to go to Kroger before dinner/kid bed times. We had been gone for a week and there wasn't much in the fridge. I do remember that but I don't remember the specific time or even what I brought home to feed the kids... complete blank.. and I don't remember anything else that happened the rest of that day.

It was a unusual day for me, but still I don't remember much details. If somebody said there was a child abduction at the Wendy's, I'd have a hard time this far out even being certain I'd been to that particular one or not, without documentation. We've traveled several times this summer, along the same route, and Wendy's is our fave fast food place so I'd not be able to give a single detail about that visit without the possibility of it having been contaminated by so many other visits to unfamiliar Wendy's. They would all blend together. I'd be no help whatsoever, even though I could have been right there at the right moment.
A few days before June 4th my daughter had a graduation thing at her school. I know what she was wearing because there are pictures, but I can't tell you very much else about that day.
I remember it was supposed to rain so my youngest and I carried an umbrella with us on our walk to the school. I know we got there, sat somewhere, and waited. I can't remember what time we got there, what time we left, or what we did when we got home. I'm sure it was the usual; take out the dog, make lunch, straighten up, prepare dinner, etc. But I have no clue what we ate.
I can't remember who I saw at the graduation thing, who I said hello to, who I said "oh excuse me" when I was trying to leave.....I have no clue.

If someone asked me to recall that day because there was a child abduction, I wouldn't be any help at all.

Now, June 4th, I did absolutely nothing that day. I don't think I left the house. If I did, I would need proof--grocery store receipts, gas station receipts, etc. to jog my memory.
I can't remember what I did last week, let alone two months ago.
There has to be something significant to jog my memory, otherwise the days run together.

Great thread, btw!
Right offhand I could not remember how I spent June 4.

But once I looked at my calendar and saw I had a lunch appt I remembered meeting co-workers for lunch that day, who I carpooled with, how we got there, where we parked and what was discussed both in the car and at lunch. I also remember what work projects I worked on that day, how I felt when I woke up that morning, where I went jogging that morning and how productive I was that day.

I think that, for me, once I have a memory of an event(s) I can to different extents connect the dots for the rest of the day.

Several months back I heard a report in the news of a murder-suicide that had happened in my neighborhood the day before. I still remember where I went jogging the morning of the crime and how I went about my day as those things all went through my mind immediately after I heard the news wondering if I had passed that house and/or noticed anything amiss.
I like many others I'm sure can go back and get the details of the day using records. Where I shopped, who I talked to, etc. But other than that, I couldn't tell anyone anything about that day. So, remembering who parked in the same lot as me or next to me for that matter would be out of the question. If I saw a woman carrying a baby, yeah, no, not gonna happen either. Too long ago for me.
First of all, I have a bad memory. I couldn't reconstruct last Friday.

Friday June 4th would have been the last day of school for my students (I'm a teacher.) I remember a lot of the day because of that reason. After leaving school though, I have no idea. I was probably tired and didn't do much, but I can't guarantee it. If someone said they saw me at a store that evening, I couldn't argue with them because I really can't remember.
I also looked at my emails and bank statements from that day. I was able to piece together my morning by looking at the emails between me and my boss. A coworker had also had car trouble that morning, so I remember where I parked at work because it was next to his car and I had looked at it when I went out for lunch. I couldn't remember where I had lunch that day (sometimes I eat at a place next to the Walker FM) until I looked at my bank statement to find out that I had gone to Qdoba. After I saw that, I remembered a lot about it, like that I ran into a coworker there, where I had parked, and that the service was kind of slow. I don't remember my afternoon offhand, but could probably piece it together with emails and Facebook.
My memory of june 4th is nonexistant. I cannot for the life of me remember what I did, who I spoke with or what I saw on that day. I do not live in Portland area and did not hear about Kyron's case until the next morning. I had no idea that I would become as consumed with this case as I have. I had no clue it would be August 12 and we would still all be here asking "where's Kyron?"

Perhaps if I were a local or I was associated with the Hormans or the community personally, I would remember more about my day on June 4th but as I am not - I recall nothing. I couldn't even tell you what day of week it was, nada.

I am sincerely hoping that people in the community who are being asked to recall their activities on that day have a much better time of it than I.

ETA I could, as posters above have done, using calendars, bank statements, etc. reconstruct my day with some accuracy but as to remembering who or what I saw at any particular point in my day, even that reconstruction would not be very helpful in that regard.
I couldn't tell you what I did on June 4 if my life depended on it.

Having said that however, if I had been at that particular school on that particular day and finding out later that day that Kyron had gone missing, I think I would remember a lot more about that day because something horrible happened.

I think I would remember where I parked, possibly an "omg" moment, "I was parked right beside that truck" for example.

To this day, I can remember where I was and what I was doing on the day the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded and that was in 1986. My point being that when something terrible happens, people tend to remember a lot more things than they think they do.

All JMO.
I can reconstruct almost all of my day. There is a 2.5 hr gap in the middle of the day, but I am pretty sure I was home with my 4 yr old. I am usually home when I am not working.

I can remember where I was and what I was doing on the day the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded and that was in 1986. My point being that when something terrible happens, people tend to remember a lot more things than they think they do.

I agree, but I think it applies mainly to cases where you know what's happening as it happens. It gets burned into your memory because of that. I don't think a child being kidnapped would be etched into your memory like 9/11 is for me, or the Challenger explosion was for you.
do you know..... all those parents who were at the school that morning... and have lived through the shock of this happening.... most likely remember every second of June 4th. MOO

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