UT - Shoppers Tackle Sex Offender Who Raped 4 y.o. In Store, 7 September 2010

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Jun 13, 2007
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Again! Another little 4 year old girl taken into a bathroom and raped by a sex offender. Yes, an RSO.

A family was shopping in a Deseret Industries store when a little girl asked if she could look at the toys. Within minutes her mom noticed she was missing and alerted employees. They found Richard Chad Randall with the little girl in the men's room.

Randall took off running but shoppers tackled him and held him for police. He's locked up on kidnapping charges and sexual assault charges.

Poor little baby girl. I pray she is doing O.K. today.

OMG how many monsters can there possibly BE?

do you think this one was "inspired" by the last one?

good on the shoppers catching and holding him! I am surprised he lived to be arrested.
Thank goodness those other people held him. That poor little girl and her family. That's just awful. Thank you for posting.
Seems perpetrators are getting bolder and bolder with each passing day.

Why would you allow your 4 y/o or any aged child to go to another location in a store away from you???

I am so glad shoppers got involved and held this until police could arrest him...so sad for this child and I do hope she's okay!!!
Go Go Gadget Tackle! Thank goodness people were willing to step in and stop this perp. It gives me hope.
and people think I am paranoid with my "eyes on" at all times approach to parenting. All it takes is a minute of inatention for one of these freaks to seize their opening.

Thank goodness the other shoppers got involved and held the man. Had he gotten away with it, you can bet he'd be back the next day shopping for his next victim.
This was being covered on the local SLC cbs news, they said the mother notified employees there she was missing, and it was the mother who actually found her in the mens room with this OMG!!! they heard the mother scream and try to go after him but he tried to run then and thank heavens other people were able to get him.

The Deseret Thrift stores are very common around here, I shop at one myself, it's a charity store that also helps people needing help getting a job, they're not big (at least my store isn't) many times I see small children roaming while the adult is looking, such a feeding ground for preditors. I hope all parents pay attention to this and understand a preditore is just waiting for the chance!!! They are everywhere, even a church connected charity store.

and people think I am paranoid with my "eyes on" at all times approach to parenting. All it takes is a minute of inatention for one of these freaks to seize their opening.

People think that about me too! Paranoid and Over protective. Oh damn well lol.

I sure wish all those shoppers would of stomped him to death and ran :angel: it is a shame he'll be let loose to do this again at our expense. Its so unfair to law abiding citizens/children that we have to deal with garbage like that running around. I do think they should have to wear something for life so everyone 'knows' I think once people cross certain lines they deserve what they get. Maybe if they make the punishment harsher then things like this wouldn't happen as often.

Some of these perps rap sheet just shock me. Some of them have a rap sheet a mile long & probably should of been hanged on the 1st or 2nd offense. :banghead:
I hope this mother was wearing heavy shoes. If that was my baby I would have been Irish step dancing on the guys crotch until the cops arrived.

I'm a pretty "free range" parent but I wouldn't have let a 4 year old out of my sight in a store. I still don't blame the mother though. She probably felt secure in a small store and assumed she could hear any issues with the little girl.

What a monster. Bravo to the customers in the store.
You just can't let your kids out of your sight these days.

It's come to that.
I didn't let my daughter out of my sight even 20 years ago. It seems to be even worse now. She was so cute that I had a lot of trouble with people following me around the store to talk to her. It creeped me out. A lot of the time I wouldn't take her because I was so afraid someone would snatch her.
As soon as there are implantable GPS chips, me and my (future) children are getting them. I don't care if people cry about Big Brother....I care about not crying because a child is lost/taken/gone! I'm going to keep my little ones in full harness leashes =( NOT blaming the mother at all! Just sayin'. =(
People so often make disparaging comments about mothers who put their toddlers on leashes - but I've always thought it made perfect sense. People would gripe, "they are treating their kids like dogs" and I would say, "that's a good thing because many people treat their dogs better than their kids".

My mother was all for the little harness with the connecting leash.

It's just smart. You can't watch them or hold them every second.

Four is too old for that perhaps, but nowdays I'm not so sure I wouldn't let it be a reminder to kids not to get far away from mom or your guardian.
You just can't let your kids out of your sight these days.

It's come to that.

Actually it's a false perception of danger. Statistically this is the safest our children have ever been, it's just our heightened awareness of every horrifying, extremely rare case all conglomerated on (wonderful) sites such as this. Even on this site, a good majority of the stories are incidents inflicted on kids by parents, steps, relatives, boyfriends, etc. We should all pay the closest attention to the people we know.

I'm not advocating letting 4 year olds ride the subway home alone, but I also think we're doing a real disservice to our children's development without allowing them small modicums of more and more unsupervised independence as they age.

I only say this because I get so tired of parents being blamed (not that any of the members here are doing it, I've seen it done repeatedly though especially in news article comments). Look at poor little Kyron Horman! No amount of helicopter parenting could have prevented him from being snatched right out of school. And I'm also recalling an incident awhile back of a little 8 year old girl that was lured out of a school hallway and almost raped in a side alley. Pervs are everywhere, sometimes in addition to doing all we can do we have to throw in a little bit of prayer...because there is no way to EVER 100% prevent your child being attacked and if it should happen to your child, you deserve unconditional sympathy and support, not judgment about how you should have seen a predator coming and it's all your fault. (I had to come back to edit that this obviously does not apply to negligent mothers who were either involved in their child's victimization or left them in the care of a skeezy boyfriend that you wouldn't even trust to care for a pet goldfish you won at the county fair. Those mothers DO deserve heaping helpings of judgment. Okay, carry on.)

Just my opinion!
People so often make disparaging comments about mothers who put their toddlers on leashes - but I've always thought it made perfect sense. People would gripe, "they are treating their kids like dogs" and I would say, "that's a good thing because many people treat their dogs better than their kids".

My mother was all for the little harness with the connecting leash.

It's just smart. You can't watch them or hold them every second.

Four is too old for that perhaps, but nowdays I'm not so sure I wouldn't let it be a reminder to kids not to get far away from mom or your guardian.

If you have a hyper/wandering toddler, absolutely! I used one with my oldest daughter, her feet were always in motion like a cartoon character revving to take off. The second her feet touched ground, she was OFF! My other two were scaredy cats and mellow toddlers, they didn't need the leash. LOL But yeah, it's a great tool and prevents a lot of racing heart palpatations!
y mother was all for the little harness with the connecting leash.

It's just smart. You can't watch them or hold them every second.
ziggy, i USED to ridicule people that had their kids on them kid leashes, until i had my own kids and my youngest( i call her half evil kenivel, half houdini) she esp. was my escape artist..so now, older,wiser, with kids and knowing how much more evil, perversion there seems to be around now a days, i did a 180 degree turn in my viewpoint on those things and TOTALLY understand now...
especially after reading this story and the other one( in a walmart? wasnt that long ago too)
bravo to the shoppers..even more kudos for not beating him to death right on the spot.
poor girl. :(
also what made me change my tune was some friends were going on a bus, and had their daughter on one..mom felt the tension in the "leash" change( get tighter?) and there was some lady, trying to get her daughter to sit w/ her, take the harness off! mom was lucky she caught it in time/ thwarted that ladys attempt to steal her, right on the bus no less!! brazen, absolutely brazen.
I got behind the school bus this morning (never try to go anywhere quickly at 8:30 am), but noticed that there was a parent or grandparent at every single bus stop standing there with the kids. Sign of the times...and a good thing too!
Actually it's a false perception of danger. Statistically this is the safest our children have ever been, it's just our heightened awareness of every horrifying, extremely rare case all conglomerated on (wonderful) sites such as this. Even on this site, a good majority of the stories are incidents inflicted on kids by parents, steps, relatives, boyfriends, etc. We should all pay the closest attention to the people we know.

I'm not advocating letting 4 year olds ride the subway home alone, but I also think we're doing a real disservice to our children's development without allowing them small modicums of more and more unsupervised independence as they age.

I only say this because I get so tired of parents being blamed (not that any of the members here are doing it, I've seen it done repeatedly though especially in news article comments). Look at poor little Kyron Horman! No amount of helicopter parenting could have prevented him from being snatched right out of school. And I'm also recalling an incident awhile back of a little 8 year old girl that was lured out of a school hallway and almost raped in a side alley. Pervs are everywhere, sometimes in addition to doing all we can do we have to throw in a little bit of prayer...because there is no way to EVER 100% prevent your child being attacked and if it should happen to your child, you deserve unconditional sympathy and support, not judgment about how you should have seen a predator coming and it's all your fault. (I had to come back to edit that this obviously does not apply to negligent mothers who were either involved in their child's victimization or left them in the care of a skeezy boyfriend that you wouldn't even trust to care for a pet goldfish you won at the county fair. Those mothers DO deserve heaping helpings of judgment. Okay, carry on.)

Just my opinion!

I understand your point, I do, but it doesn't change the way I feel.

And I don't blame the mother, it only takes a second so the best I can say is watch them as closely as possible. If a four yr. old wants to look at toys, do so within eyesight--that's just my opinion.

I'm so sick of sex offenders getting out of jail, raping others and their crimes escalating that I could scream. If they can be rehabilitated it's too few that can for me to take that risk.

This man should never.............ever, get out of prison. But they do, they always do. Perhaps if our system was more severe with sentences, parents could rest a little easier.
As soon as there are implantable GPS chips, me and my (future) children are getting them. I don't care if people cry about Big Brother....I care about not crying because a child is lost/taken/gone! I'm going to keep my little ones in full harness leashes =( NOT blaming the mother at all! Just sayin'. =(
ITA!! It's completely absurd that a missing DOG can be tracked in this country w/microchips, but not a missing CHILD??! Big Brother be damned, I would be one of the first to line up for this technology!!
I didn't let my daughter out of my sight even 20 years ago. It seems to be even worse now. She was so cute that I had a lot of trouble with people following me around the store to talk to her. It creeped me out. A lot of the time I wouldn't take her because I was so afraid someone would snatch her.

Ya know what, B? My mom used to say "Leave her here" when I'd go shopping. Hey, we all know I am "paranoid", "overprotective", and I kept my kid "in a bubble". However, I remembering saying to my mom "That's crazy what can happen when I have her in a coach, Ma?"

My mom's theory always was "If they want you they'll get to your kid". Sure enough there was the crime where the mom took the little girl in the kid's clothing store. It was up here in PA. I feel bad I don't recall their names. Well, pervert, freakazoid's mom ran a kid's clothing store. He was manning the store. He murdered that baby and the mother. * It was Lisa Manderach and her beautiful baby Devon who murdered in "Your Kidz And Mine" clothing store in Collegeville, PA* May they rest in peace.

Everyone has good points and as a whole we don't blame the victims. However how many times do we read again and again? Book store, Wal-Mart, toy store? It is what it is. I'm not big on statistics. I used to subscribe to what my dad taught me "Better diligent then dead". Yeah it's a tad much, but I didn't want my child being the kid that got pulled in the bathroom. I lay my life on it that if my ex husband took my DD alone in a book store or the library when she was 5, 6, 7 years old he let her go wandering all alone. In fact I saw it when I had to go look for something and told him "Watch her. Right here." Ten minutes I come back and no DD. "Where is she?" As if it was nothing he says "Oh she went to the bathroom".

I don't call it paranoid I call it reality.

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