Chief Judge Belvin Perry shouts at the attorneys, something he never does

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Casey Anthony trial: Judge Perry threatens to fine squabbling attorneys

"A debate about what kind of scientific evidence will be allowed at Casey Anthony's trial developed into one of the most contentious courtroom battles yet in her murder case.

At one point this morning, Chief Judge Belvin Perry shouted at the attorneys, something he never does. "Just a second," he yelled. "Everyone be quiet."

Tension escalated today between defense attorney Jose Baez and Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton, prompting Perry to threaten to fine them if the battle continues...

He said to both Ashton and Baez that if their bickering and nasty comments and disrespect continues this afternoon, he will have them pay $100 each as a penalty.

"You're supposed to be seasoned lawyers,' Perry said. "I look for a certain level of professionalism. I've had enough of the back and forth between the two of you.' ",0,1147289.story
Can someone who watched the hearing this morning report their impressions on the conduct of JB and JA?

Sheaffer even saw defense attorney Cheney Mason make a vulgar gesture toward the prosecutor with his arms.

"I've not seen anything like this in the 33, 35 years that I've been practicing law," Sheaffer said. "The judge will either stop it or bankrupt them, one of the two."

I didn't see this particular incident happen, so I was shocked when I saw this reported on WFTV last night and again read it in the above article.
HHJP reminded me of me...when talking with my own youth boys! The talking over each other...the objections...I had to laugh.

Don't mess with this judge.
Casey Hearing Brings Tense Moments, Raised Voices
Prosecution Alleges Defense Broke Discovery Rules

ORLANDO, Fla. --

Judge Belvin Perry wasted no time in putting both sides in their place Friday during a hearing in the case against Casey Anthony.

The hearing concerns what evidence will be allowed at the murder trial.

Prosecutors accused defense attorney Jose Baez of failing to disclose new testimony by a defense expert.

Perry expressed exasperation with Baez's failure to share the information he planned to use during the hearing.

Baez voluntarily withdrew an exhibit that the judge told him he would not have been allowed to use because he failed to tell prosecutor Jeff Ashton about it.

I truly wonder if Baez is ignorant or just feigning ignorance. He surely did try to get in an exhibit this Furton guy put together, but since Baez did not disclose it to the state, he withdrew the exhibit..

Perry did not find Baez in violation of discovery rules, but repeatedly chastised him for not following trial protocol.

"If somebody gets caught hiding something, one time, they're going to end up paying an awful penalty," Perry warned.

I believe His Honor is onto Baez' game plan and it will not succeed. The only reason I believe he was not held in contempt is due to withdrawing that exhibit...what else does Baez have up his sleeve..I also wonder if he's truly trying for a mistrial...and that Perry Mason moment...:loser:

His Honor demands professionalism, I believe JA is at his wits end with Baez and his tactics but he must rise above, for he is better than that, His frustrations stem from his ethics as an attorney which surpasses Baez' ethics...if JA is on the up and up, why can't Baez do the same...JA took this attorney at his word, only to find out Baez's word is not his bond and can't be trusted and shouldn't be trusted...I do hope he's learned a valuable lesson and not feed into his BS...the best that can happen is for the State to get those jurors to see it as they do and garner a guilty verdict in all it's glory...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I think it was in extremely poor taste for Baez to try to sneak in an exhibit at the last minute. Said exhibit looked like a last minute drawing rolled up and sitting on the defense table. Obviously the SA had not seen it before.

JA was PO'd to say the least.

When JB tried to bring it up all heck broke loose. Both of them talking over each other with the very unprofessional witness (compared to Vass) sitting in the witness box probably thinking WTH.

His Honor finally had to step into what I can only describe as a school yard fight and admonish both of them (though I do feel JB took the brunt).

I noticed once the judge brought up sanctions, JB got very very quiet. We all then knew he didn't have a $100.00 in his pocket (maybe a buy 1 get 1 free coupon from Subway), but not $100.00.

It was an ackward morning, that raised my blood pressure. I decided to nix the afternoon session.


anyone read terry pratchett? the character of death who HAS A SPEAKING VOICE LIKE THIS that completely floors everyone who hears it?

HHJP speaks in that voice. when he did it, hubby and I were amidst an argument about shipping to ebay bidders on our items in italy (I was for no, he was for yes) then then came THE VOICE. hubby dropped his laptop to run over to mine and my 4 year old dropped his legos to run over to see.

guys, nothing gets my 4 year old to drop legos :biglaugh:
anyone read terry pratchett? the character of death who HAS A SPEAKING VOICE LIKE THIS that completely floors everyone who hears it?

HHJP speaks in that voice. when he did it, hubby and I were amidst an argument about shipping to ebay bidders on our items in italy (I was for no, he was for yes) then then came THE VOICE. hubby dropped his laptop to run over to mine and my 4 year old dropped his legos to run over to see.

guys, nothing gets my 4 year old to drop legos :biglaugh:


My daughter was way down the hall in her bedroom and I heard her yell "Wow! What's going on!!!"

IMO, Mr. Ashton does not get a free pass from me. He clearly badgered the doctor and was practically yelling at some points during his testimony.
Baez is clearly very inept, that is true. But there are certain rules of decorum that should be followed and Ashton is obviously ignoring those rules, just as Baez is. The judge was frustrated with BOTH of them, so I see no need to "excuse" one side because of being disgusted or angry. Their personal feelings towards each other should not be played out in the courtroom and definitely not towards a witness who managed to remain calm and was trying to answer the questions in spite of Ashton interrupting before he could finish a sentence. That is inexcusable to me.
It must be bloody hard to show up to your job every day, fighting cleanly to get justice for the voiceless, only to have your opponent be a charlatan slacker who will obviously try to get away with every sleazy tactic in the book because he doesn't possess the skill or intelligence to build a proper case for his client. When you have talented legal representation, you don't need to rely on smoke and mirrors and hissy fits and hopes of ambush to set your client free.

JA and company are cut from a different cloth than the red nosed & floppy shoe wearing DT. How I would love to watch them show up at court every morning, all piling out of their Volkswagen!
Can someone who watched the hearing this morning report their impressions on the conduct of JB and JA?

I've never seen anything like it. The videos are posted on the media thread. Watch the morning ones if you don't want to watch them all. CA and her new testimony was just the start of the avalanche that hit JA. That man has a hell of a temper. I loved it. :great: Fascinating. I was unsure if JA was going to have a heart attack/stroke or clock JB.
Can someone who watched the hearing this morning report their impressions on the conduct of JB and JA?

JBP has stated over and over this will not be a 'trial by ambush' but that's exactly what JB pulled off.

JB's so called expert witness changed his opinions after his deposition but JA was never told. JB came prepared for the ambush with his witness, his smirk, his cocky attitude, and some sort of chart (the chart was not allowed). JA had many objections. One of which was an agreement that he and JB had that JB reneged on. JB looked straight at JA and said something like 'I hate to use the word coercion' and 'I had a contempt charge hanging over my head'. He was clearly making personal attacks toward JA and all but admitted he entered into an agreement with JA that he had no intent on keeping.

JA had had enough. The 'trial by ambush' was allowed and nothing happened to JB after personally attacking JA. JA blew his stack. The judge said JA could recall his witness (poor Dr. Vass) then re-question JB's witness but realistically we're supposed to be about a month from trial. I'm sure the SAs have better things to do than re-do depositions because the defense decided to play dirty pool AGAIN.

My personal opinion. I've said from the beginning that I wish JA could keep his emotions in check because I don't want a jury to think this trial is about winning at all cost but I have to say, JA had every right to blow his stack this time. He was ambushed. The judge allowed it. He was personally attacked and terrible accusations were made against him in open court, in front of the cameras and the viewing public. The judge had already stated many times the attorneys were not to address each other but again, JB got away with it.

I understand the logic that most people hold that JBP is just protecting the record against appeals. I agree to that logic to a degree but a line has to be drawn somewhere. The SA has the burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey did this. They are preparing for a trial that is supposed to start next month. It's simply not fair for the defense to keep getting away with these unscrupulous tactics.

JA ripped JB's expert to shreds. The expert tried to wiggle and worm his way out of directly answering even the most simple questions. JA was loud and aggressive with the witness but I believe it was because 1) he was ambushed and 2) the witness was intentionally skirting his questions and showed a clear bias for the defense...the complete opposite of Dr. Vass. Thankfully JA is a brilliant lawyer and can rip apart witnesses with no prior notice. He had to do it before with AL's witness and I have no doubt he'll be ambushed again and again.

I also think JA has been deeply and personally affected by Caylee's murder. The SAs are Caylee's only hope for justice. Her family abandoned her on day 32 and sided with her killer. JA is an honest, hard working, by-the-book SA and he is doing his best to deal with this [unusual] defense, their [unusual] client and this [unusual] family. But most of all, he is trying to get justice for a toddler who was brutally tortured, killed, put in garbage bags and thrown out like garbage. At the same time, protect society as a whole against a killer. On top of all that, he has to deal with JB/CM and their blatant disrespect for life and our judicial system.

JBP has stated over and over this will not be a 'trial by ambush' but that's exactly what JB pulled off.

JB's so called expert witness changed his opinions after his deposition but JA was never told. JB came prepared for the ambush with his witness, his smirk, his cocky attitude, and some sort of chart (the chart was not allowed). JA had many objections. One of which was an agreement that he and JB had that JB reneged on. JB looked straight at JA and said something like 'I hate to use the word coercion' and 'I had a contempt charge hanging over my head'. He was clearly making personal attacks toward JA and all but admitted he entered into an agreement with JA that he had no intent on keeping.

JA had had enough. The 'trial by ambush' was allowed and nothing happened to JB after personally attacking JA. JA blew his stack. The judge said JA could recall his witness (poor Dr. Vass) then re-question JB's witness but realistically we're supposed to be about a month from trial. I'm sure the SAs have better things to do than re-do depositions because the defense decided to play dirty pool AGAIN.

My personal opinion. I've said from the beginning that I wish JA could keep his emotions in check because I don't want a jury to think this trial is about winning at all cost but I have to say, JA had every right to blow his stack this time. He was ambushed. The judge allowed it. He was personally attacked and terrible accusations were made against him in open court, in front of the cameras and the viewing public. The judge had already stated many times the attorneys were not to address each other but again, JB got away with it.

I understand the logic that most people hold that JBP is just protecting the record against appeals. I agree to that logic to a degree but a line has to be drawn somewhere. The SA has the burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey did this. They are preparing for a trial that is supposed to start next month. It's simply not fair for the defense to keep getting away with these unscrupulous tactics.

JA ripped JB's expert to shreds. The expert tried to wiggle and worm his way out of directly answering even the most simple questions. JA was loud and aggressive with the witness but I believe it was because 1) he was ambushed and 2) the witness was intentionally skirting his questions and showed a clear bias for the defense...the complete opposite of Dr. Vass. Thankfully JA is a brilliant lawyer and can rip apart witnesses with no prior notice. He had to do it before with AL's witness and I have no doubt he'll be ambushed again and again.

I also think JA has been deeply and personally affected by Caylee's murder. The SAs are Caylee's only hope for justice. Her family abandoned her on day 32 and sided with her killer. JA is an honest, hard working, by-the-book SA and he is doing his best to deal with this [unusual] defense, their [unusual] client and this [unusual] family. But most of all, he is trying to get justice for a toddler who was brutally tortured, killed, put in garbage bags and thrown out like garbage. At the same time, protect society as a whole against a killer. On top of all that, he has to deal with JB/CM and their blatant disrespect for life and our judicial system.


HHJBP should have at least warned JB that the ambush tactics will not be tolerated and that any more surprise witness' will be disallowed. JMO
jbs witness did nothing but stutter the entire time .. it bothered me because he was getting easily confused . someone that easily shaken that says ive been a trial witness before makes me wonder just how much of an expert he really is ..although that state prosecuter seemed kinda like he was bullying him too mabey the guy sensed his anger and was afraid hed get clocked lol ..
What gesture did CM allegedly make? Did he flip him the bird? In open court?

I didn't see this particular incident happen, so I was shocked when I saw this reported on WFTV last night and again read it in the above article.

I truly hope that the CM obscene gesture did not actually happen.........because if it did and he was not summarily ejected from the courtroom then I'm going to have to change my good opinion of HHJBP. Unacceptable.........just unacceptable...........MOO
I truly hope that the CM obscene gesture did not actually happen.........because if it did and he was not summarily ejected from the courtroom then I'm going to have to change my good opinion of HHJBP. Unacceptable.........just unacceptable...........MOO

Maybe he was just pushing up his glasses?

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