TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #6

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Gail Nowacki Palmgren is missing as of 4/30/11 from Signal Mountain TN.
She is driving a Jeep Rubicon, 4 door, Red, with AL license plate number "Eazy St" .
Gail is 5'8", blond hair, 135 lbs. Call Signal Mountain PD at 423-886-2124



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[ame=""]TN TN - Gail Nowacki Palmgren, 44, Signal Mountain, 30 April 2011 - #5 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

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Please continue here...
Let's continue here. Please be careful about posting rumor as fact.
If you would like to post information as a friend to any of the family or post inside information, be sure to get verified first.

If you post inside information be SURE it does not compromise the integrity of the case. If you are not sure, then do not post it.

There are no POI's or suspects in the true sense of the word, so please tread carefully and be thoughtful with regards to posting about Matt Palmgren.

Feel free to discuss his behavior or the behavior of other's in this case. You can play with theories if the dh is responsible, based on known information and reported behaviors.
Feel free to discuss the possibility that Gail left on her own, but do not bash the victim as that is never tolerated here.

Please, be nice to each other. You will all never agree, but listen to what each other is saying before you discard it. Sometimes we turn off info that doesn't fit our scenario and it comes out sideways when people do not see it our way.

This is not directed at any one person or "side" LOL. This is a general comment from someone that has been around here a long time and studied way too many missing persons cases.
Thanks for the new thread JBean. Where is Gail and have we learned anything that will bring us closer to her location?
I hope it's okay for me to re-post this. It took quite a while to put together and I wish I'd waited for the new thread. I'd also like to request a repost of post #798. I just wonder how many people go back to the old threads....

I don't get when Arlene reads out the message from LE:

Your actions today were criminally negligent and interfering with a police investigation. Any further actions will result in criminal charges against you.

SMM's reaction, slamming LE, practically shouting, cursing. That's a strong message. She doesn't even ask Arlene what it was that she had done that day.

IMO, SMM is a menace. She's really fanning the flames with Arlene, and Arlene is upset and emotional right now. Of course she's going to react.

I can't tell if SMM is trying to sell books, resolve her own personal conflicts from the past, or both. She needs to take a step back though. She's waaaayyyy overboard.

My opinion.

I completely agree, and of course, the interview is what prompted the rant I posted last night. Enough rant though. I listened to the interview again today and did a transcription for the benefit of people who maybe don't have an hour to listen to it. I didn't transcribe but a small portion, enough to make the point, I believe. I certainly have no desire to repeat all the information Arlene gave in the beginning of the interview. Mods, I tried to disguise the offensive language, but it is what it is. And I think SMM's manner of presentation is most relevant:

Partial transcription from radio broadcast June 23, 2011: to contact SMM (address given in broadcast)

• Susan Murphy Milano
• Guest: Arlene
• Guest: Robert Rarn, “Works for Missing Persons for Intimate Partner,” Management Resources of NY, President and Director of Investigations, retired New York former homicide detective (30 years experience)
• Guest: Kim Anklin (Robert Rarn’s partner), Vice President, senior investigative analyst, former crime and intelligence analyst from [unintelligible] police department…

No phone calls taken because… “respect…we don’t want screaming or yelling…”
[Early portions of program relate to proper handling of missing person cases in general, expertise of the guests, specific details of Gail’s case as related by Arlene (and including evidence Gail shared with her), and comments of specific mistakes the panel believes have been made to this point)]

Transcription begins 49 minutes into program:

RR: What needs to happen now is that the family needs to hire a private investigator to investigate her disappearance?
SMM: You know what? Why should they? Ok, those that are listening right now, Bob, why the h@#$ should they hire anybody? Why can’t the police do its job, or why can’t, because of this, somebody usurp this?
[now all talking at once]
SMM: Somebody…
KA: Why can’t they just quit being territorial about it?
RR: It doesn’t sound like they are taking this seriously.
KA: Because this is what happens, like you said, you know, it’s the same story, it’s unfortunately…
SMM: So, would she be better off, because of this corruption and garbage, if she went to cold case or the AG’s office there. Is that an alternative, or the US Attorney’s office? I don’t think they would do much, but there’s got to be a body.
RR: The first step would be the Attorney General’s Office, and then the next step would be with the Federal.
SMM: Because so much time, here, eight weeks has gone by. Eight weeks she’s gone. Missing. Not a word. She’s not here, and so what, all that time that’s passed with these things that, I think because Arlene has not been sat down and really spoken to, because I think that if people had seen, in positions of power, all the information and just talked to her, they’d be able to paint the picture, so Kim Anklin, when that happens, how important is it for investigation very early on?

[more discussion on proper procedures for the early phase of an investigation]

AD: A month after she disappeared, I was someplace, and was going back to Chattanooga, and I got a text from the police department, telling me that your actions today were criminally negligent, interfering with a police investigation, and any further actions will result in criminal charges against you.
SMM: Look at that! Look at that! Wait, wait, wait! Stop! Wait, wait, wait! Oooo, my God, Mother of God, she is the one that, criminal actions will result in her, why the h$%^ aren’t they going to look for her? You know, they’re tagging the friend for helping, for saying we have to find her, and they’re threatening her when they won’t even do their God d#$% jobs?

[more rant regarding “all of these cases”]
RR: I’m thinking get it out into the media. Get the media’s attention and force another law enforcement agency to get involved. Just by pressuring through the media…. [various agencies suggested] Why can’t they [TBI] get involved?

[discussion about missing person cases in general terms]
SMM: We’re not going to go away on Gail’s case, and Arlene isn’t going to go away, and we are going to keep surfacing all of this information, getting it out there, until she is found or until they do their jobs. I’m going to be the biggest pit bull on this case.
So, maybe we can break this down using different variables and maybe sort through the possibilities together.
Theory 1
let's suppose for a moment that Gail is really struggling mentally, possibly set off or exacerbated by the confirmation that her DH is having an affair and is being dishonest about his whereabouts, etc., etc.
How would that work into her disappearance? How do you all imagine this went down and is she wandering around somewhere?

This also assumes that Matt is guilty of nothing except being what I like to call a <modsnip>
I think I'm to blame for the schizophrenia confusion. Sorry! We were talking about gail's mental health and I jumped from the delusions to schizophrenia. My husband is an md and he had mentioned it as a possibility. There is no evidence that Gail had mental health problems. I hope I haven't caused more confusion. Again, sorry!
So, maybe we can break this down using different variables and maybe sort through the possibilities together.
Theory 1
let's suppose for a moment that Gail is really struggling mentally, possibly set off or exacerbated by the confirmation that her DH is having an affair and is being dishonest about his whereabouts, etc., etc.
How would that work into her disappearance? How do you all imagine this went down and is she wandering around somewhere?

This also assumes that Matt is guilty of nothing except being what I like to call a <modsnip>

Nice description (<modsnip>)!

The only way I can imagine this scenario would be if she had an auto accident in a location so remote that nobody has been able to find the vehicle. I don't think there's a chance she could be driving it around and nobody notice.
JBean, I could provide a scenario that meets the criteria you have requested, but it doesn't mean that I think it is what happened.

If you want me to post my "fictional" scenario, I will. I just don't want to be unfairly critiqued by everyone, as it will be just a story I have created.
Gail Palmgren Volunteers Seek Support From Local Churches

WDEF – June 24, 2011 – 5:54pm


Janice Atkinson, Hamilton Co. Sheriff’s Office, “Consent to search that was signed off by the DA’s office, Matthew Palmgren and his attorney to allow the the Hamilton county sheriff’s office to search the interior and exterior of his home on Signal Mountain.”

Janice Atkinson with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s office says it’s a routine part of the missing person’s investigation.

As Matthew Palmgren’s attorney expected, investigators did take certain things from the house.

The Sheriff’s office tells us leads keep coming in from the public…and they’re following all of them.
Investigators Search Gail Palmgren’s Home

News Channel 9 – June 24, 2011 4:58 PM
Matthew and Gail Palmgren’s home showed no signs late this morning of anyone home. The driveway was empty and no lights were on. But Thursday night, proved much different. Police executed a search, with a consent order from Matthew Palmgren, of the home. Neighbors say it lasted four to five hours.

Hoss commented on Thursday night’s search. “Yes, they searched the home. yes, our investigator was there. Like any search, certain things were collected which was expected. To my knowledge, nothing was collected of any significance.”

The couple was in the midst of a divorce and there had been trouble at the home. Just eight days before her disappearance police were called to the home for a verbal disturbance. Police couldn’t search the house for any clues because there had been no probable cause. Matthew Palmgrensigned the consent order, with multiple conditions, including the required presence of his private investigator

Neighbors in this upscale subdivision have been intrigued and perplexed by Gail Palmgren’s disappearance. All of them declined formal interviews, but one described her as an “articulate, polished, soft-spoken” woman.

He recently came across what he considered a warning flag, “She told her best friend Arlene she was being followed. She had given her a license tag number. She left stuff with people saying ’Look after this I’m afraid in case I don’t come back.’ “

One month ago, search teams scoured the Tennessee River near Suck Creek Road and came up empty.

Bonnick, like many of Palmgren’s neighbors, said nothing in this disappearance adds up. “She’s had no money, she’s accessed none of the funds. She’s disappeared. There has been no contact financially, there’s been no contact on her phone, the vehicle is missing.

The Hamilton County Sheriff’s department and Matthew Palmgren’sattorney say this is the only property out of five that has been searched.
UPDATE: Police search Palmgren Home

WRCB – Updated: Jun 24, 2011 5:36 PM EDT

police search her home and a storage shed in Red Bank

Clive Bonnick said, “They are not going to find Gail there but they are looking to clues that will lead them to her. We have no clues at all other than the last sightings on the trails on the mountains.”

Police said the search took six to seven hours to complete and what they took from the home and the storage facility they won’t say. All they could say is the investigation continues.

According to Mathew Palmgren’s attorney, Brian Hoss, there was nothing of “significance” taken from the home or storage.

We asked detectives from Hamilton County about phone records or possible calls from Gail Palmgren around the days of her disappearance, again, they would not comment.

Bonnick said the Palmgren’s were dealing with a nasty divorce, but Gail wanted things to work in her marriage, especially for her children.

Bonnick said, “She was fighting to save her marriage as she was going
through a divorce.

Channel 3 has learned Detective Dennis Tizzio with Signal Mountain Police is back on patrol with the Signal Mountain precinct.

This does not mean he isn’t involved with the Palmgren case.
So, maybe we can break this down using different variables and maybe sort through the possibilities together.
Theory 1
let's suppose for a moment that Gail is really struggling mentally, possibly set off or exacerbated by the confirmation that her DH is having an affair and is being dishonest about his whereabouts, etc., etc.
How would that work into her disappearance? How do you all imagine this went down and is she wandering around somewhere?

This also assumes that Matt is guilty of nothing except being what I like to call a <modsnip>
Ok, I'll jump in on this one. I know that I am not the most popular poster around here, but I think this approach makes sense. personally, this is close to what I think may have happened. as I mentioned previously, Gail really had a lot of loss in her life over the past few years. First her dad, then her brother. (Again, I wonder the reason's for their deaths...long battles with cancer or other serious illness can take a huge tole on family). If AD is being honest, there was another brother she didn't speak to-wonder why? Gail and family moved, she may have lost touch with friends, or missed where they used to live. She lost her job, My opinion is that her job was very important to her. Then she finds out that Matt is having an affair. Those are the things we KNOW about. There could have been other losses and heartbreaks that have not come up.

I think anyone facing that much hurt would be depressed somewhat. then, if she really started to think she was being followed, etc, (I can certainly understand that with all that was going on in the relationship.) Gail being as intelligent as she is, and with her medical knowledge, could have realized she was sliding down a slippery slope. Don't string me up for this, just reaching out for possible senarios, but maybe she had had enough, and was with it enough to think to herself-I need to step back, take a break, get some help. It COULD (not saying it is, again just trying different thoughts) be that she checked herself into someplace for help, treatment. that would explain the complete lack of communication, missing vehicle, etc. it is possible if this is the case, she could have explained this to the kids...they are old enough to understand some of it, and they are also old enough to keep it quiet if their mother had asked them too.

I Know many of you will vehemently oppose this, but I would hope that if I were going through all this and became concerned that I was slipping, I would hope I would have the intelligence and the guts to go ahead and get help so that I could face the coming divorce and anything else with confidence and inner peace.

If nothing else, this senario gives me hope that Gail is ok, just getting needed peace for herself, Matt did not do anything sinister, and even that maybe the kids are not suffering as much as we might think, because they have knowledge of what is happening. It may seem far fetched, but it fits as well as anything else we have heard and it gives hope that all could be ok.
So, maybe we can break this down using different variables and maybe sort through the possibilities together.
Theory 1
let's suppose for a moment that Gail is really struggling mentally, possibly set off or exacerbated by the confirmation that her DH is having an affair and is being dishonest about his whereabouts, etc., etc.
How would that work into her disappearance? How do you all imagine this went down and is she wandering around somewhere?

This also assumes that Matt is guilty of nothing except being what I like to call a <modsnip>

I think this scenario is certainly possible, but low probability.

Gail has no known history of mental issues.

I know a lot of women who've been in the situation, and certainly got mighty upset, depressed, and various reactions, even to the extreme, but none became mentally ill.

Like I said, possible, she could have been more depressed and upset than anyone realized, compensating, etc., for a longer period of time, but I think low probability.
(I see Confused's scenario has a few things in common with my fictional scenario.)

NOTE: THE FOLLOWING IS FICTION! I am not at all saying I think this is what happened, but there has been a request for other scenarios that could exclude Matt.

OK, let's say GP has had almost enough. She has had many difficult periods in her recent past and is highly stressed, but has been methodically planning, behind the scenes, of how to make the marital break with MP. She is being somewhat pushed along by AD, but is still following a course she believes to be in her best interest. But then, the BCBS trip fiasco w/ the GF, the new car etc. occurs - more and more friction. She takes off to the lake with the kids. Even so, GP is pulled and pushed from too many sources and she reaches the breaking point, perhaps with a phone call from MP with some type of threat. That's it! She is outta there! (for a break, only) She loads the children up & the whole drive home she discusses how things have been, how hard it is on her and them, how much she loves them and that she needs a rest in order to be the mother she needs to be. She discusses how they have a month left of school and that she will be back once school is out and they will move to the lake house for the summer while things are worked out. She drops them off - she really does not want to see Matt, finds out he is on his way and takes off in a hurry.

She drives toward where ever it is she is going - if she has money (and she probably does) it could be anywhere.

But, either on the way she meets with an accident or foul play. Perhaps an accident near a body of water. Perhaps she meets a evil person who does away with her and takes the vehicle where they store it or chop it or paint & sell illegally

The children, in the mean time, disclosed that while they were driving back from the lake house, G discussed that she was going away for a while and that she would pick them up once school was out, so at first MP and LE are not as concerned as they might should have been.

So, there is a scenario which can exclude Matt.

But I don't think that is what happened - I don't know what happened, but I do know the statistics - that being said, there are always outliers too.
Ok, I'll jump in on this one. I know that I am not the most popular poster around here, but I think this approach makes sense. personally, this is close to what I think may have happened. as I mentioned previously, Gail really had a lot of loss in her life over the past few years. First her dad, then her brother. (Again, I wonder the reason's for their deaths...long battles with cancer or other serious illness can take a huge tole on family). If AD is being honest, there was another brother she didn't speak to-wonder why? Gail and family moved, she may have lost touch with friends, or missed where they used to live. She lost her job, My opinion is that her job was very important to her. Then she finds out that Matt is having an affair. Those are the things we KNOW about. There could have been other losses and heartbreaks that have not come up.

I think anyone facing that much hurt would be depressed somewhat. then, if she really started to think she was being followed, etc, (I can certainly understand that with all that was going on in the relationship.) Gail being as intelligent as she is, and with her medical knowledge, could have realized she was sliding down a slippery slope. Don't string me up for this, just reaching out for possible senarios, but maybe she had had enough, and was with it enough to think to herself-I need to step back, take a break, get some help. It COULD (not saying it is, again just trying different thoughts) be that she checked herself into someplace for help, treatment. that would explain the complete lack of communication, missing vehicle, etc. it is possible if this is the case, she could have explained this to the kids...they are old enough to understand some of it, and they are also old enough to keep it quiet if their mother had asked them too.

I Know many of you will vehemently oppose this, but I would hope that if I were going through all this and became concerned that I was slipping, I would hope I would have the intelligence and the guts to go ahead and get help so that I could face the coming divorce and anything else with confidence and inner peace.

If nothing else, this senario gives me hope that Gail is ok, just getting needed peace for herself, Matt did not do anything sinister, and even that maybe the kids are not suffering as much as we might think, because they have knowledge of what is happening. It may seem far fetched, but it fits as well as anything else we have heard and it gives hope that all could be ok.
I would be thrilled if this were accurate! I guess what I struggle with is the fact that she was pretty methodical in her actions right up to the day she vainshed. She was in touch by telephone with family and I cannot come up with any reasonable answer as to why she would not tell anyone where she was going. She seemed to be active on the phone right up until the end and prior. She was open about her marital problems and concerns about being followed.
Why would she suddenly choose to be 100% silent and disappear? If she had kept to herself all this time and no one knew any of this was going on and had a tendency to withdraw from friends and family, I could get behind a scenario like this.
But,imo she was reaching out and then she just stopped.

Additionally,if she checked in someplace she would have to submit insurance or payment and that is all traceable.
Lastly, I think if the kids had knowledge of what was happening, that would be revealed to the public and LE would say she is no longer missing.
Nice description (<modsnip>)!

The only way I can imagine this scenario would be if she had an auto accident in a location so remote that nobody has been able to find the vehicle. I don't think there's a chance she could be driving it around and nobody notice.

I agree that this is a possibility. It could be that she was driving somewhere which noone has yet guessed to search (or has searched, but missed the vehicle). However, the longer the disappearance goes unsolved, and the more that comes out about her spouse, the less convinced I am of this scenario.

Poor lady, if this is truly what transpired. Can you imagine gearing up for a 'battle' with your cheating husband, and then just coincidentally running your jeep off the side of a cliff?
I think this scenario is certainly possible, but low probability.

Gail has no known history of mental issues.

I know a lot of women who've been in the situation, and certainly got mighty upset, depressed, and various reactions, even to the extreme, but none became mentally ill.

Like I said, possible, she could have been more depressed and upset than anyone realized, compensating, etc., for a longer period of time, but I think low probability.
I concur BeanE. I have not discounted it entirely, because Lord only knows what each of our "breaking points" are, but I do not think it is what happened at this point.
JBean, I could provide a scenario that meets the criteria you have requested, but it doesn't mean that I think it is what happened.

If you want me to post my "fictional" scenario, I will. I just don't want to be unfairly critiqued by everyone, as it will be just a story I have created.
Oh you know we will critique you unfairly anyway. hehehe
Ok, I'll jump in on this one. I know that I am not the most popular poster around here, but I think this approach makes sense. personally, this is close to what I think may have happened. as I mentioned previously, Gail really had a lot of loss in her life over the past few years. First her dad, then her brother. (Again, I wonder the reason's for their deaths...long battles with cancer or other serious illness can take a huge tole on family). If AD is being honest, there was another brother she didn't speak to-wonder why? Gail and family moved, she may have lost touch with friends, or missed where they used to live. She lost her job, My opinion is that her job was very important to her. Then she finds out that Matt is having an affair. Those are the things we KNOW about. There could have been other losses and heartbreaks that have not come up.

I think anyone facing that much hurt would be depressed somewhat. then, if she really started to think she was being followed, etc, (I can certainly understand that with all that was going on in the relationship.) Gail being as intelligent as she is, and with her medical knowledge, could have realized she was sliding down a slippery slope. Don't string me up for this, just reaching out for possible senarios, but maybe she had had enough, and was with it enough to think to herself-I need to step back, take a break, get some help. It COULD (not saying it is, again just trying different thoughts) be that she checked herself into someplace for help, treatment. that would explain the complete lack of communication, missing vehicle, etc. it is possible if this is the case, she could have explained this to the kids...they are old enough to understand some of it, and they are also old enough to keep it quiet if their mother had asked them too.

I Know many of you will vehemently oppose this, but I would hope that if I were going through all this and became concerned that I was slipping, I would hope I would have the intelligence and the guts to go ahead and get help so that I could face the coming divorce and anything else with confidence and inner peace.

If nothing else, this senario gives me hope that Gail is ok, just getting needed peace for herself, Matt did not do anything sinister, and even that maybe the kids are not suffering as much as we might think, because they have knowledge of what is happening. It may seem far fetched, but it fits as well as anything else we have heard and it gives hope that all could be ok.

So in your scenario, Gail only tells her children that she is going to check herself into rehab or some such place,and they are not supposed to tell anyone, including their father?
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