16 Different Versions of Darlie's story

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not the 13 I mentioned.
Jeana (DP) Jeana (DP) is offline

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The following was put together by a poster who was known as Dasgal and/or Jon Galt. She's an ex-cop and someone I consider to be a friend. I'd invite her here to talk with us, but she's so sick of hearing the name Darlie that I'm afraid she'd shoot me. There are actually 16 different versions of Darlie's story, not the 13 I mentioned.


Story 1

Q. Okay. What did she say, or where was she when this all started?

A. She said that she was downstairs in her house, sleeping on the couch. And her two boys were downstairs and they had been watching TV, a big screen TV. And that what started waking her up was her little boy started crying.

Q. Okay. Did she say...where her husband was when all of this was going on?

A. She said that he was upstairs with her little baby.

Q. Okay. So she had been downstairs with her two boys watching TV?

A. Yes.

Q. And that what woke her up was her 5 year old crying?

A. Yes.

Q. Okay. Then what did she say happened?

A. She said that her -- she felt a struggle like at her neck.

Q. Okay.

A. And the man started wrestling with her.

Q. Pokay. Did she say where she was w this struggle at her neck and the wrestling occurred?

A. She was on the couch.

Q. Okay. What's the next thing that she told you?

A. She said that she started yelling and that he ran off and he had dropped the knife and she picked it up.

Q. Okay. Did she say which way that he ran?

A. No, sir.

Q. Okay. Did she describe to you where she went to pick up the knife?

A. No.

Q. Did she tell you anything that happened when he was running away after she yelled out?

A. She said that he ran into a wine rack holder.

Q. Okay.

A. And that it made a big crack noise.

Q. He ran into a wine rack holder?

A. Um-hum.(Witness nodding head affirmatively).

Q. Okay. And, what happened when he ran into the wine rack holder?

A. Well, that's when she really think that's when she really started waking up. That's what she said.

Q. She heard a loud crack noise?

A. Um-hum.(Witness nodding head affirmatively).

Q. And then he dropped the knife; that right?

A. Um-hum. (Witness nodding head affirmatively).

Story 1

Q. Did she -- well, what's the next thing she told you?

Story 1

A. She said that she remembered that it was -- the knife came from her butcher block from her kitchen because it had a white handle on it.

Q. Okay. Now, were you asking her questions during this?

A. The only one that I asked her was how she knew it was hers. She said because it had a white handle.

Q. Oh, okay, regarding the knife?

A. Um-hum.(Witness nodding head affirmatively).

Q. What did she say she did then?

A. She turned the light on and she saw her two boys laying on the floor and she screamed. And she just, when she was telling me this, she just kept saying there was just blood everywhere. And then, she said her husband came downstairs, and that's when she had realized she had been stabbed. And he started doing CPR on the little boy and she called 911.

Q. Her husband came down after she screamed?

A. Um-hum.(Witness-nodding head affirmatively).

Q. And did CPR on the little boy?

A. Um-hum.(Witness nodding head affirmatively.)?

Q. And she called 911?

A. Um-hum.(Witness nodding head affirmatively.)

Q. Did she tell you anything else about what happened?

A. Well, she just said when her husband was doing CPR that he kept saying,"Hang in there, babies. Hang in there.,, And she said there was just blood everywhere.

Q. Okay. When she told you this story, what was her demeanor?

A. She was pretty calm when she was talking. I just remember looking at the cardiac monitor and her heart rate had gone up just a little bit.

Q. Okay. Was she crying at all when she she told you the story?

A. No, sir.

Q. Okay. Did you see her cry some during the night when you were with her?

A. I saw -- her eyes would get a little wet, but I never really saw tears-go-.down her face.

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Story 2
Q. What is the first version of the attack that the defendant gave to you? What did she first tell you happened out there on that evening?
A. Just that she had felt that Damon waking her up saying,"Mommie, Mommie, Mommie. And then she looks up over her and she sees a glimpse of this man going towards -- I don't know how, probably, maybe at the island, I don't know -- going from the kitchen, probably two to three seconds of a glimpse of this man going into the utility room and then gone.
Q. I want to make sure that -- I want to be clear about what you said. You said that she said that she felt Damon touch her?
A. Touch her on shoulder and he woke her up.
Q. Okay. And he was saying something to her?
A."Mommie, Mommie, Mommie.
Q. Okay. And, she then woke up and saw a man walking away through the kitchen?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And he then walked into the utility room?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. And, what did she say that she did as this man got up and walked away from her into the utility room?
A. She said that he had already gone out of the utility room, and then she went around towards him, and Damon was standing right beside her, and she asked him to stay back, and she walked across the room, across the kitchen, and when she looked down, there was a knife, and then, right there in the doorway, and she said that she reached down to pick it up and when she did, her neck just spewed blood all over the floor. That is when she realized she was cut.
Q. Okay.
A. And she walks back and turns on the light, and then she sees Devon face up, and then she just goes into hysterics.
Q. Okay.
A. Screaming,"Devon, Devon, Devon".
Q. Does that pretty much pick it up, where you start your statement, where you hear her saying, Devon Devon, Devon," you come downstairs; right?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. When did she first tell you that story?
A. Probably at the hospital, or later that afternoon. I couldn't be in the room with her for longer than 10 or 15 minutes at a time.
Q. All right. So sometime in the afternoon of June the 6th?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And, I assume that you have talked with her since then about what happened out there that night, haven't you?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. And in your discussions with her, has she ever told you a different version of what happened?

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Story 3
Q. Okay. Do you remember saying to her that you told Jamie Johnson that Darlie told you that she woke up because there was weight on her legs and the intruder supposedly was sitting on her legs? Do you remember telling Jamie Johnson that that is the version that your wife gave to you about this attack?
A. We didn't know if that was really true or not. We didn't know if that was a dream.
Q. Well, Jamie Johnson, when you discussed this incident with her, this was the version that you gave to Jamie Johnson, wasn't it?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. So, when you talked with Jamie Johnson, you didn't give her the correct version of what your wife had told you, did you?
A. We didn't know -- I mean I wasn't there when it happened, so I don't know what exactly happened. I just know what she told me and what she told me was that she woke up with Damon tugging on her.
Q. You never told that to Jamie Johnson though, did you?
A. I don't recall. About that Damon woke her up?
Q. Yes, sir.
A. I would think I would, that has never changed.
Q. Well, but as you sit there on the stand right now, you don't know whether you told her that or not, do you?
A. I don't know what I said to Jamie Johnson.
Q. Do you remember describing to Jaime Johnson how the attacker would have to cut Darlie's neck, and how he would have to get past her breasts in order to get at her neck? Do you remember telling Jamie Johnson that?
A. No, sir.
Q. And do you remember telling Jaime Johnson that your wife would have been face-to-face with this attacker?
A. No, sir.

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#23 Report Bad Post
Old 08-30-2004, 04:01 PM
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Story 4
Q. Mr. Routier, again going back to Coreen Wells, again, do you recall Coreen Wells is the individual, the lady that lives there at the house that you used to live at on Bond Street? Do you remember that?
A. Yes, sir, I didn't know her name.
Q. Right. Okay. Do you remember when you went over to talk with her on December the 3rd, in fact, you went into your wife's version of attack with Coreen Wells also, didn't you?
A. Well, I had a good talk with her.
Q. And it included what your wife had told you about the attack, correct?
A. I don't think she remembers any of the attack.
Q. Well, my question to you is: Did you tell Coreen Wells what your wife had related to you about the attack?
A. No.
Q. So, you did not tell Coreen Wells that the man was on top of her, and was intending to rape her when she woke up? You didn't tell Coreen Wells that?
A. That would be my assumption.
Q. From what your wife had told you?
A. No. My assumption of everything I know. I know everything about this case.
Q. Well, let me just ask you then: Did you tell Coreen Wells that the man was on top of your wife and was intending to rape her? Did you say that to Coreen Wells?
A. I said that could very well be.
Q. So that is a yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Did also tell Coreen Wells that what they had read in the paper about the boys saving Darlie's life by waking her up was not true, and in fact, the boys didn't save her life?
A. I did not say that.
Q. Do you remember telling Coreen Wells that the boys couldn't save her life because their lungs had been collapsed by the stabbing?
A. No, sir, I did not say that.
Q. And do you remember telling Coreen Wells, in fact, that a pound man did this to Darlie?
A. No, sir.
Q. So those statements about the boys not saving her life, and about a pound man attacking Darlie, those statements aren't true, are they?
A. We know that Damon saved Darlie's life.
Q. Okay. Well, that is not what you told Coreen wells though, is it? I don't remember what I said to her.
Q. Well, that was a pretty long conversation that you had with her too, wasn't it?
A. Yes, we had a good talk.

Story 5
Q. What did she tell you?
A. She told us, at that time, that an intruder, and --- well -- she had awoken to find an intruder over her. She struggled with the intruder. She saw him with the knife. I asked her to describe this person, at which time she started to describe the person, and I asked her to stop for a minute and let's start from the very top of what he was wearing.
Q. Okay. What did she tell you?
A. She said that he was wearing a black cap.
Q. And I said,"Was the bill to the front of the face or was it turned around backwards?"
A. And, she said the bill was to the front.
Q. Okay.,
A. I asked her if she remembered seeing any writing on it. She didn't see any writing or no pictures. I asked her whether she knew if it was a fitted cap, or if it was one that you had to adjust. She did not know. I asked her on the cap, if she could describe his hair, and she said it was a dark color brown, that was shoulder length. it appeared to be straight.
Q. I asked her to describe his face. And she could not describe any part of his face. I asked her to describe what he was wearing, and she said he was wearing a black T-shirt. And I asked her if it was a black pull over T-shirt or a button down T-shirt, and she said it was a pull over, that it didn't have any buttons on it. Didn't have a collar on it, and it was short sleeved.
Q. All right.
A. I asked her if it had any writing or designs on it, and she said she didn't see any.
Q. I asked her about a belt. She couldn't remember if there was a belt or not. I asked her about his jeans. The bluejeans, I asked her if he could remember if they were blue bluejeans or a different color. She said blue. She couldn't remember any labels on the jeans.
Q. Okay.
A. I asked her about his shoes and socks and she didn't remember any shoes or socks. I asked her because it had a been a short sleeved T-shirt, if she saw any tattoos or scars on his arms, and she said, no that she didn't remember any scars or tattoos

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#24 Report Bad Post
Old 08-30-2004, 04:02 PM
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Story 6
Q. You come back into this area again. Now what do you do?
A. I asked her again for a description of the suspect. And, she told me she didn't know if it was a white or a black guy, but that he was wearing a black shirt, dark pants and a ball cap.
Q. Again, a black ball cap and a dark shirt?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Didn't know whether he was white or black?
A. Right.
Q. Okay. Did she give you any other information at that time about this person, or what may have happened?
A. She told me what had happened.
Q. Okay. Just tell the members of the jury what the defendant told you had happened right there.
A. She told me that she had got into a fight with somebody that broke into her house. See fought with the suspect. She told me she fought with him at the end of the bar here, and that he ran across the kitchen.
Q. All right. Did she describe what kind of fight had occurred here in this area?
A. She had just said that she fought with him.
Q. All right. Are you sure it was this area that she was indicating too?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. How was she indicating that area between the family room and the kitchen as being the place of the struggle?
A. She was telling me that she was
And, what did she do?
A. Nothing. She kept telling me that when she chased the suspect across the kitchen, that he had dropped the knife by the utility -- somewhere over here in this area, and that she had picked up the knife and brought it back and set it on the counter. And she told me that she thought she had messed up the fingerprints.

Story 7
Tell the jury what she told you had happened to her.
A. She told me that she heard Damon going "Mommie, Mommie". He leaned on her saying,"Mommie, Mommie". And she felt pressure on her legs, and she openedher eyes and the man was coming down straight with a knife at throat, and then if she didn't put her arm up, he would have killed her.
Q. Then what did she say happened?
A. Damon -- she didn't see nothing more, but she says that she picks up, maybe-I'm not remembering correctly, but Damon was following her. She was going after a man through the kitchen. It was the kitchen, she was going after the man. And Damon was behind her and she told -- she pushed him and told him to go back, to wait for her,"just wait for Mommie". And she went out to the garage, and that's all she said.

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#25 Report Bad Post
Old 08-30-2004, 04:06 PM
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Story 8 is pretty long, may take up more than one post:

Story 8
Q. what was the next thing that happened?
A. It was around, I want to say about 8:30, and I told the boys that they needed to tell their friends, you know, that they needed to go home, that it was time to come in. I think Devon had said something about wanting to spend the night with a friend, but he had just had a little boy named Michael over the night before, and plus, they had kind of gotten in a little bit of trouble, for emptying out, all of the water in the hot tub from their father. So, any way, he was told that he couldn't have Jonathan to spend the night. That he could have him spend the night another night.
Q. Okay. Darin left to take Dana home?
A. Yeah. After the boys came in, I guess everybody has seen the pictures, but when you walk into the house through the sliding glass doors, I had these, like plastic runners down on the floor, and, there was a reason for that, because the boys liked to run in and out of the house soaking wet. And, they track in, you know, they track in a lot of dirt and stuff on their feet. And, when they came in, I told them that they needed to go upstairs and get dry clothes on. And, they went upstairs, and I vacuumed over there, 4836 I because they had drug in quite a bit of dirt of of their feet. A few minutes later, the boys came downstairs with their pillows and blankets and asked if they could watch TV downstairs. A little bit after that, 1 asked Darin if he could drive Dana home. And he said he would.
Q. Okay. About how long was Darin gone?
A. Maybe 30 minutes.
Q. Okay. And you said that you had used the vacuum cleaner to sweep up there in the den; is that right?
A. Yeah, over by the sliding glass doors.
Q. Okay. And, do you recall where the-where you would have left the vacuum cleaner after 16 you had cleaned up? Do you remember?
A. I think it was right over by where the outlet was, over by the down from the sliding glass doors.
Q. Out by the bar?
A. Yes.
Q. Okay. Now, Darin got home, about what time is it now, Darlie?
A. It was probably a little bit after 10:00 o'clock. L 4837
Q. Okay. And where were the boys?
A. Devon had fallen asleep in front of the TV and Damon was laying down in front of'the TV, and he had not fallen asleep yet.
Q. Okay?
A. Drake was on me, laying on me. I was laying on the couch.
Q. Okay. And, did you and Darin call when he came in -- I mean, did you and Darin talk when he came in?
A. Yeah, when Darin came in, the baby was getting pretty fussy, and so I made him a bottle and Darin said that he was going to take him upstairs and rock him. I usually rocked him every night and sang to him, and Darin said that he was going to do that, and he wanted to watch the news. I don't really like to watch the news. I think there is too much negative stuff on the news. But any way, I was watching something else. I don't know what I was watching, but I was watching something else on TV.
Q. Did you all have a big screen TV set downstairs as well?
A. Yeah, it was an older one, but yes. 4838
Q. In the family room?
A. Um-hum.(Witness nodding head affirmatively). Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. And, I'll ask you if Darin eventually came down from upstairs?
A. Yes, he did.
Q. And did y'all continue to talk?
A. Yes, we did.
Q. Okay. Do you recall when you decided that you would spend the night downstairs?
A. It was sometime after that.
Q. Okay. And how were you dressed at that time?
A. I just had on a T-shirt and panties. Or not really a T-shirt, it was like a night shirt, a little bit longer than a regular T-shirt.
Q. Okay. Kind of an over sized T-shirt?
A. Yeah.
Q. That ladies wear?
A. Yeah.
Q. All right. Now, I'll ask you if we have had occasion to listen to the 911 tape, Darlie?
A. Yes, sir. Several times
Q. And have we -- a number of times, haven't we? 4839
A. Yes.
Q. And, have we looked at the State's transcription of the 911 tape and listen to the tape itself, to check it's accuracy?
A. Many times.
Q. Okay. And, in listening to the 911 tape, have we made some corrections in the State's version?
A. Some.
Q. Okay. Let me hand you what has been marked for identification for record purposes, as defendant's exhibit number 96-A, and I'll ask you if this shows the State's version of the transcript of the 911 tape, and in -- we where there is discrepancy, or we think we hear something different, we have put in, bold print, italics, what we believe is actually said?
A. Right underneath it?
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Is that correct?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. And then on, defendant's exhibits number 96-B, it is simply our version of what the 911 tape says, without calling attention to it, and we have excised what the State has in places that we 4840 disagree; is that correct?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. All right. All right.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: We would offer in evidence what has been marked for identification, for record purposes as, Defendant's exhibit Number 96.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: And, Sandy, what I'm going to do, is just mark this our version as 96, and with the 96-A is,the enhanced version.
THE COURT: Any objection?
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: Judge, we would offer in evidence --. 4841
MR. TOBY SHOOK:: Which is it? The first one or both?
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: We're going to offer both into evidence.
MR. TOBY SHOOK: I may take the witness on voir dire, Judge?
Q. So I take it, Mrs. Routier, that I guess, is it 96-A, has in heavy print, another interpretation that you listened to, that you think the 911 tape says?
A. Yes, sir, it's not that much different.
Q. Okay. So any time we see a bold printing, that is what you think is different?
A. Yes.
Q. You think that?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And did you interpret this tape, or did have you any help interpreting this tape? 4842 As far as what I heard, I interpreted it. there were other people listening as well.
Q. Who else was listening?
A. Lloyd Harrellson.
Q. Is that Mr. Harrell?
THE WITNESS: Harrell, I'm sorry. And I think Preston also. BY
Q. Mr. Douglass here?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. All right. Are all of changes here, were those your ideas or did they hear things that you didn't hear and have those put in also?
A. It was a group effort, but I went through most of it too, and whatever I made, I wrote down on paper, next to what they said, and they went over it, and then they listened to see if they could hear the same things that I heard.
Q. And then you had this printed up to show your interpretation?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. 4843

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more of Story 8

MR. TOBY SHOOK: All right, no objection then, your Honor.
THE COURT: All right. Both defendant's exhibits number 96 and 96-A are admitted.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: Okay. I would like to pass these out to the jurors.
THE COURT: You may.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: All right. Let me show you this, so it doesn't get any more confusing than it has to. This is,-- pass those around. Okay. Pass those around. All right. All right.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: All right. Now the one I am handing you now is, it shows the State version as well.

Q. Darlie, let me ask you this: When you see something written on the TV screen, do you have a tendency to hear what you read?
A. Yes, sir.
MR. TOBY SHOOK: Judge, we will object 4844 to leading.
THE COURT: Sustain the objections Phrase the questions properly, please.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: What I would like to do, Judge, is play this once with the jury following the 911 tape. And where they can see the --
THE COURT: That's fine.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: I want them to listen to it, and where they see the italicized part, they will know there is discrepancy there, and then I want to play it again for them, once they understand where the problems are, and then I want to play it again for them, looking at our version.
THE COURT: Okay. You are going to play it three times?
THE COURT: Yes, sir, well that is fine. That is fine. All right.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: Our electrician a little --
THE COURT: All right. While we're assembling all of the mechanical devices, we are going to take a 10 minute break.
THE COURT: All right.
THE COURT: All right. Be seated please. Bring the jury in please. THE COURT: All right. Let the record 46
A. As chaotic as it was, I definitely think that is a possibility.
Q. But if your talking to Waddell, and you are speaking into the phone and the communications operator doesn't know but what you are talking to her?
A. Yeah whatever she would be hearing.
Q. Okay. Likewise, if you answer your husband, and you are still talking into the phone, she would have reason to believe that ---
A. Oh, that I was talking to her. Yeah.
Q. Of course.
A. Yeah, yeah.
Q. And, at one point, toward the end, initially there is a, the communications officer says "don't touch anything." And you said something about a knife, and she said,"Don't touch anything." And you said,"I have already picked it up," or,"I have already touched it.,, Words to that effect?
A. Yes, so I have heard several times.
Q. Okay. Now, in another situation in there, Officer Waddell says something about a knife?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. And you made a remark to him?
A. Yes, sir. 4848
Q. There is also, a - in the conversation there, there is a direction, and of course you were here when Waddell testified and said he didn't recognize his voice saying to get the rags?

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#27 Report Bad Post
Old 08-30-2004, 04:09 PM
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and more of Story 8

A. Yes, sir.
Q. Was that Waddell? Or was that Darin?
A. No, sir, that was not Waddell. I know my husband's voice.
Q. All right.
A. I have listened to that tape many times.
Q. Okay.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: Judge, what I would like to suggest to the jury, is that they listen to the tape with our bold print italicized part first, so you know where our discrepancies are, and then.
THE COURT: All right roll the tape then.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: And then once you have spotted that, I would like to have you play it again so you can hear it again like that, and then I would like to play it again for you a third time, where you can just here our version.
THE COURT: All right. If you will proceed please, Mr. Douglass.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: Yes, sir. All right. This is the right one without the cover sheet on it. Everybody got it? Okay.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: Judge, now that they have kind of identified the areas, we would like to play it through one more time like this. And then finally play it through with them not looking at this, but just looking at our version, and so they can check it.
THE COURT: All right. You may proceed.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: By now, if you will look at this thing, now that you have identified it, and then we will go through it with ours.
THE COURT: All right, let's go.
THE COURT: All right.
MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: Judge, now what I would like for them to do, is to take our version and listen to it, and that is the one with the cover sheet on it.
THE COURT: Okay. Is everybody ready? BY
Q. There is a word in there, Darlie, that they say is fighting and you said:
A. Frightened.
Q. Frightened? It sounds like
A. I didn't say fighting.

Q. All right. Darlie, what is the very. next thing that you remember, that you either felt or heard or saw? 4865 The next thing that I remember is Damon hitting my right shoulder, and he said "Mommiell, or he said "Mommie, Mommie," I'm not sure, but he said,"Mommie". I looked up, and you've got to remember that I'm in a -- I am not completely awake, you know, when you first wake up, you are not completely wide awake. And there was a man, that was down, going away from the couches, walking away from me. I started to get up and when I stood up I heard noise like glass breaking. I started to walk towards the kitchen, Damon was behind me, and when I got to the kitchen, I put my hand back here for Damon to stay. And when I got to the kitchen, I could see the guy going into the utility room.
Q. Were the lights on?
A. No, sir, the lights were off.
Q. Okay. So the area was illuminated by the big screen TV set only?
A. There was a little bit of -- yeah, I mean, there was a little bit of light, I don't know what you would call that, just kind of a-
Q. Okay.
A. A glare, maybe.
Q. All right. Okay. What happened? 4866 I started to take a couple of steps into the kitchen, and I realized that lights were off, so I turned back around, and I flipped the lights on real quick. I started to walk into the kitchen.
Q. Where was the man by this time?
A. He was gone, he was out of my sight.
Q. All right.
A. I got into the kitchen, and I got to where the island is, there is an island in the middle of the kitchen. I got to where the island was, and it was at that moment that realized that I had blood on me. And I kept going, walking a little bit, and I saw a knife laying in the utility room. The knife wasn't completely the whole way in the utility room, it was just like, a little bit into the doorway of the utility room. It was an instinct -- I picked up the knife it was an instinct to pick up the knife. I didn't think about it. It was just and instinct. I picked up the knife, I brought the knife back to the kitchen counter, and set it up on the kitchen counter. At that time, I started to walk into the living room and it was at that time that I saw Devon, and he was laying on the floor, and he wasn't moving and his eyes were open and he had, cuts on him that were so 4867 I big.
Q. Did you say say anything at that time?
A. I screamed "Devon." I screamed out and that I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was at that time that I turned back around and I went to Damon, and Damon was standing up still.
Q. Could you see that he had been hurt or cut or anything at that point?.
A. Not at that time, I couldn't see that he had been hurt. I just started checking all over him and when I turned him around I could see big huge wounds, through his shirt. I started screaming, and I ran into the entrance way, and I flipped on the lights real quick, and I was screaming Darin, Devon, Darin and Devon, and, we ran back into hallway, Darin went over to Devon, I went into the kitchen and flipped the lights on, and I grabbed the phone, and I went to the drawer where there's towels in the drawer, and I went to the drawer, and I went over to the sink and I got the towels wet.
Q. Did you have all the lights on now?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay.
A. Yes.
Q. So the area of both the den and the kitchen was fully illuminated? 4868 Yes, sir.
Q. You went over to the kitchen, you got to the phone and then what did do you?
A. I went to the kitchen, and I got the phone, and then I went to the drawer and I got the towels and then I went to the sink.

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still more of Story 8

Q. Okay. Why did you get the towels?
A. I just wanted to help to stop the bleeding. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to do. I was just reacting.
Q. Okay. So you got the towels?
A. I got the towels and I went to the sink and I got the towels wet.
Q. All right. Were you on phone with 911?
A. At that time, at that time, I think 911 came on.
Q. Okay. I don't know what I said, I mean,--
Q. Do you know if you started, if you got the towels before you called 911, or you called 911 before you got the towels, or did it all happen about the same time?
A. Yeah, I mean, I got the towels, and I was calling 911 as I got the towels. 4869 All right. And after you got the towels wet, did you take those to Darin?
A. I got a couple of towels wet, I went to Damon first.
Q. Okay.
A. I put a towel on Damon's back. There's been a lot of controversy that I didn't do that, but I did do that. I put a towel on my baby's back.
Q. You were the only one -- the police didn't get any towels out, did they?
A. No, sir, the police did not get any towels out.
Q. Darin didn't get any towels out?
A. Darin didn't get any towels out. Darin was trying to save Devon.
Q. All right. So you got the towels and you took them to Damon?
A. I put a towel on Damon, then I told 19 him to hold on. I said,"Hold on, baby.,, And he said,"Okay, Mommie.11 That is the last thing that he said to me.
Q. All right. Darlie, just tell us, as best you recall, what happened after that?
A. I went over to Darin, and Darin was down and he was breathing into Devon's mouth, and I 4870 didn't know - how to do C P R, I didn't even know, no what I was doing. When Daring was blowing into Devon's mouth, you could see some blood coming out of his wounds on the side of his chest.
Q. All right. What did you do?
A. I didn't know what to do. All I did was just put a towel on it. I didn't know what to do.
Q. How did you put the towel down?
A. I just put the towel on top of his chest wound.
Q. Okay.
A. After that, I ran back and I think that is when I ran, and I screamed for Karen across the street, because I didn't know what to do, and I knew I had to get help.
Q. Karen is the nurse?
A. Karen is the nurse, and she is one of my best friends, and I knew she would know what to do.
Q. Okay.
A. So I called for Karen,
Q. Did you get more towels? Did you go back on forth to the sink?
A. Yes, sir, I got more towels, I got another towel, I didn't know what I was doing. I got another towel, and I went back to the sink, and I got 4871 another towel, I put another towel beside Damon and I told him to hang on again, he was still alive, he was still trying to breath.
Q. What was Darin doing at this time?
A. Darin was still with Devon.
Q. All right. Were y'all frantic?
A. Yes, sir, very much. Can you imagine, your babies are dying in front of you. What do you do? What do you do?
Q. Both of you were frantic?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Did you keep talking to 911, or do you know?
A. I don't even remember. There was so much going on at one time it was crazy.
Q. Did the police come?
A. Yes, sir, an officer came.
Q. All right. Did Officer Waddell come?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. okay.
A. Officer Waddell came in. I was standing over at the kitchen bar, and I was leaning over the vacuum cleaner that was there earlier, because I was a little dizzy and I couldn't breath very good. That vacuum cleaner right there. 4872
Q. Did you know how badly you had been hurt at that time?
A. No, C A P T I O NI didn't know, I had seen my neck in the mirror.
Q. Where is mirror located?
A. The mirror is located, behind the wine rack in the kitchen.
Q. Okay. So it's obscured somewhat by the wine glasses and the wine bottles?
A. It's behind the wine rack.
Q. Okay. In this area?
A. Can you see that?
A. Yeah, that is where it's at.
Q. Okay. That is the wine rack?
A. Yes.
A. There is a mirror back here on the wall?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. Was Waddell as consumed and taken aback by the horror of the scene as y'all were?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Was he of much help?
A. No, sir.
Q. Okay. Did you -- you heard this 911 tape, 20 times I bet, haven't you? Yes, I have heard it a lot.
Q. okay. When we tried to figure out what was going on, and what was being said, and who was saying what?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. And you talk at times to Waddell, do you not?
A. I believe so, yes, sir.
Q. All right. You are carrying on a number of conversations with a number of people?
A. I'm talking to a lot of different people. I didn't even know really what was going on.
Q. All right. At any rate, did the paramedics get there?
A. Waddell was in the living room, and he told me to sit down or lay down, I don't remember which, and I did that.
Q. You had been holding on to the vacuum cleaner?
A. I had just been leaning over it for support, just to keep myself up. When I sat down, I kind of took the vacuum cl(!aner with me.
Q. Okay. I'll try to keep my questions real simple. Okay?
A. Okay.
Q. Now, apparently this man who crept into your house in the early morning hours of the 6th was able to murder your children, wound you, and leave the one witness that could put him on death row?
A. I think that he thought I was dead.
Q. Okay. He left the one witness who could cause his conviction and put him on death row alive?
A. Again, I think he thought I was dead.
Q. Well, were you not moving or something?
A. I don't remember that much, sir.
Q. Then, how would you know he would think that you were dead?
A. Because he was walking away from me.
Q. And you were just laying there?
A. Yes.
Q. I mean, he had to get close enough for you to be able to identify him, wouldn't he, Mrs. Routier?
A. I would think so.
Q. Okay. Well, I mean you have got your throat cut, he has to do that, he has to get right up on you, doesn't he?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Face to face?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay and, has to be in that room while your children are killed?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Lets me ask you this, do you think that you slept while that man stabbed your boys? 4925 I have no idea.
Q. Well do you think you could have slept through that?
A. I don t know How to answer that, because I don't know.
Q. You are a light sleeper, aren't you?
A. I wouldn't necessarily call it a light sleeper.

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Q. Well, don't you wake up whenever the baby moves in his crib?
A. Yes, sir, but that is not exactly a real light noise.
Q. So, when you baby rolls over, you wake up?
A. His crib is on a hardwood floor and it has rollers on it, and when he wiggles and moves, it shakes the whole crib, and it makes, I mean, it's a pretty loud noise.
Q. That is why you were sleeping downstairs, right?
A. It's one of the reasons, yes.
Q. I mean, that is what you put in your voluntary statement, did you not?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. I mean, no one forced you to write 4926 that down, did they?
A. No, sir.
Q. I mean, this is in your handwriting?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. And don't you say,"I had been sleeping on the couch the past week or so off and on because the baby slept in our room, in the crib, and when he moved he woke me up?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. So you are a light sleeper, aren't you?
A. To some degree.
Q. And, how close would you say Damon was to you when you went to sleep?
A. How close was Damon?
Q. Yes, how close was he?
A. He was very close.
Q. I mean within one foot, wasn't he?
A. Pretty much so, yes.
Q. Easily within one foot, lying there right beside you?
A. Yes, on the floor.
Q. Do you think that you could have slept through a man stabbing him four times in the back?
A. Again, I have no idea. 4927 Well, you know yourself pretty good, do you think you could have slept through that?
A. Sir, I cannot answer that'. I cannot remember.
Q. Do you think you could have slept when this man stabbed your 7 year old Devon?
A. I can't answer that question.
Q. He was only about four or five feet away from you, wasn't he?
A. Yes, he was.
Q. Well, you are a mother aren't you?
A. Yes, sir, I am.
Q. And don't mothers, aren't mothers able to tell when their children are in trouble?
A. I would like to think so.
Q. Aren't they known for being able to hear those noises?
A. Have an instinct.
Q. Have that instinct?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. So, don't you think that you would have woken up if a man started stabbing you?
A. I have no idea of what happened that night.
Q. Well certainly you would you have 4928 woken up when he started beating you, wouldn't you?
A. I have assumed that that is what happened, yes, sir.
Q. I mean, you would have to be awake to take a beating like that?
A. I would assume so, yes, sir.
Q. And, it's your arms that were beaten, weren't they?
A. As far as I know, yes, sir.
Q. Okay. I mean, you weren't hit in the face, that's for sure, were you?
A. Directly in the face?
Q. Yes, we can't see any bruises on your face, can we?
A. No, sir.
Q. Okay. And you weren't stabbed in your face, were you?
A. Not stabbed. There were marks on my face.
Q. You weren't beaten in the chest, stomach, back?
A. I have no idea.
Q. Well did you ever see any bruises in your chest, in your back?
A. Not bruises, but there was a mark on my breast.
Q. But no bruises?
A. No bruises.
Q. Okay. You didn't complain to the doctors about a big headache, about being whacked in the head, or being bumped on the head?
A. Actually I did complain about feeling pain. I didn't complain specifically what areas, I was hurting all over from head to toe.
Q. Certainly you are going to wake up -- or your are going to wake up when he cut your throat aren't you?
A. I have no idea, I would assume so.
Q. You wouldn't sleep through that, would you?
A. I don't know what happened. I would assume so, but I cannot remember.
Q. Do you really think that you could have slept when the man cut your throat?
A. I don't think so.
Q. You couldn't have slept when you got stabbed in the arm either, could you?
A. I don't think so.
Q. Okay. And, if you had awakened, if you had wokenup, when your children were attacked, you 4930 would have screamed, wouldn't you?
A. Unless my mouth was covered.
Q. Well, I mean that would -- I guess are there more than one man attacking you?
A. I have no idea, sir.
Q. I mean, if there was just one guy, he can only do one thing at a time, can't he?
A. Um --.
Q. You only saw one man, didn't you?
A. I only saw one man, yes, sir.
Q. Walking away from you. And if there just one man attacking your kids, and you saw him, you would jump up and defend your children, wouldn't you?
A. I would think so, but again, I cannot remember.
Q. You would think you would get up?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And defend your children?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Don't you know you would do that?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. I mean you would defend them with your life, wouldn't you?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. If you saw a man attacking your 4931 children, you would scream your head off, wouldn't you?
A. Yes, sir, unless my mouth was covered.
Q. You would scream for you husband, wouldn't you?
A. Unless my mouth was covered, yes, sir.
Q. You didn't have problems screaming for him when he finally got up and came down there, did you?
A. My mouth was not covered.
Q. Did you find any tape, or any gauze or anything stuffed in your mouth that showed it to be covered?
A. No just except for that it was torn up inside.
Q. Okay. It was all torn up inside.
A. Well, it felt raw.
Q. Did you talk to the doctors about that?
A. I talked to the nurse about that, yes I did.
Q. There is no way you could be prevented from defending your children, and sounding the alarm, if you had seen them being attacked?
A. What do you mean -- I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
Q. Well if you had woken up, and some man stabbing your children, you would have tried to stop him, wouldn't you?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. But you have no memory of any of that?
A. No, sir.
Q. You must have been beaten first, wouldn't you say?
A. Sir, I have no idea. I have sat for seven months, and tried to think of every possible thing I could think of what this man did to me.
Q. Okay.
A. I don't remember.
Q. You don't know if you were stabbed first, or beaten on the arms first?
A. I have no idea. I don't remember.
Q. And what is the description that you remember, the best description that you have of this man?
A. It's not much, he was a taller man, with dark hair.
Q. Okay. Let's start with that. How tall was he?
A. I cannot give you an exact-I mean, I can just tell you that he was above, I would think above 6 foot. I
Q. okay. Above 6 foot?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And I believe you said that he was along Chris Frosch's build; is that right?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Are you talking about height-wise?
A. Build wise.
Q. Okay. And,--
A. I mean, I haven't seen Chris Frosch in, you know, I have just seen him in dress clothes, but he seems to be about the same build.
Q. Okay. So he is the same height and build as this man walking away?
A. Well, approximately yes.
Q. Okay. So the man is over 6 foot you would say?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. And he was a white male?
A. I don't know that for sure.
Q. Okay. What kind of hair did he have?
A. He had longer hair.
Q. How long was it?
A. Like here.
Q. Okay.
A. Whatever you call that. To his collar?
A. Yeah.
Q. What color was it?
A. Well, as far as I could tell, it was dark, because it was dark in there.
Q. Okay. And the build he had, he was built like Chris Frosch?
A. To some degree, yes, sir.
Q. Okay. Well, to what degree was he not?
A. Sir, you are asking me to be specific about something that I cannot be specific about.
Q. Okay. And, you saw his back and that was all?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. As he walked away?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. You didn't yell out for Darin when you saw this man walking?
A. Actually, it happened all so quick I did yell out for Darin, but it was after a couple of seconds that the guy had already walked out.

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Yup, still on Story 8:

Q. While were you still on the couch?
A. No, sir.
Q. Okay. While you were in the kitchen? Cou A Yes, sir.
Q. That is when you yelled out for Darin?
A. That is the first time, yes, sir.
Q. Who -- in talking to Doctor Clayton yesterday, who is Glen?
A. I really don't know Glen that well. Glen was somebody that came into the shop. I think that he knew one of the men beside -- that works beside our shop.
Q. Okay.
A. And he had come in, and he had said some things to Basia, Barbara, and they weren't very nice things, and I guess his wife was having some problems with that. And, his wife called, and I told her that -- what he did.
Q. You told his wife?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. When was this?
A. This was about a year and a half ago.
Q. Okay. And then, what happened? Did he threaten you in some way?
A. Yes, he threatened me later over the phone.
Q. Okay. How long ago was this?
A. It was about, oh, not quite a year and icial Court R a half.
Q. Okay. And you say that you gave the police his name?
A. I told them Glen. I don't think I gave them the last name, because I didn't know his last name at that time.
Q. What is his last name?
A. Mize.
Q. Okay. Now, you did you tell them this guy that just threatened you or did this the guy look like the--
A. Yeah, I just told them -- they just asked me if there was anybody that we thought I mean, they asked me and Darin together, at one time, if there was anybody that we thought, you know, had ever threatened us or anything like that.
Q. You are not saying this Glen guy did the killing, are you?
A. I don't know.
Q. Well, does he look like the guy?
A. Well, I have not realy seen Glen.
Q. Well, when you had seen him, did he look like him?,
A. Well I haven't seen Glen.
Q. Well, what does he look like? A Glen?
Q. Yes.
A. I don't know.
Q. You don't know what he looks like?
A. Not to give you a detailed description, no.
Q. You have never seen him before?
A. No. I saw him when we walked in to go and to talk to Basia, but that was a year and a half ago, and I really wasn't paying that much attention.
Q. Okay. So you really don't know what this Glen guy looks like?
A. Not really. No, sir. I mean, we have people walk in and out of our shop.
Q. Okay. You can't tell us if he is a tall guy, or short guy, or fat guy or skinny guy?
A. No, sir.
Q. So you don't know if, he would look :L9 anything like this man you saw walking away?
A. No, sir.
Q. Okay. So you just told that - you told the police this Glenn guy had threatened you at some point in the past?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Do you think you would recognize Glen ici saw him again?
A. I don't know.
Q. Well, we will give it a try.
A. Okay.
MR. TOBY SHOOK: Y'all just come on up here, please.
MR. TOBY SHOOK: All right. Y'all just come on up here please. All right. Stand right here for me please. Okay? BY
Q. All right. Do you recognize him as being Glen Mize?
A. Yeah, but the hair looks longer.
Q. Okay. But this is Glen Mize?
A. I guess so. Okay.
MR. TOBY SHOOK: If ylall'could just, I don't want to make it like a beauty pageant, but if you could turn around with your backs to the jury. And also to Miss Routier.
Q. All right. They don't really have the same build, do they?
A. No, sir.
Q. So can we eliminate Glen Mize as being the one?
A. I think so.
Q. Okay. All right. Y'all can go on back. Thank you.
TOBY SHOOK: All right. So we got Darin out, and we got Glen out?
A. Yes, Sir.
Q. Okay.
A. To some degree. Well, you remembered it E able to write it down in your voluntary statement on the 8th?
A. It's in there, yes, sir.
Q. Okay."I then stood up and turned around and saw glass all over the kitchen floor.,, You remember that, don't you?
A. if it's in there, yes, sir.
Q. Your memory back on the Bth was thatyou saw all this glass on the kitchen floor?
A. I did see some glass on the kitchen floor.
Q. While your son Damon is lying there bleeding, and your husband was working on Devon?
A. Well, it was just a glance, it's not, I mean,--
Q. Then,"I tried to glance over to see if anything was out of place, or if anything as missing"?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. You looked around to see if anything was missing?
A. Well, when I was standing where the knife was placed, there was, my jewelry was sitting right beside it, and that is what I saw.
Q. Okay. Why would you want to glance to see if anything was missing?
A. Because the officer when he came in told me that nothing was gone.
Q. Okay. So you wanted to look around s for that?
A. I didn't necessarily look around, I mean, it was like right there in front of my face.
Q. And you knew nothing was gone?
A. As far as that, it didn't look like anything was gone.
Q. You said that several times on the 911 tape?
A. Yes, sir, I was just responding to what the Officer told me.
Q. Nothing is touched, nothing is touched?
A. I think he said, nothing is -- there nothing is gone, I think those were his words.
Q. And, your interpretation of the 911 tape is that, you never used the word that "I was fighting"; is that right?
A. No, sir. You can hear it.
Q. Your interpretation is you were frightening?
A. I was frightened. Frightened.
Q. If you say it like that, but when you are running back and forth, and you are out of breath.
Q. Okay. Let me take a moment, maybe I can use one of these. All right.
A. What page?
Q. Five. Okay about the middle of that page, before we get to that?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. You are saying, I believe "some man came in, stabbed my babies stabbed me. I woke up"-- and your version is,"I was frightening"?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Frightening?
A. Yes, sir.
Q."And he ran out and threw the knife down"7
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Of course our version was,"I was fighting"?
A. Well, you can listen to it.
Q. Of course, if you said "I was fighting," that would indicate that you remember what was going on, right?
A. I'm not sure. Well, if you were able to say on the 911 tape, I was fighting him, that would mean you would have a memory of that attack, wouldn't it?
A. Well, it does not necessarily mean that.
Q. It doesn't?
A. I was talking to three different people at one time.
Q. But, if you said on the 911 tape, if you said,"I woke up, I was fighting, and he ran through the garage." That would indicate that you do remember what was going on, wouldn't it?
A. Well, sir, I don't think it says fighting.
Q. oh, no.
A. I have listened to this tape a lot of times.
Q. But if it did say fighting?
A. I don't think it did say fighting.
Q. If it did say fighting, wouldn't that indicate that you do remember -?
A. I don't think it does say fighting. 1 don't think it does say fighting.
Q. If it did say fighting wouldn't that be an indication that you remember what was going on? fi I don't think it does say fighting.
Q. Can I take that as a yes then?
A. I think it says frightening.
Q. You were frightening?
A. Yes, sir. You can listen to it.
Q. Oh, I have?
A. I know you have.

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Story 8 continues:

Q. I have lots of times.
A. So have I.
THE COURT: All right. Let's just ask questions and answers please.
Q. Do you remember talking to Detective Waddell there when he came into your house?
A. Very briefly.
Q. Okay. Did you tell Detective Waddell that you had been fighting with the man there at the island area?
A. No, sir, it would have been on the call as well, and it's not on there.
Q. Okay. You never told him that any time he was in your house?
A. No, sir, I didn't. Sandra M. Hals Okay. You remember the paramedic, the one with the nickname Toad?
A. I only remember them really by their faces.
Q. He was the one that actually put the bandage on you and walked you out?
A. I don't remember.
Q. Okay.
A. I thought that there were two of them.
Q. Did you ever make the statement, there in your living room, in front of the paramedic then, that the man was wearing a ball cap, and he broke out the window in the garage?
A. I don't ever remember saying that.
Q. Okay. So you don't remember if you said that or not?
A. No, sir.
Q. Okay. Do you remember talking to Detective Patterson and Detective Frosch down there, after your operation?
A. I do remember some of that, yes, sir.
Q. Okay. And do you remember telling them that morning, that the man was standing over you, and you fought with him on the couch?
A. No, I heard Patterson say that, but I
Q. emember saying anything about that.
Q. So it was Detective Patterson that suggested that?
A. I think that is what, when he came up here, isn't that what he said7
Q. He said that, he said, are you fighting with him on the couch?
A. I'm not sure. He just said something along those lines, I thought, when he was sitting up here, when he was up here the other day.
Q. Well, you remember the nurse Chris Winegosh?
A. Again, I only remember the people as they came in here by their face.
Q. Okay. He was the nurse with glasses that tended to you, after you got out of the operating room. He was the nurse present when Detective Patterson and Frosch talked to you?
A. Um, I really don't remember that.
Q. That nurse that gave you the truth serum?
A. I realy don't remember him.
Q. Okay. Well, you remember him testifying, don't you?
A. Well there's been a lot of people to testify.
Q. Do you remember his description of how the detectives questioned you?
A. I really, I don't remember who you are talking about specifically.
Q. Okay. It would be the nurse that was there?
A. Well, I know, but there were a couple of nurses.
Q. well, do you remember someone testifying, that said they were present while the detectives were questioning?
A. I think so. I sort of remember that, yes.
Q. Okay. Well, that is who we're talking about?
A. Okay.
Q. And do you remember his description was that the detectives went slowly and methodically?
A. I really don't remember what his exact words were.
Q. That,they never suggested answers to you?
A. Sir, I don't remember what happened. I mean, there's been so many people testifying, Okay. Are you saying then today, that Detective Patterson was suggesting answers to you?
A. Suggesting as in, what do you mean?
Q. Fighting on the couch?
A. What do you mean? He was telling me.
Q. Well, I think that is what you are trying to get across, that you didn't come up with the word fighting, that was Detective Patterson?
A. Sir, I don't even remember that.
Q. Okay. You don't have any memory of that?
A. As far as fighting?
Q. Fighting on -- telling Detective Patterson that you fought with the man on the couch?
A. No, I don't -- I mean, I don't think that I said that. I could have said that, but I don't remember saying that.
Q. Okay. So you could have said that?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay.
A. I mean, I think that you can have, you know, no memory, especially in that situation.
Q. Okay. Then you got transferred up to the I C U floor?
A. I guess so. You don't remember that?
A. No, sir.
Q. Do you remember telling the nurse, Diane Hollon, hat you felt pressure on you, and you woke up and a man was standing over you?
A. I don't remember -- I remember their faces when they came in here when you guys were talking to them, but I don't -- I mean, I don't -- when you say you are familiar with them, I am not.
Q. She was the nurse that attended you from an about 8:00 In the morning until 7:00 at night, the tall girl with brown hair?
A. Tall girl with brown hair?
Q. Was with you for about 11 hours?
A. What was her name?
Q. Diane Hollon?
A. I don't remember, but I'll try to answer your questions.
Q. Do you remember telling her that you felt pressure on you, the man was standing over you?
A. I do remember feeling pressure on my legs.
Q. Do you remember telling her that he man was standing over you, and that you fought him off?
A. No, sir, I don't remember that.
Q. Okay.
A. I do remember the pressure on my legs.
Q. All right. Where was it on your legs?
A. It was on my right leg.
Q. On your right leg?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. Do you remember telling the nurse Paige Campbell, she is the small nurse with blonde hair?
A. I think I remember Paige Campbell, because she gave me a shower I think.
Q. Okay. Do you remember that you showed her your hand, and you said,"this is where he cut me when I tried to grab the knife"?
A. No, sir.
Q. You don't remember telling her that?
A. No, sir. I remember her giving me a shower.
Q. Okay. Do you remember telling her that you woke up and the man was standing over you and tried to stab you with a knife?
A. No, sir.
Q. Okay. Are you saying you just don't remember that?
A. I'm just saying I don't remember that. Okay. So you could have said that?
A. I suppose it's possible.
Q. Okay. If you had said that, would that not mean that you do remember this attack?
A. I don't remember this attack as of right now, I do not remember.
Q. Okay, do you remember talking to the nurse, Denise Faulk, which is the last nurse that testified, the one that had you --?
A. I remember her up here, but I don't remember her in there.
Q. Okay. And do you remember, that she the one that took the pink notes of what you said?
A. Yes, I remember her sitting up here.
Q. Okay. And, do you remember telling her, about 3:00 o'clock in the morning, that when you were laying on your right side, you told her,” I was laying just like this,".
A. First of all, I can't imagine -- can I see a picture of my arm? Do you have a picture of the arm?
Q. Well, why don't you -- I'll show you a picture the arm in a minute.
A. Okay. I don't imagine that I would be laying on the right side with my arm like that. porter So, that didn't happen?
A. I am just saying that I don't believe that I would lay, I mean, if you look at that picture, I don't think anybody would be laying on that arm, form what you are saying, I think you could lay on it like this, with this arm out.
Q. okay.
A. But not like this.
Q. Okay. Do you think she might have been making that up?
A. No, sir, I think maybe either she has either misunderstood, or she has gotten her information wrong.
Q. Okay. So maybe she misunderstood what you said?
A. Okay. Of course if you are laying on your right side, your back never would be exposed to any blood you might get on it, would it?
A. Well, I'm not sure I understand.
Q. Do you remember telling Denise Faulk that you woke up when Damon started touching you and crying?
A. I really don't remember that.
Q. Do you remember telling her that you felt a wrestling at your neck area? No, sir, I don't remember that.
Q. You just don't remember that?
A. No, sir.
Q. Again, I guess if you did tell her that, that would indicate that you did have some memory of this attack, wouldn't it?
A. Well, I don't remember that.
Q. You don't know of any reason that Denise Faulk would have to come down here and lie about that, do you?
A. I don't know of any reason, no, I mean
Q. I mean, Y'all didn't know each other before this did you?
A. No, sir, but
Q. Can you think of a good reason?
A. Well, I have heard a lot of things that --
Q. Do you think all of the nurses might have gotten together?
A. No, sir, I don't think that. That is not what I'm saying. I just think a lot of people, a lot of time went by, and I think that you can definitely.
Q. Well, you heard her, she wrote it down.
Sandra M.
THE COURT: Well let her finish her answer. Do you want to add any more? THE WITNESS: Well, I just think that you definitely take things out of context, after a certain period of time.

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Conclusion of Story 8:

Q. Well, as far as time goes by, you heard her testimony. She wrote these notes down?
A. Yes, sir, she did.
Q. When she got home?
A. Pretty fresh on her mind?
A. She has got the notes.
Q. Okay.
A. But how do we know that those were written then?
Q. Do you think she lied about it?
A. No, I'm not saying that.
Q. Okay. Well, do you think we can trust her?
A. She seems like a nice person.
Q. Okay. Have you told any one else that a man was standing over you, and you woke up, and he tried to stab you?
Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, official Court Re Just as far as the dream that I had.
Q. Just the dream?
A. Yes.
Q. When did your memory start getting better? I mean, I guess you don't remember much that happened in the hospital do you?
A. No, I don't even remember, as far as my relatives being there. I have had a lot of different people say that they talked to me, and came and saw me that I don't remember.
Q. Okay. You remember everything up until this attack, don't you? What went on in the evening?
A. To a certain extent, I mean yeah.
Q. Your memory is not fuzzy on when Darin got home?
A. No, sir.
Q. On what you did all day?
A. No, sir, I was conscious then, yes, sir.
Q. Your memory is not fuzzy on having your little sister Dana there, and what the boys were doing, is it?
A. No, sir.
Q. It's not fuzzy as to what you and Darin talked about, is it?
A. To a certain extent, no, sir.
Q. Okay. But then, as far as any of the facts of this offense goes, you don't remember a thing about that, do you?
A. No, I can speculate that, but I don't know, to sit her and tell you I can't tell you that.
Q. Then you memory gets kind of good again, because you give a lot of details in your voluntary statement about what happened after you saw --
A. I think if I lived to be a hundred, I wouldn't be able to tell you everything that happened that night.
Q. Okay.
A. for detail.
Q. Well, you gave us a lot of details?
A. I gave some things, yes, sir.
Q. And you were able to give a lot of details on the 8th, when you wrote this statement out?
A. Yes, sir, but I still think there's a lot of things to this day, that.
Q. But as far as where the paramedics were, what Darin was doing, what you were doing, you were able to write that all down on June the 8th, weren't you?
A. Not every bit of it, but some, yes, sir.
Q. We will be able to see all of that for ourselves what you wrote down?
A. Yes, sir, I think we have already gone over that.
Q. okay. But then again at the hospital, when all of these statements are made to these nurses?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Your memory is gone again, isn't it?
A. I just don't remember now.
Q. You just don't remember those?
A. No, sir.
Q. It kind of goes in and out?
A. Yes, sir. I have been told that that common.
Q. Okay. But I guess it got better on the Sth when you were writing this statement out?
A. A little bit, but not much.
Q. Okay. And as far as --
A. Like I said, to this day, there is still a lot of steps that I don't remember.

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Story 9
Q. Okay. And then the description of the attacker was a white male?
A. Yes, sir. She said a white male, shoulder length, dark hair, wearing a ball cap.
Q. Okay. And did she go into any other details about him, other than that?
A. She said that -- Detective Frosch was in the room, and she said that the assailant was about the same build as Detective Frosch.
Q. Okay. Did she have him face one way or the other when she was doing that?
A. Well, she said that she could not describe his face, that all she could describe was from the back. So, Detective Frosch had turned around. And she said that he was about the same build.
Q. About the same build, same size?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Okay. Did she say anything about any windows being open, anything like that?
A. Yes, sir. She said the window in the official 984 garage had been opened due to the cat being out in the arage because the cat was in heat.
Q. Okay. The Rowlett detectives, how did they ask questions?
A. They did an interview, how you interview any victim of any crime, just trying to figure out what had happened at the home.
Q. They weren't interrogating her?
A. No, sir, not at all.

Story 10
Q. What did she tell you?
A. She told me that she and her sons had been stabbed. That she had chased a gentlemen through the house into the garage and that she had picked up the knife in the garage.

Story 11
Q. okay. During the day, did you talk to her about what had had happened to her?
A. Darlie always was bringing it up, about the story-of the intruder coming into the house, she had waken up with the intruder over the top of her. 109 she felt pressure from him, and she tried to fight him off and ran out the garage. That's the same type of story that she told me and the different people that came in throughout the day. I heard that: story at least three times to me and two other people throughout the day.

Q. Okay. Tell the jury what she told had you happened when you had this conversation at her mother's house.
A. Well, I didn't ask her anything. She was just sitting there. She was really nervous. She was, of course, chewing on her fingernails and I went, don’t do that. And she said, she says,"Basia, Basiall, she says, When I opened -- when I felt pressure on my --
Q. Go ahead. Just take your time.
A. You should -- she says, Basia, when I I felt pressure on my legs, and I opened my eyes, the man was sitting on top of her, and he was doing this with the knife on her face.

Story 13
Q. Do you recall what statements, if any, that she made to you, when you confronted her with the fact that you thought she had killed her children?
A. Yes, sir, I do. She always had the same verbal response,"If I did it, I don't remember.. One occasion, she just didn't respond at all, she just shrugged her shoulders.

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Story 14
In Her Own Words

June 6th, 1996
The boys were asleep on the floor with their pillows and blankets. Darin brought me a pillow and blanket from upstairs. Around 1:00 a.m. Darin and I decided to go to sleep. Darin turned off all the lights but the T.V. was on. Darin told me that he loved me and would see me in the morning and I told him I loved him too. I asked him to make sure the door was locked on his way upstairs -- he said he already checked it and it was -- five minutes later I fell asleep. Next thing I remember -- Damon runs into my right shoulder and says "mommy." I sat straight up and saw a "blur" of a man between my couch and kitchen bar.

In Her Own Words
I stood up and Damon walked behind me. I heard glass breaking. When I got to the entrance of the kitchen, I saw man going into my utility room

I took a couple of steps and remembered lights were off went back and turned lights on, I started to walk through kitchen and noticed blood on my nightgown, about to my chest, halfway across the kitchen I saw knife laying on utility room floor, instinctively I went over and picked up knife, doesn't seem like there was much blood on the knife, I went back through the kitchen and put knife on kitchen bar. Damon was still standing by living room wall. I walked into living room and saw Devon's eyes open and wounds on his chest, Devon wasn't moving and I started screaming, I went to Damon and began checking him and saw stab wounds through his shirt, I was hysterical but I was trying to think. I told Damon to lay on his belly and I told him to hang on and be strong -- Damon said "O-K mommy." I ran into hallway to our entrance, turned on the lights and kept screaming. Darin, my husband, came out of our bedroom -- he only had his pants and glasses on. Darin ran down the stairs and we ran together into the hallway. Darin went to the left, into family room and over to Devon, the table by Devon was completely knocked over. I went to the right to kitchen and grabbed phone to call 911.

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More of Story 14:

Darlie called 911 at 2:31 was off at 2:37
[911 transcript]
"Some man... Came in... Stabbed my babies...Stabbed me... I woke up... I was fighting... He ran out through the garage... threw the knife down... My babies are dying... They’re dead... Oh my God..."

I went to second drawer and got towels. I could see Darin starting to perform CPR on Devon. I went to sink and about that time 911 lady came on. I was screaming and got towels wet (when I turned around I could see my neck slit in mirror behind wine rack and said this to the 911 lady) I was screaming. I ran over to Damon pulled up his shirt and layed (sic) a towel on his back, I ran over to Darin and could see blood coming out of Devon's wound when Darin blew into Devon's mouth, I didn't know what to do so I held a towel on Devon's wound. I was still on the phone while I did all this. I was soaked with blood by this time and very dizzy -- I ran to front door to scream for my neighbor, Karen (she is a nurse), and I remember the bolt on the door not being turned and locked. I ran back and got another towel to put on my neck. I was screaming and running back and fourth (sic) and still on the phone. I stopped by the kitchen bar in living room where there was my vacuum, I felt so dizzy and I held myself up on the vacuum. An officer came in and stood by my son Damon, I hung up the phone and dropped to the floor. I screamed for my husband to check on Drake (our baby) Darin did & came back and said he was O-K, Darin then went out front door to get neighbors. a second officer arrives and I tell both officers a man went out the utility room, the officers proceeded to go into kitchen into utility room.
Darin came back in and said both our babies were dead, I fell down again and kept screaming who would do this, I was so dizzy and hysterical. Two paramedics came -- one went to Devon, the other to Damon. I grabbed Damon's shirt and the paramedic wouldn't tell me he was dead, then he took Damon out of the house. Two paramedics came to me and I stood up and then I passed out.
Next thing I remember I'm on the front porch and Karen is by my side, I thought I was dying and I made her promise to find the man that killed my babies and she did. Karen then went into house. So many people were running in and out of the house and I felt so dizzy. I remember one paramedic telling me my necklace was stuck in my throat and he couldn't remove it. then my husband asked me where my panties were and I realized they were gone. Next thing I'm in the ambulance and I couldn't breathe and they put oxygen on me. Then I remember being in the ER and someone taking off my necklace and that's when I began to feel the pain, it hurt so bad, I begged them to make the pain stop and finally they said they had to operate and they put me under.
Next thing I remember waking up a crying and screaming my babies were dead, there were two officers asking me questions about my husband and the man I saw. I told them all I could remember. I don't remember any of the days I was in the hospital except the last day (Saturday) The nurse came in and gave me a shower and kept telling me how bad my arms looked and did I remember anything, and I told her I couldn't remember but thought I struggled or fought the man. then I got to hold my baby and they quit giving me shots of pain medicine and gave me pills instead. Two officers were there and said they were going to take Darin and I into the P.D. before the boy"s viewing so they could get statements from us. My husband and I didn't think anything of it. The officers got us to the P.D. around 5:00 p.m., separated us and made us talk about what happened. We were supposed to be at the viewing at 6:00 p.m. and it was about 6:30 when Detective Patterson asked me to give a written statement. I was very upset and crying and told him we were late to be with our little boys and couldn't we do this another day. Patterson told me it was very important to do it then. Finally about 8:00 p.m. they drove my husband and I to the funeral home.
I wasvery heavily medicated and really don't remember much, I walked into the room with my husband and saw my babies holding hands in the casket and fell a little and laid on the casket, I kept screaming and crying, I couldn't stop. My boys looked so beautiful and innocent but they were cold when I kissed them. I fixed their hair and I just wanted to die. People started coming into the room and after about thirty minutes I almost passed out so someone sat me on the couch and helped me. I didn't want to leave but my husband said we had to. I don't remember where we slept that night. The next day we had the funeral. I don't remember much except everyone kept telling me my babies were in heaven and I got angry because they were too little to be in heaven. There were so many people but I just wanted to be left alone. We sent balloons in the air with Devon and Damon's name and had a plane fly over the funeral for them. I don't remember much else except we wanted to put flowers at our home around the fountain from the funeral and (Detective) Patterson said 'no.' but everyone took flowers and we all drove over there and did it anyway. We handed them to the officers and the officers put them around the fountain. Someone took us home. I remember laying there, I was too scared to sit by a window or use the restroom or take a shower by myself -- someone had to be with me and everyone kept giving me pills, I just didn't want to be without my boys.

I held my son Drake, in my arms and kept a picture of Devon and Damon every step I took. Sometime that week the detectives wanted Darin and I to come in a give hair samples and fingerprints. We got there at 2:00 p.m. and they ended up keeping us until 9:30 p.m. I was crying and didn't have my pills, I kept throwing up and Patterson would help me go to the restroom because I kept getting sick but I was scared to be left alone. Patterson asked me about my tatoo and wanted to see it. I showed him. Patterson told me they found this man's fingerprints and it was only a matter of time. Friday, June 14th, was my son Devon's birthday. We went to the grave around 12:30 or 1:00 p.m. and had a prayer service. Around 5 or 5:30 p.m. we met the detectives in a grocery store parking lot in Rowlett to sign a release for blood from the night of the incident. Patterson told us they had over 100 leads and they put cameras on our house and they found flesh under my fingernails from the samples they took at the hospital. Later we found this was all a lie. We proceeded from the store to the boy's grave where we had a birthday party for Devon with all his friends. My little sister bought silly string because my little boys loved it and always played with it. Inside I felt like I was dying but it was my son's birthday and I was only thinking of him. I wasn't celebrating his death, I was honoring his life, yet I have been persecuted for this. It's absurd.

On the 18-19 they (the detectives) called us and told us they had a retired policeman who was going to help us. So around 7:00 p.m. we went to the Rowlett P.D. They put me in a room with a man named Bill Parker and for two hours they tried to brainwash me that I blacked out in my sleep and did this crime and only imagined the man. I told him he was crazy and he told me I was under arrest -- after he told me this I became hysterical and he tried to calm me down and after another hour of him trying to get me to confess to something I know I didn't do, I told him I wanted to do hypnosis, but they wouldn't allow me to have anyone I knew there while I did it so I said forget it and then I want my lawyer. They arrested me while they smoked their cigars and gave their news reports -- they were so proud of themselves -- they make me sick.
- End Of Letter Text -

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Story 15
Darlie's written statement to Police
- as read to the court -

"Darin and my sister Danna came home from working at the shop. The boys were playing with the neighborhood kids outside. I was finishing up dinner. Damon came home and Devon called, and I told him to be home soon, because we were going to eat.
Darin played with the baby Drake with Danna a while, and I had pulled everything together to eat. Devon came home, and we all ate dinner together. After we ate, we cleaned all the plates. I was changing Drake, while Darin put everything in some containers, for left overs. We all talked a little about how happy we' were that the shop had been so busy for the past three weeks, and that we hoped it would continue, since work had been slow for a couple of months. Devon and Damon asked if the they could play with one of their friends
for a little while longer, and so we said okay.
Darin and Danna and I just sat around and watched a little TV. Later, and I'm not sure of the exact time, I asked Darin to drive Danna, my sister home because I wasn't feeling too well. While Darin was gone, the boys brought down there blankets and pillows and asked if they could watch TV. I said, "yes". They came downstairs and played on the the floor in front of the TV with Drake while I made some popcorn.
"Around 20 or 25 minutes later, Darin came in, and sat down with us while we watched TV. Drake started to get fussy, so I made him a bottle, and I believe Darin fed him the bottle. Soon after the boys both fell asleep, Darin took the baby upstairs, and put him in his crib and came back downstairs.
We talked a while about a few problems we were having with the car, and the boat, and had a few words between us. Since I had the baby, I had been having some depression. I told Darin that I was depressed because I had not been able to take the boys anywhere because we only had one car.
He told me that he loved me, and asked me if I wanted him to sleep downstairs with me because I wanted to stay up a while and watch TV. I told him no, because I didn't think that he would be able to sleep on the couch and get any sleep. I had been sleeping on the couch the past week or so, off and on, because the baby slept in our room in the crib, and when he moved, he woke me up.
"Darin and I laid together for a little while, and then decided to go to sleep because he he had work the next day. This was around 12:30 or 1:00 o'clock, I'm not sure. He kissed me and said he loved me, and I told him I loved him and would see him in the morning
After a while, I started to get sleepy. The next thing, I woke up, and felt a pressure on me. I felt Damon press on my right shoulder, and heard him cry. This made me really come awake, and realize there was a man standing down at my feet, walking away from me. I walked after him, and heard glass breaking. I got half way through the kitchen, and turned back around to run and turn on the light. I ran back towards the utility room, and realized there was a big, white-handled knife laying on the floor. It was then that I realized that I had blood all over me, and I grabbed the knife, thinking he was in the garage.

"I looked over and saw the door shut to the garage, and so I thought he might still be in there, and I needed to get Darin. I ran back through the kitchen, and realized that the entire living room area had blood all over everything. I put the knife on the counter and ran into the entrance, turned on the light and started screaming for Darin. I think I screamed twice, and he ran out of the bedroom with his jeans on, and no glasses and was yelling, 'what is it? What is it?,
"I remember saying that he cut them. 'He tried to kill me. My neck'. He ran down the stairs and into the room where the boys were. I grabbed the phone and called 911. Darin started giving Devon C P R while I put a towel on my neck, and a towel on Damon's back. I remember telling Damon to hang on, Mommie was there. And I looked over at Darin, and saw the glass table had been knocked half way off, and the flower arrangement had been knocked over. I then stood up and turned around and saw glass all over the kitchen floor.
"I tried to glance over to see if anything was out of place, or if anything was missing. I took a few steps, and opened the door and sqreamed for Karen. I was still on the phone with 911. I don't recall what all was said, because everything was happening so fast. "I went back to Damon, and by him, he had stopped' moving, and the police walked through the door. The paramedics came and tried to work on the children. Darin was screaming 'Who did this? Who did this?' And I started asking if my babies were dead. "Darin was crying and he said yes. After that, I just remember screaming, and showing Darin my neck. Darin took me out the front of the house, and by then Darin ran upstairs to make sure the baby was okay. He showed me Drake was okay, and then handed him to Karen, our neighbor. I remember them holding a towel on my neck. And, wiping my arm, and then he put me in the ambulance. Darin got in, but they told him that he needed to leave, so they could take me -- so they could take care of me.
"I remember get (sic) to the hospital and then them telling me they were taking me to surgery. they took me -- they took off my necklace and put me to sleep. I woke up, and minutes later, the Detectives were there asking me all kinds of questions.
Q. And she signed it, "Darlie Routier".
A. Yes.
Q. And that is her statement as you recall it?
A. written statement.

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Story 16
June 6, 1996

This transcript was created from the official tape logs maintained by the Communications Section of the Rowlett Police Department Transcribed by Barry Dickey and Dennis Lowe for Graffiti Productions, Inc.

CO1: Communications Officer 1
CO2: Communications Officer 2
FC: Female Caller
MC: Male Caller
BV: Background voice
RADIO: Police & Fire radio
PO: Police Officer at the scene
SND: Sounds individually defined
Total length of transcription: 05:44:28


OO:OO:OO COl: ...Rowlett 911...what is your emergency...
00:01:19 FC: ...somebody came here...they broke in...
00:03:27 COl: ...ma'am...
00:05:ll FC: ...they just stabbed me and my children...
00:07:16 COl: ...what...
00:08:05 FC: ...they just stabbed me and my kids...my little boys...
00:09:24 COl: ...who...who did...
00:11:12 FC: ...my little boy is dying...
00:11:25 RADIO: ...(unintelligible) clear...
00:13:07 COl: ...hang on...hang on...hang on...
00:15:03 FC: ...hurry...(unintelligible)..
00:16:01 COl: ...stand by for medical emergency..
00:18:11 FC: ...ma'am...
00:18:19 COl: ...hang on ma'am...
00:21:26 FC: ...ma'am...
00:23:00 COl: ...unknown medical emergency...5801 Eagle Drive...
00:24:00 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
00:26:24 FC: ...ma'am...
00:27:12 COl: ...ma'am...I'm trying to get an ambulance to you...hang on a minute...
00:28:20 RADIO: ...(siren)...
00:29:13 FC: ...oh my God...my babies are dying...
00:30:12 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
00:31:09 COl: ...what's going on ma'am...
00:32:13 FC: ...(unintelligible)...oh my God...
00:33:49 RADIO: ...(tone - signal broadcast)...
00:34:0l BV: ...(unintelligible)...
00:35:20 FC: ...(unintelligible) thought he was dead...oh my God...
00:39:08 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
00:39:29 FC: ...I don't even know (unintelligible)...
00:40:22 COl: ...attention 90l unknown medical emergency 5801...
00:42:23 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
00:43:15 FC: ...I don't even know (unintelligible)...
00:44:04 COl: ...Eagle Drive...Box 238...cross street Linda Vista and Willowbrook...attention 90l medical emergency...
00:49:28 FC: ...who was breathing...
00:50:l0 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
00:51:15 FC: ...(unintelligible) are they still laying there (unintelligible)...
00:51:19 COl: ...may be possible stabbing...5801 Eagle Drive...Box 238...
cross street Linda Vista and Willowbrook...
00:55:06 FC: ...oh my God...what do we do...
00:57:17 COl: ...time out 2:32...
00:58:26 FC: ...oh my God...
00:58:28 COl: ...stamp me a card Clint...0l:0l:02 COl: ...80...
01:01:16 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
01:02:13 FC: ...oh my God...
01:03:05 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
01:04:07 COl: ...need units going towards 5801 Eagle Drive...5801 Eagle Drive...
01:04:07 FC: ...oh my God...my baby's dead...
01:07:08 FC: ...Damon...hold on honey...
01:08:ll MC: ...(unitelligible)...
01:08:22 COl: ...hysterical female on the phone..
01:10:03 FC: ...hold on...
01:10:10 MC: ...(unitelligible)...
01:10:26 COl: ...says her child has been stabbed...
01:ll:28 FC: ...I saw them Darie[sic]...
01:12:21 MC: ...oh my God...(unintelligible) ..came in here...
01:14:10 COl: ...ma'am...I need you to calm down and talk to me...
01:14:24 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
01:16:25 FC: ...ok...
01:16:26 SND: ...(unintelligible)...
01:17:12 COl: ...twice Clint...

01:18:26 FC: ...didn't you get my address...
01:20:19 COl: ...5801 Eagle...
01:22:00 FC: ...yes...we need help...
01:22:03 RADIO: ...(unintelligible) will be enroute code...
01:24:20 FC: ...Darin...I don't know who it was...
01:24:2 COl: ...2:33 code...
01:26:15 FC: ...we got to find out who it was...
01:27:12 COl: ...ma'am...
01:28:04 COl: ...ma'am listen...listen to me...
01:29:27 FC: ...yes...yes...(unintelligible)...
01:30:23 RADIO: ...(unintelligible) I'm clear... do you need anything...
01:32:08 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
01:32:20 FC: ...oh my God...
01:34:00 COl: ...(unintelligible)...
01:34:22 COl: ...do you take the radio Clint...
01:35:23 CO2: ...yes...
01:36:12 FC: ...oh my God...
01:36:25 COl: ...I...ma'am...
01:38:03 FC: ...yes...
01:38:17 COl: ...I need you to...
01:38:23 RADIO: ...(unintelligible) start that way (unintelligible)...will revise...
01:39:28 COl: ...I need you to talk to me..

01:41:21 FC: ...what...what...what...
01:44:25 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
01:44:28 FC: ...my babies are dead (unintelligible)...
01:46:20 RADIO: ...go ahead and start that way...siren code 4...advise...
01:47:10 FC: ....(unintelligible)...
01:48:03 FC: ...(unintelligible) do you want honey... hold on (unintelligible)...
01:49:17 COl: ...ma'am...I can't understand you...
01:50:21 FC: . ..yes...
01:51:18 COl: ...you're going to have to slow down...calm down...and talk to me...
01:52:19 FC: ...I'm talking to my babies... they're dying...
01:55:03 CO[sic - left out l after O] ...what is going on..
01:56:29 FC: ...somebody came in while I was sleeping...me and my little boys were sleeping downstairs...
02:02:00 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)I'll be clear...
02:02:20 FC: ...some man...came in...stabbed my babies...stabbed me...I woke up...I was fighting...he ran out through the garage...threw the knife down...my babies are dying...they're dead...oh my God...
02:14:23 COl: ...ok...stay on the phone with me...
02:16:11 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
02:17:06 FC: ...oh my God...
02:17:29 COl: ...what happened... (unintelligible) dispatch 901...

02:20:15 FC: ...hold on honey...hold on...
02:22:01 COl: ...(unintelligible) who was on (unintelligible)...
02:22:26 CO2: ...it was (unintelligible) the white phone...
02:23:08 FC: ...hold on...
02:25:26 CO2: ...they were wondering when we need to dispatch...so I sent a double team...
02:25:28 FC: ...oh my God...oh my God...
02:28:08 COl: ...ok...thanks...
02:28:21 FC: ...oh my God...
02:29:20 SND: ...(unintelligible)...
02:30:01 FC: ...oh my God...
02:30:20 COl: ...ma'am...
02:31:06 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
02:31:14 COl: ...who's there with you...
02:32:15 FC: ...Karen...(unintelligible)...
02:33:15 COl: ...ma'am...
02:34:06 FC: ...what...
02:35:16 COl: ...is there anybody in the house...besides you and your children...
02:38:11 FC: ...no...my husband he just ran downstairs...he's helping me... but they're dying...oh my God... they're dead...
02:43:24 COl: ...ok...ok...how many little boys...is it two boys...
02:46:06 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
02:46:25 FC: ...there's two of 'em...there's two...
02:48:18 RADIO: ...what's the cross street on that address on Eagle...
02:50:15 FC: . ..oh my God...who would do this...
02:53:13 COl: ...(unintelligible) listen to me...calm down... (unintelligible)...
02:53:21 FC: ...I feel really bad...I think I'm dying...
02:55:06 RADIO: ...228...
02:56:17 COl: ...go ahead...

02:58:12 RADIO: ...(unintelligible) address again (unintelligible)...
02:59:12 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
02:59:22 FC: ...when are they going to be here...
03:00:22 COl: ...5801 Eagle Drive...5801 Eagle Drive...
03:03:28 FC: ...when are they going to be here...
03:03:29 COl: ...going to be a stabbing...
03:05:20 FC: ...when are they going to be here...
03:06:20 COl: ...ma'am...they're on their way...
03:08:00 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
03:08:08 FC: ...I gotta just sit here forever...oh my God...
03:ll:l4 COl: ...2:35...
03:12:05 FC: ...who would do this...who would do this...
03:13:09 MC: ...(unintelligible)...
03:14:26 COl: ...(sounds of typing on computer keyboard)...
03:16:08 COl: ...ma'am...how old are your boys...
03:18:20 FC: ...what...
03:19:03 COl: ...how old are your boys..
03:20:04 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)..
03:20:21 COl: ...no...
03:21:01 FC: ...seven and five...
03:22:17 COl: ...ok...
03:23:08 FC: ...oh my God...oh my God...oh...he's dead...
03:29:02 COl: ...calm down...can you...
03:29:03 FC: ...oh God...Devon no...oh my God...
03:30:27 SND: ...(dog barking)...
03:35:02 COl: ...is your name Darlie...
03:36:11 FC: ...yes...
03:36:26 COl: ...this is her...
03:37:09 COl: ...is your husbands[sic] name Darin...
03:38:22 FC: ...yes...please hurry...God they're taking forever...
03:41:20 COl: ...there's nobody in your house...there was...was...
03:44:05 COl: ...you don't know who did this...
03:45:19 PO: ...look for a rag...
03:46:ll FC: ...they killed our babies...
03:48:03 PO: ...lay down...ok...just sit down... (unintelligible)...
03:51:ll COl: ...(sounds of typing on computer keyboard)...
03:52:13 FC: ...no...he ran out...uh...they ran out in the garage...I was sleeping...
03:54:09 COl: ...(unintelligible)...
03:56:19 FC: ...my babies over here already cut...can I (unintelligible)...
03:59:29 MC: ...(unintelligible) phone is right there...
04:01:28 FC: ...(unintelligible)...
04:03:01 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
04:05:03 FC: ...ya'll look out in the garage...look out in the garage...they left a knife laying on...
04:08:21 RADIO: ...(unintelligible)...
04:09:19 COl: ...there's a knife...don't touch anything...
04:ll:18 FC: ...I already touched it and picked it up...
04:12:05 RADIO: ...10-4...
04:15:20 COl: ...who's out there...is anybody out there..



It seems like more than 1 conversation is going on at both ends in the 911 transcripts. The dispatcher of course giving orders, dispatching police cars and ambulance. But Darlie is heard telling Darin she doesn't know who it is, I am assuming he is asking her who did it? The many "versions" of her story are really pretty consistant with someone post trauma, and also suffering "survivers guilt" I don't entirely trust the hearsay recollections of nurses or anyone else who talked her and didn't 1. Record the converastion, or take detailed notes. A court doesn't allow hearsay evidence either so trying to use it as proof that she lied is really a travesty to the American Justice System.
I still think 2 intruders were present. The wounds on the boys are also indicitive of two people. The oldest boy had deeper wounds that show no hesitation and are precisely placed. The youngest had several wounds that glanced off bone and the penitration was shallower. Two different strengths and two different knowledges of anatomy.
This case has perplexed me, aggravated me and helped me to catch a killer who murdered my husbands best friend. Totally different case, but websleuths minds gave us ideas. I know 100% that man is guilty. I don't feel 100% about Darlie though, not enough to put a needle in her arm and take her life. Since I've known her since she was 6 I would be the first to say it if I thought she did it and I'd save the State of Texas the expense and do it myself. I still believe she didn't do it and like her Mom I'll stand by her till the end. An end we hope will eventually bring to light what happened that night
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
A court doesn't allow hearsay evidence either so trying to use it as proof that she lied is really a travesty to the American Justice System.

Many people believe that what you heard someone else say isn't admissable in court, but that's not true. There are dozens of exceptions to the rule.

It's commonly assumed that hearsay isn't admissable because the witness might be lying about what someone else said. That possibility exists, of course, but it's not a good reason to keep the testimony out of court. For example, what's the difference between a nurse testifying that she heard Darlie say, "I struggled with an intruder" and the nurse testifying that she saw Darlie holding a photo of the boys or saw Darlie eating spinach? There is no difference, at least not in terms of the nurse's truthfulness. A person can just as easily lie about what someone did as what someone said.

Hearsay is a problem mainly when a witness might have misinterpreted what a speaker really meant. Let's say a cop accuses Joe Blow of shooting his wife. Joe, in shock, says, "I shot my wife?" In court, the cop is asked to repeat what Joe said & testifies, "He said, 'I shot my wife.' " Huge difference, right? The cop got the words right but the meaning wrong. In that case, you'd want to talk to Joe to nail down what he really meant.

So...the problem with hearsay isn't that the witness might be lying about what someone else said. The problem is that without the "someone else" there to examine, it can be tough to determine how accurately the witness interpreted the other person's words.

Students of Hearsay 101...class dismissed! Ahahahaaa!
Mary456 said:
Many people believe that what you heard someone else say isn't admissable in court, but that's not true. There are dozens of exceptions to the rule.

It's commonly assumed that hearsay isn't admissable because the witness might be lying about what someone else said. That possibility exists, of course, but it's not a good reason to keep the testimony out of court. For example, what's the difference between a nurse testifying that she heard Darlie say, "I struggled with an intruder" and the nurse testifying that she saw Darlie holding a photo of the boys or saw Darlie eating spinach? There is no difference, at least not in terms of the nurse's truthfulness. A person can just as easily lie about what someone did as what someone said.

Hearsay is a problem mainly when a witness might have misinterpreted what a speaker really meant. Let's say a cop accuses Joe Blow of shooting his wife. Joe, in shock, says, "I shot my wife?" In court, the cop is asked to repeat what Joe said & testifies, "He said, 'I shot my wife.' " Huge difference, right? The cop got the words right but the meaning wrong. In that case, you'd want to talk to Joe to nail down what he really meant.

So...the problem with hearsay isn't that the witness might be lying about what someone else said. The problem is that without the "someone else" there to examine, it can be tough to determine how accurately the witness interpreted the other person's words.

Students of Hearsay 101...class dismissed! Ahahahaaa!
Thanks for explaining this. Very helpful
beesy said:
Thanks for explaining this. Very helpful

First, I have to apologize to Jeana. I didn't realize this thread was a "sticky" and not open to discussion. I saw G.I.'s post and got carried away...sorry.

But I do think "hearsay" is a subject we all need to understand if we're going to discuss trials and judicial law. In the early days of the Darlie debate (and even today), people have become incensed about hearsay, because they think it's all gossip...which it is not.

"Hearsay" is admitted based on a judge's ruling. Some hearsay is valid, some is not, and it's up to the judge - taking into consideration both sides' opinions - to decide that.

I'm so glad I'm not a judge :)

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