Tina Porter Offers Support To Baby Lisa's Parents

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Tina Porter, Mom to Lindsey and Sam Porter, now deceased, who were taken by their father in 2004 and murdered, wants to help the parents of Lisa Irwin.


A woman who understands the terrible experience the Irwin family is going through is sending a message of support to them.

"I think they're probably overwhelmed. I would be, " said Tina Porter.
I hope she's not too hurt and upset when the truth comes to light about these two and she's been played like a fool.

They'll probably kick her good sentiments to the curb like they do everyone else that tries to get "too close" Ugh
K but imo go help and support but I don't need to know about it. I'm very sorry for what this lady went thru and I do'nt think her case is anywhere near what the rents in this case are going through, very different circumstances.

I'm leery of anyone who has to announce in the media their intentions. Not leery like this lady is up to no good, just k whatever I don't really care how the parents are feeling or being treated. It's called Karma. IMO

Send them a card w/ your card and u all can communicate another way. I'm worried about a lil human that has been "disappeared".
Good luck with that! Gil Abeyta has been there for 3 weeks and has yet to have a 1/1 convo with the parents. Meeting them in a group and having general chit-chat doesn't count IMHO. Maybe Tina will have better luck.



GRACE: Sure. When you first went to meet with baby Lisa`s parents, Gil, what happened?

ABEYTA: Well, I saved them to the last. I`ve been here over three weeks. And I usually -- I usually go into the mother and father. But I gathered all the information around them. I met with some of the family members. I listened to all the reports. And then finally I went in there.

I went -- first, I went into -- and they didn`t recognize me and I wasn`t able to get into the house. The second time that I went in there, I was with a number of people, and there was just too much running around. I didn`t have the right -- right conditions to be able to sit down and talk to them, and help them and do whatever I could.

They were -- they were receptive, but they were not what I expected. I wanted to get more information, but it wasn`t the right opportunity. So we left it open. I said I want you to think about --

GRACE: What do you mean by that? I`d like for you to be clear, Gil. You said that it was not what you expected. What do you mean by that?

ABEYTA: Well, I expected that we would sit down, with nobody around, and be able to review some of the problems that are going on within their - - within their family. I didn`t have that opportunity. I actually was standing up every time that I was talking to them because there was other people there. And it`s just not the right time.

It was not the right conditions to be able to sit down and go over it. I wanted more. And so I said, I will be back when you want me, if you want me. I`m not here to force myself to you. And I said, but we`ve got to go over everything. I did say to them that, you`re making a few mistakes. And I realize they may not even be your problem. But you have to talk to the media.



Source: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1110/27/ng.01.html
Baby Lisa's Parents Call Cops on Tina Porter, Take Off with Bill Stanton

As the investigation stretched into its 25th day, Tina Porter reached out to Lisa's parents, Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin, to offer her help. She wasn't welcomed.

"I said, 'I'm Tina Porter, I want to speak to Jeremy and Deborah," Porter said. The response she got: "Well, you can go through their attorney."

Porter's kids, Sam and Lindsey, were missing for three years. She searched high and low and talked to anyone who would listen. Tina's ex-husband eventually led police to their bodies.

Porter was only at the home for seconds before she was turned away. And the line about the attorney didn't go over well with her.

"Are you kidding me? That's who got them in this mess," she said. "They don't need a damn attorney."

Video and more info @ link.....


If they don't want to talk to people who have been through a similar experience, I think it's sad (not the word I really wanted to use, but trying to be respectful), but it's their choice and not mine.

What I don't understand is why open the door to her in the first place if they don't want to be talking to anyone outside their circle?

Why don't they have a secret knock or something for the family, atty's etc?

This wouldn't look so bad for them if they weren't answering the door to any 'outsiders' at all. It's not like being polite is or should be on their priority list. IMO

I am so sad for baby Lisa who has been lost in this circus created by atty's, media and the family.
K but imo go help and support but I don't need to know about it. I'm very sorry for what this lady went thru and I do'nt think her case is anywhere near what the rents in this case are going through, very different circumstances.

I'm leery of anyone who has to announce in the media their intentions. Not leery like this lady is up to no good, just k whatever I don't really care how the parents are feeling or being treated. It's called Karma. IMO

Send them a card w/ your card and u all can communicate another way. I'm worried about a lil human that has been "disappeared".

Her reason for wanting to help was to assist them with handle the questioning, the media, the public.
All of which is much the same when your child is GONE, regardless of how they disappeared.

You are right however. Her case is not anywhere near this one.

Tina Porter lost both her children.
They were murdered and then left to rot for years while their father wouldn't tell her how to find them.
She fought.
And fought.
And begged.
And pleaded.
And cried.
And did everything she possibly could to find her babies.

There was no "mystery" abductor. But she still utilized the media.
She didn't take a break. She didn't stop until they were found.

Baby Lisa? She's gone.
3 weeks now.
Her parents?
They are not fighting.
Or begging.
Or pleading.

They are not doing everything possible to find their baby.
They are claiming there IS a mystery abductor but are not utilizing the media.
They are busy.
They need to rest.

You are absolutely right.
It isn't even CLOSE to the same thing. :twocents:
Hope it's okay to re-post indepmo's post here, as I think it's a VERY profound post that clarifies exactly what happened, and this will make it easier to locate if we need to search for it in future.

A big thanks to indepmo for sharing. :tyou:

posted Today, 01:33 AM
by indepmo

Do you know how difficult it is when you go to someone’s door offering to help them and they defer you to lawyers, then call the police on you?
I think the police tactic was because they were already expecting Bill Stanton to be arriving and they were going to be fleeing with him anyway, they wanted us gone and not a minute later.

Tina maintained her composure when we were at the door, and only knocked a second time after she talked to the reporters that were camped outside when she was reminded that the local attorney had been fired and the gentleman at the door didn’t tell us who to call. When she knocked the second time, someone walked over to the door and turned the porch light off. Tina said (not yelled) "Hey... I need to know who the attorney is I need to call, not knowing if other local representation had been assigned"

We were not aware anyone had called the police, and as Fox 4 quoted in their article,

"Police asked FOX 4 crews what happened and they told them that Porter had left after trying two times to speak with the family. After the porch light was turned off, she was discouraged from any more attempts."

For the record, we made several attempts this week to contact the Irwin and Bradley family attempting to set up a meeting. Instead of them responding stating "we aren’t interested", our requests were never acknowledged. We had no contact information for them other than the official find.lisa FB page. I did save all correspondence in the event something like this was going to happen. We were going to move earlier on this, but with the difficulties with LE then every other speedbump in the road, timing has certainly been an issue.

Some Irwin-Bradley supporters have already been online making comments such as, "She should have never gone to the door unannounced" and "this woman’s situation was totally different than what the family of Baby Lisa is going through. Wrong. Over three years of experiencing the feeling of not only 1 child missing, but two. The title of the news article "Baby Lisa's parents call cops on Tina Porter, take off with Bill Stanton" made it sound like Tina went there and did something wrong or illegal, forcing the family to relocate. Earlier today it was announced the Bill Stanton was arriving Sunday in Kansas City again, but the media tipped us off that he was coming much sooner before we pulled away from the Kansas City residence.

The Sam and Lindsey Porter Foundation was established in honor of Sam and Lindsey to assist families of missing and endangered children. A search group was also formed in honor of Sam and Lindsey. A group of many that is so desperately needed to cover grounds law enforcement has not yet covered or grounds nearby they have discounted as possibly holding any evidence or clues.

I hope Baby Lisa is found soon. It apparently won't come from the help of their parents, whom an 11 month old is relying on. An 11 month old that is not capable of calling 911, and unable to yell out to anyone... "Help! I've been kidnapped. Parents that aren't cooperating with LE.

John Walsh had some similar comments such as Tina:

Kelsey Smith's parents discuss passing out fliers and making public pleas for help:

Pamela Butler's mother spoke up about fighting back and utilizing the media:
Mother remembers tough questions

All of these families giving their advice or offering support all share a couple of things in common:

They lost their children;
They want to help and make a difference

A most difficult task in this case...
I have a different view of this.

I am a very private person. I do not like other people, especially strangers, being around me during times of distress. I would be especially freaked out if my child were missing. I would want to be left alone to sort my insanity.

I find it odd that all these parents want to jump on this, get their names out there that they are going to talk with the current family. I would be no where near ready to talk with other families in any sort of situation that resembled a kidnapping. That would come later, and at my slow emotional pace, a year or so later most likely.

I really don't like these people making it public that they are trying to talk to them. Do so in peace. What makes them think these parents received any messages they sent? Did Irwin or Bradley sign for a certified letter? What the heck?

Snipped from idepmo's above quoted post, and bbm:

"For the record, we made several attempts this week to contact the Irwin and Bradley family attempting to set up a meeting. Instead of them responding stating "we aren’t interested", our requests were never acknowledged. We had no contact information for them other than the official find.lisa FB page. I did save all correspondence in the event something like this was going to happen. We were going to move earlier on this, but with the difficulties with LE then every other speedbump in the road, timing has certainly been an issue."

WTH is that about?! You want to help? Does not sound like it. It sounds like trouble stirring to me. For the record? What record? Save correspondence? For what? Sorry, but that is the way I feel.

If someone wants to help, do so privately. If they are turned away for whatever reason, accept that it is not time for your kind of help for this family yet. Leave a card with contact info if they are ever in need. Be private about it, not all over the media about it. I just don't understand.
I'm so sorry the Bradley/Irwins were so horrified at the sight of Tina that they had to call the police (if that's how I read it). But it doesn't sound like we're dealing with normal people here. They remind me of Cindy Anthony who treated Tim Miller like a piece of poop. Deplorable.

Maybe everyone should pack up and turn their backs on the Bradwins. Stop the money train so to speak. To many people with good intentions are getting hurt while the Bradwins are chauffered around in private cars and Lord knows what else.

I'm just not ready for another Anthony circus so soon. But that's just my opinion.

I have a different view of this.

I am a very private person. I do not like other people, especially strangers, being around me during times of distress. I would be especially freaked out if my child were missing. I would want to be left alone to sort my insanity.

I find it odd that all these parents want to jump on this, get their names out there that they are going to talk with the current family. I would be no where near ready to talk with other families in any sort of situation that resembled a kidnapping. That would come later, and at my slow emotional pace, a year or so later most likely.

I really don't like these people making it public that they are trying to talk to them. Do so in peace. What makes them think these parents received any messages they sent? Did Irwin or Bradley sign for a certified letter? What the heck?

Snipped from idepmo's above quoted post, and bbm:

"For the record, we made several attempts this week to contact the Irwin and Bradley family attempting to set up a meeting. Instead of them responding stating "we aren’t interested", our requests were never acknowledged. We had no contact information for them other than the official find.lisa FB page. I did save all correspondence in the event something like this was going to happen. We were going to move earlier on this, but with the difficulties with LE then every other speedbump in the road, timing has certainly been an issue."

WTH is that about?! You want to help? Does not sound like it. It sounds like trouble stirring to me. For the record? What record? Save correspondence? For what? Sorry, but that is the way I feel.

If someone wants to help, do so privately. If they are turned away for whatever reason, accept that it is not time for your kind of help for this family yet. Leave a card with contact info if they are ever in need. Be private about it, not all over the media about it. I just don't understand.

I hear what you're saying. Perhaps Gil and Tina can't even imagine that the Bradwins would turn them down. Like you, I'm a very private person too, and can't tolerate strangers in the best conditions.

But why call the police? Why shut the door in Gil's face? Whatever happened to common courtesy? I understand D&J don't have to meet and greet them at the door, but couldn't their plethora of spokespeople kindly tell them they're not interested?

I don't understand why Gil is still there (3 weeks later). I would have gone home after the first declined visit. He may have left by now, I don't know.

Tina shouldn't have gone back a 2nd time (I don't care if she said she wanted to know who to call). Their attorney, at the time, had her name plastered all over the MSM. I don't get that.

I do believe their intentions were good, and not meant to garner self-promotion, but to help. Unfortunately, they were not met with a welcomed reception.


They may have called LE per instruction from JT, BS or LE themselves, or they may not know who she is, regardless if she sent emails to a blog. I can't say I blame them after reading that post. LE is the only one to create a record. That blew me away, and the line about "we were going to move on this sooner", move on what? Weird.

What happened to the days of a quiet, private sympathy card with some info and contact numbers if you ever chose to talk?
Tina maintained her composure when we were at the door, and only knocked a second time after she talked to the reporters that were camped outside when she was reminded that the local attorney had been fired and the gentleman at the door didn’t tell us who to call. When she knocked the second time, someone walked over to the door and turned the porch light off. Tina said (not yelled) "Hey... I need to know who the attorney is I need to call, not knowing if other local representation had been assigned"

Respectfully, wouldn't Tina just call Joe T's office? Why bother the family about who their new attorney is when it's none of anyone's business? Why would Tina impart her presense if she was already shut down the first time?

Just curious.

Tina maintained her composure when we were at the door, and only knocked a second time after she talked to the reporters that were camped outside when she was reminded that the local attorney had been fired and the gentleman at the door didn’t tell us who to call. When she knocked the second time, someone walked over to the door and turned the porch light off. Tina said (not yelled) "Hey... I need to know who the attorney is I need to call, not knowing if other local representation had been assigned"

Respectfully, wouldn't Tina just call Joe T's office? Why bother the family about who their new attorney is when it's none of anyone's business? Why would Tina impart her presense if she was already shut down the first time?

Just curious.


Yes, the entire world knows JT is the attorney, good point.
They may have called LE per instruction from JT, BS or LE themselves, or they may not know who she is, regardless if she sent emails to a blog. I can't say I blame them after reading that post. LE is the only one to create a record. That blew me away, and the line about "we were going to move on this sooner", move on what? Weird.

What happened to the days of a quiet, private sympathy card with some info and contact numbers if you ever chose to talk?

Yup, Yup, and Yup! This is all so very strange!
To me, if a foundation really wants to just offer help then you send your business card and a note. period. Then wait cause if you're just cold calling in front of all the cameras then you know what is gonna make the news.. You walking to the door, your cause mentioned attched to your name. period.

I do not care if the rents are'nt media savvy. They brought it on themselves.

All this does is add to the circus. imo.

Missing/"disappeared"/murdered children are a business now!! It's sickening, even these foundations are offering help, they are also hoping for a lil name drop in the media. IMO.

There are a bunch of other missing children cases going on right now, if these foundations just really really want to help they have a plethera of other causes but just not the same media attention. Theres a reason they decided to knock on this door and not on the door of a family who is sitting at home w/ no media trucks parked in front. imo
I can understand why people in a difficult situation might not welcome strangers in their middle but they have got to know that rudeness to another victim isn't going to look very good. You can say "no thank you" or "maybe later" nicely. Strange IMO. Also strange that TP didn't know who their attorney is, after all the morning shows he's been to. JT needs more exposure, I think.
I have a different view of this.

I am a very private person. I do not like other people, especially strangers, being around me during times of distress. I would be especially freaked out if my child were missing. I would want to be left alone to sort my insanity.

I find it odd that all these parents want to jump on this, get their names out there that they are going to talk with the current family. I would be no where near ready to talk with other families in any sort of situation that resembled a kidnapping. That would come later, and at my slow emotional pace, a year or so later most likely.

I really don't like these people making it public that they are trying to talk to them. Do so in peace. What makes them think these parents received any messages they sent? Did Irwin or Bradley sign for a certified letter? What the heck?

Snipped from idepmo's above quoted post, and bbm:

"For the record, we made several attempts this week to contact the Irwin and Bradley family attempting to set up a meeting. Instead of them responding stating "we aren’t interested", our requests were never acknowledged. We had no contact information for them other than the official find.lisa FB page. I did save all correspondence in the event something like this was going to happen. We were going to move earlier on this, but with the difficulties with LE then every other speedbump in the road, timing has certainly been an issue."

WTH is that about?! You want to help? Does not sound like it. It sounds like trouble stirring to me. For the record? What record? Save correspondence? For what? Sorry, but that is the way I feel.

If someone wants to help, do so privately. If they are turned away for whatever reason, accept that it is not time for your kind of help for this family yet. Leave a card with contact info if they are ever in need. Be private about it, not all over the media about it. I just don't understand.

BBM- I can't answer for idepmo, but it's always a good idea to keep copies of any correspondence these days.
In this case, I can only ASSume it was because the family might come out and say that no effort had been made on Tina's part to make contact prior to arriving at the house.

In such a high profile case, I'm certain that there have been so many attempts by all sorts of people to make contact with the family, that no reply from the family could just be a case of being lost in the pile .

They clearly don't want, or are not ready for any advice by parents who have lost their children in tragic circumstances.

"I met with them briefly," Abeyta said. "I could tell they don't trust anyone, not even me."

He says he expected that response. He's been following the story from the beginning. He feels like the baby's parents got some bad advice as well as being overwhelmed and they simply withdrew. Abyeta says talking with them wasn't easy.

"It didn't go as well as I wanted it to, but then again, I was telling them to do this do that," he said. "Talk to police, they didn't like it, you think they like someone coming in and telling them that?"

Lets not forget that both Tina and Gil are victims, and they're likely re-living their own trauma all over again....yet still trying to help the Irwin/Bradley family.

It probably would have been a good idea for one of the atty's or spokespersons to release something along the lines of " We appreciate the help offered by advocates and others who have been through simailar experiences, but we respectfully ask for privacy at this time."

I completely respect your position of being very private and not wanting strangers showing up on your doorstep in a time of trauma.
You don't have to answer the question, I'm just curious.

Would you open/answer the door, or just ignore it? Personally I'd just ignore it if I didn't want to talk to anyone.


ETA: I don't think it was 'right' for Tina to go back and knock second time. But she's a victim too. And probably not thinking really rationally at this time either.
I have a different view of this.

I am a very private person. I do not like other people, especially strangers, being around me during times of distress. I would be especially freaked out if my child were missing. I would want to be left alone to sort my insanity.

I find it odd that all these parents want to jump on this, get their names out there that they are going to talk with the current family. I would be no where near ready to talk with other families in any sort of situation that resembled a kidnapping. That would come later, and at my slow emotional pace, a year or so later most likely.

I really don't like these people making it public that they are trying to talk to them. Do so in peace. What makes them think these parents received any messages they sent? Did Irwin or Bradley sign for a certified letter? What the heck?

Snipped from idepmo's above quoted post, and bbm:

"For the record, we made several attempts this week to contact the Irwin and Bradley family attempting to set up a meeting. Instead of them responding stating "we aren’t interested", our requests were never acknowledged. We had no contact information for them other than the official find.lisa FB page. I did save all correspondence in the event something like this was going to happen. We were going to move earlier on this, but with the difficulties with LE then every other speedbump in the road, timing has certainly been an issue."

WTH is that about?! You want to help? Does not sound like it. It sounds like trouble stirring to me. For the record? What record? Save correspondence? For what? Sorry, but that is the way I feel.

If someone wants to help, do so privately. If they are turned away for whatever reason, accept that it is not time for your kind of help for this family yet. Leave a card with contact info if they are ever in need. Be private about it, not all over the media about it. I just don't understand.

I'm just as confused. Save correspondence? For what? What correspondence? Also, maybe just me but is the WS poster involved with TP's organization? The post says "we". Am I reading it right? Why is this poster inserting himself in this case? Is that normal for WS? I've only been a member here since June so I'm not sure.

A link to where the post was actually made would help. Maybe it's in reply to another post and I'm not seeing the whole discussion.

Wow. This poor family. I'd be pretty spooked too. TP went twice? I agree with those who have said, leave a card or something and when they're ready, they will call. We don't know what they're going through right now. I'm really sickened by all of this. People are keeping tabs of how many times this family refused help? Really? OMG!

ETA: People seem to forget they have 2 other children. Those poor kids don't need more trauma in their lives.
I never answer my door to strangers. If a person I know is coming by, they tell me in advance.

As far as whom opened this door, it could be the case again it was neither Irwin or Bradley. IDK. I would think that they have been instructed to call LE from the previous said emails though. Just my thoughts on that one.

O/T The Today Show will have something on they just announced, but it may just be about the local attorney quitting.

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