ARUBA - Robyn Gardner, 35, Maryland woman missing in Aruba, 2 Aug 2011 - # 7

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35-year-old Robyn Gardner disappeared while on vacation in Aruba on August 2, 2011. Her traveling companion and suspect in the case, Gary Giordano, says she was swept away while they were snorkeling.

Previous Threads:

Thread #1

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Thread #4

Thread #5

Thread #6
Ummm, he is not in prison....because he also knows the pictures are not proof of murder - in fact, these pictures were probably a way for someone sleazy, like GG, to say Robyn was asking for something sordid to happen to her.

It's a bit like the question about the hairpiece. Wouldn't it float away in riptides, and why would he take lewd photos and leave the camera lying around if he planned a murder?
He does not seem like the kind of guy that likes to stay under the radar. He is kind of a narcissist imo.

And leaving those pictures was a perfect move. He was trying to devalue her, imo.

He stayed under the radar for 30 years ... from the time he got his computer science degree until the disappearance of Robyn.

Are you suggesting that he took the lewd pictures, knowning full well he would murder her, and left them for police to find because he was trying to devalue her? How does leaving evidence of a crime help the criminal and what is the significance of leaving photos that devalue someone? It's not like he and Robyn had a serious relationship ... they were travel buddies that met on a virtual hook-up site ... nothing to devalue.
Giordano is on Dateline.....crying. Is there some course in which JB teaches his clients to cry convincingly when crying for THEMSELVES?

No crying for Robyn or concern for where Robyn might be. Sick.
.....and exactly how does their "alleged" claims make GG guilty of murdering RG

Ok! I know I am no ones favorite poster right now, and that's ok. All I am trying to do is play devils advocate.

GG is not a good guy, I get it. But after 4 months in an Aruban prison and countless interrogations Arubam authorities have seen fit to release him on lack of evidence, How is it a court of law cannot find enough evidence to convict him, but you can be so sure he is guilty of murder....just because he is a jerk to women. (and yes I did get this from the Casey Anthony defense)--it was the one thing in that whole mess that actually made sense to me.
So yell at me all you want , until there is some new evidence I will give this guy the benefit of the doubt, sorry .

I think we best remember that just because there's no solid or physical evidence, doesn't mean a crime has not been committed. Thus, circumstantial evidence. In this case there is not enough evidence to conclude that GG did not commit a crime against Robyn. Yet, he was the last one with her, and he was the one person exhibiting highly questionable and suspicious behavior in the wake of her disappearance. Therefore, imo, there is more circumstantial evidence to conclude that GG did something to Robyn versus that he did not.

Unfortunately, a court of law does not always go along with the early findings as the standards are very high. I strongly hope something more is found. I can never give GG the benefit of the doubt without a considerable amount of evidence to clear him. Again, JMO.
By the way, when asked what was in the cups he was taking from the restaurant to the car and back to the restaurant....Juice. Just juice, no alcohol. Reallllllyyyy?? FSS,
Giordano is on Dateline.....crying. Is there some course in which JB teaches his clients to cry convincingly when crying for THEMSELVES?

No crying for Robyn or concern for where Robyn might be. Sick.

What a pathetic narcissist. He makes me :sick:.
By the way, when asked what was in the cups he was taking from the restaurant to the car and back to the restaurant....Juice. Just juice, no alcohol. Reallllllyyyy?? FSS,

HaHaHa! That's a good one, GG. :liar: :liar: pants on fire! :floorlaugh:
can someone in aruba or in a country with the same climate as aruba in july please go soak their sneakers in water ie. get them good and wet (20-30 minutes) and then walk along some sand and then find a tile (?) floor to confirm -or deny- that soaking wet sneakers do or do not leave shoe prints minutes later? because in any of the replays of the video of GG "looking" for help at the restaurant, i do not see any wet shoe prints. or, would the sand dry the shoes enough to make prints impossible?

of course, if someone already posted in the previous threads they saw wet shoe prints or had someone confirm this, please ignore this post. i do not honestly know if i've read every post in the other threads, but i do know GG does not look wet in that tape. it's possible my eyes are worse than i think... ??
By the way, when asked what was in the cups he was taking from the restaurant to the car and back to the restaurant....Juice. Just juice, no alcohol. Reallllllyyyy?? FSS,

and his reply to the question if there was alcohol in the cup was "absolutely not!" ... it's not like alcohol is illegal or he's underage so why the overly emphatic denial?

He stayed under the radar for 30 years ... from the time he got his computer science degree until the disappearance of Robyn.

Are you suggesting that he took the lewd pictures, knowning full well he would murder her, and left them for police to find because he was trying to devalue her? How does leaving evidence of a crime help the criminal and what is the significance of leaving photos that devalue someone? It's not like he and Robyn had a serious relationship ... they were travel buddies that met on a virtual hook-up site ... nothing to devalue.

FYI. Actually, GG hasn't been that far under the radar. He has a criminal history and a history of stalking women. As far as his criminal history,if you're not aware of it, it's posted somewhere on the forum.
and his reply to the question if there was alcohol in the cup was "absolutely not!" ... it's not like alcohol is illegal or he's underage so why the overly emphatic denial?


Right. Because he's lying.
Giordano is still a suspect in this case, that is why he does not tell his story, it is not in his best interest and his lawyer would have advised him not to do so.

Imagine he would go tell the beach-snorkeling story, the story we have read over and over again, nothing new there if he would tell it again, but given the circumstances he was in, being on television, having his children stand behind him, the host in front of him who may interrupt him at any moment, having been in jail for 4 months, being fed up yet having the desire for people to believe him, there were a number of factors present that could have led to him saying something just to be liked better (like "yes I did look back" while he didn't) or because he was interrupted, or because he would want his sons to be proud of him.
There was a risk he would contradict himself and since he is still a suspect he cannot risk that, even if he would want to Baez would step in immediately. IMO

Exactly, he is the only suspect. So why is he going on national television looking like a total *advertiser censored* who obviously cares nothing about Robyn's disappearance, only about himself. JMO.

He kind of looks like a victim of US media maniacs (eg: Nancy Grace) that convict someone of murder without evidence ... a victim of that moving-goal-post justice system that means different things depending on the state. I think it's weird that the US doesn't have a national justice system ... like other countries. We hear criticisms of the Aruban (the country - not state, territory or province) justice system, knowing full well that we don't have to wade through the various territories to figure out how justice is interpretted, but the US is just that ... depending on where one is in the US, justice has a different meaning. How can anyone from that kind of decentralized national system criticize a country where the justice system is, at the very least, unified?
HaHaHa! That's a good one, GG. :liar: :liar: pants on fire! :floorlaugh:

Yeah, whenever I go on vacation in a beach resort, I always order juice in the bar, and if we don't finish it. we always take it with us in case we want more juice on the way home. Sure.
FYI. Actually, GG hasn't been that far under the radar. He has a criminal history and a history of stalking women. As far as his criminal history,if you're not aware of it, it's posted somewhere on the forum.

His only criiminal history is theft from large electronics outlets. Women have made complaints against him in the past ... his wife and his girlfriend. All charges were dropped - which suggests they may have been part of domestic dispute and not ligit.

I have reviewed his criminal history and the only convictions are theft, the domestic complaints were not pursued.
By the way, when asked what was in the cups he was taking from the restaurant to the car and back to the restaurant....Juice. Just juice, no alcohol. Reallllllyyyy?? FSS,

What does FSS mean?
He stayed under the radar for 30 years ... from the time he got his computer science degree until the disappearance of Robyn.

Are you suggesting that he took the lewd pictures, knowning full well he would murder her, and left them for police to find because he was trying to devalue her? How does leaving evidence of a crime help the criminal and what is the significance of leaving photos that devalue someone? It's not like he and Robyn had a serious relationship ... they were travel buddies that met on a virtual hook-up site ... nothing to devalue.

How was he under the radar? There were lost of sordid stories being told about his vile behavior, and his aggressive actions.

And yes, I am suggesting that he knew those pictures would be found. He did not bother to erase them because it would only make her a less sympathetic victim, imo.

How are those pictures 'evidence of a crime?' They are evidence of a kind of sordid relationship that they had going. OR they are evidence that he drugged her and took advantage of the situation. I am not sure which. But they do not incriminate him in terms of murder or he would not be free.

And there is something to devalue, imo. If she had been a 17 yr old aspiring model, there with a guardian, and went missing, then LE would be all over it. But those pictures taint her reputation. They make it seem like she could have gone anywhere with anyone. They add to the speculation that the cartel took her for their prostitution ring/
and his reply to the question if there was alcohol in the cup was "absolutely not!" ... it's not like alcohol is illegal or he's underage so why the overly emphatic denial?


If it wasn't alcohol, why was he going from the beach cafe to their car and back with their empty cups? Did he actually deny during interviews that he was getting alcohol? I it that was earlier established that he was getting vodka from the car?
If it wasn't alcohol, why was he going from the beach cafe to their car and back with their empty cups? Did he actually deny during interviews that he was getting alcohol? I it that was earlier established that he was getting vodka from the car?

Yes, he denied it vehemently on Dateline NBC. Let me see if I can find an early transcript or clip.
How was he under the radar? There were lost of sordid stories being told about his vile behavior, and his aggressive actions.

And yes, I am suggesting that he knew those pictures would be found. He did not bother to erase them because it would only make her a less sympathetic victim, imo.

How are those pictures 'evidence of a crime?' They are evidence of a kind of sordid relationship that they had going. OR they are evidence that he drugged her and took advantage of the situation. I am not sure which. But they do not incriminate him in terms of murder or he would not be free.

And there is something to devalue, imo. If she had been a 17 yr old aspiring model, there with a guardian, and went missing, then LE would be all over it. But those pictures taint her reputation. They make it seem like she could have gone anywhere with anyone. They add to the speculation that the cartel took her for their prostitution ring/

Robyn is no 17 year old and I doubt the reaction in Aruba would have been any different if she had been 17. Robyn, a 35 year old divorced woman that was fired from her job in a dental office shortly before she took a trip to Aruba with a swinger she met online, disappeared and there is no evidence of a crime. Massive land and water searches produced nothing. The only suspect is a 50 year old man from Maryland, as he was the last person to see her alive.

Who is making it seem like she could have gone anywhere ... Baez? From what I've seen from Baez, he would argue that she went to the moon.

A man guilty of premeditated murder would retain documentation of a violent relationship before committing murder: lewd photos that led to increased suspicion by police?
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