FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #15

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Michelle (Shelly) Parker has been missing since November 17, 2011. She dropped off her twins with their father, who she is not married to and no one has seen her since.
She last had contact with her brother on November 17, around 4:30pm. It was a text she was in Waterford. A search is underway. Her cellphone powered off at 8:08pm 11/17.




Map by: TexasLil
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I keep reading all the posts regarding what set Dll off that day and to tell you the truth, I don't think it was just about THAT DAY. I think he has been simmering for awhile now. She is BEAUTIFUL, great figure, well dressed, make up perfect and works with people who love her and drives a hummer that is in his name. She has the kids, the family the new career, what more could he be envious of.... oh ya the new BF. I think being on TV was a big perk for him, this time he was in the light, but maybe just maybe she showed him up there too.. Anyway, I can see how he could be jealous of her and her life. I could see him not wanting to give her up. Some one told me that love and hate are not far apart, but when you are indiffernt to the person, you don't love them any more, you are done. This guy was still mad about the ring, he wanted justice. Was it all about the ring? Really? "Just say'n"

ps Sometimes just being alive, happy and living your life sets them off....
I keep reading all the posts regarding what set Dll off that day and to tell you the truth, I don't think it was just about THAT DAY. I think he has been simmering for awhile now. She is BEAUTIFUL, great figure, well dressed, make up perfect and works with people who love her and drives a hummer that is in his name. She has the kids, the family the new career, what more could he be envious of.... oh ya the new BF. I think being on TV was a big perk for him, this time he was in the light, but maybe just maybe she showed him up there too.. Anyway, I can see how he could be jealous of her and her life. I could see him not wanting to give her up. Some one told me that love and hate are not far apart, but when you are indiffernt to the person, you don't love them any more, you are done. This guy was still mad about the ring, he wanted justice. Was it all about the ring? Really? "Just say'n"

Dale seems like a control freak. He was losing control and the girl of his dreams rejected him on public tv. I believe this set him off. He looked like a little wimpy puppy on that show with his tail between his legs. Michelle and the judge mocked him *and exposed him for the weak woman beater he was. He looked like a coward who had to break cameras and punch windows to prevent himself from hurting people. The loose cannon could not hold back the rage any longer. He snapped. He left her to suffer somewhere.*IMO
Thanks Patty for looking that up for me.

Michelle Parker - Dinner with Father

Launer said that nothing seemed wrong with Parker when she saw her Wednesday night. Parker had made plans to have an oyster dinner with her dad on Friday night and the friends had planned a bonfire for Saturday so that Launer could meet Mitchell for the first time.

If Michelle "provoked" him in any way, maybe she felt safe with the twins there and knowing she was on her way out. If they did have a volatile relationship, it is possible almost anything she said might have provoked him. I doubt she taunted him, but I can't believe the topic of the show did not come up between them when it had just been on. JMO
Couple of questions. How long does it typically take to dig a grave? If Dale built her a coffin (cabinet maker and all) wonder if dogs would pick up her scent.
Posted by Patty G
I would think that any responsible parent wouldn't kill the mother of their children once the mother drops off her children with their father either, however, it does happen.

I am back to still working on how Dale did this alone, while the children are with him.


I can come up with a few - running on the assumption he had no accomplice for the murder (and obviously speaking only in a manner of IF he did not, saying he DID do it) seeing as I know you've asked for theories on how he could have done it both by himself, and with the twins.

As others have stated- perhaps the twins arrived already asleep, or they brought them into the home , they sat down with a show on tv, a snack (having just left day care they very well could have been hungry) toy etc to preoccupy them and dale says "i need to speak with you, can we talk away from the kids" (my ex and I make it a point not to discuss issues in front of our child, so IMO it wouldn't be out of the norm to step into another room , the garage, outside, etc momentarily to speak) And that is when the act occurred.

If he came from behind her, he could have strangled her very quickly and quietly (he is a former marine - he has been trained in this) or used chloroform etc to subdue her, quickly and quietly. ( my own opinion- I do not believe the children witnessed or heard anything , or dale would not willingly be giving visitations to Michelle's family). She may have been killed at that moment, or she may have just been subdued/restrained.

If she were killed, she may have been loaded into a vehicle at that moment, and unknowingly the children may have been placed in the same vehicle- or the kids could have been loaded up and she left at the condo for later. (same goes for is she was still alive , just restrained) Dale drops the children off with his parents (who may or may not have known - let's assume at the time they knew nothing) and says there is some issue (any issue) he needs to take care of- he will return later.

Not saying any of that did or did not happen- just posing theories.

I am so not a fan of multiple quotes and normally I overlook them because it is difficult for me to go through all the quotes in one post to see if there is something for me. It must be my age!

In any event, in your theory of the twins being in the same vehicle as Michelle's body, are you using the pick-up truck that Dale used to bring his children to his father's house with Michelle body in the back of the pick-up?

If you are using the pick-up truck, then Dale has to go back to the condo, to get the Hummer so he can drive it back to where the Hummer was found. Now how did Dale get back to his condo alone to get his pick-up truck?

Same applies if Dale uses the Hummer to drop off the children, and then leaves the Hummer in the parking lot, how does Dale get back to the condo alone to get his pick-up truck.

I have heard taxi's, bus, and riding a bike, all of which are highly unlikely in my book as it takes too much time. With a taxi, there would be a record of the call to the taxi dispatcher, as well as on Dale's cellphone.

I don't know if there is a bus-line in that area, at that hour, and timing would be important in order to catch a bus.

It is easy for Dale to murder Michelle using various forms and I totally get that one. All you need is a minute to use a choke-hold and the person is dead.

Although, I have always kept in my thoughts, that Michelle would have fought for her life if she was in a choke hold and would have scratched Dale's arm, face, perhaps kick him in the groin; unless he snapped her neck in a second. (Geez, I can't believe I actually typed that.)

Again, two vehicles, one person alone.
I don't think he cared enough to build a coffin, JMO. To dig a grave, not long, the ground here is full of sand, it is easy.
Dale seems like a control freak. He was losing control and the girl of his dreams rejected him on public tv. I believe this set him off. He looked like a little wimpy puppy on that show with his tail between his legs. Michelle and the judge mocked him *and exposed him for the weak woman beater he was. He looked like a coward who had to break cameras and punch windows to prevent himself from hurting people. The loose cannon could not hold back the rage any longer. He snapped. He left her to suffer somewhere.*IMO

5 months later? If anything, I think he would've snapped that same day right after the show if he was so enraged. We know he reacts on impulse.

I'm not so sure PC had anything to do with it. Something else must've triggered it, if he did it. Removing the stickers on the hummer could be a clue. Do we know when the stickers were put on the hummer? There was a lot more going on in their toxic relationship, imo. I think a lot of unresolved issues still lingered. Unfortunately, Michelle was oblivious to what may have been in his head because she trusted him enough to go over there and drop off the kids.
5 months later? If anything, I think he would've snapped that same day right after the show if he was so enraged. We know he reacts on impulse.

I'm not so sure PC had anything to do with it. Something else must've triggered it, if he did it. Removing the stickers on the hummer could be a clue. Do we know when the stickers were put on the hummer? There was a lot more going on in their toxic relationship, imo. I think a lot of unresolved issues still lingered. Unfortunately, Michelle was oblivious to what may have been in his head because she trusted him enough to go over there and drop off the kids.

I agree it could have been something else but her disappearance came within what 45 minutes of the show being aired. It may have been the straw that broke the camel's back...
Do we know how long it would take to walk from where the hummer was left to Dale sr's home?
5 months later? If anything, I think he would've snapped that same day right after the show if he was so enraged. We know he reacts on impulse.

I'm not so sure PC had anything to do with it. Something else must've triggered it, if he did it. Removing the stickers on the hummer could be a clue. Do we know when the stickers were put on the hummer? There was a lot more going on in their toxic relationship, imo. I think a lot of unresolved issues still lingered. Unfortunately, Michelle was oblivious to what may have been in his head because she trusted him enough to go over there and drop off the kids.

It's been indicated that the editing and/or post-court remarks, which he would be viewing for the first time, may have contained something that upset him. Again, it doesn't have to reach the threshold of being a situation where we believe violence is warranted--it's all about what DS jr. believed warranted violence, either in general or in a vital moment. IMO.
I would like to know why some folks feel that Dale, Sr. is part of either helping Dale with disposing of Michelle, or throwing the cellphone in the river or coming to pick up the children, or driving one of the vehicles or picking up Dale at the parking lot?

Is it because of a 20 second spot on TV when Dale Sr. stated Dale was there the entire time of Michelle's disappearance?

Dale Sr., was inserted before the raid, and before the custody hearing and I am just plain curious.

I can't imagine my son calling me to help him dispose of a body, or driving a vehicle of his girlfriends to help him leave it in a parking lot, or ask me to throw a cellphone in a river, etc., etc.

I couldn't imagine my brother calling our father for help in any form with regards to covering up a murder. Heck, my father would have probably murdered my brother if he knew my brother did something like that. My father was really "old-school" and strict and arrogant like Dale, Sr.
I would like to know why some folks feel that Dale, Sr. is part of either helping Dale with disposing of Michelle, or throwing the cellphone in the river or coming to pick up the children, or driving one of the vehicles or picking up Dale at the parking lot?

Is it because of a 20 second spot on TV when Dale Sr. stated Dale was there the entire time of Michelle's disappearance?

Dale Sr., was inserted before the raid, and before the custody hearing and I am just plain curious.

I can't imagine my son calling me to help him dispose of a body, or driving a vehicle of his girlfriends to help him leave it in a parking lot, or ask me to throw a cellphone in a river, etc., etc.

I couldn't imagine my brother calling our father for help in any form with regards to covering up a murder. Heck, my father would have probably murdered my brother if he knew my brother did something like that. My father was really "old-school" and strict and arrogant like Dale, Sr.

Patty, I'm going to guess that your family can't be remotely compared with this family. Unless you are trying to tell us something? :crazy:
When I look at that map with all the evidence along the way, it looks like bread crumbs from the condo to Sr's house.

I know Patty wants to do this with out help from the family but I can't do it that way.

I can see him taking the truck, with the two kids (leaving the body at the condo) and driving to the Dad's to drop off the kids. 23 to 30 minutes to do this, so it is about 4:00 but he has to get back to the condo and text "Water Ford" at 4:15 to the brother. So he had to have the phone on the first trip. He has to drive back to his condo now, with the phone and now park the truck, get into the hummer, after putting in a body, drive- dump body, drive- toss out phone and go to the Walden condos and park the hummer. He would walk back to his dad's house, but now he has no car. So the last step is, he get his dad to drive him and the kids home. Now it is a lot, but that could be done, given LE never went to his home and searched until the next night.

The other way is; the dad and mother picked up the kids, mom drives back with the kids and dad stays to help out jr and now you have two people driving. Can't see another way. :(
Patty, I'm going to guess that your family can't be remotely compared with this family. Unless you are trying to tell us something? :crazy:

My father was very abusive both physically and verbally as well as an alcoholic. I couldn't imagine my father ever covering up something for his children, even as the type of father that I had. My father was born in 1905, and he did a lot in his lifetime, NO, never killed anyone, but he was powerful.

I just don't see that Dale's father and mother are anything but a family, unless I am clearly missing a lot about Dale's father. The only one that I see with a problem is Dale, Jr.

As far as Dale, Sr, in my eyes, he was aggravated when the media was at his door the first time when he said Dale was there the entire time Michelle was missing.

We saw Dale Sr. aggravated when the media came to his door after the raid and asked if this is the "Smith residence" or whatever they asked him and Dale said "no Santa Claus.

We saw Dale Sr., arrogance when the media followed him from the court room taunting him along the way with microphones, and Kathi Belich saying: "it appears they found Michelle body in the lake".
Not feeling well, so I'm gonna post the question list tomorrow. Probably nobody is up to reading 122 questions right now anyway.
Not sure if you're reading the same threads as me as we have all been trying to figure out how DS did it and where he may have hid her. We bring in theories and sleuth good leads in hopes we can piece something together that may assist LE in some shape or form. Ultimately we all want to find her. I am not sure I understand your question. Are you asking what is the purpose of this site?

what I have ben reading is what a vioent man DSjr is, his prior bad acts, his fascination with star wars and why we think he killed her. why doesn't really matter, where she is matters. I've seen few posts on that compared to what a bad guy he is.
All I can say is from following crime for as long as I have. Not only do parents help their kids hide a body and clean up, they plan and participate in the murder as well.
Why is it necessary to determine how Dale did this alone? LE has not named anyone else a prime suspect, true, but they did serve a warrant on DSsr's home. So, perhaps they know something we don't...

But, if just for friendly debate, here's my Dale solo theory. Keep in mind, I don' t think it happened this way. If Dale did it, IF, then he did it with help, IMO.

Okay, so Michelle pulls up to Dale's at 3:18, and gets out of the car to get Dale. She leaves the sleepy kids in the car, because it will be easier to bring the kids and all their stuff in with a second adult. She parks on the street right in front of his driveway. She meets Dale in his garage as he is coming out of his home. He makes a comment about the PC show or the new BF comes up, or she determines he has been drinking and says he can't have the kids. Whatever the reason, they begin to fight. He snaps, he pushes her hard and he hits her head on something, it knocks her out. He either finishes her there (hate typing it...) or later when he dumps her body. Either way it's murder. Dale panics. Omg, what have I done. He runs out to the Hummer, backs it into the garage, and loads Michelle into the back. Removes the decals.

He drives to a secluded nearby place where he can bury/place in water/dump Michelle. He drives to his parent's homes, on the way getting a text from MP's brother, "where you at?" Dale freaks, oh no! He quickly texts back "Waterford" not really thinking about it...he gets to his parents hours and parks down the street from the house, so that his parents won't see the Hummer. He brings the kids in and tells his parents that he needs to walk around their property to clear his head after watching that PC episode. he tells them to not bug him for anything. His parents can tell he is in a mood and know better than to tangle with him like that.

He gets back in the Hummer after getting the kids settled at Grampy's house.

He drives to Walden Circle and leaves the Hummer. At this point it is a little before five. He then, can literally WALK home to his condo in less than 4 hours. He would be home by 9. He could then grab his truck and drive back to his parents house arriving by 9:30ish at the latest. If he had removed the carseats and stashed them at the end of the his parents driveway in the brush, he could even load these back into his truck before parking. I have no problem believing that the parents of a man with a temper like Dale's wouldn't know enough to leave him alone to cool off, especially when they have their precious grandchildren to look after. So, him being "missing" for that time period would not be crazy, and they have a lot of property out there for him to wander. Also, there was the phone call from Y that DS mom answered and he was not available to take the call.

But, seriously, I walkscored the distance, and it would be doable in 3 hours and 45 minutes. And, walkscored.com is usually pretty liberal with their times...
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