PA - Half Dozen Dogs Dismembered Two Arrested


Jun 13, 2007
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Warning extreme violence to pets.

Two people were arrested in Coatesville after police walked into a gruesome discovery. Found were numerous skeletons of dogs and one of which was gold leafed in the living room. A dog's skull was also found in the freezer.

Numerous items such as marijuanna, machete's, knives and books on the occult were found along with chicken parts hanging from a tree.
Oh, geez...I can't read it...those poor, poor doggies....the goons that did this are the real animals....
I can't open the link, I mean I can't bring myself to.
I carefully select - or at least hope I do - the few times I will say, in anguish at circumstances too horrid to consider, "Jesus Christ." This is one time I've elected to say it.
:banghead: These people make me so mad, it's evil. What is wrong with these people that they think it's okay to do this.
First they had to worry about the two arsonists setting the town on fire now they have this to worry about?

Inquiring minds who want to know headed up to New Hope, PA as they always do when it comes to matters of the occult. I believe that anyone of us here could tell them it ain't witchcraft. However, we'll let someone from New Hope tell that when it comes to animal sacrifice dogs and cats are a no no.

Note I am just linking. Filly isn't saying anything about witchcraft, Paola Mayombe or Santeria. Especially on Ash Wednesday. In all actuallity I know none of those involve harming a dog or cat.

To note this can be getting iffy. The end of the article says the skulls haven't been confirmed yet. Goats and dogs skulls look alike. Alright then. What about the spine? The gold leaf?

Iffy too would be culturally. Point blank walking up a driveway by my home I see this meat. Meat hanging on the clothesline. Fish? It's flippin some type of meat. Flies already all over it. The neighbor was out with her bleach bottle, and said this is constant. Now culturally we don't dry our fish or meat on the line we put clean clothes on it. How would I know what is a sacrifice and what wasn't?
Feb 21st 2012:

Home of horror harbors ritualistic animal sacrifice...

"I've never seen anything like this in my life," said Britton of the Chester County SPCA, he called the findings, "macabre and Dahmeresque."...

Still more discoveries were made in the rear yard. A fire pit with charred animal remains, more canine skulls and a tree with chicken parts and bones suspended from the branches. Empty dog crates and a chicken coop with two live chickens were also in the rear yard. The chickens were rescued to safety by the SPCA.

Feb 21st 2012:

When it comes to pagan religions like Voodoo, Santeria and Palo Mayombe, sacrificing and eating chickens, goats and other livestock is no big deal...

The Supreme Court ruled in 1993 that sacrificing animals is legal, as long as they're killed humanely (quick, minimally painful deaths) during the course of a religious ceremony. The problem, according to Bengal, is that the Court never specified which animals are OK to sacrifice...

Since the remains found in Caln Township haven't been confirmed as canine, Bengal said there may not be cause for alarm. In his experience, goat and dog skulls can be easily confused.

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