Brandon Scott Lavergne - Guilty Plea and LWOP

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Nov 17, 2011
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RIP Mickey. :(

What angers me and also saddens me most is that tiny little Mickey actually stood a chance against a sick twice her size. And he had a knife.

But she didn't stand a chance against his gun against her head. Wasn't BSL already a convicted felon? WTF??? Of course, down here, everybody is packing and I'm sick of hearing that guns don't kill people!!! They damn well DO! Every single day.

Mickey fought back and MAY have escaped but for that gun. I am SEETHING.

I'm going to leave it at that so I don't get a vacation.
Garryb is now a verified insider.
Good morning dear sleuthers :seeya:

It took me a while to get to sleep last night, as I found myself visualizing the horrific events of May 19th. I hope that 'BS' Lavergne had similar problems - only multiplied by a gazillion.

I was sorting through the file I have on the Shunick case, where I've kept various screenshots, photos, maps, pdf files, etc. Am I obsessed? Nope. I just wanted with all of my heart to help find answers to Mickey's disappearance, like all of you.

Anyway, I wanted to bring up these dates with all of you that I found on a screenshot of a BSL timeline that was posted a while back. I have no links for this info, but I'd ask all of you to check out these dates to help in linking him to other unsolved abductions/possible murders - so that other familes may get the answers they so desperately need.

August 9th, 2008 - BSL released from prison

February 10th, 2010 - BSL released from parole supervision

Monday, April 26th 2010 - Alexandria “Ali” Joy Lowitzer goes missing in Spring, Texas.

Unsure of the exact date, but BSL has a house fire - can anyone fill in the blanks?

July, 2010 - BSL bought property and mobile home in Bayou Ridge subdivision, St. Landry Parish
I've never been there, but from your map, it looks like Mickey was sooooo close to peoples' houses. Could nobody hear her scream? Was she unconscious from being hit and thrown from her bike, thus unable to scream?

I think he may have simply convinced her to get into the truck at that point, having (temporarily) earned her compliance by pretexting her with the whole "oooh, sorry ma'am, are you okay? Here, let me drive you to the hospital" line of BS.
I think he may have simply convinced her to get into the truck at that point, having (temporarily) earned her compliance by pretexting her with the whole "oooh, sorry ma'am, are you okay? Here, let me drive you to the hospital" line of BS.

That's what I thought initially, but after hearing Mickey's mom, Nancy, talk yesterday - she said her daughter "wouldn't get into the sleigh with Santa" - so I believe Lavergne forced her into the truck at knife-point. JMO
I am just still in awe that a woman as small as Mickey put a hurtin' on that slack jawed yokel like she did.

She had to have been terrified, but she fought with everything in her and nearly did him in.

Maybe some nice fella in Angola will finish what brave Mickey started.....
Some insight on why no one else arrested. "They" probably gave their statement to avoid prosecution as accessories to first degree murder. In the DA LE mindset, the end justifies the means. So whoever assisted him in getting rid of the truck or helping him in any way, gave more than it was worth to have them spend time in jail.
RIP Mickey. :(

What angers me and also saddens me most is that tiny little Mickey actually stood a chance against a sick twice her size. And he had a knife.

But she didn't stand a chance against his gun against her head. Wasn't BSL already a convicted felon? WTF??? Of course, down here, everybody is packing and I'm sick of hearing that guns don't kill people!!! They damn well DO! Every single day.

Mickey fought back and MAY have escaped but for that gun. I am SEETHING.

I'm going to leave it at that so I don't get a vacation.
From what the stabbing injuries sounded like, if he had not had a gun, she would have bled out. Jeez, it's horrible to think this, write this..I can't say it out loud
I don't understand this. As BSL could have withheld ALL of the truth in his confession statement, couldn't these witnesses do the same? In other words, one could say I picked him up and only brought him home, when in actuallity they drove to the burn site, took him in their home, cleaned him up, assured him some sort of alibi, drove him back to Louisiana, ect. So all of this accessory is just ignored and charges are not handed out?? So someone could have known about the murder, withheld that evidence from PD and they are scotch free because they were "found out about" and had to give the info they knew??
I think he may have simply convinced her to get into the truck at that point, having (temporarily) earned her compliance by pretexting her with the whole "oooh, sorry ma'am, are you okay? Here, let me drive you to the hospital" line of BS.
Her mom said she never would have got in the truck with him, no matter what. However, it was in a desolate area and her bike was damaged, so I think it's possible he may have originally told her he'd either take her home, or to the hospital. I imagine he put her bike in the back of the truck while telling her this, and when she resisted, or tried calling for help on her cell phone, he then held the gun on her to get her into the truck. Because the area was so desolate, I think she took her chances getting into the truck, thinking she would fight him off, rather than running and risking being fatally shot.
Forgive me if these things have been addressed, but I just can't keep up with all of the information:

1. Still can't help but wonder how he dumped his vehicle and got back to his sister's house in TX... anyone have any concrete info on this?
2. Evidentiary hearings are usually used when the defendant will not be available down the road; since there is a strong feeling BSL was involved in other possible abductions/murders, ie: TX abductions, would this be why they rushed this thru?

JMO: As he walked to the courthouse, I saw a bully with plenty of attitude... his psyche saying, they deserved it because they hurt me in some way... he is to me from day one.... a disgusting human being...

I think of that beautiful fighting angel and it tears me apart. She had so much life to give and it was stolen from her. Was she put here on this Earth to bring justice to Lisa and maybe many others? She is a hero in my eyes and I will always have her imagine emblazoned in my mind as someone to believe in, have faith in and pray to to give me strength at times that I just don't know if I can go on....

Okay... I'm done ... just wanted more thoughts....
I would like to clear a few things up about what happened in Texas.
First and foremost, no one knew anything about murder, kidnapping, or Mickey, or Lisa.
The story that was told to his bio 1/2 sister was that someone borrowed his truck, then used it in some sort of gun running scheme in which there were witnesses. His story was that he was afraid, since he was a felon, that he would be charged with being involved, of course he said he didn't have anything to do with it, but he had to get rid of the truck to keep from going back to prison. He asked her to come and pick him up from the area where his truck was burned. He went back to her house and spent the night, then the next morning reported the truck stolen.
The day BSL went back to work, LE was on her doorstep asking questions. When they told her what was suspected, she was mortified, along with all of us. She cooperated with them 100%. She allowed her home to be searched, turned over pictures he had sent her of the truck burning, turned over pictures he sent her of his wounds, an told them everything he did and said. She was listed on the discovery documents by initials. Her statements were key to the Grand Jury in returning the indictment.
BSL's stories were all about his innocence to everything, including his stay in prison. He was framed for having consensual sex. She believed everything he said. Gullible, yes. Complicit, no way!
She also gave him a ride to the car rental agency, where he rented a car.
LE knows everything he did, according to them. They said they had been tracking his every move for weeks. I'll leave that to you to decide if they were lying to her when they said that, but they told her a few things that haven't been disclosed that leads me to believe them....
In the future, I would appreciate it if you would discontinue trying to find her home address. I really would not prefer having Nancy Grace on her front doorstep with TV camera's.
I was watching the news last night, and something struck me as odd (and for some reason, slightly funny in a hysterical but not humorous way) -- They said that usually the inmates are simply walked across the street to the courthouse, but that wasn't the case yesterday. Apparently the street was blocked off and BSL was transported in a car from one garage area to another to minimize his time "out in the open." My husband snorted and said "well, duh, of course they don't want someone to off him before he pleads guilty." I don't know why but I got a laugh from that, as well as the feeling of "why should they care so much about this monster?"

I can't get it out of my head that Mickey is physically gone, and he's still here. Everything that she hoped and dreamed for, everything her family hoped and dreamed for, taken away by the selfishness of this one person. Of course, her memory will live on, and because of her bravery, BSL is off the streets. It doesn't feel like justice in any sense of the word, though. I know, I know, life isn't fair. That makes me think of this quote from a tv series:

"I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'wouldn't it be much worse if life *were* fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?' So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

I hope that Mickey's family can find some comfort, somehow. I've been upset and trying to rationalize it since yesterday, and failing, and know that they are struggling even more. The tattoo that her mother has is a wonderful reminder of this beautiful woman, and I suspect that there will be an upsurge in people getting memorial type tattoos. I'll admit I considered getting a tiny bicycle done as a reminder of that quote about Mickey staring down the monster, and knowing that I can too.

I'm sorry this post is all over the place. I'm just unable to string things together coherently at the moment. There's so much I want to say, and so little I can do.
I would like to clear a few things up about what happened in Texas.
First and foremost, no one knew anything about murder, kidnapping, or Mickey, or Lisa.
The story that was told to his bio 1/2 sister was that someone borrowed his truck, then used it in some sort of gun running scheme in which there were witnesses. His story was that he was afraid, since he was a felon, that he would be charged with being involved, of course he said he didn't have anything to do with it, but he had to get rid of the truck to keep from going back to prison. He asked her to come and pick him up from the area where his truck was burned. He went back to her house and spent the night, then the next morning reported the truck stolen.
The day BSL went back to work, LE was on her doorstep asking questions. When they told her what was suspected, she was mortified, along with all of us. She cooperated with them 100%. She allowed her home to be searched, turned over pictures he had sent her of the truck burning, turned over pictures he sent her of his wounds, an told them everything he did and said. She was listed on the discovery documents by initials. Her statements were key to the Grand Jury in returning the indictment.
BSL's stories were all about his innocence to everything, including his stay in prison. He was framed for having consensual sex. She believed everything he said. Gullible, yes. Complicit, no way!
She also gave him a ride to the car rental agency, where he rented a car.
LE knows everything he did, according to them. They said they had been tracking his every move for weeks. I'll leave that to you to decide if they were lying to her when they said that, but they told her a few things that haven't been disclosed that leads me to believe them....
In the future, I would appreciate it if you would discontinue trying to find her home address. I really would not prefer having Nancy Grace on her front doorstep with TV camera's.
Me too! Bless her ♥! Let her know many are praying for her! I am so sorry!
We are all mortified by what has happened here. Everyone here has a bleeding heart for the victims families. Our heart truly bleeds for them all. Brandon has deceived us all. IMO he is just a "bad seed". He had a large family, both adopted and biological that loved him and treated him so. His adoptive family, to my knowledge, was not abusive to him. He was involved in a lot of lives that trusted him, even though he didn't deserve such trust.
I would like to clear a few things up about what happened in Texas.
First and foremost, no one knew anything about murder, kidnapping, or Mickey, or Lisa.
The story that was told to his bio 1/2 sister was that someone borrowed his truck, then used it in some sort of gun running scheme in which there were witnesses. His story was that he was afraid, since he was a felon, that he would be charged with being involved, of course he said he didn't have anything to do with it, but he had to get rid of the truck to keep from going back to prison. He asked her to come and pick him up from the area where his truck was burned. He went back to her house and spent the night, then the next morning reported the truck stolen.
The day BSL went back to work, LE was on her doorstep asking questions. When they told her what was suspected, she was mortified, along with all of us. She cooperated with them 100%. She allowed her home to be searched, turned over pictures he had sent her of the truck burning, turned over pictures he sent her of his wounds, an told them everything he did and said. She was listed on the discovery documents by initials. Her statements were key to the Grand Jury in returning the indictment.
BSL's stories were all about his innocence to everything, including his stay in prison. He was framed for having consensual sex. She believed everything he said. Gullible, yes. Complicit, no way!
She also gave him a ride to the car rental agency, where he rented a car.
LE knows everything he did, according to them. They said they had been tracking his every move for weeks. I'll leave that to you to decide if they were lying to her when they said that, but they told her a few things that haven't been disclosed that leads me to believe them....
In the future, I would appreciate it if you would discontinue trying to find her home address. I really would not prefer having Nancy Grace on her front doorstep with TV camera's.

Wow!!! Thank you for sharing this *inside information* with us. It really answers a lot of questions about the whole truck burning situation!!! It also underscores the fact that "BS" Lavergne is an accomplished liar.

This makes me question the details in his confession. How much of it is true? Only God, Mickey, and Lisa and Lavergne know.
I am just still in awe that a woman as small as Mickey put a hurtin' on that slack jawed yokel like she did.

She had to have been terrified, but she fought with everything in her and nearly did him in.

Maybe some nice fella in Angola will finish what brave Mickey started.....

FrayedKnot, doubt there are too many nice fellows incarcerated at Angola..

Although a proponent of the death penalty, and salute the prosecutor for the strategy used to spare the Schunick family & LA community, years or decades of pain & expense. My thoughts and emotions are all over the board on BSL.

Psychopathic sadistic predators/serial killers, begin their evil deeds once crossing that threshold from fantasy to acting them out in reality.

The facts indicate that BSL was a psychopath and imo, actually enjoyed killing for the sake of doing it. Power and dominance over their unsuspecting victims are what most serial killers crave. Ultimate control; the power of life and death over others. It is what quenches the thirst of predators like BSL.

BSL may not have been an evil genius. He seems to have been a garden-variety murderer with a hidden agenda of making himself famous, imo. Due to Mickey Shunick's courageous fight, abruptly ending his evil trail of terror. Guess, we will never know.

Notoriety is the predators ultimate goal. Imo, BSL wanted to be a household name.

BSL was dealt a very harsh blow and should have to live with the torment of knowing that hero Mickey Shunick has instead, become that household name..
I was watching the news last night, and something struck me as odd (and for some reason, slightly funny in a hysterical but not humorous way) -- They said that usually the inmates are simply walked across the street to the courthouse, but that wasn't the case yesterday. Apparently the street was blocked off and BSL was transported in a car from one garage area to another to minimize his time "out in the open." My husband snorted and said "well, duh, of course they don't want someone to off him before he pleads guilty." I don't know why but I got a laugh from that, as well as the feeling of "why should they care so much about this monster?"

I can't get it out of my head that Mickey is physically gone, and he's still here. Everything that she hoped and dreamed for, everything her family hoped and dreamed for, taken away by the selfishness of this one person. Of course, her memory will live on, and because of her bravery, BSL is off the streets. It doesn't feel like justice in any sense of the word, though. I know, I know, life isn't fair. That makes me think of this quote from a tv series:

"I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, 'wouldn't it be much worse if life *were* fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them?' So now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe."

I hope that Mickey's family can find some comfort, somehow. I've been upset and trying to rationalize it since yesterday, and failing, and know that they are struggling even more. The tattoo that her mother has is a wonderful reminder of this beautiful woman, and I suspect that there will be an upsurge in people getting memorial type tattoos. I'll admit I considered getting a tiny bicycle done as a reminder of that quote about Mickey staring down the monster, and knowing that I can too.

I'm sorry this post is all over the place. I'm just unable to string things together coherently at the moment. There's so much I want to say, and so little I can do.
You my girl, sweetie..
In pain & anguish, thoughts are 'all over the place,'indeed
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