George Zimmerman Real Time Trial Thread *No Discussion* 7/9/2013

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Sep 13, 2003
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Dear Webseuths Members,

We know many of you want to discuss the facts of the case and as long as the discussion is civil you may discuss the case in general in this link below:

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This thread is for REAL TIME COURTROOM updates.

If those of you watching could please update this thread as much as possible it will be greatly appreciated by those unable to watch the trial while at work.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Thank you in advance for keeping this thread moving today.

I appreciate all your help.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Jury is not in the courtroom for these arguments btw.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Prosecutor Mantei says defense expert has created "animated depiction" that has created more admissibility issues. #zimmerman

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 6m
Defense attorneys now here. O'Mara apologized for being 30 sec late

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 6m
#zimmerman has arrived. Still no defense lawyers. Judge in. Court in session.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 16m
Judge set an 8:30 hearing for state's motion to block/limit defense expert computer animation recreation of shooting.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 17m
In the courtroom. Only the prosecution here so far. Seated and ready. Media trickling in. No defense team yet. #zimmermantrial

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 35m
911 calls becoming heart of #Zimmerman trial (from @AP) #trayvonmartin …
Prosecutor Mantei has given his reasons for not allowing the animation evidence and OM is now arguing for it. Says based on John Good's testimony and information from Dr. de Maio the animation shows the angle/distance of the gunshot. He's not certain why the state is against it since they have not provided anything different. They took out some animation and replaced it with a still. Judge says to call your witness.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
The defense expert says #Zimmermanon9 's gun was 2-4 inches away from Martin when he fired the deadly shot.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 1m
The state objects.. and is trying to keep out the animation.. arguing it's inaccurate. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 44s
A hearing on the defense animation is starting. Defense expert Daniel Shoemaker, who created it will testify. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 1m
The defense says it's based on the state witness testimony of the only eyewitness to the fight before the shooting. #Zimmermanon9

OM asks about his business and when he started, 26 years ago, did work for businesses, information graphics, education, employment background.
He draws and uses software and now has gone into 3D.
Uses software called Airstream 60.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Judge says she wants to have admissibility hearing. Defense calling animation creator now.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
Defense argues that it has testimony to support what expert wants to present on computer animation. #zimmerman

Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 4m
The defense has called Daniel Shoemaker to testify before the judge about an animation he created of the shooting.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

bob kealing bob kealing ‏@bobkealing 3m
Shoemaker testifies his business is doing forensic reconstruction of crime scenes.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
He does crime scene reconstruction. He uses case information and measurements to create animation. #Zimmermanon9
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Shoemaker has been doing current line of forensic/animation courtroom work for 13 years. #zimmerman

Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 1m
Shoemaker says he uses between 200 and 500 points on a crime scene to measure and reconstruct it.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Shoemaker says he uses laser-based software to get 3-D imaging of the area he's trying to capture. #zimmerman

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 44s
The defense expert says he uses "motion capture" suits to simulate what happened at a crime scene. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 4m
The motion suits are also used in medical applications to monitor a patient's progress. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 1m
He can map the movements of the people involved by programming the recreated movements into their size measurements. #Zimmermanon9

He gives an example of a previous case when someone tried to pull a man out of his truck and he shot him. OM asks him where he gets the data to determine the movements of the people. Uses height, weight, he has a figure that he sizes to the size he needs. Weight is more the appearance in pictures.

Another going to show it on the overhead. Getting this started.
It's not coming up. OM suggests they approach the judge and she can see it on the computer screen.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Shoemaker is about to show judge an example of an animation he's done previously. #zimmerman

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Due to issues with projection the attys are taking laptop to judge's bench for her to see. Gallery is left out of show.

Mantei is watching the computer next to the witness. Judge says 'thank you'.
OM asks was the software different for that case and the Zimmerman case?
He has gone through 3 classes for the software, 1 required, that he uses for LE. Lexology and Moto are other softwares he uses, take all the data bring it into it and create an animation. He can take a photo from flying above the scene and get a total measurement of the scene.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 1m
Rene Stutzman ‏@renestutzman 2m
What a life: Defense contractor who made 3D animation: I have a helicopter ... a drone. It takes aerial photos. #Trayvon, #Zimmerman

Retweeted by Kyle Hightower The judge saw it but we could not see it. He says he also uses security video that needs enhancement to create animation. #Zimmermanon9

Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 1m
Shoemaker says he had more data in #GeorgeZimmerman case than for animation he just showed Nelson. #ZimmermanTrial #TrayvonMartin
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Note: W/ few exceptions Prosecutor Richard Mantei has handled evidence/witnesses dealing with technology/expert matters for state

For 13 years he has worked on criminal cases. First time used in court? 2009. He uses motion capture suit to recreate the movements. Put on the suit and records his movements, matching the victim's movements and put on the rod to show the direction of the shots. Calibrates the computer at the beginning.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 37s
Shoemaker says first time he created animation for a court case was 2009.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 24s
Motion capture. ARAS360. Total Station. Drones to take images. This is starting to sound a little too much like Skynet for me.

He comes in after the event so has to rely on information from LE, uses photographs of scene, people involved, etc. [So, you must trust that LE got the right information? I'm not sure SPD did this.] He has also worked on movies, Ironman...
Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
The state says the defense wants to show the jury the animation before defense expert Dr. Vincent DiMaio testifies. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 3m
The defense wants to use the expert's animation to show in part how far #Zimmermanon9 's gun was from Martin and their positions.

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 5m
The defense expert says he has also used animation to determine the positions of two people involved in another shooting. #Zimmermanon9

OM asks witness about how many cases he has testified to in court, about
20. He has a list, OM asks Mantei if he wants a copy, Mantei says he has one. Has worked on 59 criminal trials, 21 civil. For DOJ, shootings, stabbings, vary quite a bit.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Motion capture Shoemaker uses also used in Ironman, Avitar, X-Men and for video games.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 37s
Shoemaker says he's been involved in 59 criminal trials, 21 civil trials. #zimmerman

Worked 100% for defense..some have been defense of police officers.
Has been qualified as an expert in various counties in Fl., 16, as well as in Ca.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 1m
He says he's testified 20 times. He's worked for the Department of Justice on police involved shootings. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 4m
The defense expert says he's been involved in about 20 court cases in the last 5 years. #Zimmermanon9

bob kealing ‏@bobkealing 4m
We're now over an hour in to this hearing to determine if illustration will be used. Shoemaker says 100% of his work has been for defense.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower
OM asks about the trials he has testified in court, all have been criminal. He was qualified as an expert and motion suit was also accepted. Most seem to be in Ca.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Judge considers animation at #Zimmerman trial (from @AP) …

He's giving information about previous cases he has done animation for and testified for. One in a house in CA 2 people threatening suicide and attempting to kill an officer. OM asking him about 59 other cases. Any that he has failed to be accepted as an expert, no, for the 20 cases he testified in. Any civil cases he has testified in, no.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Shoemaker says all the cases he's testified in have been criminal cases.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
He says he's been qualified as an expert and his motion suit has been accepted in previous court cases. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 56s
He has never failed to be qualified as an expert. #Zimmermanon9

This case is different because not a lot of opportunity to have live audio like in the TM case. He used discovery from DAs office, audio, police reports, questioning at LE (depositions), ME reports, etc. used to create animation, made 2 visits to the scene.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
Shoemaker did texture mapping if the scene for the animation he created of crime scene in this case. #zimmerman

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
Shoemaker used motion capture suits for animation in May.

Jeff Weiner Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 9m
Shoemaker says he used discovery records: Police reports, audio from calls, crime scene photos, etc. #ZimmermanTrial #GeorgeZimmerman
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 11m
Shoemaker says he became involved in #zimmerman case in April.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Judge offers to let Shoemaker sit at witness stand after standing at podium for last hour-plus. He declined.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Shoemaker is about to show the judge the animation he created depicting incidents in this case. #trayvonmartin #zimmerman

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Shoemaker was given lots of discovery docs to create the animation and still image re-creations he did for this case.

He believes he had everything he needed to do the animation.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Judge is viewing animation now at the bench.
Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
The defense expert used the 911 call with screams and the shot to recreate the scene. We could hear it but not see it. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 4m
The judge is watching it.. We can't see it. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 5m
The defense expert is going to present his animation to the judge. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 6m
The defense expert says he had everything he needed to recreate the scene. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 16m
He said he could not use the motion capture suits at the scene but visited the scene twice to create the animation. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 17m
The defense expert used police photographs and depositions and information from the state attorney's office. #Zimmermanon9

OM and Mantei at bench with expert explaining each part of the animation.
OM now asking questions of witness giving evidence before judge per much that has been said before.

Bill S. gives standards of the Daubert case, he thinks it is likely the court will allow this evidence. Some of these standards the same as the Frye standards.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
We are in a 5 min recess.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 7m
The defense expert says he's the only one in the US who uses the kind motion capture suit he uses but software is not new. #Zimmermanon9

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
I've been informed the animation experts name is spelled Schumaker.

Rene Stutzman ‏@renestutzman 7m
What's interesting: Animation assumes several neighbor-witnesses got all their facts right, including Mora, Good & Lauer.#Trayvon #Zimmerman
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

The Associated Press The Associated Press ‏@AP 8m
What's the most important piece of evidence in Zimmerman's trial? @khightower and @MikeSchneiderAP have the answer:
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Natalie Tolomeo Natalie Tolomeo ‏@NatalieTolomeo 8m
Shoemaker says he didn't construct the lighting in animation to match scene b/c jury would have a hard time seeing detail.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
Presentation at the bench is over.

Judge asks OM how much longer this will take, OM says 45 min. She says no, she is not making the jury wait any longer. State has not conducted their questioning yet. Asks OM to bring in his next witness. She will continue this hearing later this afternoon after the jury has left.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 16s
Bench conference over.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Judge sends Schumaker out and asks defense if its ready with its next witness. Attys at bench.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
We are back in session. Judge is upset this hearing is taking so long. Says they will reconvene it later this afternoon.

I'm taking a short break!
West on direct for defense:

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 43s
Do Maio says he's written 88 articles, 13 book chapters and four books, including one on gunshot wounds. #zimmerman

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Di Maio testifies that its important to package wet crime scene material in paper bags to preserve. Not all if clothes in this case were

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 6m
Di Maio just gave a shout out to San Antonio. He looks like he could pass as Gregg Popovich's father.

Rene Stutzman Rene Stutzman ‏@renestutzman 8m
All 9 people in the jury box are taking notes & di Maio hadn't even gotten to his findings in this case yet. #Trayvon, #Zimmerman
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 13m
Di Maio has a loud, booming voice. Almost operatic. #zimmerman

Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 15m
The jury was just brought back in. They were back in jury room for an hour and 40 minutes. Judge Nelson apologized.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 15m
Jury is back in.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 15m
Next up is state witness Vincent Di Maio. Defense forensic expert. Wrote a book on gun distance that autopsy Dr. Bao used in his estimate

Jeff Weiner Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 20m
Nelson addresses #GeorgeZimmerman, says defense has decided to limit testimony of defense forensic pathologist Vincent Di Maio.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 24m
O'Mara was at defense table talking to #Zimmerman. Asks now to approach bench.
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Di Maio: "You don't need the bullet to kill you with contact wounds." #zimmerman

Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 3m
Di Maio is now explaining how a bullet comes out of a gun when someone shoots.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 3m
Di Maio has had the jury's attention both by eyes and note taking since he started. Alt juror E28 turned her chair toward him.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 4m
Di Maio said he started his gunshot research while working in the military. #zimmerman

Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 8m
Di Maio has done more than 9,000 autopsies and had reviewed 27,000 to 28,000 autopsies.
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 8m
Updated: Judge considers animation at #Zimmerman trial (from @AP) #trayvonmartin …
West continuing direct to the Dr. and asks him if he has interviewed all the witnesses. He says no, the main question involved in this case is if the evidence matches what GZ said happened. He used autopsy report and photos of autopsy, the firearm examiner. He was trying to reach an opinion on the distance of gun barrel from TMs skin and clothes. Also wants to ask him about how long TM could have been alive and conscious, dr. says are 2 different things.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 3m
Di Maio says he reviewed much of the evidence in the #Zimmermanon9 case including the reenactment and witness statements.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 1m
The state is objecting to Dr. Di Maio's curriculum vitae but judge allowed it into evidence. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 1m
Martin's wet clothes. Dr. Shiping Bao who supervised autopsy earns about $175,000 a year according to his office. 2/2 #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
We checked with the Seminole county medical examiner and no one has been retrained or disciplined for mishandling 1/2 #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 5m
He is another defense witness who has done work for the Department of Justice, and he's worked on the Yugoslavia war crimes. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
A hole in the clothing before the bullet goes through. The defense is working to pinpoint how close #Zimmermanon9 's gun was to Martin.

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 3m
They are taking notes as he testified that if a gun is put against clothing and fired the gas from the gun will blow 1/2 #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 6m
The jury is paying close attention to his description of what happens when a gun is fired. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 9m
Di Maio started his work on gunshot wounds in the military. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 10m
Di Maio says he doesn't work on many criminal cases for the defense.. roughly 2-3 a year. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 11m
Di Maio says he's trained forensic pathologists. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 14m
Sybrina Fulton left the courtroom with her lawyer as the defense expert began testimony about gunshot wounds. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 15m
The medical examiner's office in Seminole county packed Martin's wet clothing in plastic without drying it out first. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 16m
Dr. Di Maio says wet clothing from scenes should be dried out lest they be overrun by bacteria and mold destroying evidence. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 18m
Dr. Di Maio has written a book about gunshot wounds and how they are to be investigated. #Zimmermanon9
Stephanie Wash ‏@WashNews 5m
Di Maio reviewed scene photos, GZ photos, autopsy report, medical records of GZ from EMS/clinic, Good's witness statement/transcribed convo
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 6m
Di Maio resume will come in as defense exhibit over state objections.

Yamiche Alcindor Yamiche Alcindor ‏@Yamiche 9m
Don West was trying to introduce the résumé of Di Maio into evidence. State objected and lawyers at bench. West looked surprised by all this
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Stephanie Wash Stephanie Wash ‏@WashNews 9m
Jurors looking around the courtroom, as attorneys gather at bench for sidebar. #Zimmermantrial #TrayvonMartin
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 9m
As had been Def atty Don West's practice, he goes through entire bio before asking for expert to be officially qualified. Hasn't yet.
Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 34m
June 25
View photo

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 35m
We checked and found him in the public seating all day June 25th and the morning of June 26th. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 36m
The state said yesterday that defense witness John Donnelly was in court though witnesses had been sequestered. #Zimmermanon9
Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Di Maio testifies he agrees that #zimmerman gun was against clothing of #trayvonmartin when he was shot.

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 5m
Di Maio on how long #trayvonmartin may have been alive after shot: "You can be alive and unconscious...They're 2 separate things."

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
Di Maio says #Zimmermanon9 's gun was against Martin's clothing but it was 2-4" away from the skin. The clothing was 2-4" from the body.

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 8m
Di Maio says the focus should be whether #Zimmermanon9 's account matches the physical evidence using firearms and wound evidence.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Di Maio testifies that it's his opinion that muzzle of #zimmerman gun 2-4 inches away from #trayvonmartin skin when it was shot.

Dr. states he has made studies of how far weapon is from wound and how the powder left indicates this.

Alisia Adamson ‏@AlisiaEsq 1m
Di Maio saying that this was not a contact shot b/c of the powder tattooing #GeorgeZimmerman #TrayvonMartin
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
Di Maio says he's done a lot of research on gunshot wounds and the range of distance. #Zimmermanon9

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 52s
Tracy Martin looks away as gunshot wound of #trayvonmartin displayed for jury. #zimmerman

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 3m
Prosecutor John Guy told the jury during opening statements that #Zimmermanon9 pressed his gun into Martin's chest and fired.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 1m
Medical examiner Dr. Bao estimated the gun was .4 inches to 4 feet away from Martin and chose not to be more specific. #Zimmermanon9
Fin Gomez ‏@finnygo 3m
Di Maio said he used research on "living animals" to prove his powder tattooing idea in this case. #zimmerman #trayvon
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 3m
Dr. Bao testified that Dr. Di Maio's book is on his shelf. Di Maio says his conclusion is "101" forensic pathology. #Zimmermanon9

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 40s
Di Maio testifies that medical evidence on his opinion is consistent with #zimmerman account of the incident. #trayvonmartin

Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Di Maio says "it does not appear so" to whether the shot that killed #trayvonmartin was "straight on".

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 4m
Di Maio says the bullet went from Martin's left front to his right lung. It was not a straight on shot. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 1m
Di Maio says #Zimmermanon9 's account of the shooting is consistent with the evidence of Martin's wound.

[That Trayvon was leaning over GZ]

On the question of TM still being alive after the shot, the Dr. tells West that if I grabbed you now and ripped out your heart, you could stand there and talk to me for a few seconds because the brain is not dead yet. It's different for some people who may drop at once.

For TM, a healthy young man who just engaged in a struggle, the heart rate was up, every time the heart beats the blood comes out of the wound, if he loses a tablespoon of blood, in 15 seconds he loses a lot of blood, he will be dead in 1-3 minutes, would be conscious a shorter time.
Kyle Hightower Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 2m
Jurors pens have continued to be active during Di Maio's opinions on how long #trayvonmartin may have lived after shot, gun distance

Stephanie Wash Stephanie Wash ‏@WashNews 5m
Di Maio: Ability to move/speak determined by amt of oxygen in brain. Minimum reserve of 10-15 seconds; depends how much blood going to brain
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

Jeff Weiner ‏@JeffWeinerOS 3m
Di Maio: #TrayvonMartin would've been dead "within 1 to 3 minutes after being shot." #GeorgeZImmerman #ZimmermanTrial
Retweeted by Kyle Hightower

West asks if TM would have been able to move his arms to under his body....definitely. Could he have been able to speak for a short period of time, yes...

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 2m
Dr. Di Maio had a case where someone ran 65 feet after his heart was shredded by a shotgun. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 4m
Dr. Maio says Martin would have died 1-3 minutes after being shot and would have lost consciousness at least 10-15 seconds. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 7m
Dr. Di Maio says someone can talk and walk a minimum of 10-15 seconds after heart stops because of brain's oxygen reserve. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 9m
Di Maio says Martin's wet clothing, the drink can in his sweatshirt pouch and leaning over #Zimmermanon9 is consistent with evidence.

Kyle Hightower ‏@khightower 1m
Di Maio says however that "some people lose consciousness immediately" after being shot. But believes #trayvonmartin could have moved arms

West asks can you have bruising on TMs hands after his heart stops, no because there is no blood pressure.

Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 1m
Dr. Di Maio says Martin's knuckle scrapes are consistent with contact with concrete. #Zimmermanon9

Kathi Belich, WFTV Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 3m
Di Maio says it's possible Martin could have moved his arms 10-15 seconds after and once unconscious would not feel pain. #Zimmermanon9
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