Toronto mayor admits crack use

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Apr 6, 2010
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My sympathies to the good folks of that great city, Toronto, but seriously, you voted this guy in?

After dodging accusations for many months now, the mayor, Rob Ford, admitted to the press today that he might have done crack cocaine in a drunken stupor about a year ago.

Unfortunately for him, him he denied these accusations for the past number of months, but once the Chief of Police confirmed that actions consistent with this were in fact on video, the mayor finally admitted it.

Of course, that shouldn't impact his mayoralty term should it???

Of course, it's really worse than that...

The mayor’s announcement came as such a surprise because an hour earlier Ford’s brother, Councillor Doug Ford, held a news conference blasting police Chief Bill Blair for releasing info on the video showing the mayor smoking what appears to be crack.

Blair had said he was “disappointed” at what he saw on the video and Councillor Ford said that was inappropriate. He wanted Blair gone. He said he was not intimidated by the chief and was the only one willing to stand up to Blair and prevent Toronto from turning into a police state.

That ratcheted up criticisms from city councillors who called the attacks on the chief “outrageous” and “beyond the pale.”

(Please keep in mind that there is an absolute feud between Mayor Ford (and his circle - what's left of it) and the Toronto Star. The Star, and gawker, both indicated that they were offered a video for a price showing the mayor smoking crack, but declined. The mayor took them to task saying there was no such video, although he has since changed his tune.)

Rob Ford's apologist/enabler brother isn't helping him at this point. Simply a bad team. Of course they would like the police chief gone...he exposed the mayor for what he is. (Let's just not get into the impression that the mayor hung around with drug dealers, and his drug-dealing driver is on trial for extortion.) The mayor wasn't going to deal with his problems otherwise. JMO.
I didn't vote for him. Before he admitted that he smoked crack, his "Ford Nation" indicated that they would still vote for him and support him. ??????
I've been avoiding starting a topic on him. I see that Dr. Drew started off his show tonight on Ford. He's officially famous now. LMAO.
He should step down...and take his brother with him IMO.
I've been avoiding starting a topic on him. I see that Dr. Drew started off his show tonight on Ford. He's officially famous now. LMAO.

I know. I had to think twice. (maybe I should have thought thrice.)

It is truly embarrassing that it came to this. :facepalm:

LMAO :floorlaugh:

What a buffoon. Did he really think he was going to get away with that kind of behaviour while being the mayor of the biggest city in the country? And the lies and cover ups were just ridiculous. Imagine the abuse of power this guy was carrying out? Did your tax dollars pay for that crack cocaine and all his other vices? And I'm sure there are a lot more. Now he wants to apologize?! Now that he's been caught and he knows the video exists and is in the hands of the police? And he and his brother are pissed at the police chief for outing him? Seriously?

He's an addict. He needs help and he needs to step down. Should have done it a year ago.

No disrespect meant, but it's a shame Chris Farley isn't alive to lampoon this guy.

Irony? Party of two?
Also, I don't agree with pundits on some of these shows who say it is surprising that a person in his position would behave this way.


Kennedys, Bushes, Rove, Libby, Rangel, Cain, Foley, Weiner, Edwards, Vitter, Gingrich, Berry.

I pretty much am shocked if a politician isn't a shady *advertiser censored*.
The fact that he isn't ashamed enough to resign shows what a total narcissistic buffoon he is.
Heehee .. I've been watching this story for ages, I love how he's had to admit it :D
Torontonian here... sometimes there are just no words. :banghead:

What did bring me here was a search for a missing woman who might be tangentially connected to the crack scandal.

Jaclyn Dawe has been missing since February 2013. She went missing from an address that is listed as one of the places surveilled as part of the investigation into Ford's associate Alessandro Lisi.

A careful reading of the document also reveals that police, for unknown reasons, set up surveillance on more than just Ford and Lisi. Detectives watched a house at 51 Benway Dr. in north Etobicoke this summer. That turns out to be where a red Ford Mustang used by Lisi was parked. Some of the activities officers observed are blacked out.

In one instance, detectives watched the resident, Kenneth Boot, go in and out at various times, using a cane at one point, walking with a limp and “minor tremors” and then later, after receiving an unknown visitor, walking without the cane. The police, in their reports, do not explain the importance of that observation, and part of their report is blacked out.

The Star discovered that 51 Benway was named in a February police news release related to a missing woman, Jaclyn Dawe, 35, who was last seen there on Feb. 9, 2013.

Police spokesman Mark Pugash said Saturday that Dawe is still missing. There is nothing in the document, other than the address, to connect the missing woman to Boot or Lisi.

Here's a link to the police new release originally published in relation to her disappearance. It appears her car was found abandoned.

Has anyone been following the case of this missing woman? Has anyone heard of it? I haven't and there doesn't seem to be too much info online.

I don't want this post to imply that Ford is connected to her disappearance. The larger case against Lisi seems to link to a multitude of criminal activities, independent of the Ford connection. I just thought it would be good to put her story out there.

More documentation is going to be released on Friday. Perhaps these will flesh out the connection between the house on 51 Benway and Jaclyn Dawe, if there is even one to begin with.
Jimmy Kimmel...... :lol:

[ame=""]How to Tell if Your Mayor is Smoking Crack - YouTube[/ame]

Jimmy Kimmel had FrayedKnot's idea of wishing Chris Farley was around to lampoon him.

There are also claims that he hired someone to hack into a website, purportedly to get his hands on that tape?

Not sure how far those claims will go but if he did hire someone to attempt this, well, ...your tax dollars at work. :banghead:


There seem to be so many branches to this story, many suspicious avenues to pursue. I worry there is more to this story than just Ford's addiction problems.
There seem to be so many branches to this story, many suspicious avenues to pursue. I worry there is more to this story than just Ford's addiction problems.

bbm, What is the worry, may I ask?

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