Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#7

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This links says tertiary transfer is not a real possibility, but secondary is. Dr. Balding excluded Knox for the bra clasp so who is left? Meredith?

"Moreover, Gill et al. (4) did not consider uncertain designations for peaks that are potentially due to stutter. After reclassifying as uncertain all peaks below 15% of the height at one extra repeat unit, a common stutter guideline (4), there remain four alleles not attributable to either Sollecito or Kercher"
One cannot discredit an expert by pointing to a disagreement w their decision. Their was only low copy DNA on that knife, many experts would not consider that reliable under intl standards

Expert witnesses (independent ones) are only disregarded if there is some serious qualification issue or if the experts were caught taking money from one side. The court is simply not going to disregard the C&V just bc the prosecutor says so, you need to prove that they did not do a test they should have performed, they lied about their credentials, etc

AK and RS were intimate, RS DNA could have been on her shirt, which was in that pile. It could also be contaminated in the unaccredited lab. I do not knew all the details but there were 50 violations of DNA evidence collecting so it could have happened during any one of them as well

Maybe RS washed his hands in the cottage after bathroom and used a towel and that towel was in that mess.

Knox's DNA that was recently tested on the knife was a smaller sample than that of Meredith that was on the knife.
Scienze forensi – Validità della prova del DNA (Autore: Edoardo Mori)

Judge Mori - Forensic Science in Italy, "La disastrosa situazione delle scienze forensi in Italia" forensi.html

"Science has now conquered science fiction. In the lab anything can be detected"!

Now the sorcerer's apprentices have discovered DNA and believe they can easily solve any case with it. It seems that now the investigators and judges have refrained from using logic and intelligence and think they have in hand a perfect tool that exempt them from thinking.

Unfortunately, DNA is an exceptional tool of investigation, but also subject to errors which can be avoided … only if you follow methods with strict rules, starting from the first moment of the investigation, if the scientific investigators arrive after the other investigators, you have already created an uncontrolled pollution of the crime scene.

This problem is so complex and important that the methods and protocols of research and collection of samples, their storage, their manipulation, should be fixed by law (Standards of Evidence?), so as to ensure the authenticity of the evidence. Every action, from research and analysis, is essentially a unique operation, according to the distinction of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the ignorance of this elementary fact implies that the test with the DNA becomes uncertain.

Much more at the links...
"Moreover, Gill et al. (4) did not consider uncertain designations for peaks that are potentially due to stutter. After reclassifying as uncertain all peaks below 15% of the height at one extra repeat unit, a common stutter guideline (4), there remain four alleles not attributable to either Sollecito or Kercher"

Thanks for the link, Otto.

First of all, you misunderstood the article completely. The four additional peaks Balding confirmed come from autosomic STRs, not the Y chromosome. It means there were certainly some contributors (male or female) apart from Meredith and Raffaele.

Y Chromosome amplification, which is not analysed by Balding in this article at all, provides us with evidence of several additional contributors. They are certainly male, because only males have Y chromosome:

The conclusion is:
Balding confirms the 4 autosomic peaks not attributable to Meredith or Raffaele (i.e. additional contributors)
Balding concludes there is Raffaele's profile in the sample nonetheless:

Note that I cannot address here issues of how the DNA came to be in the exhibit: Possible contamination was an issue in the trial and appeal. I only consider whether there is DNA from Sollecito for which the evidence remains very strong after allowing for the additional alleles identified by Vecchiotti and Conti (2) and the possibility that apparent stutters are allelic.

Bolding mine.
--I mean the first call to her mother

It's a great mystery with this phone call.

On trial Mrs Knox didn't remember a phone call at 12:00 and also the logs of the phone calls doesn't contain a call to her mother at 12:00. The first phone call to her mother was taken at 12:47 after the broken window was discovered.

My theory: The "first" phone call was fiction.
On the previous thread Otto wrote, "Essentially, it is well known that Balding concludes that Sollecito's DNA is a good sample.

In the UK, 10, not 15, is the cutoff. Conti Vecchiotti identified 12 alleles. Balding reduced that to 4 DNA alleles. The four are negligible. There are two strong DNA contributors."
One, I was discussing the YSTR profile whereas Dr. Balding was discussing the autosomal profile. Two, there is evidence of additional contributors in both the autosomal DNA and the Y-chromosomal DNA. Conti and Vecchiotti wrote with respect to the YSTR analysis, "The electrophoretic graph relative to the Y chromosome markers shows, besides the peaks indicated in the RTIGF as alleles, the presence of additional peakswith heights that exceed the threshold of 50 RFU which, despite not being in stutter position, were not taken into consideration by the Technical Consultant. It follows from this that in the DNA extracted from Exhibit 165B are present several minor contributors which were not revealed by the Technical Consultant, confirming what was already observed in the electropherograms of the autosomic STRs." Stefanoni tried to sweep this information under the rug, either from bias or incompetence.
It's a great mystery with this phone call.

On trial Mrs Knox didn't remember a phone call at 12:00 and also the logs of the phone calls doesn't contain a call to her mother at 12:00. The first phone call to her mother was taken at 12:47 after the broken window was discovered.

My theory: The "first" phone call was fiction.

We've had this discussion many times. Amanda's first call to her mother was the 12:47 call. She DOES NOT remember this call, whether at 12 or 12:47. It was the noon hour was it not?

The FIRST call To Edda that amanda remembers making is AFTER Meredith was discovered. Period

Yes the Proecutor used noon as the time reference but all lawyers do such things. Amanda could've said no I don't know the time I first called my mom but that isn't what her answer was. Her answer was the first time I called my mom was after Meredith was found. This is not true!

Even Edda was unsure about the reason for the call and asked amanda about it in a jailhouse visit. It is infact eddas words "before anything had happened"
Yes the Proecutor used noon as the time reference but all lawyers do such things. Amanda could've said no I don't know the time I first called my mom but that isn't what her answer was. Her answer was the first time I called my mom was after Meredith was found.

What's wrong with this answer? It was the phone call she remembered. She answered according to her own memory.
What's wrong with this answer? It was the phone call she remembered. She answered according to her own memory.

Nothing is wrong with the answer. What is wrong is people implying a first call didn't exist, it did and Amanda has no memory of it. That is the only point I was making. I do not think this call makes her guilty, only an inconsistency there.
Nothing is wrong with the answer. What is wrong is people implying a first call didn't exist, it did and Amanda has no memory of it. That is the only point I was making. I do not think this call makes her guilty, only an inconsistency there.
Thanks. People do this? Hard to believe considering the phone records have been posted online for years.

I remember Comodi and Massei introduced a lot of confusion by stating the phone call took place exactly at 12:00 and asking Amanda to hypothesize about it's contents.
When we know the correct time it clarifies a lot because it places the call in the context of unfolding events.
Thanks. People do this? Hard to believe considering the phone records have been posted online for years.

I remember Comodi and Massei introduced a lot of confusion by stating the phone call took place exactly at 12:00 and asking Amanda to hypothesize about it's contents.
When we know the correct time it clarifies a lot because it places the call in the context of unfolding events.

Did you read the post I replied to?

Yes and lawyers do exactly just this ALL the time in every trial Ive watched. It's a lawyers job, as it was Amanda's lawyers job to object or to attempt to rehab her on this when it was their turn. Did this happen?

Was Amanda's first call to her mother after Meredith had been found? That was her testimony.
Nothing is wrong with the answer. What is wrong is people implying a first call didn't exist, it did and Amanda has no memory of it.

I mean, the first call which was at 12:00. At this time, the broken window wasn't discovered. A telephone call described by the prosecutors ("nothing occured") within the trial doesn't exists.

The first telephone call was AFTER the broken window was discovered and in this case Mrs Knox had a great reason calling her mother. It is nothing abnormal with this call at 12:47.
Did you read the post I replied to?
Thank you, I did. It doesn't say there was no 12:47 call, to the contrary.

Yes and lawyers do exactly just this ALL the time in every trial Ive watched. It's a lawyers job, as it was Amanda's lawyers job to object or to attempt to rehab her on this when it was their turn. Did this happen?
No it didn't. Her lawyers totally let her down about it and failed to notice the game Comodi was playing, I agree.

However it's not that bad because the point Comodi scored with the false timing of the call is worthless in front of any objective court.
In fact it exposes the prosecution as the dirty players who resort to tricks and falsehoods instead of presenting a solid case with solid evidence.
I mean, the first call which was at 12:00. At this time, the broken window wasn't discovered. A telephone call described by the prosecutors ("nothing occured") within the trial doesn't exists.

The first telephone call was AFTER the broken window was discovered and in this case Mrs Knox had a great reason calling her mother. It is nothing abnormal with this call at 12:47.

The abnormal thing is Amanda has no memory making this call! It was 88secs and she has no memory of it. Edda even felt the need to ask her about it. That is the issue.

12 or 12:47, either way amanda can not explain a call she does not remember.
Thank you, I did. It doesn't say there was no 12:47 call, to the contrary.

No it didn't. Her lawyers totally let her down about it and failed to notice the game Comodi was playing, I agree.

However it's not that bad because the point Comodi scored with the false timing of the call is worthless in front of any objective court.
In fact it exposes the prosecution as the dirty players who resort to tricks and falsehoods instead of presenting a solid case with solid evidence.

Do you not agree that this happens in courtrooms every day? Lawyers take words completely out of context or leave out known facts to get the answer they want from the witness. It is one of the reasons for yes or no questions and not allowing answers past that.
In what sense is it abnormal? Looks absolutely normal to me.

Please quote my entire post, you are doing what lawyers do and attempting to trap me in my words by not quoting everything I said.

I answered this question in my post. IMO
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