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One of my fav singers of all times...
Once Upon a Time some professors were called. Then they all were asked to sit in an airplane.

After they sat, they were briefed that the plane is created by their students.

All of them ran and got out of airplane except one professor.

People asked him the reason

He said, "If its constructed by my students it will not even start."

Now that’s Confidence LOL

Smile For The Ones You Love...

A Simple Smile Is All It Takes To Make One Happy...

Love Can Come In Many Different Ways, Shapes n Sizes ...

But A Simple Smile Will Conquer Everything ...

And Leave The Best Of Us Speechless ...

Give laugh to all but smile to one,

Give cheeks to all but lips to one,

Give luv to all but heart to one,

Let everybody luv u but u luv one.
The beautiful number 7

Seven days of the week, seven seas, seven primary colors, seven wonders of the world, seven notes of the musical scale, the seven ages of man, seven deadly sins, seven levels of hell, seven categories for absolute judgment, the seven objects in the span of attention. Think 7-Up, Seven Dwarfs, The Magnificent Seven, seven-a-side. The sum of the opposite numbers in a pair of dice. Ask anyone to give you any number between one and ten and most will choose seven.

Answer this:

As I was going to St Ives
I met a man with seven wives
Each wife had seven sacks
Each sack had seven cats
Each cat had seven kits
Kits, cats, sacks and wives,
How many were going to St Ives?
(answer below)

7 is indeed a beautiful number… and might be uncanny but it is not magical, as cognitive psychologist George A. Miller explained in his 1956 paper The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information.

The above verse, by the way, was found on the Rhind papyrus written by Ahmes in Egypt about 1650 BC. And the answer is 1. Which also happens to be the number of thoughts you can have at any given single moment.

The above verse, by the way, was found on the Rhind papyrus written by Ahmes in Egypt about 1650 BC. And the answer is 1. Which also happens to be the number of thoughts you can have at any given single moment.
Predictions that missed the mark

In 1894, the president of the Royal Society, William Thomson, Lord Kelvin, predicted that radio had no future. The first radio factory was opened five years later. Today, there are more than one billion radio sets in the world, tuned to more than 33 000 radio stations around the world. He also predicted that heavier-than-air flying machines were impossible. The Wright Brother’s first flight covered a distance equal to only half the length of the wingspan of a Boeing 747. He also said, “X-rays will prove to be a hoax.”

In the 6th century BC Greek mathematician Pythagoras said that earth is round – but few agreed with him. Greek astronomer Aristarchos said in the 3rd century BC that earth revolves around the sun – but the idea was not accepted. In the 2nd century BC Greek astronomer Erastosthenes accurately measured the distance around the earth at about 40,000 km (24,860 miles) – but nobody believed him. In the 2nd century AD Greek astronomer Ptolemy stated that earth was the center of the universe – most people believed him for the next 1,400 years.

In the early 20th century a world market for only 4 million automobiles was predicted because “the world would run out of chauffeurs.” Shortly after the end of World War II (1945), the whole of Volkswagen, factory and patents, was offered free to Henry Ford II. He dismissed the Volkswagen Beetle as a bad design. Today, more than 70 million motorcars are produced every year. The Beetle became one of the best-selling vehicles of all time.

The telephone was not widely appreciated for the first 15 years because people did not see a use for it. In fact, in the British parliament it was mentioned there was no need for telephones because “we have enough messengers here.” Western Union believed that it could never replace the telegraph. In 1876, an internal memo read: “This telephone has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication.” Even Mark Twain, upon being invited by Alexander Graham Bell to invest $5 000 in the new invention, could not see a future in the telephone.

Missing the markIrish scientist, Dr. Dionysius Lardner (1793 – 1859) didn’t believe that trains could contribute much in speedy transport. He wrote: “Rail travel at high speed is not possible, because passengers ‘ would die of asphyxia’ [suffocation].” Today, trains reach speeds of 500 km/h.

In 1927, H.M. Warner, Warner Brothers, asked, “Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?” In 1936, Radio Times editor Rex Lambert thought “Television won’t matter in your lifetime or mine.”

In 1943, Thomas Watson, the chairman of IBM forecast a world market for “maybe only five computers.” Years before IBM launched the personal computer in 1981, Xerox had already successfully designed and used PCs internally… but decided to concentrate on the production of photocopiers. Even Ken Olson, founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, said in 1977, “There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.”

After the invention of the transistor in 1947, several US electronics companies rejected the idea of a portable radio. Apparently it was thought nobody would want to carry a radio around. When Bell put the transistor on the market in 1952 they had few takers apart from a small Japanese start-up called Sony. They introduced the transistor radio in 1954.

In 1894, A.A. Michelson, who with E.W. Morley seven years earlier experimentally demonstrated the constancy of the speed of light, said that the future of science would consist of “adding a few decimal places to the results already obtained.”

In 1954, a concert manager fired Elvis Presley, saying, “You ought to go back to driving a truck.” In 1962, Decca Records rejected the Beatles, “We don’t like their sound, and guitar music is on the way out.”

In 1966, Time Magazine predicted, “By 2000, the machines will be producing so much that everyone in the U.S. will, in effect, be independently wealthy.” In that year too CoCo Chanel said about miniskirts: “It’s a bad joke that won’t last. Not with winter coming.”

Sometimes a few decimal places make a massive difference. Investment banks rely on computer models to direct trading activity; in August 2007, Goldman Sachs’s hedge funds and other quant funds were left exposed by a series of market swings, each of which their software predicted would occur only once every 100,000 years. Goldman Sachs required a $3 billion (€1.9 billion) bailout, with other banks joining the hand-out queue.

Perhaps the guy who got it wrong most was the commissioner of the US Office of Patents: in 1899, Charles H. Duell, assured President McKinley that “everything that can be invented has been invented.”
10 good uses for salt

Just a pinch of it and it’s worth it. We’re talking salt here. Used throughout human history, mentioned often in the Bible, ubiquitous and cheap. Mined from salt rocks and extracted from sea water, salt is… well, the “salt of the earth.” You can’t live without it healthily. At the same time, you can’t live healthily with too much of it. Get the balance right – in your food and in your live – and salt is worth it’s own weight.

1. Deter ants
Sprinkle salt in doorways, on window sills and anywhere else ants use to sneak into your house. It’s a sure way to keep them out!

2. Kill grass and weeds growing in cracks in your driveway
Tired of weeding your driveway? Sprinkle salt on the grass and pour very hot water over it. Not only is this a highly effective way to kill unwanted plants, it’s also eco-friendly and cheap.

3. Say goodbye to fleas
If your dogs have fleas, simply wash their doghouse and blankets in salt water. If you’re worried your dogs may have brought fleas into your house, simply sprinkle your carpets lightly with salt and then brush it in. Leave it for 12 hours and vacuum thoroughly.

4. Pick up a dropped egg
If you drop an egg on the kitchen floor, sprinkle salt on the mess and leave it there for 20 minutes. You’ll be able to wipe it right up.

5. Clean up oven spills quickly
If a pie or casserole bubbles over in the oven, pour a handful of salt on top of the spill. It won’t smoke, smell and, most importantly, will bake into a crust that makes the mess easier to clean once it’s cooled.

6. Clean brown spots off your iron
Simply sprinkle salt on a sheet of waxed paper, slide the iron across it and rub lightly with silver polish. Your iron will look like brand-new in no time.

7. Remove stains from your coffee pot
Fill it with 1/4 cup of table salt and a dozen ice cubes. Swish the mixture around, let it sit for half an hour, fill it with cold water and rinse. Your coffee pot will look brand new.

8. Keep your windshield frost-free
Dip a sponge into salt water and rub it on windows, and they won’t frost up even when the mercury drops below zero.

9. Shell nuts more easily
Soak pecans and walnuts in salt water for a few hours before shelling them. Doing so will make it easier to remove the meat.

10. Drip-proof candles
If you soak new candles in a strong salt solution for a few hours, then dry them well, they won’t drip when you burn them.

And some more uses

11. Tame a wild BBQ
Toss a bit of salt on the flames caused by fat dripping from the grill. It’ll reduce the flames and calm the smoke without cooling the coals (like water would).

12. Soothe a bee sting
Wet the sting right away, then cover it with salt.

13. Stop a grease fire
Pouring salt on top of a grease fire will smother it. Completely.

14. Cooking tip
If a soup or stew is too sweet, add a pinch of salt.
We moved...

spent the morning watching the State Police and Town Marshall pull over speeders in front of my house! School started today and they are cracking down on speeders...its a good thing :) They drive way too fast on this road!!
I see your post is number one..are you a moderator now?

Can you send some of your rain my way ?

Nope, I am not a mod. Think the mod somehow brought my post over from the other thread?

I will gladly send the rain your way! :) We don't need anymore.
In case anyone hasn't seen it yet - or wants to watch the made-for-TV movie again - Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret will air on LMN at 4:00 (EDT) today.
I had just written out a VERY long post to 4 different people that I wasn't quite finished with about 7:15 this morning. Meanwhile... I walked away to eat a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich on an artisan bun (YUM) that my daughter brought me from Wendy's. I was sitting on the couch watching GMA when I laid down "for a minute." HA
Needless to say I fell asleep until 9:20!! In my defense, I had been up since 3:30am. When I came back to finish my post, I then hit reply and I got the message: Thread Closed :gaah: :lol:

So anyway here's a short version of what I can remember.

Spell ~ The funeral for Missie (?) showed just how much she was loved in her short 33years. The part where the minister(?) gave Missie's little girl the white teddy bear brought tears to my eyes. :frown:

Since my feet don't touch, I'm almost always sitting with my right leg under left thigh, or :butt: with my left leg bent up with my foot on the chair. Some times I sit cross-legged. I need to invest in a stool :smile:

Pages ~ Baby Lily is such a pretty little girl :heart: I have never seen a pacifier like that, but it is precious!

Bernina ~ I am thrilled that (OUR) little Zuri is doing so well! You should be commended for being such a good care giver, and helping Zuri heal so well :bow: I hope when handsome Vet cough cough comes back Friday, Zuri will get a clean bill of health.
Sounds like to me there may be some sparks a flyin on both parties (and I'm not talkin about Zuri) :wink:
I also signed the petition about trying to save the beautiful the wild horse's from being auctioned off :mad: There was OVER 98 thousand when I signed!! Those horses have been out there for 100's of years! It's not like their walking down the damn roads, they're in a forrest!!! And what exactly are there so called "safety" concerns they have about these beautiful horses? I don't think I've ever heard of a PACK of wild horses attacking/mauling anyone in my life! They need to round up about a 100 drug lords or criminals and auction them off instead :mad: Where is PETA BTW??
I found this on youtube.

Zuri ~ Did that piece of crap so called "contractor" ever give you your money back, or come back for his pressure washer? Did you get anyone to fix the gutters and fix all the things that the 1st guy BROKE?

I stated writing this around 10am...So if anyone else has posted after coffeej this morning and this has already been addressed, I sincerely apologize. I have not read anything since I lost my post. It takes me forever sometimes to finish my posts because it hurts my hiney to set here at my computer desk very long :blushing:
Morning all!

WOW! A brand new shiny thread!! :D


  • NewThread.jpg
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Morning again! :wave:

I don't know how to embed a picture and then continue typing... :pcguru:

Well, I left the house at 9:25am and was the FIRST one in line to get the kittys their shots!! :cat: :cat: Have to go back Aug. 27th for their boosters... they did okay on the ride there and back! :happydance: and didn't put up a fight with the Vet. They have mites in their ears, so I'll have to get some medicine for that.

ILikeToBendPages - :loveyou: the pictures of Lily!! So cute!! :luv:

Spellbound - :grouphug:

Oh, I'm going to have to have the Huz put "Shout" on my additional songs he's putting on my Oldies but Goodies CD!! :flashback:

When you all post videos - all I get is a black square... :tears: :gaah: so if you mention "something" about the video, I won't be missing something?!! TIA!

okay - off to see what's happenin' around WS!! :online:

Morning again! :wave:

I don't know how to embed a picture and then continue typing... :pcguru:

Well, I left the house at 9:25am and was the FIRST one in line to get the kittys their shots!! :cat: :cat: Have to go back Aug. 27th for their boosters... they did okay on the ride there and back! :happydance: and didn't put up a fight with the Vet. They have mites in their ears, so I'll have to get some medicine for that.

ILikeToBendPages - :loveyou: the pictures of Lily!! So cute!! :luv:

Spellbound - :grouphug:

Oh, I'm going to have to have the Huz put "Shout" on my additional songs he's putting on my Oldies but Goodies CD!! :flashback:

When you all post videos - all I get is a black square... :tears: :gaah: so if you mention "something" about the video, I won't be missing something?!! TIA!

okay - off to see what's happenin' around WS!! :online:


I have no thank button and after re refreshing three time I remembered that I cleaned my cookies so youtube would/could work (didn't happen. I've had problems about two weeks before I downloaded 10) and wasn't signed in. Duh, now I get to fight with my new cell phone that I didn't want and puts me through hoops to sign in to google, and my tablet is just about as bad. Have you ever got the message when you sign in and it tells you they will send you a code or password rest to your email? and you can't access your email because you can't sign in?

1945 - The atomic bomb was used containing more power than 12,000 tons of TNT and producing more than 2,000 times the blast of the most powerful bomb ever dropped before was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, killing an estimated 140,000 people in the first use of a nuclear weapon in warfare. The bomb nicknamed "Little Boy" with 130 pounds of uranium-235 produced the equivalent to about 13 kilotons of TNT. On August 9, 1945, America dropped the second Atom bomb on Nagasaki effectively ending the war when Japan announced their surrender.

1978 - Pope Paul VI, who led the Roman Catholic Church for 15 years, died after suffering a major heart attack.

In case anyone hasn't seen it yet - or wants to watch the made-for-TV movie again - Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret will air on LMN at 4:00 (EDT) today.

Thanks anyway BDE's but I'll pass. I started to watch her 2nd. trial, but couldn't stand to hear her voice go on and on and on for one more second of my life! I wish she had gone away to prison in 2013. If it wasn't for that sex tape with her screaming like a cat in heat, and all those disgusting pics of her naked with her legs spread and especially > :butthead: she would NOT have so many perverted men supporting her. :vomit:

Here's a little ditty that might help explain some the people who are drawn to her.*advertiser censored*-rap-7-years-in-pen/
Thanks anyway BDE's but I'll pass. I started to watch her 2nd. trial, but couldn't stand to hear her voice go on and on and on for one more second of my life! I wish she had gone away to prison in 2013. If it wasn't for that sex tape with her screaming like a cat in heat, and all those disgusting pics of her naked with her legs spread and especially > :butthead: she would NOT have so many perverted men supporting her. :vomit:

Here's a little ditty that might help explain some the people who are drawn to her.*advertiser censored*-rap-7-years-in-pen/

Very good example, Dmacky. The defense sexed up the trial for a reason. But two juries were not blind to that, and the prosecutor certainly wasn't either.
1982 - Roger Waters' The Wall" has its U.S. premiere.

1965 - The Beatles released their fifth album and soundtrack to their second film ‘Help!’

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