Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 11

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Jeana (DP)

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Aug 15, 2003
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Tapas Bar ---------------------------------- Not There

Kate McCann ---------------------------------- Everyone else
Gerry McCann

8:45 Russell O’Brien, Matthew and Rachael Oldfield arrive at Tapas Bar.

Kate ------------------------------------------ Jane Tanner
Gerry ----------------------------------------- Fiona Payne
Russell O’Brien --------------------------------- David Payne
Rachael Oldfield -------------------------------- Dianne Webster
Mathew Oldfield? (May have arrived later)

8:55 David and Fiona Payne arrive at Tapas Bar. David says all members, including Mathew, Russell and Jane, were there. Rachael Oldfield claims Mathew arrived a few minutes after the Paynes. No specific mention is made of Fiona’s mother, Dianne Webster, or Jane Tanner’s arrival.

Fiona Payne
David Payne
Dianne Webster? (Assume she arrived with her daughter/son-in-law.
Jane Tanner? (No arrival time given)

9:00 Mathew Oldfield checks on the children- he went back to apartments to do first check 5-15 minutes after his arrival time, depending on witness statements.

At Tapas Bar ---------------------------------- Not There

Kate ------------------------------------------- Mathew

9:05 Gerry leaves to check on children- this is corroborated by acquaintance Jeremy Wilkins who encounters Gerry while out walking his own child- they talk for a few minutes. Neither of the men see Jane Tanner (nor her, them) when she leaves for her child-check five minutes later, even though they are using the same narrow street to and from the Tapas Bar. Nothing is said about whether Gerry or Jane cross paths with Mathew Oldfield. Gerry will later report seeing light in the bedroom and the door open but assumed all was okay.

Kate ------------------------------------------ Mathew (not back yet)
Russell ---------------------------------------- Gerry

9:10 Jane Tanner is now checking on children- the 3rd person in ten minutes. If each parent was responsible for own child-check, this makes sense. But, when you take into account that Mathew Oldfield claims to have checked on the McCann children later on, it doesn’t. Also, has Jane already joined them at the Tapas Bar and left the group to check, or was her first appearance at the Bar after she checked the children? According to reports, one of her daughters was vomiting.
Jane, Gerry and Mathew have never said whether they ran into each other coming and going between the Tapas Bar and the apartments that night. But if this account is true, they must have seen each other.
Jane Tanner will also claim she saw a man in the dim light outside the apartment building holding something wrapped in a blanket and hurrying away. After Robert Murat is named an arguido, she will positively state it was him, and she will give a detailed description of him, claiming he was carrying a child who looked like Madeleine and dressed like her. However, she doesn’t mention this to anyone at the Tapas Bar at the time.

Kate ------------------------------------------ Mathew
Russell ---------------------------------------- Gerry
Rachael --------------------------------------- Jane

9:25 Gerry returns to the Tapas Bar, and Russell O’Brien will later tell the PJ that he and Mathew plan to visit the children. How can Mathew check on the kids when, if the reports are accurate, he hadn’t returned from his first visit? Neither is there any testimony of Jane’s return, so why is Russell checking their children if she is still with them?

Kate ------------------------------------------ Mathew
Gerry (after 20 min. absence) ------------------ Russell
Rachael --------------------------------------- Jane

9:30 Mathew and Russell leave the Tapas Bar. Mathew will also state that he saw light in the McCann apartment, and Russell will say his daughter was vomiting and he had to change her sheets. But housekeeping has no record of him asking for clean linens.
Najova Chekaya, aerobics instructor and quiz director, joins the party at Gerry’s invitation. She will later state that one chair was empty and nobody got up from the table except Kate (around 10:00).

At Tapas Bar ---------------------------------- Not There

Kate ------------------------------------------ Mathew
Gerry ----------------------------------------- Russell
Jane -------------------- or ------------------ Jane?

9:35 Mathew Oldfield returns to Tapas Bar.

Kate ------------------------------------------ Mathew?
Jane? (When did she rejoin group?)

9:45 Jane Tanner confirms that at this time, and not at 9:30, Russell and Mathew left to check on children. However, this is unlikely as Najova Chekaya makes no note of this and says Mathew was there.

Kate ------------------------------------------ Mathew?
Gerry ----------------------------------------- Russell?
Jane? (When did she rejoin group?)

9:55 Russell O’Brien returns to Tapas Bar.

Russell (gone either 10 or 25 minutes)

10:00 Kate McCann goes to the apartment and discovers Madeleine missing. She goes back to the Tapas Bar to sound the alarm. They all leave the table except Dianne Webster. No mention is given about her departure except to say she returned to the bar at 10:05 for her purse and camera. Since, according to Jane’s testimony, Mathew hadn’t returned to the restaurant before Kate left, when did he get back?

If any of the McCann friends are suspected of harming Madeleine, I doubt it's Rachael Oldfield, the Paynes or Fiona's mother, Dianne. They didn't leave the table the entire time.
As I almost certainly recall, but too lazy-er-busy- to search link, ROB was not present on at least one of the evenings previous to the May 3. Have we heard if there were others absent on any previous night, or is this the only Tapas member who ever missed an evening's ****-up?
Portugal papers are buzzing... O'Brien may be the new suspect!
The problem with the timeline as presented is that it's obviously full of contradictions, like the aerobics teacher's testimony.
Anyone of the people there could have been gone longer or returned sooner than anyone really noticed or remembered.

If they really did, as the restaurant people said, drink about a bottle and a half of wine per person in that time frame, then they were drinking a lot of wine in a very short amount of time. That would make it far less likely that they were noticing the actual time, and far less likely that their recollections were not blurred by alcohol.

How much did the alcohol consumed affect their judgement and actions and recollection?

And my recurrent question is--why would Russell O'Brien leave a child who had been vomiting severely, unless he knew for certain that child would not throw up again and aspirate--because perhaps he gave his child Phenergan? It stops nausea but makes anyone very sleepy.

Here's a not very good translation from World Lingo of the first part:

he English policy is to prepare the detention of a friend of the McCann, in Exeter, for suspicion of envolvement in the disappearance of Madeleine, in the Algarve. It has been remembered that some friends who had passed vacation with the McCann couple in the The Ocean Club, in the Beach of the Light, inhabit in that locality.
The Judiciary Policy has very to follow the tracks on movements considered strange on the part of the suspected one in the night of 3 of May, when Madeleine disappeared. The friend of the McCann arrived for return of the 20,30 at the supper in the restaurant Covers, situated in that aldeamento and about 30 meters of the apartment where it was Maddie with its two gémeos brothers, finishing for if absenting for the most part of the time. Shortly after to come back to join it the group, already for return of the 22,00, appeared Kate McCann to cry out “They take-in! ”, mentioning the son to it.

Maybe we can get a better translation from someone else. ;)
A polícia inglesa está a preparar a detenção de um amigo dos McCann, em Exeter, por suspeita de envolvimento no desaparecimento de Madeleine, no Algarve. Recorde-se que alguns amigos que passaram férias com o casal McCann no The Ocean Club, na Praia da Luz, residem naquela localidade.

The British police is ready to arrest a friend of the McCanns in Exeter, on suspicion of involvement in the disappearance of Madeleine in the Algarve. It has been mentioned that some of the friends who spent the holidays with the McCanns at the Ocean Club, Praia da Luz, live in that locality.

A Polícia Judiciária está há muito a seguir as pistas sobre movimentações consideradas estranhas por parte do suspeito na noite de 3 de Maio, quando Madeleine desapareceu. O amigo dos McCann chegou por volta das 20.30 ao jantar no restaurante Tapas, situado naquele aldeamento e a cerca de 30 metros do apartamento onde estava Maddie com os seus dois irmãos gémeos, acabando por se ausentar na maior parte do tempo. Pouco depois de voltar a juntar-se ao grupo, já por volta das 22.00, apareceu Kate McCann a gritar "Eles levaram-na!", referindo-se à filha. Mas as versões apresentadas à PJ pelos pais de Madeleine e pelos amigos, sobre os passos seguidos naquela noite, são contraditórias.

The PJ are following up the investigation regarding the strange movements of the suspect on the night of 3rd May when Madeleine disappeared. The friend of the McCanns arrived around 8.30pm to dine at the Tapas restaurant situated in the complex and about 30 meters from the apartment where Maddie and her twin siblings were located, and the person was then absent for a major part of the time. Soon after the person returned to the group around 10 pm, Kate McCann appeared and cried out `They have taken her`, refering to her daughter. But the versions presented to the PJ by the parents and by the friends about what followed that night are contradictory.

O suspeito mudou-se para Exeter quatro semanas antes de ir de férias para a Praia da Luz. É também naquela cidade inglesa que vive a irmã mais nova do luso-britânico Robert Murat, único arguido no caso Madeleine por suspeita de rapto da menor. Murat esteve em Exeter antes de vir de férias para Portugal, no dia 1 de Maio. De resto, terá sido este suspeito a denunciar à PJ movimentações de Murat junto do apartamento onde estava a criança.

The suspect moved to Exeter four weeks before going on holiday to the Praia da Luz. The younger sister of Robert Murat, the only person designated as a suspect for kidnapping Madeleine, also lives in the same city. Murat was also in Exeter before returning to Portugal on 1st of May. Additionally, it was this suspect who denounced Murat to the police – re. his movements near the apartment where the child resided.

Segundo apurou o DN, as televisões britânicas preparam-se para deslocar, hoje, equipas de reportagem para aquela cidade, a fim de acompanhar a situação.

According to the DN, the British television crews and reporters are preparing to move to Exeter with a view to following the situation.

Espera-se que os detectives no Reino Unido actuem depois de terem recebido informações dos colegas portugueses. A informação é avançada pelo jornal inglês Daily Express, que assegura que há suspeitos ingleses que têm vindo a ser vigiados há já várias semanas.

It is hoped that the UK detectives will act after having received information from their Portuguese colleagues. The information was leaked by the English newspaper Daily Express, which has confirmed that there are English suspects who have been kept under surveillance for many weeks.

Após as declarações do director nacional da Polícia Judiciária, Alípio Ribeiro, que admitiu que Madeleine pudesse ter sido morta no apartamento, colocando de lado a teoria do rapto, os detectives voltaram a examinar os testemunhos recolhidos na noite do desaparecimento de Maddie.

After the declaration by the national director of the PJ, Alipio Ribeiro, who admitted that Madeleine could have been killed in the apartment, thus setting aside the kidnapping theory, the detectives have re-examined the depositions made on the night of the disappearance.

Nesse grupo estão incluídos alguns amigos próximos dos Mc Cann.

In this group some of the close friends of the McCanns have been included.

De acordo com a edição online do diário inglês, Daily Telegraph, a Polícia Judiciária irá proceder a uma série de buscas nas próximas 48 horas. Os mandados de captura já estão assinados e a polícia apenas aguarda a ordem final para iniciar uma operação que poderá estar relacionada com o potencial novo suspeito.

According to the online edition of the Daily Telegraph, the PJ will start on a series of arrests in the next 48 hours. The arrest warrants have been signed and the police are only waiting for the final orders to start an operation which might be connected with the potential new suspect.

O jornal britânico acrescenta que esses mandados são válidos até ao final do dia de hoje, mas podem ser prolongados caso as autoridades necessitem.

The British paper says the warrants are valid till the end of this day but can be extended if deemed necessary.

Pode estar, assim, iminente,um "desenvolvimento significativo" na investigação do desaparecimento da menina britânica, quando as autoridades aguardam os resultados de uma prova forense, que pode ser uma peça chave na resolução do caso. Uma porta-voz da Forensic Science Service, em Birmingham, garante que as análises "estão em progresso", mas, para já, não há qualquer estimativa de quando possam ser divulgados os resultados. |

Therefore a significant breakthrough seems imminent in the investigation of the disappearance of the British child, while the authorities await the results of the forensic examinations, which might be a key to the resolution of the case. A spokesman for the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham, assures that the analyses is progressing, but up to now there is no indication as to when the results will be divulged.
As upset as I am with the McCanns for leaving Maddie, I would not wish this upon them. If this is accurate and ROB is to be arrested this just piles on more guilt. I just don't know what to make of this. My guess would be that if he is arrested and if their are others involved (possibly the McCanns) I would think he would begin to sing like a canary. Hopefully the cards will begin to fall.
You're welcome, just holding down the fort until colomom get's back. Got to feel sorry for O'Brien's kid's too, one is the same age as Maddie, the other I believe is still a baby. What a shame. They still use the plural as in arrests and warrants, so I assume Jane is included.?
I'm trying to figure out why now the police suddenly have a suspect in Maddie's disappearance? Why now? What caused them to suspect this so called acquaintance of the Mccann's?
I'm trying to figure out why now the police suddenly have a suspect in Maddie's disappearance? Why now? What caused them to suspect this so called acquaintance of the Mccann's?

The PJ has been very tight lipped. I wonder if they have been watching them and building a case against them all along.
Do we know how well the McCanns actually knew them?
I'm trying to figure out why now the police suddenly have a suspect in Maddie's disappearance? Why now? What caused them to suspect this so called acquaintance of the Mccann's?
He has been under surveilance a long time already. This makes me think he has long been a suspect, possibly due to both deception in his statements and the records of his phone calls and then just lately perhaps forensic evidence is coming to haunt him.
He has been under surveilance a long time already. This makes me think he has long been a suspect, possibly due to both deception in his statements and the records of his phone calls and then just lately perhaps forensic evidence is coming to haunt him.

Hi docwho3.
Please excuse my ignorance about this case.
I knew LE had watched and were possibly still watching someone. I had no idea it was someone the family knew.
I agree with you that this guys misstatements and other things are coming back to haunt him. If he's the perp, I hope he's haunted for the rest of his stinking life. Maddie was such a pretty little girl and she looked so happy in her pictures. If this creep harmed Maddie, I hope he has the heart to tell LE where she is. ;(
In one of the recent Portuguese newspapers, there was an article about the PJ having a suspect in their sights from the very beginning. The way the article read, it almost sounded as if they've known Robert Murat was innocent but let the true suspect believe in his guilt to trip him up and keep him from being suspicious.

I don't know how well Russell O'Brien knows the McCanns, but he's friends with Mathew Oldfield who worked with GM at the hospital in Leicester.

I'm confused by one thing. The above reads: Additionally, it was this suspect who denounced Murat to the police – re. his movements near the apartment where the child resided. Doesn't this sound more like Jane Tanner?

I realize there are quite a few people here who don't think the McCanns had anything to do with Madeleine's death apart from leaving her alone, and at this point it could go either way. But if it turns out the McCanns did do something to her and this other was simply the person in charge of moving her body and cleaning up the crime scene, I would bet s/he'll talk.
Hi docwho3.
Please excuse my ignorance about this case.
I knew LE had watched and were possibly still watching someone. I had no idea it was someone the family knew.
I agree with you that this guys misstatements and other things are coming back to haunt him. If he's the perp, I hope he's haunted for the rest of his stinking life. Maddie was such a pretty little girl and she looked so happy in her pictures. If this creep harmed Maddie, I hope he has the heart to tell LE where she is. ;(
I very much agree with you when you said, ". . .If he's the perp, I hope he's haunted for the rest of his stinking life. Maddie was such a pretty little girl and she looked so happy in her pictures. If this creep harmed Maddie, I hope he has the heart to tell LE where she is. . ."

Well said.
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