Darlie Innocent? Then how do you explain... ?

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Keep your fork......
Nov 14, 2003
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I'd like to ask those who believe Darlie innocent to explain how she got that large bruise under one arm from blunt force trauma. What weapon was used?
Why only one arm? Why is there no pattern discernible from his pants in the bruise if the perp knelt on Darlie's arm? Why is there no weapon marks if something else was used to bruise her arm?
I'd guess that as her arm was extended to bring the knife down, her son kicked out at her.
....how do you explain she did it herself....did she kneel on her own arm

Banging your arm repeatedly on any hard surface could cause those bruises. It's not difficult at all.

While in the hospital, Darlie realized that her injuries weren't consistent with a life and death struggle with an intruder. She'd already told numerous people that she was "fighting" with a killer who had just stabbed her two sons.

She needed those bruises to bolster her story.
....how do you explain she did it herself....did she kneel on her own arm

Are you claiming the bruise came from someone's kneeling on her arm? It's blunt force trauma. If you think she's innocent, explain how she got the bruise from blunt force trauma from an intruder. What did he use to inflict the bft? How did he bruise the underside of one arm?
ok I have three children and get bruises playing with them all the time. Or her hubby could have done it.
...cami,I thought you were suggesting that the people who suggest that darlie may be innocent believe,that the bruise under her arm came from the perp kneeling on her arm,that's why I made that statement to turn that thought around.I don't know how darlie got this particular bruise and never thought of how she could have gotten each and every bruise she had,there are soo many possibilities.IMO the most unlikely is however,that she inflicted them all on herself after she stabbed both of her children and called 911 (5 minute call) all in under 9 minutes...I am not 100% convinced that darlie did not do it...i just don't understand the timeline or the motivation if she is guilty...I will never understand that in this case and I read the transcripts.
...and I see many possibilities how the intruder could have used blunt force trauma and yes,she could have hit her arm while being kicked or pushed as well.
...and I see many possibilities how the intruder could have used blunt force trauma and yes,she could have hit her arm while being kicked or pushed as well.

If you were kicked or pushed wouldn't you remember that happening to you? Remember she only "remembers" seeing someone walk away from her. Not being punched, kicked, pushed or held down-just seeing them walk away...with that much bruising don't you think you would remember how you got it?:waitasec:
The only way that Darlie could obtain the injuries and not remember is if "while" asleep she was unconscious or in a Coma. She was neither. Like so many other convicted criminals, the words out of Darlie's mouth, "I am innocent. Sure right, I have heard tht before. Scott Peterson's parents.....
...there is a case in denmark or sweden,where a german girl killed the children of her ex lover a couple of years or so ago...she took a train to that country,walked into her house and stabbed the kids and the girlfriend multiple times and left them all for dead.it took a long time for the girl friend to get her memory straight.she was remembering bits and pieces and changed them at times.
The only way that Darlie could obtain the injuries and not remember is if "while" asleep she was unconscious or in a Coma. She was neither.

Not that I am defending DR, because I don't know the ins and outs of this particular case, but I do know from personal experience that if you suffer severe trauma you may not remember everything that happened. If she did indeed suffer an attack, then she may not remember how the bruises were inflicted. It has been 15 years since I was attacked and I still only remember bits and pieces.
If you were kicked or pushed wouldn't you remember that happening to you? Remember she only "remembers" seeing someone walk away from her. Not being punched, kicked, pushed or held down-just seeing them walk away...with that much bruising don't you think you would remember how you got it?:waitasec:

Charla Nash, the chimp attack victim, according to her brothers, knows she is injured but does not remember how she got to be injured and is currently not interested in finding out. "If you were mauled by an ape, don't you think you would remember it?" Obviously not.

Things are not always like you would expect them to be.
Charla Nash, the chimp attack victim, according to her brothers, knows she is injured but does not remember how she got to be injured and is currently not interested in finding out. "If you were mauled by an ape, don't you think you would remember it?" Obviously not.

Things are not always like you would expect them to be.

Good arguement however in this case, she remembers where she walked, when she turned and looked in the mirror, turned on the kitchen light, when she fell asleep, the 'perp' knocking over the glass in the kitchen, the knife being dropped, putting the wet towels on her son's back, her son putting pressure on her etc etc... you can't have it both ways, either you remember these details or you don't remember anything...not the case with Darlie.
Good arguement however in this case, she remembers where she walked, when she turned and looked in the mirror, turned on the kitchen light, when she fell asleep, the 'perp' knocking over the glass in the kitchen, the knife being dropped, putting the wet towels on her son's back, her son putting pressure on her etc etc... you can't have it both ways, either you remember these details or you don't remember anything...not the case with Darlie.

And she even described the intruder as a white male, quite tall, shoulder length hair, wearing a baseball cap.
There is so much speculation about why she can remember some things and not other things, and all of her stories... and that it leads to guilt and nothing but.
I'm not sure if I have told you guys this or not, but incase I haven't I will go through it again. It's a very hard thing for me to live and relive but I do it all of the time with one of my best friends.
4 1/2 years ago my friends husband deployed to Iraq. They had just bought a house but had not yet moved when they found out he was leaving, so the moving was left completely up to her. One night she put her 3 year old daughter to bed and went to the other end of the house to unpack boxes. She was listening carefully to her as she played with her toys in bed. After awhile she was quiet, and my friend assumed she had fallen asleep. She finished unpacking a box and went to check on her. She was gone from her bed. She went through the house calling her name.
A couple of things about her story has even changed up to this point. But after this point she has so many different memories all clumped together, and there is just no way they can all be true.
To the best of my ability I will tell you the rest of the story.
At some point she picked up the phone and called 911. At some point she saw that a chair was pulled over to the back door and the dead bolt was unlocked. She told the 911 operator that her daughter was gone. As she walked outside she saw that Ally's toy was on the ground. At some point she told the 911 operator "OMG she's in the pool" and dropped the phone on the ground. In some instances there was no toy on the ground, and she doesn't know how she knew she was in the pool. One day she will be adamant that she jumped into the pool and pulled Ally's dog off of her, who was trying to save her. Another day she will be just as adamant that the dog wasn't in the pool. She started CPR in the pool, then sometimes, remembers pulling her out and continuing on the grass. In no memory of hers does she recall bringing her inside, yet when the paramedics arrived she was on the floor in the sunroom doing CPR.
And it goes on and on and on.
Did she kill her baby? NO WAY WHATSOEVER!
The problems, I think, stem from being in complete shock. On top of that she was questioned immediately and "I don't remember" wasn't enough for the investigators. She also has PTSD. She has had countless nightmares. She tries to fill in what she can't remember. All of these things change "her reality" of what really happened. To this day she has no idea. From the time of the accident she had no idea. Though she still "remembers" new things. Though we don't know if she really remembers them, or if it's from a nightmare, or perhaps something that ran through her head while she was trying desperately to remember.
At the funeral she stood up next to her daughters open casket and read the longest, most heartwrenching "goodbye" letter to her baby girl. My friends were the only dry eyes in the place. Yet at other times she was crying unconsolably. Sometimes she would be TOO fine, and the next she was ready for a straight jacket. Not many people saw the straight jacket moments, and there was some speculation...
But there is NO WAY that she killed her baby girl.
Because of this experience, there is no way I can say that because of Darlie's different accounts or inappropriate behavior she is guilty.
I also think, on top of these things that would make her remember different scenerios, we also have the possibility that she "woke up" twice. I think Damon shaking her awake was before Damon was stabbed. I think that she passed out from lack of oxygen.
Of course she has different wounds than the boys. The perp had different "plans" for her. She has wounds consistent with a man holding a knife to her throat as he began to touch her. When she fought back she was slashed. He just wanted the boys out of the way.
YES I know the rape kit was negative, I didn't say she was raped. I don't think it got to that point. Perhaps she yelled for Darin and the perp realized there was someone else in the house.
Oh please, there is zero, nada, zlich evidence of innocence(I mean actually evidence that can be entered into court.) Never has been any evidence of innocence and never will be.

Darlie is on death row where she belongs.....as simple as that.

Oh by the way, I suffered an event when I was 5. Guess what I remember it like it was yesterday. I can recall every small detail. That was 40 years ago.

Darlie has "very selective memory loss, you see it kicks in when it is self serving and "she can't remember" when it is not self serving.

OK, sure. She remembered all of the details , days, weeks and months after the crime, but at trial "she can't remember". Especially during cross examinatio of "her many stories".

Gee just like so many other criminals......like Roger Coleman........he swore up and down, left and right, that was was innocent like Darlie. That he was framed, the DA was wrong, every one was wrong. He even had the Pope, movie stars and a very well known religious man "trying to overturn his conviction and death sentence.

Guess what after his execution, DNA was done at the expense of the Religious man. Roger Coleman was guilty as heck. He duped everyone into "believing" he was innocent and wrong imprisioned.

Again, the justice system got it right, the conning and manipulative "criminal" was rightly convicted.

So again, I seldom believe criminals as when I watch 20/20 or Primetime the first words out of a criminals mouth is "I am innocent".

Well guess what, you are a criminal, the justice system sentenced you behind bars or death and now you, the convicted criminal say you are innocent.

Gee I wonder who has to gain by claiming their innocence. That is right Ladies and Gents, the criminal and I for one am not "easily" conned.

Give me a break.......
The only way that Darlie could obtain the injuries and not remember is if "while" asleep she was unconscious or in a Coma. She was neither. quote]

Basic Psychology 101 tells us all that the statement above is not even close to being accurate.
Basic Psychology 101 states that when a person is injured unless they are unconscious, in a coma, or other "altered" state of consciousness, then when their throat is cut, and they are beaten black and blue that they would remember "receiving" the injuries.

How about this. Beat a person, cut their throat and then ask them if they remember. I put money(and I don't gamble)they they do for some odd reason.

This somehow of course depends on what story of Darlies(pick 1/16 and go from there) you are going to quote and "entertain".

For some reason even when a person tells 2 stories to the cops, it peaks LE's attention. Why you ask. Because if the person is telling the truth, there is only and will only be one story.

Not 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, or 16. You see when there are 16 stories, every story is "fabricated" according to the questions asked and the evidence presented. So if story 2 does not cover the questions asked, then you "invent" another story to "fit" the scene and LE's questions.

I have seen it many times before when stories change. That is "hallmark" of a guilty person.

That again is "basic" psychology 101. Fabrications and lies and the many stories of Darlie.
Basic Psychology 101 states that when a person is injured unless they are unconscious, in a coma, or other "altered" state of consciousness, then when their throat is cut, and they are beaten black and blue that they would remember "receiving" the injuries.

How about this. Beat a person, cut their throat and then ask them if they remember. I put money(and I don't gamble)they they do for some odd reason.

This somehow of course depends on what story of Darlies(pick 1/16 and go from there) you are going to quote and "entertain".

For some reason even when a person tells 2 stories to the cops, it peaks LE's attention. Why you ask. Because if the person is telling the truth, there is only and will only be one story.

Not 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, or 16. You see when there are 16 stories, every story is "fabricated" according to the questions asked and the evidence presented. So if story 2 does not cover the questions asked, then you "invent" another story to "fit" the scene and LE's questions.

I have seen it many times before when stories change. That is "hallmark" of a guilty person.

That again is "basic" psychology 101. Fabrications and lies and the many stories of Darlie.

Disassociative amnesia occurs when the subject is suffering from PTSD (again, Psych 101) because the subject has had a particiularly stressful and severe event, both mentally and emotionally, occur in his/her life.

Using your events mentioned in your post above: "when a person is injured unless they are unconscious, in a coma, or other "altered" state of consciousness, then when their throat is cut, and they are beaten black and blue" -- that, my friend, would be considered a severly stressful event by any armchair psychologist, as well as the real ones.

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