John Ramsey - The Real Man Michigan Voters should know

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Aug 14, 2003
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A big thank you to A Candy Rose on FFJ for refreshing our memories about John and the "Foundation". The bold, etc. is mine.

2 A. No. It wasn't our intention to
3 raise public money. I set up a foundation
4 for my other daughter, which still exists, by
5 the way. We were desperate to honor our
6 daughter in some way, and that was our
7 attempt to do it, and why we have been
8 criticized for that, I don't know.
9 Q. You put out a press release that
10 gave an address for contributions to be made
11 to the foundation.
12 A. I don't remember ever asking for
13 contributions.
14 MR. WOOD: Do you have a copy of
15 the press release?
16 MR. KANE: Yes. As a matter of
17 fact, I do.
18 MR. WOOD: Why don't you let him
19 see it.
20 THE WITNESS: I would like to see
21 it.
22 MR. KANE: I have what the Denver
23 Post has published as coming from your press
24 release.
25 MR. LEVIN: While he gets booted


1 up on that just so that we don't waste time,
2 how about if I ask him questions on another
3 matter? Does that work for you procedurally?
4 MR. WOOD: Sure.
5 THE WITNESS: Can I respond to
6 that though?
7 MR. WOOD: Go ahead, John.
8 THE WITNESS: I am offended, and
9 I have been offended. I have been offended
10 that you investigated that foundation during
11 the grand jury. I have a mind to disband
12 it and treat it just as a private -- we
13 want to honor our daughter, and we have
14 received nothing but grief from you folks,
15 from the media over that attempt, and I am
16 baffled by that.
17 Q. (By Mr. Kane) I'll get it, but
18 I want to follow up on that, you made an
19 application for it to be a 503(C) charitable
20 foundation, haven't you?
21 A. Yes.
22 MR. WOOD: I think it actually
23 has been so designated.
24 MR. KANE: Has it been? That
25 was what I was going to ask you.


2 MR. WOOD: There was a mistake in
3 the book jacket cover that indicated an
4 application had been made. An application
5 for tax exempt status has been submitted, and
6 I remember someone called it to the attention
7 of the publisher that, in fact, it had been
8 granted. I don't sit here and represent
9 that I have seen it, but I do know that
10 information.
11 Q. (By Mr. Kane) Has any, to your
12 knowledge, any of the money that ever has
13 been in that foundation ever been given to
14 any charitable --
15 A. Yeah.
16 Q. -- or social --
17 A. Not to the level we would have
18 hoped. I mean, our original plan was that we
19 were going to sue the hell out of the
20 tabloids and donate it all to the foundation
21 and do some very significant things. That
22 has been a tough process.
23 So we have not been able to do
24 with it what we hoped, but I hope some day
25 we can.


1 Q. You did get money from the
2 public, though, that came in?
3 A. Very, very little. I got -- the
4 most significant donations I got were from
5 two friends. One was the president of
6 Lockheed-Martin, sent $1,000, and my boss
7 sent $1,000. We probably received a few
8 very small checks.

Two things stand out:

1. He is offended. He is offended to be asked to take a polygraph. Now he is offended that they looked into the foundation. He's always offended that guy! Then, out of the other side of his mouth, during interviews, he swears he understands the family must be investigated.

Notice how he threatens to disband the foundation as if to punish them for investigating it. Who gets punished in reality? Only the children they lied about wanting to help through the foundation! Notice how angry he got to the point of saying he has a mind to disband it.

Sadly John, you don't have a mind for anything! Perhaps he really does need to "grow a brain".

2. Notice how insignificantly he portrays the "small checks" from the public. Ever, ever see a foundation or charity not thank those who can only afford to send "small checks".

Sometimes collecting beer cans is not always profitable for us folks and we can only send small checks!

3. Notice how Lin Wood tries to once again blame the claims on the publisher making a "mistake" on the book jacket.

Doesn't the RST read?????????? :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
wonderful post and worthly of e-mailing out at the end of Trish's post.

Again, People MUST NOT FORGET what sort of people the Ramsey’s are. This is a man seeking office. I am sending this as well to every newspaper in Michigan.
What? Now it's the 'publisher's' fault the book jacket was wrong?

Didn't the Ramsey's have final approval? After all they mentioned their generosity to the JB foundation, in their book.

Don't tell me sharp eyed John didn't notice the book was donating the profits to the charity and not to himself???????

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