Burlington NJ school praising President Obama

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Video shows little kids at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, N.J., being taught to sing Obama's praises — have they already learned the Star Spangled
This is sort of crazy. You see parents forcing their views on their kids all the time and don't hear about it. Look at thoes people from Westboro church that take their kids to their protests and have them chanting and holding up signs that say 'God Hates *advertiser censored*'. Now that doesn't merit a 'INDOCTRINATION' headline on foxnews.com? I am not trying to start a fight. It just seems like media today will find anything to hate President Obama + hold it against him. He is human + and not perfect, but the guys needs a chance.
I didn't associate this with the president, but rather actions being taken in public school. i couldn't understand the words the kids were singing, but they sure were enjoying it and having fun.
I think if anything it was probably a teacher who wasn't thinking or who probably didn't think there would be such attention brought about because of this. It just makes me mad, because like you said, you associate it with the president, but yet the spin that is being put on it is trying to make him look bad. I agree that politics should be left out of school, but I was more of less just commenting on how the media spin being put on this is trying to make Obama look bad. And the lyrics aren't really that bad.

Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand [?]
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be clear today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
segue to
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all [do? doth??] say "hooray!"
Hooray Mr. President! You're number one!
The first Black American to lead this great na-TION!
Hooray, Mr. President something-something-some
A-something-something-something-some economy is number one again!
Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!
And the same for all Americans [in?] the great Red White and Blue!
So something Mr. President we all just something-some,
So here's a hearty hip-hooray a-something-something-some!
Hip, hip hooray! (3x)
What ticks me off is that these aren't Barak's ideas - kids are learning that he is savior-like when these equal work/equal pay ideas and such were hard fought by other people who now forfeight their credit to Obama.

Teach history you stupid teachers who are in the union and can't be fired for being morons!
I think if anything it was probably a teacher who wasn't thinking or who probably didn't think there would be such attention brought about because of this. It just makes me mad, because like you said, you associate it with the president, but yet the spin that is being put on it is trying to make him look bad. I agree that politics should be left out of school, but I was more of less just commenting on how the media spin being put on this is trying to make Obama look bad. And the lyrics aren't really that bad.

Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand [?]
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be clear today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
segue to
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all [do? doth??] say "hooray!"
Hooray Mr. President! You're number one!
The first Black American to lead this great na-TION!
Hooray, Mr. President something-something-some
A-something-something-something-some economy is number one again!
Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!
And the same for all Americans [in?] the great Red White and Blue!
So something Mr. President we all just something-some,
So here's a hearty hip-hooray a-something-something-some!
Hip, hip hooray! (3x)

How nauseating. :sick:
What ticks me off is that these aren't Barak's ideas - kids are learning that he is savior-like when these equal work/equal pay ideas and such were hard fought by other people who now forfeight their credit to Obama....

Huh? The song is badly written, but it says "He said," not "He invented." I'm sure schoolchildren have all sorts of crazy notions, but if they haven't yet learned about Jesus, Gandhi, Dr. King, etc., they will.
I think the whole country needs to turn off Fox News for awhile. And that goes double for the other media members who seem to get their journalism educations from FNC talking heads.

I find songs like this idiotic--and did when I was in grade school.

But they don't do any harm and they weren't even controversial in my day.

A badly written anthem here and there does not a Hitler Youth program make.
I really don't know what to say.* I am kind of middle of the road on this.* I see both sides and could agree with both of them but on different points.* I hate political discussions but will voice an opinion here.* What I do have a strong opinion of, is the very evident plan by the GOP and really many individuals with no political positions, to discredit, tarnish, contradict, create controversy about, or otherwise oppose what seems like anything that comes from the President.* Let's think about that word... "President".** We as a country "elect" a leader, so clearly we respect the office itself.* I find myself baffled by the backlash against the "President" when as a nation at large, we "picked him".* I don't agree with everything he says or does, and you know what??* I am a Republican, but I did not vote for John McCain because he never convinced me that he was "it it" for the right reasons.* If nothing else, the election of President Obama has facilitated and stimulated political concerns and interest on a level we have never seen before.* By stimulating a nation to start "caring" and paying attention instead of living the apathetic lifestyle so many became accusrtomed to, the election has awakened people and forced them to "give a ****".* So whether I agree with everything being said or done, I am pleased to see people care enough to get involved.* Now if everyone who whines about what they don't like, would channel that energy into activism and effort to effect change, we'd have something pretty remarkable wouldn't we?* JMO*
He's President of the United States. Why is his name misspelled in the title of this thread?
He is a President, not a savior, not a king. A normal human being who has been elected President. A new person could be elected in three years. Will there be a song for them? There has been a whole group of GREAT presidents before Obama. Noone has ever made songs for them. Let him earn his stripes before he is exhalted. He has only been in office for nine monthes, and frankly, imo, has not proven that he has earned his stripes. A huge deficit, nor cozying up to dictators is not earning stripes. JMO

People have a RIGHT in this country to disagree with government. Noone seemed to mind when people disagreed with Bush, people took great pleasure in bashing him with ease. But when some people disagree with Obama they are racist, wackos, militants etc? I don't think so...
I wonder if the person who wrote Jesus Loves the Little Children would appreciate someone using his lyrics in another song. "Red and Yellow, Black or White: All are equal in his sight". I don't like that part of it being used at all since the man is not Jesus or the Savior, and the rest is silly. They're not teaching government, they're teaching a certain idea. I hope they weren't waving their arms in the air with praises while singing.
It reminds me of little kids in Communist countries being forced to sing their leaders' praises. I'm not calling Obama a communist and I'm not saying he had anything to do with this. I AM saying that I think it's inappropriate and if I were a parent I wouldn't allow my child to participate.
No subtle brainwashing or propaganda here...
The NEA, altered lesson plans , songs....

The lady who made this video is a former classmate of Obama.



Propaganda starts out as subtle bits here and there and then advances.
People just need to stay on top of things like this and not get sidetracked by others who use the Saul Alinsky method of mocking and distracting from the subject....like, stop watching a certain channel......um, the channel did not make the video....hello.
He is a President, not a savior, not a king. A normal human being who has been elected President. A new person could be elected in three years. Will there be a song for them? There has been a whole group of GREAT presidents before Obama. Noone has ever made songs for them. Let him earn his stripes before he is exhalted. He has only been in office for nine monthes, and frankly, imo, has not proven that he has earned his stripes. A huge deficit, nor cozying up to dictators is not earning stripes. JMO

People have a RIGHT in this country to disagree with government. Noone seemed to mind when people disagreed with Bush, people took great pleasure in bashing him with ease. But when some people disagree with Obama they are racist, wackos, militants etc? I don't think so...

(Emphasis added.)

No less a personage than Irving Berlin wrote "I Like Ike" even before Eisenhower was elected. The song was later used as DDE's campaign song.

It's true that most of the good songs about presidents were written after the death of the subject. And that seems to still hold true, since we all agree the ditty in question is at best banal.

Nobody, not even President Carter and certainly not Obama himself, has said people can't disagree with this president.
No subtle brainwashing or propaganda here...
The NEA, altered lesson plans , songs....

The lady who made this video is a former classmate of Obama.



Propaganda starts out as subtle bits here and there and then advances.
People just need to stay on top of things like this and not get sidetracked by others who use the Saul Alinsky method of mocking and distracting from the subject....like, stop watching a certain channel......um, the channel did not make the video....hello.

And hello to you, too.

No, FNC didn't make the video. But the video isn't the problem. The cynical incitement of public hysteria over non-issues like this song is the problem. And while FNC didn't invent cynicism or demagoguery, it has made them an art form. There's a lot more "sidetracking" happening there than in response to my occasional post.

I'm all for viewing propaganda with a critical eye and I have no problem with people critiquing this song.

But the overreaction is so out of proportion to the song's actual impact, I doubt critical reasoning is the cause.

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