Ramseys sue Fox News


Aug 15, 2003
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They sued Fox today over Carol McKinley's pieces on the Wolf case last Christmas.
Originally posted by candy
They sued Fox today over Carol McKinley's pieces on the Wolf case last Christmas.

John must be feeling frustrated over living so close to a lake and not having a boat to sail (Daddy needs a new pair of outboard motors). Of course, this has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with dipping into Fox's deep pockets. But what will be entertaining to see is how this will play out on a jurisdictional level. Lin Wood is not a member of the bar in any state but Georgia; how will he file paperwork concerning plaintiffs who live in Michigan against a defendant who operates out of New York? In previous suits, they always bullied the courts into having the case play out in Georgia courts as was convenient for them, and Lin had free reign. Now, Georgia is out of the equation entirely except in the most abstract of ways.

In other news, everyone can have a virtual peek at the Ramsey house in Smyrna, now that its listing is online:


Edited to add:

Can someone explain to me the thought process which leads to a family's decision to buy a new house with an exterior basement door, when the same family supposedly had an exterior basement door broken into by a robber in their old house? Why is it not obvious at that point that robbers break into exterior basement doors, and the way to keep them out is to give them fewer doors to enter the house through? For that matter, can anyone explain to me why a family which had its choice of all the houses it wanted, and who explicitly said they did not want to buy a house with a basement because their daughter was killed in one, would go on to buy not one, but two houses with basements?
Why are they suing?

Darnay represented Wolf, claiming they named him as a suspect. Whazzup with this?
What did Carol say/do?

Darnay represented Wolf, claiming they named him as a suspect. Whazzup with this?
So much for justice for JB...it's all about "them". I wonder if they'll donate any winnings to the JB Foundation (cough, cough, sputter sputter). :)
I don't see how the Rs can possibly win. I have an idea that this time, the Rs and LW will meet their Waterloo...unless Fox wusses out and settles out of court.
It was just a matter of time before Lin struck again, I guess. This might be the time for somebody to take him to task.
Originally posted by TLynn
What did Carol say/do?

Darnay represented Wolf, claiming they named him as a suspect. Whazzup with this?

I think she said there was no exculpatory evidence. There was a transcript floating around a few months ago but I have no memory of where to find it now.
LW can use an attorney licensed in the filing state (pro hoc vice)soas to accomplish this goal, no big prob. What next? Ramseys Sue God???? I noticed their new church affiliation in Charlevoix ain't the same denomination. Could it be they were ex-communicated? Watch out, God, they've got another axe to grind....
This has now become their way of making liiving. It is all "Blood Money"
why_nutt, two faces, forked toungue = two different actions. One is meant for public appearances the other is where they really live. The law industry supports their vaporous public persona. No one can hold them to account without risking large amounts of money going to lawyers. LW's actions seem to be proactive rather than reactive at this point. I'd like to know who is pushing the buttons, LW, JR or PR. (I would have said pulling the strings but that would just be such an bad pun.) The suit might not be income driven, JR or PR might be propping themselves up, trying as hard as they can to act normal. But the actor eventually puts down the mask.

Their religious activity is much the same thing. They need not fear God's judgement as they have lost contact with their souls long ago and have paraded their false devotion along with their supposed concerns for house safety and child abuse foundations.

They can't keep up the act forever and I believe Patsy atleast is feeding off the youth of Burke for her energy. As he becomes a young man there will be the risk of separation anxiety for her just as there was with JonBenet leaving infancy. Burke might be the key buffering element in her false religious persona as LW is for her public persona.
Actually, since the Ramseys don't have cable tv, I think Wood is behind it all, and I think someone else must be monitoring the shows for him.

Can one earn "finder's fees' for this? Just wondering...
Candy, thanks for the heads-up. Please post any further info or legal docs should it become available. I can't wait to read this one!
I sure will!

LW sent Fox an intent to sue letter at least nine months ago.
He filed having only 2 days left in the Statute of limitations.

One of the things the Ramseys put in their complaint is that Carol apparently said in one of her segments is that there was "little or no evidence of an intruder."

posted 12-23-2003 05:07 PM
Here are my transcripts of a couple of these segments from last year. I'll let readers judge how "unfair" these are to the prime suspects (this year, just like every other year since 1996):

Member # 311

posted 12-27-2002 04:39 PM
Transcript of segment on the handwriting evidence, 12/26/02: My transcript only where I post it as a registered member

Patty Ann Brown: Now that the investigation into the murder of little JonBenet Ramsey is in the hands of Boulder’s new district attorney, JonBenet’s parents are saying they hope new, potential suspects will get them out from under the umbrella of suspicion. But after 6 long years, many experts say that one piece of controversial evidence still makes Patsy Ramsey the number one suspect. A fox report from Carol McKinley

Patsy Ramsey (on video, looking at a copy of the ransom note) “It’s the length, I think that’s unusual, I would think…

Carol McKinley: It’s the longest ransom note most forensic experts have ever seen. Including Ramsey case consultant, Dr. Henry Lee.

Dr. Henry Lee: Which pedophile would spend that much time, writing three page of note… Just doesn’t make sense again.

Carol McKinley: Many forensic document examiners have given their opinions as to who wrote the note. But the only one to testify before a grand jury in the case was Chet Ubowski, forensic document examiner for the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. Out of 100 people he analyzed for the Boulder Police Department, he found only one person whom he thought may have authored the document, Patsy Ramsey. Investigative sources tell Fox News that the disguised letters and bleeding ink from the felt tipped pen used to write the note kept him from 100 percent ID of Mrs. Ramsey. Ubowski was the only analyst to handle the original pages instead of copies. But as a possible civil libel case against the Ramseys looms, several of the leading forensic document examiners have emerged with stronger opinions. They tell Fox News they are convinced that Mrs. Ramsey is the note writer. One of them, Gideon Epstein, is prepared to testify to this in court. Whether the case is tried is up to an Atlanta Federal District Court Judge. In court documents obtained by Fox News, Epstein writes “The ransom note…is an attempted disguise of handwriting that was unsuccessful due to its length. It can be concluded that Patsy Ramsey wrote the ransom note.”

Nathan Chambers, Oklahoma city bomber Timothy McVeigh’s post conviction counsel says even if handwriting is admitted in court, there’s another battle, dueling experts.

Nathan Chambers: When one side puts on an experts who claim that a particular person authored a document, the other side will up experts challenging the first experts opinions. In fact, five of the Ramseys own hired experts say Mrs. Ramsey probably did not write the note. Significantly though, only one of the five definitively eliminated her. John and Patsy Ramsey say an intruder killed JonBenet and wrote the note while they slept. They don’t believe police investigated that theory thoroughly enough. But Dr. Lee disagrees:

Dr. Henry Lee: I have personal knowledge, Alex Hunter’s office and the Boulder detective, look at every avenue, that’s seven competing hypothesis, to consider everything.

In Denver, Carol McKinley, Fox News

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Member # 311

posted 12-27-2002 06:22 AM
My transcript posted only where I post it as a registered poster

John Gibson: It's been six years to the day since the body of the little girl with big dreams was found dead in the basement of her family's Colorado home. Then a heartbreaking investigation that riveted the nation's attention for weeks and months and years. Now Boulder polices are giving the case a new look.

Are they any closer to catching the killer?

For latest, we go to Fox's Carol McKinley, reporting live from Denver. Hi, Carol.

Carol McKinley: Hi there, John.

Well, this has been a dormant case for about two years now. And, you know, most people will say that there's a lot of lip service going on in Boulder, Colorado, right now. Others will say they have their hopes up. Someone will finally find the killer of JonBenet.

But because there has been so much blame in the last six years, now the only action seen in court has been civil. So millions of dollars have changed hands, mostly by the people who blamed Burke the 9 year old brother of JonBenet, who has been cleared as being a suspect.

Carol McKinley: The Ramseys have successfully sued tabloid and mainstream media for defamation. Former employees have sued them for the same reason. But still, no one stands responsible for the six-year-old murder of the little beauty princess.

Carol McKinley: The crime scene here at the Ramsey home was contaminated from the start. People were allowed to move evidence and walk around the house. But it soon became clear who authorities suspected.

Steve Thomas (on video): The district attorney and his top prosecutor, two police chiefs, and a large number of cops, although so at odds on some points that they almost came to blows, all agreed on one thing, that probable cause existed to arrest Patsy Ramsey in connection with the death of her daughter.

Carol McKinley: Detectives say they had good reason to suspect the Ramseys. The couple and JonBenet's 9 year old brother, Burke, were the only known people in the house the night she was killed. JonBenet had been strangled, bludgeoned, and sexually assaulted, most likely from one of her mother's paintbrushes.

The longest ransom notes most experts have ever seen, three pages, was left behind.

Whomever killed her spent a long time in the family home, yet there has never been any evidence to link an intruder to her brutal murder.

John Ramsey: I think the fact is that we were the prime suspects on December 26 and never lost that ranking.

Carol McKinley: But that may change. In a recent major development, the Boulder police department, long suspicious of the Ramseys, has turned the case over to district attorney Mary Keenan to bring fresh eyes to the investigation.

Lin Wood: This is a new day in this investigation. The days of the Ramseys being the focus of this investigation, those days are over.

Carol McKinley: Critics say Keenan took over the dormant case to avoid a lawsuit by Ramsey attorney Lin Wood. But in a letter she wrote to Wood, she says, "Please understand this decision is being made for one reason only, that a violent child murderer is at large."

Lin Wood: This is about a legitimate desire on her part to find a violent child killer, not to avoid a lawsuit, not to engage in a bunch of rhetoric.

Carol McKinley: Keep in mind, John, there is no new incriminating evidence. We're still stuck with the same things we had six years ago. So whether Keenan's eyes are fresh and bring fresh answers remains to be seen, John.

John Gibson: Carol McKinley in Denver. Carol, thanks very much.
I'm so sick of these pukes. Every time somebody looks at these prime suspects cross-eyed, Limp steps in to screw up the freedom of speech for the country again. They need to dry up and blow away.

It's been quite awhile since it's been for JonBenet. They don't give a chit about finding the killa. It's all about them.

Good point, Sabrina, about the tv. Seven long years and look at where we're at.
I sure hope FOX News has the balls to go up against Limp Wood. I'd like to see him in court trying to explain how there is so much evidence of an intruder, yet his clients haven't been cleared. It would have to be a pretty stupid judge to not see through that line of BS.
WhyNutt: Not only that but am I the only one that thinks this house looks erriely similar inside to the one in Boulder? Dark, black and white tile floors, kitchen almost identical. and $600 mo. association fees? The Ramsey's are broke, YEAH RIGHT!
The only thing that I've been able to notice in any of these transcripts which Carol said that cannot be proved to be true is this:
"Whomever killed her spent a long time in the family home, yet there has never been any evidence to link an intruder to her brutal murder."

But I interpret this as there has not been any evidence to link it to a SPECIFIC intruder. That's what it meant to me when I read it.

I think the house is butt ugly. I could swear I remember Patsy saying her home on Vinings did not have a basement-- I think this was actually during her interview with Carol McKinley- the same interview that she talked about taking a shower or something like that and being afraid of having an intruder come in (like what happened to Lana Turner) I know it's been a few years, but does anyone recall this or have the transcript?
They sued Fox today over Carol McKinley's pieces on the Wolf case last Christmas.
Good. Lin Wood had said he would be filing against them. I'm glad he did. Venue may well be proper in Georgia anyway as Fox clearly does business there and it would also be proper in Michigan.

Anyway, I am glad this BPD orchestrated media campaign will finally end and Fox will realize that stupidity can be very expensive.

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