L.A. sheriff looks into 50 missing women

just a side note, the LA dept updates the photos on their link when someone is identified. http://lacountymurders.com/wanted/LADIES1.html

I'm new to posting, but I've been reading alot. It's so hard to compare some of the women because when you look at the missing persons flyer they may have 3 photos and they look like different people themselves. My sister and I have been sending possibilities back and forth, but she doesn't see what I see and I don't see what she sees. I'm posting some of the women that I think look like some of them to see if anyone else agrees.

# 6 = http://doenetwork.us/cases/373ufca.html
Cindy L. Haumann
Kristy Lynne Booth

#12= http://doenetwork.us/cases/509ufca.html
Dean Marie Pyle Peters

#14= http://doenetwork.us/cases/511ufca.html
Christine Marie Eastin - Wearing red,white and blue tunic top

#27= http://doenetwork.us/cases/518ufca.html
Christina R. Smith

If this is not Darlene Webb it may be Lisa Jane Borden

#38 = http://doenetwork.us/cases/527ufca.html
Diane Genice Dye
Sherry Jean Pickle

#42 = http://doenetwork.us/cases/531ufca.html
Johanna Catherine Brighton

#1 looks a little like Janel Irene Peters

Ladies #21 and #38 look alike - just a wig on #21

I think your matches look good. Some of these missing women I don't recall even seeing before.

I did read somewhere online where somebody thought #12 was a certain missing girl and after looking I thought they were right. I will try to find that to see what you think.

I don't think 21 and 38 are the same person (with wig in 21). The nose looks different to me. But I could be wrong. Does your sister post on websleuths? Welcome and hope you stick around! Your good at this!

no she reads them as I have for a while. I just became a member so I could post on the 2 yr. old boy missing from Leesburg, Fl and on Dalles McKinsey victims.
I read #15 and #21 are unsolved homicide victims. Along with #28 was a homicide victim that was last seen with Bill Bradford then found decapitated.
#23 and #48 are ex-wives. And #49's mother called in to report that was her daughter that ranaway a long time ago and she never heard from her again.
Left to identify:

1, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 40, 42, 43, 45, 51
LinasK -

Rathbun was in 1996

I believe that the Hillside Stranglers also tried to lure girls to work for them - They put 2 into prostitution by inviting them to become 'models'. That was 1977 - 1978...check Ken Bianchi's pic ( http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/predators/stranglers/kenny_4.html )
Discovered last night, another serial killer/photographer who was in Torrance in 1984, also kidnapped a victim from there. His name was Christopher Bernard Wilder.
The show The Investigators just rebroadcast on TruTV on 4/2 the episode on William Richard Bradford. It's titled, "Deadly Exposure". I remain fairly positive that I was approached on the street by this serial killer.:what::what::what:
I am convinced that this is just the tip of the iceburg. This guy is one of the most sadistic, evil people I have ever read about. Steve Huff posted a link to a court document that is one of the most disturbing things I have read.

This guy really enjoyed torturing people, and when you read the details of the rapes, you have to think that as far as he went and as brutal as he was, the people who are alive are extrememly lucky. You can tell just by reading the facts that the people who are dead did not go quickly or peacefully.
Just reading it convinced me that when you take into consideration the brutality that he was capable of to the people who lived, there has to be a lot of people who did not live.

Also I saw that someone said that they were not searching for boys, or preteens, if you look at the court records, he is capable of anything.

Anyway, here is the link:
(I should add that it is an extremely long read and some of it is brutally graphic.)"&hl=en&gl=us&ct=clnk&cd=5&client=firefox-a
His preference was young women, including high school age.
Scout said:

I am confused about info in the above referenced news item:

"Donnalee Campbell Duhamel's decapitated body was found in Malibu in 1978. Her photo was among 54 that were found in William Richard Bradford's Mar Vista apartment 20 years ago but were never investigated. Los Angeles County sheriff's officials released the photos last week in hopes of learning more about the women."

But then states:

""Basically my mom just disappeared and was gone," said Duhamel's other daughter, Lisa Mora. "Never even had a funeral. There was no body. I want to know what happened to her."

Was the mother's body found or not? Was her picture in the group of photos or not? If the body was found, was it not returned to the family? :(

ETA: Okay, I see where the mother was identified in the photos, but why didn't the family receive the body?!?!
Her decapitated body was found in Malibu Canyon in 1978, a week after she disappeared from a bar, where she had been with her boyfriend. She told her boyfriend she was going to model for Bradford. He didn't follow along. The young daughters were being watched by their grandmother, so they had no knowledge of this of Bradford.
This Jane Doe, known as "Gypsy" appears to be one of William Bradford's victims.


Bradford was a biker and was known to have frequented the Tennessee Bar in Culver City CA in June 1984. He was also known to have taken his victims to the Lancaster area.

This Jane Doe is said to have worked at the "Tennessee Bar", and her body was found in June 1984 in Lancaster.

The document linked below details Bradford's crimes, though "Gypsy" Jane Doe is not mentioned. But the details described fit Gypsy's circumstances very closely.
This Jane Doe, known as "Gypsy" appears to be one of William Bradford's victims.


Bradford was a biker and was known to have frequented the Tennessee Bar in Culver City CA in June 1984. He was also known to have taken his victims to the Lancaster area.

This Jane Doe is said to have worked at the "Tennessee Bar", and her body was found in June 1984 in Lancaster.

The document linked below details Bradford's crimes, though "Gypsy" Jane Doe is not mentioned. But the details described fit Gypsy's circumstances very closely.

From the 2nd article- based on his wife Cindy's account of his whereabouts in 1977 and 1978: I have to conclude that it was in the Spring of 1977 that he approached me, because he was in Michigan after that. I know it was prior to June of 1978 because that's when I graduated.
I find that his victims Donnalee Campbell Duhamel and Shari Miller look very much similar. That´s why now I am going to focus on the pictured women that also look like these two victims.
Shari Miller and Donnalee Campbell Duhamel look ver much alike! I think he had a preferred type and some of the females that are photogaphed are also similar!

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