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I'm not sure the dolls have anything to do with the SK, my view is its nothing more than a shrine gift. More than likely someone read about the story in the MSM and decided to pay the site a visit when they were in the area. Its quite common. At least in Europe it is.

I can go with the shrine-gift theory. But they are significant and should never be completely dismissed as a red herring, maybe call it a pink herring.
What about PH's alleged reference to a "Home for wayward girls" during his phone call to Shannon Gilberts mother. Could the" home for wayward girls" be the burial ground?

Wow! I would definitely say that the verbiage "home for wayward girls", alone gives a definitive "age" range to the LISK. Late 50's-early 70's though more likely in the mid to late 60's in my opinion.

I would place his age range at the time of the call to a generation or two prior to my own (so in his late 50-mid-60's or even early 70's now). I say that because the generation or two prior to my own generation would be the ones who would still utilize such verbiage/terms. No one generally in my own age range was still using the terms "home for wayward girls", as girl's & boy's homes, as such, that were previously popular ways to deal with troubled youth were going out of fashion; the system/parents/general treatment social work/mental health views related to referring teens to them, went out of style for whatever reason (I'd say back in the 90's there were far fewer of them around), be it due to private finance/funding drying up due to liability issues, etc., a general move away from girls & boys 'homes', and more toward the more modern outpatient hospital/behavioral treatment facility settings, then it swung back to more mix gender psychiatric treatment facilities in/out patient treatment versus up rooting juveniles and sending them off away from their parents/familiar environments, etc to live for months at a time in a supervised treatment facility/home (& juvenile incarceration grew) own generation saw teens sent off to places like 'such and such house'..versus calling them a girl's home & they were in/out patient treatment facilities that were in-state local to the teen...not hundreds of miles to different States away....

The 'home for wayward youth'...
while there are still places out there that would fall under that criteria & court systems that still use the term or similar, for places for girl's/boy's homes (ex: Indiana I believe), however, the locations to which they refer are more juvenile prisons than what was in the past referred to as a youth home (per watching some juvenile justice programs about Indiana Thanks to Nat'l Geo & the IN Supreme Court allowing behind the scenes access to actual juvenile cases)...

As always, just my humble opinion, partially because I had a friend back in the 90's that was looking to place her teen in a girl/boy's home and there were only 3 that I was able to locate..& most troubled teens whom I knew growing up, were instead sent for treatment to places like 'XYZ House', which was an in/outpatient behavioral treatment facility, not what was once a home for wayward youth...a VERY interesting turn of phrase in my know "forensic linguistics" became a "thing" after the Unabomber case where the FBI utilized linguistics to help profile, narrow down geographically, and determine where he rec'd his thesis/college training etc based upon his sentence structure, and specific phrases, etc., & to catch, the Unabomber...makes me go "Hum"...or perhaps it is a phrase still used geographically in the NY area, still not likely by anyone in their 30's/40's or even early 50's!..

The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!
Wow! I would definitely say that the verbiage "home for wayward girls", alone gives a definitive "age" range to the LISK. Late 50's-early 70's though more likely in the mid to late 60's in my opinion.

I would place his age range at the time of the call to a generation or two prior to my own (so in his late 50-mid-60's or even early 70's now). I say that because the generation or two prior to my own generation would be the ones who would still utilize such verbiage/terms. No one generally in my own age range was still using the terms "home for wayward girls", as girl's & boy's homes, as such, that were previously popular ways to deal with troubled youth were going out of fashion; the system/parents/general treatment social work/mental health views related to referring teens to them, went out of style for whatever reason (I'd say back in the 90's there were far fewer of them around), be it due to private finance/funding drying up due to liability issues, etc., a general move away from girls & boys 'homes', and more toward the more modern outpatient hospital/behavioral treatment facility settings, then it swung back to more mix gender psychiatric treatment facilities in/out patient treatment versus up rooting juveniles and sending them off away from their parents/familiar environments, etc to live for months at a time in a supervised treatment facility/home (& juvenile incarceration grew) own generation saw teens sent off to places like 'such and such house'..versus calling them a girl's home & they were in/out patient treatment facilities that were in-state local to the teen...not hundreds of miles to different States away....

The 'home for wayward youth'...
while there are still places out there that would fall under that criteria & court systems that still use the term or similar, for places for girl's/boy's homes (ex: Indiana I believe), however, the locations to which they refer are more juvenile prisons than what was in the past referred to as a youth home (per watching some juvenile justice programs about Indiana Thanks to Nat'l Geo & the IN Supreme Court allowing behind the scenes access to actual juvenile cases)...

As always, just my humble opinion, partially because I had a friend back in the 90's that was looking to place her teen in a girl/boy's home and there were only 3 that I was able to locate..& most troubled teens whom I knew growing up, were instead sent for treatment to places like 'XYZ House', which was an in/outpatient behavioral treatment facility, not what was once a home for wayward youth...a VERY interesting turn of phrase in my know "forensic linguistics" became a "thing" after the Unabomber case where the FBI utilized linguistics to help profile, narrow down geographically, and determine where he rec'd his thesis/college training etc based upon his sentence structure, and specific phrases, etc., & to catch, the Unabomber...makes me go "Hum"...or perhaps it is a phrase still used geographically in the NY area, still not likely by anyone in their 30's/40's or even early 50's!..

The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!

I totally agree with your analysis on this. I agree it hinted to his age at the time he said it.

If I had to guess how old he is now I am guessing he is likely already over 70 at this point. Im basing that on the phrase being used at the time when he made the call and I agree and think that phrase was more common in the mid 50s to mid 60s. Maybe the very early 70s at the latest but after that then that phrase died down. So if he picked that phrase up from living during those years then he would have had to have gotten some age on him by now.

We dont know how old he may have been during the 50s and 60s when he picked up the phrase but he would have had to have been at least in his twenties if not older to pick up the jargon. So by the time he made that call he had the phrase stuck with him and was likely already gaining in years himself.

And by now it puts him past 70 easily I believe.
I'll start out pointing some already known facts and then I'll proceed to try to tie 'em up, creating then a profile and a group of risk for his victims.

-First of all, some of the victims had a feet and/or hand removed, whether it is along with the rest of the limb or not.

-Some of them have been found and others not.

-John doe who was a male, but that was dressed as a female, was just killed with blunt-force trauma, and wasn't violated in any way.

-A majority of them were prostitutes, and some others could possibly be.

-People who have a feet fetish, usually get aroused by hands and vice versa, it might have some preference over one or another, but it usually get aroused by both, but why? Cause Hands and feet have a lot of similarities, like: nails, fingers, a different skin texture on the palm/sole when compared with the other side, same bone structure(take a look at the anatomy bones of the feet/ankle and wrist/hand and you'll see what im talking about), tendons appearing when you move 'em, and some other subtle details.Those similarities which may explain why those two seemingly fetishes walk side by side. And those characteristics are really subtle, but are capable of teasing somebody's mind, this is what fetish is, but all of it are generalized in a feet/hand fetish.

-Feet fetish usually is connected with some submissive fetish, because of the symbolism involved in being at someone's feet.

-Some people enjoy sexual intercourse with other people who are alive(majority of us), and some other enjoy having a sexual intercourse with dead people.

So, I believe that LISK is a Male, probably white, straight, not a pedophile, necrophilic feet/hand fetishist
Who has a sort of Necrophilic feet/hand fetish, I mean, he probably like the usual stuff of podolatry/quirophilia, like licking, kissing, cumming, touching, but with feet/hand of dead women. I believe that the limbs were found in separate locations from the body cause he would remove them for either a fetish purpose of liking the amputated member or for the convenience on the handling, carrying and hiding of the limb, and the discard it cause it wasn't useful anymore or because he couldnt keep it indefinitedly, but it would take a time between the murder, butchering, usage for sexual purposes and discarding of the limbs and for this reason they were found separetly.
This one is sick, but he could've had removed the heads to put them "staring" at him from "above" while he worshiped their feets or hands. This one is an almost delusional especulation, but it was the only way I could explain why he removed their heads, better explanations are really welcome.
He is probably a Male for 2 main reasons: Most part of serial killers are males, so statistically its the most probable and because feet/hand fetish(especially a lesbian kind of it) are not commonly seem on females.
I'm guessing he is white cause I usually find those fetishes more in white men, the reason for that, I don't know.
He is straight, John doe was killed probably because he fooled LISK, who believed he was really a woman, asians have androgynous traits, and they probably met at night, which helped LISK to not notice, LISK could be under the effects of some drug, and he has no trouble killing at all, when he found out that it was man, he got mad and killed john doe with some weapon like a rock, an iron bar or even his hands, depending on how big he is.And he didn't violate the body, neither mutilated it, cause he is an heterosexual, a necrophilic heterosexual, so he has no interest in males, dead or alive.
He is not a pedophile either, cause he let jane doe's no.3 baby untouched, no interest at all too, she probably was murdered cause he had to erase the traces.
Any person who has a hand/feet fetish has some preference, whether it is the sole, the size, the shape of the nail, etc. He probably is not different, so if we can determine what is the common trait on their hands/feet we will probably be able to determine which of them were killed by him. Cause he probably seeks an specific type of hand/feet. For this we would need the photos of their hands and feet which is almost impossible cause its probably in the restricted police files.
I strongly believe that he didn't kill the ones who were not mutilated, and he didn't kill the males, besides john doe who he thought it was a female.
The "group of risk" in here does not include males of any age, elder people of any sex and female kids. He doesn't seem to make any distinction between races, a proof of it is that were found white females, jane doe no.3 who is black, john doe who LISK thought it was an asian, and cherries who possibly was hispanic.
Basically the "group of risk" is females with ages ranging between 15-40, what we could call females on a sexual active age, they could be of any race, and not necessarily a prostitute.

I really hopes this helps somehow, specially the feet fetish theory.
I never thought about that before! You nailed it. That's a term my grandmother (who'd now be in her 80's, may she rest in peace) would use. Like, "a home for wayward girls" to her would be a home for teenage girls who were unmarried but pregnant.

This link: states:
"Since establishing itself in lower Manhattan in the 1830’s, the Magdalen Society’s sole purpose had been rescuing women from lives of prostitution and vice—sometimes, quite literally, kidnapping them from brothels."

Wow! I would definitely say that the verbiage "home for wayward girls", alone gives a definitive "age" range to the LISK. Late 50's-early 70's though more likely in the mid to late 60's in my opinion.

I would place his age range at the time of the call to a generation or two prior to my own (so in his late 50-mid-60's or even early 70's now). I say that because the generation or two prior to my own generation would be the ones who would still utilize such verbiage/terms. No one generally in my own age range was still using the terms "home for wayward girls", as girl's & boy's homes, as such, that were previously popular ways to deal with troubled youth were going out of fashion; the system/parents/general treatment social work/mental health views related to referring teens to them, went out of style for whatever reason (I'd say back in the 90's there were far fewer of them around), be it due to private finance/funding drying up due to liability issues, etc., a general move away from girls & boys 'homes', and more toward the more modern outpatient hospital/behavioral treatment facility settings, then it swung back to more mix gender psychiatric treatment facilities in/out patient treatment versus up rooting juveniles and sending them off away from their parents/familiar environments, etc to live for months at a time in a supervised treatment facility/home (& juvenile incarceration grew) own generation saw teens sent off to places like 'such and such house'..versus calling them a girl's home & they were in/out patient treatment facilities that were in-state local to the teen...not hundreds of miles to different States away....

The 'home for wayward youth'...
while there are still places out there that would fall under that criteria & court systems that still use the term or similar, for places for girl's/boy's homes (ex: Indiana I believe), however, the locations to which they refer are more juvenile prisons than what was in the past referred to as a youth home (per watching some juvenile justice programs about Indiana Thanks to Nat'l Geo & the IN Supreme Court allowing behind the scenes access to actual juvenile cases)...

As always, just my humble opinion, partially because I had a friend back in the 90's that was looking to place her teen in a girl/boy's home and there were only 3 that I was able to locate..& most troubled teens whom I knew growing up, were instead sent for treatment to places like 'XYZ House', which was an in/outpatient behavioral treatment facility, not what was once a home for wayward youth...a VERY interesting turn of phrase in my know "forensic linguistics" became a "thing" after the Unabomber case where the FBI utilized linguistics to help profile, narrow down geographically, and determine where he rec'd his thesis/college training etc based upon his sentence structure, and specific phrases, etc., & to catch, the Unabomber...makes me go "Hum"...or perhaps it is a phrase still used geographically in the NY area, still not likely by anyone in their 30's/40's or even early 50's!..

The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!
I never thought about that before! You nailed it. That's a term my grandmother (who'd now be in her 80's, may she rest in peace) would use. Like, "a home for wayward girls" to her would be a home for teenage girls who were unmarried but pregnant.

This link: states:
"Since establishing itself in lower Manhattan in the 1830’s, the Magdalen Society’s sole purpose had been rescuing women from lives of prostitution and vice—sometimes, quite literally, kidnapping them from brothels."

Exactly! Back further generations (3-4+) prior to my own (likely your grand mother's generation & prior, may she rest in peace & my condolences), the reference would absolutely have been to a place they sent unwed mothers (to have their kids, then have the kids taken away/adopted, before being able to return home), to get rid of their "problem", out of the way & eyes of 'polite society'....and as terminology does, it changed over the 'ages', and went almost completely out of style & use by my own generation. I might use it, but I love antiquated verbiage and if I did use it, someone my own age would look at me sideways, and I'd likely have to explain what the heck I meant..*winks*...Good point on your side.

I'm pretty sure (after watching a series on the Unabomber on Netflix, and the FBI's development of verbal linguistics, as a valid profiling technique), that LE has already considered the LISK's phrasing in their profiling...*shrugs*...the prior post was my 1st time hearing/seeing reference to the exact term used (I haven't listened to any call recordings or transcripts), so it was like a lightening bolt when I heard/saw it!

As always, my sympathies & condolences to the many families, and I hope LE finally stops, captures, & places him behind bars! Before age & infirmity catches up to him & gives him an escape from justice!

The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!
I think that the location in which the bodies were found is very important. All of the bodies were found near highways. This means that the unsub is a commuter. The only way that they do not live within walking distance. It is therefore highly unlikely that he lives on Long Island. However, in my research, there is something interesting I found. On the Long Island section of Craiglist, I found a New Jersey-based escort service. I found that within a few miles of that escort service's location there is a registered sex offender with a "moderate chance of reoffending". Said sex offender happens to be in his mid-30s and 6' tall, 215lbs. Not to cast aspersions but this would fit the profile of the killer I think.
I think that the location in which the bodies were found is very important. All of the bodies were found near highways. This means that the unsub is a commuter. The only way that they do not live within walking distance. It is therefore highly unlikely that he lives on Long Island. However, in my research, there is something interesting I found. On the Long Island section of Craiglist, I found a New Jersey-based escort service. I found that within a few miles of that escort service's location there is a registered sex offender with a "moderate chance of reoffending". Said sex offender happens to be in his mid-30s and 6' tall, 215lbs. Not to cast aspersions but this would fit the profile of the killer I think.

I personally don’t agree with the not living on LI thing, but that’s based solely on MOO not facts. However, If you subscribe to the one killer theory that sex offender would have been a young teenager while Fire island JD and peaches were killed.
I personally don’t agree with the not living on LI thing, but that’s based solely on MOO not facts. However, If you subscribe to the one killer theory that sex offender would have been a young teenager while Fire island JD and peaches were killed.

Honestly, I do not think that it was one killer. There are too many differences between the different cases. I think that there was the earlier killer and then a more sophisticated copycat
I think that the location in which the bodies were found is very important. All of the bodies were found near highways. This means that the unsub is a commuter. The only way that they do not live within walking distance. It is therefore highly unlikely that he lives on Long Island. However, in my research, there is something interesting I found. On the Long Island section of Craiglist, I found a New Jersey-based escort service. I found that within a few miles of that escort service's location there is a registered sex offender with a "moderate chance of reoffending". Said sex offender happens to be in his mid-30s and 6' tall, 215lbs. Not to cast aspersions but this would fit the profile of the killer I think.

The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!
I think that the location in which the bodies were found is very important. All of the bodies were found near highways. This means that the unsub is a commuter. The only way that they do not live within walking distance. It is therefore highly unlikely that he lives on Long Island. (...SNIP-SNIP..chk orig post for full text)...

The question(s) are asked out of [emoji848]clarity/understanding, and curiosity, or discussion, and not out of derision[emoji849]on my part....So, Thanks [emoji846]in advance if you are willing to share more of your thoughts..[emoji16][emoji1360]

RE: "The only way they do not live within walking distance"...Huh? I don't understand this sentence, and what you're saying, can you please clarify...Thank you!

#2 ="All of the bodies were found near highways. This means that the unsub is a commuter."

I agree that the Perp can commute easily, and has access to the hwy system. My POI was one who resided in Manorville, and lived right off a main hwy, which I checked and it was nothing to hop on the highway, as there was pretty direct access to the area the bodies discovered, even though it was also a very desolate part of the beach hwy.

#3 = Umm, I do not understand why you believe the Perp doesn't live on LI...can you clarify your thoughts/opinion on it?..*smiles*..Thanks..

Do you believe the Perp has/was also killing outside of the LI area, for example, Atlantic City? I believe the running theory by many is that there were an additional 4 murders down in the Atlantic City area near a certain hotel, and the bodies were found in a ditch.
Sorry, I do not have the link(s) for the various article(s), but they are definitely discussed within this forum under LISK multiple times.

I was able to potentially tie my POI to that area, and timeframe. Also, travel wasn't an issue as he had his own pilot's license/plane.

All of the above is simply my own thoughts, opinions, theories, suppositions, presumptions, etc.. Any verifiable facts are stated as such with a URL or comment regarding their origin.

*** Apologies for any odd/empty posts, as Tapatalk kept posting when my screen shifted from Portrait to Landscape, even though I was not yet ready to post...well, that and once or twice, I was half asleep/awake, and I know I didn't hit send as I was not finished...*shrugs* 🤷🏻*..*chuckles* ***

The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!
Just a thought as I was reading through... if it is possible LISK is one person, could he/she have changed methods as a game? In other words, the killer had dismembered the first victims. Didn't get caught so just started randomly burying some. Didn't get caught and sees the Atlantic City murders in the news and tries to mimic the burial position of the bodies. Almost like he/she is playing a game just to see how long he can go without getting caught.
It's actually kind of interesting - this idea that this person is finding his victims via the internet but is still using terms such as "w***e house." Seems to be two conflicting ideas and times. Makes me think maybe LISK is at the higher end of the age range, as others have suggested.
It's actually kind of interesting - this idea that this person is finding his victims via the internet but is still using terms such as "w***e house." Seems to be two conflicting ideas and times. Makes me think maybe LISK is at the higher end of the age range, as others have suggested.

I’m with you on this. Also think it’s quite possible he visited whorehouses in his younger years and it also opens up the possibility of him being the killer of other unsolved homicides decades before GB4. People seem to think he’s some incredible technical whiz because he used burner phones, only talked so long, etc but honestly none of the things he’s done in that regard seem much more than common sense, or a google search
Just a thought as I was reading through... if it is possible LISK is one person, could he/she have changed methods as a game?...(** SNIP-SNIP, see original post for full text)...

Anything is possible since We (No One, including LE) have any idea if the LISK is 1 person, 2 people or 20 people...or his/her/their age range, least that we know of...Everything at this point is guess work, and will be until he/she/they are caught..

Also, an interesting common trait of many (not all) Serial Killers, is that when they start off its fairly fast, small, and sloppy (like with animals), and as they get older, and more experienced in killing, and continue to get away with it (if they do), and they become more sophisticated, occasionally, they even change their MO's...

All of the above is simply my own views, opinions, theories, suppositions, and Big Fish Tales; unless otherwise indicated and/or a source is provided or mentioned....

The TRUTH WILL OUT!, and There will be a Reckoning, in this Life or the Next!
The killer likes to play phone games which suggests that when he was a kid he liked to make prank phone calls. This further suggests to me he is in his fifties or sixties. ...late forties at youngest. Hes probably still the type of guy who calls and hangs up on people and when they call back, he blames it on a butt call. The truth is its ocd. I sense that he also had an issue with stuttering when young and when he gets stressed it may still come out. However, he presents polish and wealth so no one will ever suspect the slovenly truth.

I believe this killer was on the old lisk site and was able to hack the posters, uncover their identity and play phone games with them. My husband and i were asleep together and at 2am his cell phone started calling

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
The killer likes to play phone games which suggests that when he was a kid he liked to make prank phone calls. This further suggests to me he is in his fifties or sixties. ...late forties at youngest. Hes probably still the type of guy who calls and hangs up on people and when they call back, he blames it on a butt call. The truth is its ocd. I sense that he also had an issue with stuttering when young and when he gets stressed it may still come out. However, he presents polish and wealth so no one will ever suspect the slovenly truth.

I believe this killer was on the old lisk site and was able to hack the posters, uncover their identity and play phone games with them. My husband and i were asleep together and at 2am his cell phone started calling

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

a) What old LISK site

b) what posters were hacked? how? like hack into their checking account?
computer? plz explain

c) how do you play phone games in this day and age?

thank you in advance
a) What old LISK site

b) what posters were hacked? how? like hack into their checking account?
computer? plz explain

c) how do you play phone games in this day and age?

thank you in advance
There was an old lisk site i started reading in 2011 and they closed it down because of all the loony posts. Insane remarks with no moderation.

I think i explained what i personally experienced after being on the site for a few hours. I believe i was hacked or it was something spiritual.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
The killer likes to play phone games which suggests that when he was a kid he liked to make prank phone calls. This further suggests to me he is in his fifties or sixties. ...late forties at youngest. Hes probably still the type of guy who calls and hangs up on people and when they call back, he blames it on a butt call. The truth is its ocd. I sense that he also had an issue with stuttering when young and when he gets stressed it may still come out.
It does lead me to believe he has a need for some control. The way the GB4 were lined up and spaced almost evenly, his need to insert himself into the lives of friends and family and, assuming the same person is responsible for the GB4 and Asian Male, he lost control when he realized that AM was not biologically female - this probably threw LISK way off his game and that explains the anger in the beating.

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