Lin Wood on Spade's post


Aug 15, 2003
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I asked Mr. Wood about Spade's post saying that Lin Wood heard the 911 call with the NY Post lawyers in December, 2002 in the DA's office. This is what he said:

The Ramseys did not receive the 911 tape from Jenkins. The New York Post lawyers never heard the tape. I was the only lawyer to hear the tape pursuant to the agreement with BPD reached in response to a subpoena I filed in the Wolf case.

Thank you Mr. Wood for your reply in this matter. I appreciate it.
Originally posted by candy
The Ramseys did not receive the 911 tape from Jenkins.
Even if that were true, it doesn't mean Jenkins didn't discuss it with them and tell them what was on it.

Either that or Burke told them.

How would the Ramseys know what Burke told the GJ?

From the April 3, 2001 National Enquirer article:

Burke has been strangely quiet about his sister's murder, the Ramseys reveal. They say it wasn't until Burke's 1999 grand jury testimony that they found out he was awake before police arrived -- but was pretending to be asleep.
"Yeah, he testified to that. We thought he was asleep but he wasn't," said John, who had told police their son slept through the tragedy.

Ramseys Change Their Story About Murder Night
I'd like to know if Lin Wood still considers the BPD lying about the 911 call?

And if the copy of the 911 call he received from the DA's office had the scratchy noises on it.:D

PLUS...why is he so quiet lately?
You read it right from Lin Wood; Spade's story about Lin Wood meeting with the NY Post lawyers @ the DA's office in December, 2002 and what he said were LW's comments about the 911 tape was false from beginning to end.
As I posted at Cybersleuths, Candy, is Lin Wood willing to provide the tape donor's certification or his own sworn statement in lieu? If not, his word on this is just as suspect as the Rs' and Keenan's....
Well then, ASK him this, Candy! You have direct contact with him, so put the question to him and post his answer so we all know where he stands. Let's get the whole truth and nothing but the truth out in the open for once. If LW's just putting a 180 degree spin on the truth of this tape, being the allegedly great lawyer he is, then he should be able to back up his story. Saying it and proving it are two different things, and documentation is certainly what we've all demanded of each other over the years. Go get it, girlfriend!
Fine Candy, provide me an email addy and I will. Seems to me you'd want to do this yourself though since you are raising all the doubts about Spade's news break.....
Candy, is the post from Spade from one of the WS incarnations or from another forum? If it's from another forum, please summarize and post a link. Thanks.
Candy, your initial post regarding your communication with LW does not contain an email addy. Please also edit or re-post the address so that I can follow up on your communication.
I have no intention of posting Mr. Wood's email address on a public board. FFJ people know his email address, ask them.
How ridiculous, Candy! Thanks, Ned, the email's been sent. Will post any responses IN FULL I may get.
Lin Wood's e-mail addy is not a secret and has been posted on a public board many, many times. It is also on his own website.

I would consider anything Lin Wood says to be questionable. Remember that when Larry King asked how the BPD had gotten the idea that there WAS a conversation on the tape, Wood said they made it up. Not once in any of the interviews about the 911 tape did Lin Wood even mention Aerospace. IMO, that is not an honest approach. I would take anything he says now with a pinch of salt.
I agree, Jayelles, which is why I sent the email and why I'm demanding certification from the RST to support their allegations. They've never supported this allegation against BPD and I firmly believe in light of Spade's disclosure that it's time to put up or shut up and face prosecution for tampering with the evidence themselves!

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