Disconnecting JAG-things that point to another killer

Here's the problem, without information, we can come up with all kinds of ways someone else MIGHT have done this, but we cannot make any truly educated guesses. On any given day, a person could grab someone and speed off with them, a child could voluntarily go with someone they considered a friend, a parent could kill a child and hide the body (or not), a kid could run away by themselves, or with a friend. But with only a path she walked (I have discovered she walked the street route as far as her parents and grandmother knew), some sightings of someone who looked like her walking in the drizzle with a black hoodie on (how can you recognize that, unless there is a distinguishing design on the hoodie or the pants she was wearing), and the information that she did not arrive at school on a day when she had valentines for her friends and was supposed to buy a lamb she was excited about, I see no way to connect her with anyone, except the last person to see her face to face.

I DON'T see this as a standard runaway, unless there is something else we don't know (which is a lot).

I tried to research Amber's mom's BF, and came up with this article from Feb '09 wherein LE states that they haven't had any calls to Amber's house since October--although didn't know why they had been called out before. Was not aware that the police had ever been called out to Amber's house. Might be something, might not be.

It is entirely possible for someone to set up a meet up without anyone ever knowing or finding out about it.
It's also possible that she took the check and the valentine's to keep everything looking like normal. She certainly would not not say "oh, I don't need that check today, I'm ditching school."
She was a sweet girl, but sweet girls can do really stupid things. I was once that 14 yr old girl who got great grades, rode my horse every day and never missed school. Then I did some really stupid things, luckily I lived to tell about it. I look back all the time though and realize just how close I was to being one of these stories, more than once.

Ain't that the truth! I was that sweet straight-A overachieving student, volunteer too and boy, looking back at 13 & 14 when I was just discovering boys--it's a miracle nothing happened to me. Naive, very naive, at that age.

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