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UPDATED: Casey Anthony Injured In Fall At Courthouse
POSTED: Tuesday, June 1, 2010
UPDATED: 3:08 pm EDT June 1, 2010
Orange County Corrections Department spokesman Allen Moore said Anthony fell in the courthouse while being transported to the courtroom and suffered what appeared to be minor injuries. Anthony's restraints became entangled and she fell forward, but escorting officers were unable to catch her before she fell, Moore said. Anthony is currently being seen by medical personnel in an undisclosed location. Moore said the incident appears to be "purely an accident." Orange County Corrections Internal Affairs will conduct an inquiry into the incident, which is routine procedure. Anthony's defense team has been made aware of the incident.

Meanwhile, Anthony's defense team wanted the state to turn over forensic documents, including results on tests performed on evidence, but the state told the judge they didn't have the results. Other motions that will be addressed Tuesday include the use of certain forensic evidence.

Court officials told Local 6 the defense team is also asking the court to seal jail visitation logs

IMAGES: Today's Hearing 1-27

VIDEO: Judge Rules On Motions

UPDATED: Casey Anthony Falls At Courthouse, Misses Hearing
Judge Perry: 'Let's Get It Done'

POSTED: 6:19 am EDT June 1, 2010
UPDATED: 9:30 pm EDT June 1, 2010
Perry advised both the prosecution and the defense not to waste any time. "You've been working on this case for nearly two years," Perry said. There are deadlines and there comes a time when, or as close to as possible, all of the work needs to be done. You all know what needs to be done, so let's get it done." Judge Belvin Perry summoned a court reporter and the lead prosecutor to his chambers before the hearing to meet with the defense. It is not clear why the judge called for the prosecutor to meet with the defense.

Perry decided to seal records pertaining to Casey's visitation and said he will rule on that motion next week. Also, Anthony's defense argued the previous judge's ruling about an illegally made tape-recording of an investigator interview should be reversed. Perry decided that Judge Stan Strickland's ruling was sufficient and kept it.

Defense attorneys argued that they want prosecutors to share forensic information they have not received so far. Perry denied the motion.

Perry denied the defense's fourth motion. The judge said the state has done what he asked them to do and will not order them to reveal more about aggravating factors they plan to use in seeking death.

The defense argued they would like copies of email communications and said they already spent $1600 trying to obtain them. The prosecution said the records are waiting, but will cost $1500 in copying and labor fees. The judge allowed up to $2000 for the defense to retrieve the records.

*More at link!

Video: Judge Perry: 'Let's Get It Done' 1:37
Judge Belvin Perry advised both the prosecution and the defense during a hearing in the Casey Anthony case not to waste any time.

Video: Casey Anthony To Appear In Court Today 1:19
Casey Anthony's defense wants the court to rule in their favor on four different motions in Orange County Court Tuesday afternoon.

Video: Casey Anthony Falls At Courthouse, Misses Hearing

UPDATED: Casey Anthony case: Casey Anthony fell at courthouse before hearing
Casey Anthony is not attending hearing and is being treated for minor injuries.

3:32 p.m. EDT, June 1, 2010
A hearing in the Casey Anthony case began shortly after 2 p.m. but she was not present. She suffered minor injuries when she fell at the courthouse while being transported to the courtroom. Her restraints became entangled and officers were unable to catch her before she fell. She is currently being seen by medical personnel in an undisclosed location, according to Orange County Jail spokesman Allen Moore. The incident appears to be an accident. Her attorney, Cheney Mason, waived her right to be in court.

*Defense wants specifics on State Attorney's decision to seek the death penalty
Perry said the state has complied with what he initially ordered. Perry denied the defense's request.

*Defense wants jail visitation records sealed
Perry said he would take the issue under advisement and would make a decision possibly by next week.

*Defense wants Perry to reconsider previous rulings
&#8226; Mason said they want the recorded interview of Joe Jordan, a Texas EquuSearch volunteer who illegally recorded a conversation he had with a defense investigator without the investigator's consent. The recording is not available to the defense and prosecutors feel like it would violate the law if they listened to it. The Jordan interview could be key to the defense if they want to prove someone else put Caylee's remains in the woods while Casey was incarcerated. Perry denied defense's request.
&#8226; The defense wants access to the grand jury testimony of George Anthony, Casey Anthony's father. Perry agreed with Strickland and denied the request.
&#8226; A motion to compel law-enforcement to provide tips they received in the case.

*Defense wants more evidence from state
Casey Anthony's defense wants Perry to order the state to provide the legal team with certain forensic evidence they argue should be released as part of the discovery process.
Perry told Baez to make a public records request and use the public money, which the judge approved for the defense, to pay for the documents. "Let's get it done," Perry told the attorneys. "You've been working on this case for nearly two years. There are deadlines. It comes a time when as close as to as possible all the work needs to be done.

*Much More At Link!
**4-Page Article!!

UPDATED: Casey A No-Show At Court Hearing After Falling
Posted: 6:53 am EDT June 1, 2010
Updated: 6:24 pm EDT June 1, 2010
"Casey Anthony suffered a fall in the courthouse while being transported to the courtroom and received what appear to be minor injuries when her restraints became entangled and she fell forward. Escorting officers were unable to catch her before she fell. She is currently being seen by medical personnel in an undisclosed location," Orange County Corrections spokesperson Allen Moore said in a release. "Based on all information available, this was purely an accident."

The first discussed Tuesday afternoon, once again, involved the defense asking to keep public records private. They don't want anyone to know who is visiting Casey in jail. "I will issue a ruling, hopefully, by sometime next week," Judge Perry said regarding the request to keep the records private.

The defense is also asking Judge Perry to reconsider some motions that Judge Stan Strickland had already ruled on before he recused himself from the case over defense concerns about his conversations with a blogger; when they asked the judge to step down, they did not cite any specific rulings he made that they believed to be unfair based on his dealings with the blogger. Judge Perry said that the rulings previously made will stand, though will reconsider a previous ruling regarding EquuSearch.

The defense is also claiming prosecutors weren't specific enough when they listed the five legal reasons they believe Casey should face a death sentence if she's convicted. "They have complied with the court's order," Judge Perry said after little discussion, ruling that the five legal reasons given are sufficient.

The defense was also pushing for the prosecution to provide tips that were received by law enforcement. Judge Perry granted the motion and asked the two parties to work together to get it done. Finally, Judge Perry denied the motion for additional discovery and bench notes, but said the defense could refile a more specific motion as warranted.

Casey will not have to attend the next court hearing in the case. There's a status hearing set for June 21; Casey is no longer required to appear at status hearings.
Meanwhile, prosecutors are also expected to release more evidence in the case in the coming weeks.

*More at link!





SLIDESHOW: Images From Inside Courtroom

VIDEO REPORT: Judge To Hear Several Motions In Casey Hearing

VIDEO REPORT: Casey Injured, Misses Hearing

*Added for reference for today's hearing!

DOCUMENT: Prosecutor's Response

UPDATED: Casey Anthony Still Faces Death Penalty
Tuesday, June 01, 2010 10:10:21 PM
Casey Anthony's attorneys returned to an Orange County courtroom Tuesday afternoon to fight to get the death penalty taken off the table. But Judge Belvin Perry said the death penalty will still stand.

The state quickly did that, listing five of the possible 15:
1.The victim was younger than 12 years old.
2.The victim was particularly vulnerable because her killer was her mother.
3.Murder was committed during aggravated child abuse.
4.Murder was cold, calculated and premeditated.
5.Murder was especially atrocious.

*More at link!

Live Updates
*4:02 p.m. - Motions are being heard centering the Oakridge Laboratory, the "Body Farm" Jose Baez said it's a science experiment. State says it's novice. Judge Perry appears to want Baez to do deposition of the doctors first.
*3:15 p.m. - Judge denies motion concerning death penalty.
*3:04 p.m. - Strickland&#8217;s ruling still stands regarding George Anthony. Defense will not get grand jury testimony of George Anthony.
*2:54 p.m. - Judge Perry rules Judge Stan Strickland's ruling on the Joe Jordan motion will stand.
*2:44 p.m. - Talking about motions by disqualified judge, specifically Joe Jordan recording. Mason says the tape could show someone else dumped remains. Casey was in jail when remains were found. Mason says Jordan's testimony could create reasonable doubt
*2:33 p.m. - Judge Belvin Perry will take the issue of the visitor log under advisement. A ruling is expected sometime next week.
*2:22 p.m. - Orange County corrections says they have to follow public records law. Officials said there is no provision for what defense is asking for. There are 94 other inmates charged with capital murder. They said they can't play favorites.
*2:07 p.m. - Judge just met privately with state and defense. Then attorney Jose Baez came out and met privately with Brad Conway and Cindy Anthony. George Anthony is not in the courtroom
*2:07 p.m. - Casey Anthony was not in the courtroom. Court officials said she suffered a fall and is receiving medical attention. Her presence was waived.

Video: Death Penalty Stands Penalty

Video: Casey Case Back In Court Case Back In Court

Video: Defense Tries to Save Casey&#8217;s Life Tries to Save Casey&#8217;s Life

Casey Anthony injured in courthouse fall
Updated: Tuesday, 01 Jun 2010, 3:26 PM EDT
Published : Tuesday, 01 Jun 2010, 3:12 PM EDT
3 PM update from FOX 35 reporter Holly Bristow:
Casey Anthony suffered a fall in the courthouse shortly before a hearing was to begin at 2 p.m. The hearing is proceeding without Anthony "Escorting officers were unable to catch her before she fell," said jail spokesman Allen Moore. "Based on all information available, this was purely an accident."

Anthony has received treatment from medical personnel in an undisclosed location. Orange County Corrections Internal Affairs will be conducting an inquiry, which is standard procedure according to Moore. "I am told her legal team is aware of the incident," Moore added.

Before the hearing began, Anthony's attorneys Jose Baez and Cheney Mason met behind closed doors. Then a prosecutor and the court reporter were asked to join them. Then everyone came out and Baez pulled Casey's mother, Cindy, and her attorney out into the hallway for a quick discussion. It was shortly after their meeting that Judge Perry allowed Cheney Mason to waive her presence as soon as court was in session.

*More at link!

*2-Videos Included In Article!

UPDATED: Casey Anthony fall: Video captures moment Casey Anthony falls in courthouse elevator
News reports show she busted her lip and chipped her tooth on Tuesday.

4:06 p.m. EDT, June 2, 2010
The 32-second video shows a security officer walk into the elevator, followed by Casey Anthony, shackled at the feet and waist. When she crosses the threshold, she suddenly falls forward and lands face down. Because she is shackled, it doesn't look as though she was able to catch herself.

The security officers help roll her over and help her sit up. The doors to the elevator close and the video stops. Orange County spokesman Steve Triggs said Anthony's leg restraints became entangled in the space between the elevator and door, causing her to trip and fall forward.

Allen Moore of the Orange County Jail said Anthony was treated at a hospital for "relatively minor" injuries. Some news reports show she busted her lip and chipped her tooth. Moore said confidentiality rules prevent him from confirming those reports.

Video: Casey Anthony falls at the Orange County Courthouse 0:31

Camera Captures Casey Anthony's Fall
Video Of Fall Likely To Be Released On Wednesday

POSTED: 12:07 pm EDT June 2, 2010
UPDATED: 12:30 pm EDT June 2, 2010
Orange County Communications Manager Steve Triggs said he has viewed the video taken from an overhead camera in the elevator where the fall happened.

Triggs said it appeared one of Anthony's leg chains became entangled in the opening between the elevator and elevator door, causing her to fall forward.

Triggs said it doesn't currently appear there were any security issues arising from the incident.

Video: Camera Captures Casey Anthony's Fall

Casey Anthony takes &#8216;a nasty spill&#8217;; is this a special case?
posted by halboedeker on June, 2 2010 6:47 AM
The defense team rambled. Judge Belvin Perry rocked.

Casey Anthony rolled &#8230; as she fell down. Or as Jane Velez-Mitchell put it last night, Anthony &#8220;took a nasty spill&#8221; on her way to the courthouse. The shackled defendant tripped in an elevator, cutting her chin and splitting her lip, Velez-Mitchell said on her HLN show. One Velez-Mitchell guest said Anthony&#8217;s absence from court during yesterday&#8217;s hearing was the most significant news. Do you agree?

And what about the defense&#8217;s push to keep the list of Anthony&#8217;s jail visitors secret? The speakers on &#8220;Issues&#8221; went at that one heatedly. One side of the argument: Anthony doesn&#8217;t deserve special treatment. (She is charged with first-degree murder in the death of her daughter, Caylee.) The other side of the argument: Special cases &#8212; such as the Anthony circus &#8212; require special treatment.

Video Of Casey Anthony's Fall Released
Anthony Injured In Courthouse Fall

POSTED: Wednesday, June 2, 2010
UPDATED: 3:04 pm EDT June 2, 2010
Orange County Corrections Department spokesman Allen Moore said Anthony's shackles caught the edge of an elevator portal as she was exiting the elevator while being taken to court. Moore said Anthony fell forward, but escorting officers were unable to catch her before she fell.


RAW VIDEO: Elevator Camera

IMAGES: Surveillance Photos 1-18

Casey Anthony courthouse fall caught on camera
Updated: Wednesday, 02 Jun 2010, 3:41 PM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 02 Jun 2010, 3:24 PM EDT
A Florida mother charged with murdering her 2-year-old daughter missed a pretrial court hearing Tuesday after she suffered some minor injuries in a fall at an Orlando courthouse. Casey Anthony, 24, fell before entering the courtroom when her hand and leg restraints became entangled. She fell forward, and officers escorting her were unable to stop her fall, officials said.



Video Released Of Casey Falling At Courthouse
Posted: 4:11 pm EDT June 2, 2010
Updated: 4:16 pm EDT June 2, 2010
The fall happened so fast, Casey&#8217;s law enforcement escorts were not able to break her fall. After checking Casey over, her escorts pulled her legs out of the way and shut the elevator doors. She was taken to Orlando Regional Medical Center with minor injuries and missed her hearing. The jail is investigating Casey's fall. Officials expect to finish the inquiry in a couple of days.

Casey didn't want to go to court in the first place. During her last hearing, Judge Belvin Perry denied her request to not appear at future hearings.

While in court Tuesday, Perry shot down five of the six motions her defense team argued.

Casey will not have to attend the next court hearing in the case. There's a status hearing set for June 21; Casey is no longer required to appear at status hearings. Meanwhile, prosecutors are also expected to release more evidence in the case in the coming weeks.



VIDEO REPORT: Video Released Of Casey Falling At Courthouse 1:08

Casey Anthony chipped a tooth in fall in courthouse elevator
An inquiry into Casey Anthony's fall at the courthouse was ruled accidental.

3:36 p.m. EDT, June 3, 2010
She chipped her front tooth, busted her lip and bruised her knee when she fell face first into an elevator while being transported to a court hearing. Anthony was later transported to a local hospital for treatment.

The Orange County Jail performed an inquiry into Anthony's fall and found that her leg shackles became tangled in the elevator jamb which caused her to fall forward. She was also shackled at the waist and wasn't able to break her fall.

The inquiry found that the corrections officer escorting Anthony was in compliance with the jail's escort/transport policy, according to the report. "While I do not recommend any changes to the levels or types of restraints required per an inmate's classification/security threat levels, I do recommend policy and practice be amended to require officers to maintain a grasp of an Inmate's arm or waist chains when they are being escorted and are secured in both leg irons and handcuffs/waist chains," the report said.

READ IT NOW: Internal affairs inquiry into how Casey Anthony fell on way to court,0,79865.acrobat

Casey's Statement On Courthouse Fall Released
Posted: 4:23 pm EDT June 3, 2010
Updated: 4:37 pm EDT June 3, 2010
A review released Thursday of what happened when Casey Anthony fell while going to court this week found no violation of any procedures. Surveillance video showed Casey falling face-first, as she walked into an elevator on Tuesday. Investigators said her shackles got caught in the elevator door.

Casey was treated for minor injuries, including a busted lip, chipped tooth and a bruised knee.

In a part of the review of the incident, Casey wrote a statement about what happened: "Both officers helped me up, one calling for medical help, and the other assisting me in stopping the bleeding."

DOCUMENT: Casey's Statement On Fall

Report Issued On Casey Anthony's Fall
Anthony Provides Written Statement About Incident

POSTED: 4:01 pm EDT June 3, 2010
UPDATED: 4:37 pm EDT June 3, 2010
Anthony said her leg chains became wedged in the door shaft and she immediately fell face forward. She said the officers present helped her to her feet and called for medical assistance. Anthony also said she was provided with paper tower until paramedics arrived and transported her to a local hospital.

As for the injuries Anthony suffered, the report indicated she had a chipped tooth, cut lip and bruised knee.

An internal affairs review of the fall found that officers will now be required to grasp an inmate's arm or waist chains while being escorted when they're wearing both leg irons and handcuffs or waist chains.

Read the statement about the incident:

Video: Camera Captures Casey Anthony's Fall

Witnesses Deposed In Casey Anthony Case
Posted: 12:24 pm EDT June 4, 2010
Updated: 6:19 pm EDT June 4, 2010
Friday&#8217;s deposition list included a wide range of people. Every one from her mother's co-worker to their next door neighbor, who lent Casey a shovel, to her boyfriend's roommate was on the list. Casey Anthony's defense team is on a tight schedule to finish up its depositions. Friday's depositions went quickly and they finished ahead of schedule.

Friday's first witness was Cindy Anthony's co-worker, Debbi Bennett, who said Cindy told her Casey's car smelled like &#8220;a dead body&#8221; the same month the car was found. The defense also deposed Casey&#8217;s friend J.P. Chatt, who was at Caylee's second birthday party and owns the condo where Casey hung out with her best friend, Amy Huizenga, and her boyfriend Ricky Morales.

Brian Burner, the Anthonys' next door neighbor who loaned Casey a shovel days after Caylee disappeared, was also questioned. He dodged WFTV&#8217;s cameras and did not want to answer any questions.

Casey's boyfriend's roommate, Nate Leiniwicz, was also on the list. He told WFTV and CNN&#8217;s Nancy Grace that Casey never mentioned that Caylee was missing and never acted worried; she cooked for them and partied with them as usual.

Orange County Sheriff's Office Investigator Samara Melich was Friday's last witness. She had investigated a reported sighting of Caylee at Orlando International Airport on July 2, 2008 and found no proof. Investigators say Caylee was murdered two weeks before that

VIDEO REPORT: Witnesses Deposed

Casey Anthony: Jose Baez won&#8217;t talk about depositions
posted by halboedeker on June, 4 2010 7:35 PM
The players weren&#8217;t talking about depositions the defense took from prosecution witnesses. The defense &#8220;wouldn&#8217;t say why they hand-picked these witnesses,&#8221; WFTV-Channel 9 anchor Martie Salt said. &#8221;The defense was really pretty quick and relatively quiet today.&#8221;

WFTV&#8217;s Kathi Belich agreed. &#8220;The witnesses came and went trying their best to avoid our cameras and our questions,&#8221; Belich said. &#8220;The depositions went uncharacteristically quickly and were done ahead of schedule.&#8221;

The defense deposed a co-worker of Cindy Anthony; a friend of Casey&#8217;s who attended Caylee&#8217;s 2nd birthday; a neighbor who let Casey borrow a shovel after the toddler disappeared; and a roommate of an Anthony boyfriend. Belich said the roommate &#8220;told Channel 9 and Nancy Grace that Casey never mentioned Caylee was missing and never acted worried.&#8221;

Depositions Taken In Casey Anthony Case
Anthony Could Face Death Penalty

POSTED: 3:19 pm EDT June 4, 2010
UPDATED: 3:53 pm EDT June 4, 2010
Lawyers questioned Jason Forgey, a K-9 unit employee with the Orange County Sheriff's Office, as well as Kristen Brewer, an employee of the Osceola County Sheriff's Office.

A former boyfriend of Anthony, who was identified as Ricardo Morales, was also questioned.

Casey&#8217;s Fall Prompts Changes At Jail
Friday, June 04, 2010 8:31:30 AM
The chief of the Orange County Jail said changes will be made after Casey Anthony fell and hurt herself while entering a courthouse elevator.

Anthony said chipped a tooth, cut her lip and bruised her knee when she tripped on her leg shackles Tuesday afternoon as she was being taken to a court hearing.

The county&#8217;s corrections chief said he will recommend that court officers grab an inmate&#8217;s arm or waist chains during an escort to prevent such a fall from happening again.


Video: Casey Falls Falls

Casey Anthony case: Three people set to be questioned under oath today
Casey Anthony's former boyfriend Ricardo Morales is among those set to be questioned under oath today.

2:09 p.m. EDT, June 4, 2010
Lawyers are set to question Osceola County Sheriff's Office employee Kristen Brewer, Orange County Sheriff's Office employee Jason Forgey and Casey Anthony's former boyfriend Ricardo Morales.

Forgey is a K-9 handler whose dog alerted to smells of human decomposition in Anthony's backyard and in her trunk.

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