New poison charges added to case of Tracy woman

"Plowman's relationship with Huckaby is unclear, and his whereabouts are unknown. He could not be located for comment Thursday. The complaint doesn't give his age or any details of the alleged poisoning."

I think it just means that the reporters have been unable to locate him.
Yeah, how would poisoning an adult man fit in here? We know the intended purpose of drugging the children but how does this guy figure in?

This woman was just one big screaming pile of "pay attention to me!" Between the setting of the fires, the suicide attempts, the inserting herself into Sandra's case before LE knew to look at her as a POI...

The more I learn about her the more afraid I am.

Could it be something to do with her making little *advertiser censored* flicks and he got angry and threatened to turn her in? Most people kill to get rid of someone who poses a threat to them. Both cases of poisoning here could be to keep them from telling a tale on her!

It sounds to me like this is positioning for backup in the case if Sandra's remains showed she had been poisoned too. It shows a history or modus operandi, right?
Another article:

May 22, 2009

Will someone please read the first page of the article at the link I posted and help me determine if this is the young girl that we were discussing here already from Jan? I think that she is...

Now who the heck is Daniel? wowza.

It's the same little girl that was drugged and taken to the hospital. I have never heard of Daniel. Sleuth time?

I found four D. P.'s in CA but none listed in Tracy.
On HLN: 35 years old from Hayward (44 mi West of Tracy). Got busted for DUI at McDonald's. Our fav reporter JW said he was pulling in the drive thru and then slumped over in the seat. LE was called and he was arrested in the parking lot.

This story disputes the article:

ABC7 has learned that the adult who Huckaby allegedly poisoned is Daniel Plowman, a former boyfriend of Huckaby's. On March 3rd, Plowman went to a Tracy towing yard to retrieve his vehicle. Employees thought he looked unfit to drive and called police, who arrested Plowman for being under the influence of some kind of tranquilizer.

Later, Plowman would tell police that Huckaby is the one who must have slipped him some kind of muscle relaxer. A few weeks earlier, The 7-year-old girl had returned from an afternoon in Huckaby's care in an altered state. Hospital tests found her under the influence of a tranquilizer. Back at the Orchard Estates Mobile Home Park, reaction to the new developments included the possibility of conspiracy.

21345 Western Blvd
Hayward , CA 94541-2048 Verified Address

Reported: 03/03/2009 by Crime Reporter No. 7195
Source: Tracy PD

M HS11550(A) Use/Under Influence Controlled Substance

Residing in Crime Beat Zone: Fremont, Hayward, Castro Valley, Newark & Union City
Even if we take her gender out of the equation when we look at these accusations and actual charges ~ yes LawLady the person that commited these crimes is one scary human being! Plain and simple, I bet my bottom dollar that the crimes did not begin back with the alleged arsons, I'll be willing to bet the farm that this criminal has a L-O-N-G history of crime even though relatively young.
AMEN KAT! And more and more she is looking like a TRUE ABBERATION OF NATURE! Her abercany is sick, deep seated, and LONG! (I agree with you Kat that her past that we KNOW OF is just a cusp of the whole sick deal).

It makes me SICK AND NAUSEATED that her lawyer copped out YET AGAIN TODAY. How many times can they hold a plea over? Do they HONESTLY THINK we will forget what a freak of nature this sick woman is? I would think that is what they are aiming for. Well, if so they have aimed wrong, badly, incorrectly, etc (take your adjective choice). There is no defending an abberation of society... there just isn't. If Jeff Dahmer were alive I would go ask him about this... but he isn't... and there aren't many more like him. in my opinion only, Mr. Dahmer is one of the few who could understand where this crime came from and from what pathos.

I go back again to TIME. All these delays are strategic. Do they think we will forget or that time can somehow erase some of the macabre details? My God!! After this case I do not know how ANYONE could be a defense attorney.

Sorry for the rant... I am LIVID over the next hold over. To Melissa's lawyer: bring it on honey! We won't forget what happened anytime soon!
I haven't been able to read everything and this may have already been addressed, so my apologies, but; is there a chance the 7yr old child is Daniel's daughter?
Clarification added- Petition was filed against JUDY Lawless. I was wondering which " Lawless".

Sorry if this was posted before:

Madison's father, Johnny Huckaby of Arkansas, last month filed paperwork to take back his daughter and got the judge to grant him temporary custody. Johnny Huckaby went to Oregon, where he was told Madison was staying, but he found that Lawless had already taken her back to Cypress. Lawless had taken Madison to Oregon to avoid the media, court records state.

Lawless, who was unaware that Johnny Huckaby had been awarded custody, fought back and submitted paperwork to keep her granddaughter. Court documents state that Madison has had little or no contact with her father for four years. Madison lived with Lawless in Cypress from fall 2004 to June 2008, when Huckaby moved to Tracy.

"It is a great injustice for our granddaughter to be placed with a father that she does not know and has had no contact with for the last four years," the court document states.

Johnny Huckaby states in court documents that he was denied contact with his daughter.

Also in court documents, Johnny Huckaby wrote that when he tried to call her in jail, his ex-wife was on suicide watch after trying to swallow three razor blades. He also stated that Huckaby had forged her mother's signature.

A custody hearing is set for July 6.

Kevin Qualls, Lawless' attorney, declined to comment through a receptionist, who hung up the phone on a reporter.

Johnny Huckaby's attorney, Ann Thompson, could not be reached for comment.
I, personally, have mixed feelings about all of the delays.
On the negative side, yes, the defense is waiting and hoping that the public outrage over the horrors will die down in Tracy and other CA venues. ( Note to defense- not in this lifetime!!)
On the positive side, the longer they postpone the court case against Melissa, the more horrible things keep coming to light about this sexual psychopathic freak.

I'm not sure which is more important considering that MH is already incarcerated, is not a danger to society- her right to a " speedy trial" or thorough investigation into her history, all of which may constitute attempted serial murders when put together.

AMEN KAT! And more and more she is looking like a TRUE ABBERATION OF NATURE! Her abercany is sick, deep seated, and LONG! (I agree with you Kat that her past that we KNOW OF is just a cusp of the whole sick deal).

It makes me SICK AND NAUSEATED that her lawyer copped out YET AGAIN TODAY. How many times can they hold a plea over? Do they HONESTLY THINK we will forget what a freak of nature this sick woman is? I would think that is what they are aiming for. Well, if so they have aimed wrong, badly, incorrectly, etc (take your adjective choice). There is no defending an abberation of society... there just isn't. If Jeff Dahmer were alive I would go ask him about this... but he isn't... and there aren't many more like him. in my opinion only, Mr. Dahmer is one of the few who could understand where this crime came from and from what pathos.

I go back again to TIME. All these delays are strategic. Do they think we will forget or that time can somehow erase some of the macabre details? My God!! After this case I do not know how ANYONE could be a defense attorney.

Sorry for the rant... I am LIVID over the next hold over. To Melissa's lawyer: bring it on honey! We won't forget what happened anytime soon!
On HLN: 35 years old from Hayward (44 mi West of Tracy). Got busted for DUI at McDonald's. Our fav reporter JW said he was pulling in the drive thru and then slumped over in the seat. LE was called and he was arrested in the parking lot.

This story disputes the article:

ABC7 has learned that the adult who Huckaby allegedly poisoned is Daniel Plowman, a former boyfriend of Huckaby's. On March 3rd, Plowman went to a Tracy towing yard to retrieve his vehicle. Employees thought he looked unfit to drive and called police, who arrested Plowman for being under the influence of some kind of tranquilizer.

Later, Plowman would tell police that Huckaby is the one who must have slipped him some kind of muscle relaxer. A few weeks earlier, The 7-year-old girl had returned from an afternoon in Huckaby's care in an altered state. Hospital tests found her under the influence of a tranquilizer. Back at the Orchard Estates Mobile Home Park, reaction to the new developments included the possibility of conspiracy.

Well at least the DA is now seriously listening to these people and believes what they are saying. If LE had taken the mother of the seven year old more seriously, then maybe things would have turned out differently for Sandra.

I feel there are other victims as well but who will not come forward to tell what she has done to them. She didn't just start being this diabolical.

I certainly admire the DA for throwing the book at her and imo, if they find out she poisoned (drugged) Sandra too then they may be even more additional charges to come. Good. She deserves everyone one of them they can lob at her, imo.

IMO, they are either building this case to make it death qualified or they are going to see she never sees the light of day again for the rest of her sorry life.

It makes me SICK AND NAUSEATED that her lawyer copped out YET AGAIN TODAY. How many times can they hold a plea over? Do they HONESTLY THINK we will forget what a freak of nature this sick woman is? There is no defending an abberation of society... there just isn't.

If I were this woman's attorney, I'd do the exact same thing and ask for a delay - I actually think this is very fair, especially since the court just tacked on three more charges. That's a lot more research, and time, and paperwork that firm is going to have to put in to answering those charges. And she does have a right to answer to those charges, regardless of what an abherration you think she is. A good attorney answers every charge.

it doesn't matter how badly you f--k up, everyone in this country has a right to an attorney and a right to a fair trial, and a right to due process. You may not like that, but that's our right as citizens. I personally have no problem with criminal defense attorneys - they defend just as many innocent people as guilty, and like I've said on other forums, they don't often have a choice over who they represent. You can't say, "I only want to represent innocent people" - there's just no way to determine that. Yeah, it would be great if the system worked so that the guilty all went to jail and the innocent all went free, but a system run by us humans is never going to be perfect or infallible. If they have a client like MH with evidence stacked against them, the goal is not always to get someone off. The goal may just be to cop a plea and to keep someone off of death row. Trials are costly, and for most attorneys time is money and the faster they can settle a case the better. 95% of cases never go to trial - if you're guilty, you're going to an attorney to have your punishment fairly negotiated with the DA. The goal is to get a FAIR deal, not necessarily to set someone free. keep this in mind.

At least you know that if you are unjustly accused of something, you will have as many rights to representation that "abherrations of society" do. Or, you know, you could live in Singapore, where they still use corporal punishment, and where jaywalking is a criminal offense. It's just what you get for living in a democracy - we either all have the same rights, or nobody has any rights. take your pick. and personally, I'd rather that we all have the same rights than nobody has rights, and I be unable to defend myself.
I wonder if there was still blood drawn on Daniel from when he was arrested. There must have been proof that muscle relaxers or something was in his system or surely they wouldn't charge Melissa with doing that to him. I imagine she's done more things to other people that just can't be proven. There's really no telling what all she has done.
Yeah, how would poisoning an adult man fit in here? We know the intended purpose of drugging the children but how does this guy figure in?

This woman was just one big screaming pile of "pay attention to me!" Between the setting of the fires, the suicide attempts, the inserting herself into Sandra's case before LE knew to look at her as a POI...

The more I learn about her the more afraid I am.

Somewhere in this forum its been discussed that sexual predators may not have a particular preference for age, gender physical characteristics, etc. and that just look for the easiest populations to victimized. I'm wondering if that could be the the link between a male adult and a child victim.

One trait that children and men have in common when it comes to rape would be that they are both less likely to come forward and report a rape. Although from what I've seen there are no allegations of sexual assault.

As we know that MH has in the past dated a sex offender and used poison on Sandra I think that it is possible that this man is a registered sex offender and MH raped these two victims. Ironically I would think that if the male victim is a registered SO he would be even more vulnerable to a sexual assault. How likely is it that LE would take accusations from an RSO seriously or break a sweat investigating the charges. Would a registered sex offender or unregistered sex offender even want to involve themselves with LE to begin with?

Hopefully pressing these charges will be enough to get MH to plea out, because if the man is a sex offender the defense could make mince meat out of him, if that kind of defense is allowed.

I dunno... its just a thought... And just to be clear, I am in no way implying that the male victim is a sex offender or that blaming the victim is a line of defense I agree with. And if I were on the jury in such a case I would be torn, but would vote to convict as just because the victim is a SO doesn't mean that another SO shouldn't be held accountable for their crime.

Here's my question though: Can prior bad acts be used as evidence against MH if the cases involved have not been tried yet?
I wonder if her daughter's health problems have suddenly gotten better since her mother's arrest?
Well charge of drugging the 7 year old does not surprise me at all.But her ex kind of does.Just thinking here that maybe she wanted to get back together with him and he refused so she spiked his drink so he would be arrested maybe.
I wonder if her daughter's health problems have suddenly gotten better since her mother's arrest?

Excellent thought. I agree, but not because I think Melissa is necessarily MSBP--I just think her daughter would improve by being with normal people (assuming the family who has her is normal) and away from that sick mind. Kids pick up on everything! Being brought up by a mentally sick individual could make a kid sick....
AMEN KAT! And more and more she is looking like a TRUE ABBERATION OF NATURE! Her abercany is sick, deep seated, and LONG! (I agree with you Kat that her past that we KNOW OF is just a cusp of the whole sick deal).

It makes me SICK AND NAUSEATED that her lawyer copped out YET AGAIN TODAY. How many times can they hold a plea over? Do they HONESTLY THINK we will forget what a freak of nature this sick woman is? I would think that is what they are aiming for. Well, if so they have aimed wrong, badly, incorrectly, etc (take your adjective choice). There is no defending an abberation of society... there just isn't. If Jeff Dahmer were alive I would go ask him about this... but he isn't... and there aren't many more like him. in my opinion only, Mr. Dahmer is one of the few who could understand where this crime came from and from what pathos.

I go back again to TIME. All these delays are strategic. Do they think we will forget or that time can somehow erase some of the macabre details? My God!! After this case I do not know how ANYONE could be a defense attorney.

Sorry for the rant... I am LIVID over the next hold over. To Melissa's lawyer: bring it on honey! We won't forget what happened anytime soon!

Don't apologize for the rant. It's perfectly normal and called for IMHO. It's very frustrating to say the least. I agree. Sometimes the wheels of justice can grind slowly.

As for me, I'm not really paying much attention to the defense attn at this moment. Yesterday she did what she had to do, she advised that no plea be entered at this time, at least I'm pretty sure that's what happened.

I also wondered if this defense attn and this State's attn (the state's attn by all reports is one that really likes to throw the book ~kit and kaboodle~ at perps) have a working relationship enough that he informed her that those three extra charges were going to be entered into court or did he surprise the defense attn with it and throw her off her game? :wink:

I see this latest development in another way too. This appears to be still an ongoing investigation, possibly. It's possible even more charges will be entered against MH. This would buy the State time to cross all the T's and dot all their I's in their case against MH.

So the bottom line is, the way I'm looking at it today, is either the defense attn knew the additional charges were coming and was ready to enter a no plea again and ask for an extension OR she was blindsided and had one of the worst days of her professional life yesterday (smirk).

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