Rebecca Nalepa - suicide or murder? #1

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I smell the brother all over this case. He is not as well off as his brother, I imagine there is a bit of jealousy there. He is staying there alone with this attractive girl and who knows what is going through his mind. He may have done this blaming her for his nephew's death and his brother's grief and sorrow or maybe he had a thing for her and she didn't reciprocate. I do not see this as a suicide given the hands tied behind the back. What was ever decided in the David Carridine hanging in the Orient?

This case IMO reaks of the brother.

Based on the tiny bit of info we actually have...I tend to agree!
NO NO NO.. MAXIE DIED just before i think around supper time thats why the fam was back in the mantion having a loud musical event and most likly drinking thier faces off because thier son had died thats why they were all in the house late monday night and when they all seen Rn and boom next morn she is hung off a balcony naked to show someone was pretty pissed off at her to himiluate her that way...

can you please provide MSM links for your information?

While this entire situation is very odd, in regards to naked is not as unusual as it may be thought of.
i found this really neat article from a journal in regards to it. Its a worthy read:

also another article from Salon:

Fascinating reading - the first article (the second I couldn't really generalize anything from). Having said that, I think it's very problematic to say it's 'common' since the research is not only elusive by nature, but also because any suicide would have to be put in perspective of other statistics.

For instance, from the article (not all direct quotes) ...

~ 95 percent of completed suicides are associated with mental illness. I suppose it depends on what you are terming mentally ill, but does this fit with what is known about Rebecca?

"The disposition of clothing found at the site of a naked suicide attempt or completion can yield valuable clues to the individual's mental state. Clothes that are neatly arranged point to a planned suicide. Clothes strewn about raise the question of impulsivity or mental disorganization secondary to a severe psychiatric condition, substance abuse, or sexual homicide." In this case, we don't know those circumstances yet.

suicide in a tub or shower is probably incidental, since people take their clothes off anyway (she was obviously not in the tub/shower)

~ five to eight percent completed suicide while naked in litigation cases, but percentage of all suicides completed naked is unknown (so this is 5-8 percent of the percent of people who do actually commit suicide - that has to be compared to how common suicide really is, esp competed suicides)

the authors talk about different types of suicide, but some of them do not pertain to Rebecca or seem very likely, e.g., autoerotic asphyxiation, other sexual intent - I'm not sure they know how many of these are actually intentional, accidental, or staged either - having an underlying fantasy about death and rebirth

"In the author's clinical experience, deliberate self-harm behaviors are usually not inflicted while naked. "

How common is it that someone both commits suicide naked and with their hands bound?

How common is it that someone hangs themselves by hurling over or jumping off a balcony, bridge, etc. It just seems committing suicide by hanging is usually done where you stand on a table or or from something in a room where the end result is you have no support for your feet. Or, you commit suicide by jumping off something?

Maybe being common or uncommon doesn't matter.
Maxie did not die after this woman sorry to tell ya ..maxie died first then this woman the naxt day....end of story.

You are confusing Max's accident and his death. He fell Monday, Tuesday evening was the last confirmed RN sighting, Wed a.m. the brother found her hanging. Max died a couple days later when he was taken off life support (my assumption only).
A. Shacknai cut her down.

What sort of cord was used around her neck? Seems to me, that if it was an extension cord, those things are thick, and don't take to cutting too easily. So there'd have to have been a huge pair of bolt cutters, or something similar, nearby, for A. Shacknai to have been able to notice her distress, cut her down, run down the stairs, and perform CPR, all while calling 911.

Nothing in this story makes sense. I've been in a few mansions in my time, and neither electrical cords nor bolt cutters are laying in the hallway table drawer...not even in EQ country, and especially not with little folks running around.

My guess?

Max had a bad accident, and it was an accident. J and D Shacknai were at the side of this critically ill boy. Brother flies in from back east, to help attend to matters in the house (taking care of children, running the estate, paying his respects to Max), and, sometime late Tuesday or early Wednesday, raped/killed RN because she was supposed to be keeping Max safe and hadn't, and then staged it to look like a suicide.

That's really the only answer that makes any sense. It's the only thing that accounts for all pieces of the puzzle, that we know of now. It also accounts for the way RN was bound, and found.

'Course, we don't have much info, so I could be all wrong. I've been wrong a lot in the past. LOL.

Herding Cats
A. Shacknai cut her down.

What sort of cord was used around her neck? Seems to me, that if it was an extension cord, those things are thick, and don't take to cutting too easily. So there'd have to have been a huge pair of bolt cutters, or something similar, nearby, for A. Shacknai to have been able to notice her distress, cut her down, run down the stairs, and perform CPR, all while calling 911.

Nothing in this story makes sense. I've been in a few mansions in my time, and neither electrical cords nor bolt cutters are laying in the hallway table drawer...not even in EQ country, and especially not with little folks running around.

My guess?

Max had a bad accident, and it was an accident. J and D Shacknai were at the side of this critically ill boy. Brother flies in from back east, to help attend to matters in the house (taking care of children, running the estate, paying his respects to Max), and, sometime late Tuesday or early Wednesday, raped/killed RN because she was supposed to be keeping Max safe and hadn't, and then staged it to look like a suicide.

That's really the only answer that makes any sense. It's the only thing that accounts for all pieces of the puzzle, that we know of now. It also accounts for the way RN was bound, and found.

'Course, we don't have much info, so I could be all wrong. I've been wrong a lot in the past. LOL.

Herding Cats

Herding Cats,

I agree with your post!!! That is the only scenerio that makes sense with the evidence we have been given.

I thought a rope was around her neck, and that's what the brother cut.
The cords were used for her hands and feet.
I remember reading that Maxie was put in a drug induced coma and was on life support shortyly after the accident.......I also think that his half sister had posted on facebook either friday/saturday about "RIP Maxie" but his passing was not confirmed until Sunday.......

It seems that due to the severe nature of his injuries, the family was probably faced with gut-wrentching decisions the day of the accident......I cannot find anything about if he was taken off life supports and/or when......

The strange death came two days after Shacknai's 6-year-old son, Max, was critically injured and placed in a medically induced coma from what police said was reported as a fall from a staircase in the home, Coronado Police Chief Louis Scanlon said


Thanks for looking Scorekeeper, I couldn't' find the article that mentioned when the sister made that Facebook post. I was wondering if the family were told earlier in the week that there was no hope and that may have given motive for Rebecca's death.
Herding Cats .....Well,if we find out AS was the last person to see RN alive, I have to say you have the best theory. :clap:

Has there been a presser that says who was at the mansion Tuesday night? To my knowlege there are conflicting accounts as to who (AS & RN & ?)and what was transpiring(loud noise,party,no party?) at the mansion the night in question.I did read a post on this thread that AS was the last know person to have seen RN but do not recall a link?? :waitasec:
Well, the strange reporting continues. This, from Fox News this morning:

When Max fell down the stairs, Zahau was at home with a 13-year-old girl whom authorities won't name but was not related to the Shacknais. Paramedics found the boy wasn't breathing and did not have a pulse. Investigators said the fall was an accident.

Was it Jonah's daughter or not?

The other thing I found interesting was last night on HLN News and then again on JVM, I distinctly heard the officer questioned say that "Jonah was in San Diego" at the time Rebecca's death ocurred. I thought it interesting that police did not choose to state that he was at the hospital at any time in question.

Read more:


Just working through the thread; I'm WAY behind, here. interesting points, SleuthyMama.

I, along with many here, am very suspicious as to the big secret as to who was the 3rd person at the house when Max died. (watch: I'll get caught up and this mystry will have been settled ;) ) But why all the confusion and seeming secrecy? If there's nothing to hide...why hide?
I've been thinking about this party/event that did/didn't happen. Do we know if the estate was rented or loaned out for events? JC, that would increase the suspect pool.

ETA: event equipment could explain power cords. Although usually green or white cords are used.
Thanks for looking Scorekeeper, I couldn't' find the article that mentioned when the sister made that Facebook post. I was wondering if the family were told earlier in the week that there was no hope and that may have given motive for Rebecca's death.

No problem.....

Last Monday, Max fell down the stairs at the property in what police called a tragic accident. He was not breathing and did not have a pulse when paramedics found him

Read more:

Due to his condition when found, it leads me to believe that his outlook was not good upon arrival at the hospital........
I remember reading that Maxie was put in a drug induced coma and was on life support shortyly after the accident.......I also think that his half sister had posted on facebook either friday/saturday about "RIP Maxie" but his passing was not confirmed until Sunday.......

It seems that due to the severe nature of his injuries, the family was probably faced with gut-wrentching decisions the day of the accident......I cannot find anything about if he was taken off life supports and/or when......

The strange death came two days after Shacknai's 6-year-old son, Max, was critically injured and placed in a medically induced coma from what police said was reported as a fall from a staircase in the home, Coronado Police Chief Louis Scanlon said


Others may have more knowledge, but from what I understand.

GS indicated on Friday that her brother was dead via FB. It could be that he was declared brain dead, and it took until Sunday to get the donors settled.

Since Maxie was a donor, he may have been kept on life support until the transplants could be coordinated for the 3 people. Thus the declaration of him being officially dead on Sunday.

Just a thought -- thanks!

I remember reading that Maxie was put in a drug induced coma and was on life support shortyly after the accident.......I also think that his half sister had posted on facebook either friday/saturday about "RIP Maxie" but his passing was not confirmed until Sunday.......

It seems that due to the severe nature of his injuries, the family was probably faced with gut-wrentching decisions the day of the accident......I cannot find anything about if he was taken off life supports and/or when......

The strange death came two days after Shacknai's 6-year-old son, Max, was critically injured and placed in a medically induced coma from what police said was reported as a fall from a staircase in the home, Coronado Police Chief Louis Scanlon said


scorekeeper ... I tend to think the same (bolded). I think he was just kept on life support till they could deal with the fact he wasn't coming back.

Although I still think his cause of death is a mystery... I perused some articles to see for any causes, seems a lot of them

Why Might a Child or a Teen Experience a Cardiac Arrest ?

This cause is not mentioned in the above article though ...
ADHD Drugs May Cause Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Herding Cats .....Well,if we find out AS was the last person to see RN alive, I have to say you have the best theory. :clap:

Has there been a presser that says who was at the mansion Tuesday night? To my knowlege there are conflicting accounts as to who (AS & RN & ?)and what was transpiring(loud noise,party,no party?) at the mansion the night in question.I did read a post on this thread that AS was the last know person to have seen RN but do not recall a link?? :waitasec:

The presser on CBS (20+ minutes) includes the statement from LE that AS was the last person to see RN on Tuesday evening. You can find this a couple pages back on the upthread.

Thanks! :)


Just working through the thread; I'm WAY behind, here. interesting points, SleuthyMama.

I, along with many here, am very suspicious as to the big secret as to who was the 3rd person at the house when Max died. (watch: I'll get caught up and this mystry will have been settled ;) ) But why all the confusion and seeming secrecy? If there's nothing to hide...why hide?

Because the 3rd person was a child?

Just working through the thread; I'm WAY behind, here. interesting points, SleuthyMama.

I, along with many here, am very suspicious as to the big secret as to who was the 3rd person at the house when Max died. (watch: I'll get caught up and this mystry will have been settled ;) ) But why all the confusion and seeming secrecy? If there's nothing to hide...why hide?

I'll add something more to the mass confusion.......I know I read somewhere at sometime that Maxie's mother, Dina, was also there.......but I can't find that article anywhere to save my soul...........and I'm pretty sure I didn't imagine it.........but could have since I also follow FCA!!!

yes, why the big secret as to the individuals in the home on Monday, July 11.........
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