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Mother Of Missing Girl Says She Failed Polygraph Test

Billie Jean Dunn said both she and her live-in boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, failed a polygraph test and that she has now lost faith in the test.

She also said that she asked Adkins to leave her home because she "didn't know what to think anymore." According to Billie Dunn, the boyfriend is now staying with his grandmother.

Hailey Dunn's Home Has Been Searched, Polygraph Administered To Boyfriend

January 5, 2011

Officials confirmed Wednesday that Shawn Adkins, the boyfriend of Hailey’s mother, has been administered a polygraph test. He was reportedly the last person who saw Hailey before she disappeared on Dec. 27.

Officials also confirmed that Hailey’s home was searched Wednesday for any clues that may have been missed earlier.

The search was conducted by the Texas Rangers, who looked through the home then spent 10 minutes in an outdoor storage shed.

According to Billie Dunn, she was questioned for 10-12 hours on Wednesday night after admittedly failing a polygraph test. Dunn explained the details of the polygraph testing on Thursday night's "Nancy Grace" broadcast.

Dunn also said that her boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, also failed his polygraph test. Since then, Adkins has left Colorado City and is now staying with his grandmother in West Texas. Dunn said she asked Adkins not to come back.
We know that Billie and Shawn both failed polygraphs.

What I was wondering is if Billie took a second poly ? I can't remember this.

There was this tidbit of information from DD too:


UPDATE 10:00 PM January 5, 2011

What began as a small town search is now a full blown national story as 13 year old Hailey Dunn remains missing nine days after her sudden disappearance on Monday December 27th.

Today it appeared that authorities were handling the case less like a runaway scenario and more like a criminal investigation of possible foul play.

The center of the investigation appeared to be the Dunn household at the corner of 18th and Chestnut in Colorado City, where the Texas Rangers combed through Hailey’s room and searched the backyard.

With cooperation and assistance from Colorado City Police, the Rangers opened a backyard shed and searched other parts of the property for details.

The Texas Ranger investigators declined interview requests with CBS 7 but Hailey’s mother, Billie Dunn, said the Rangers were looking for any clues or signs that might point out where Hailey went.

Wednesday afternoon Billie told CBS 7 that her boyfriend, Shawn Adkins, was with authorities taking a polygraph test.

City Manager Pete Kampfer said he heard the same thing but that he could not confirm the information.

However, at about 8:00pm, Hailey’s older brother DD told our CBS 7 crew that Shawn had refused to take two polygraph tests Wednesday.

DD says that Shawn signed the paperwork to take a third but then refused to take it and left the building.

According to DD, the Dunn family and police had not seen Shawn since that last polygraph refusal.

Hailey’s two uncles corroborated that story but police are not releasing information about any polygraph tests at this time.

Hailey’s uncle Dale says he took a polygraph test and passed it and added that Billie may have taken one Wednesday night as well.

As of 8:00pm Wednesday night, Billie Jean Dunn was not at her home and her family believed she was in downtown Colorado City with law enforcement authorities.
What stands out to me is Billie saying something like "I would have come forward sooner if I had known" and how she had so much "faith in them". Yet she showed up stoned for her polygraphs? Seems to me what Billie was disappointed in wasn't the polygraphs, but the drugs ability to cheat the machine. And when she heard Shawn failed his, she was shocked, and maybe for a few seconds thought about telling the truth? We may never know.
Okay been thinking about this...We have focused so much on the failing of the Polys by BD & SA but there was 1 other person that was given a polygraph that failed the first 2 times but finally passed. That was BDs brother. My question is what made LE focus on him right away. SA & Naomi were not asked to take a poly but yet her brother was. I think there may be something there that LE knows and has not been put out there. Thoughts?
CD says he was willing to take a poly, but was never asked. We don't know if the GF was.

I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't have been asked to do it if they actually had offered though, they were on the scene at the time and were alledgedly HDs immediate destination according to the last person claiming to have seen her. At least, I can't see any rational argument for them NOT to be polyed when everyone else in the family who lived close by was.

IMO allthough CD was telling US he is cool with it, he wasn't offering to do it to LE. It just doesnt make sense otherwise.
I think LE uses polygraphs, or lie detector tests as an interrogation tool.
They could tell who was lying and who was telling the truth.
No reason to waste time on those telling the truth.
They give the polys to peeps who are already inconsistent.
So, apparently DO, SA and BD were all inconsistent with their stories
about what they might have known,

CD is obviously mourning hic child, and doing everything he can to find her.
Why poly him?
Naomi may have been inconsistent, but the media may have gotten it in error as they didn't get the info from her, but from BD.
If she is being consistent in her statements to LE, they need not waste time and resources on testing her.

Would LE like to give SA and BD another test, you bet.
But they both know they don't have to.
So if they do, they will likely walk out again, as they can't answer the tough questions
without making the machine spark from all the needle jumping. eek

What is difficult to me, is that BD sounds so sweet, and SA doesn't come off as ugly in thought or dress either.
One must set aside the out appearance of these two, and study the oral evidence that they have each given in order to come to the truth.
Seperating what is known to be lies, and what is known to be truth, and unknowns seperate from each.
LIke the searches. Seperating what has been seached to what needs to be searched to what is the best places to search so the resources are used well.

There was this tidbit of information from DD too:


However, at about 8:00pm, Hailey’s older brother DD told our CBS 7 crew that Shawn had refused to take two polygraph tests Wednesday.

DD says that Shawn signed the paperwork to take a third but then refused to take it and left the building.


During the investigation into the disappearance/kidnapping of Hailey Dunn, Shawn ADKINS has been interview numerous times by investigators and ADKINS has volunteered to a polygraph examination on three occasions and on the first two occasions upon his arrival he terminated the polygraph examinations by walking out and refusing to cooperate with investigator.


I've always found this fascinating about the first 2 polys. Nothing about poor guy, so upset about Hailey's disappearance he had to take Ativan to try to sleep, and didn't know that wasn't okay, and couldn't take the polys even though he really really wanted to.

Nothing about couldn't take the polys because he was under the influence. That's Billie in the affidavit who was found to be under the influence of narcotics.

What makes Billie's Ativan story even more fascinating is that she says that after Shawn being under the influence of narcotics for the first poly, he did the same thing with the second. Not exactly a good cover story when you're trying to convince people that he really really really wanted to take the poly.

GRACE: OK. What about the second one?

BILLIE: And the same thing with the one they set up — the same thing. We didn`t know it was set up for Monday. It was set up for Wednesday. I made sure he didn`t get near any of that.

And even more fascinating what czgtz said about the polys here:
01-10-2011, 11:18 PM czgtz

She was going to take one the same day that SA took his first one, but LE told them that his results were off because he took Ativan also, so she DID NOT take one that day. She told LE that she would not take Ativan until she took her poly, and asked them AT THAT TIME if she needed to stop taking the pain meds and abts, which was the only other thing she was taking.

And yet more fascinating what Billie said here, conveniently skipping over that second test that Shawn refused to take:

The first Friday they had it set up for us to take, we had taken Ativan the night before to go to sleep. They didn`t tell us we couldn`t have anxiety medicine. So when we were able to get it set up again — Shawn had actually called them and asked them if he could come down and take it yet, and they said yes. They came, picked him up. He took his. I went in. They told me he failed it. I lost it, of course. I told them I had so much faith in that test.

Very intriguing, all the Ativan stories, especially because it was DD's understanding that Shawn simply refused and walked out on the first and second tests. I'd imagine he got that info from either Billie, or from the Texas Rangers he was talking with that night as reported.
Okay been thinking about this...We have focused so much on the failing of the Polys by BD & SA but there was 1 other person that was given a polygraph that failed the first 2 times but finally passed. That was BDs brother. My question is what made LE focus on him right away. SA & Naomi were not asked to take a poly but yet her brother was. I think there may be something there that LE knows and has not been put out there. Thoughts?

I'm thinking it has something to do with a cell phone record. Maybe his number was one of the 11 calls SA made that day. Curious about his whereabouts over the time period of Sun-Tues. imo
Well, if LE thought they were truthfull (allthough I can't see why LE would think that off the bat, since CD has a criminal record and both of them were apparently near the scene) and they were also willing to take a poly, there would be no reason not to give it to them so as to remove any doubt.
CD says he was willing to take a poly, but was never asked. We don't know if the GF was.

I find it hard to believe that they wouldn't have been asked to do it if they actually had offered though, they were on the scene at the time and were alledgedly HDs immediate destination according to the last person claiming to have seen her. At least, I can't see any rational argument for them NOT to be polyed when everyone else in the family who lived close by was.

IMO allthough CD was telling US he is cool with it, he wasn't offering to do it to LE. It just doesnt make sense otherwise.

Your post just brought to my mind again how it must REALLY get under Billie's skin that she and Shawn had to take polys, but that LE found no reason to give Clint or Naomi one.

She's worked so hard to cast aspersions and suspicion on Clint and Naomi, but after all this time, LE still finds nothing suspicious about them.

She's so manipulative and controlling, and her games just aren't working this time. It must really rankle her.

Thank God Hailey had Clint and Naomi in her life. Not perfect people, but at least she had two people close to her that LE obviously has determined would not have harmed her. That makes me feel better.

It's terribly upsetting to me that LE has determined that the two adults in closest proximity to this sweet little girl were the ones who were the greatest danger to her. At some level, Hailey knew that - she was telling so many people that she was scared in that house - and that's no way for a child to exist.

We need to listen carefully to children when they express fears like that, and take action to protect them. There are too many abused and raped and murdered children. I want them alive and knowing they are safe.

My opinion.
Well, if LE thought they were truthfull (allthough I can't see why LE would think that off the bat, since CD has a criminal record and both of them were apparently near the scene) and they were also willing to take a poly, there would be no reason not to give it to them so as to remove any doubt.

It's not up to LE to give people polys to remove doubt from the minds of a handful of people in the public. What a waste of tax dollars that would be. I sure don't want my tax dollars wasted that way. I want LE working on the people who really did harm this child, and thank God, they are doing that, as we know, since we have a named suspect/POI.

If Clint was involved, then he would have had to be working with the named suspect/POI, Shawn, and that just doesn't make any sense at all to me.

My opinion.
Okay been thinking about this...We have focused so much on the failing of the Polys by BD & SA but there was 1 other person that was given a polygraph that failed the first 2 times but finally passed. That was BDs brother. My question is what made LE focus on him right away. SA & Naomi were not asked to take a poly but yet her brother was. I think there may be something there that LE knows and has not been put out there. Thoughts?

bbm. Has anybody but Billie said this, or is it just a rumor? LE has stated that they didn't tell anyone poly results.

I think it's just a rumor that's being promulgated for obvious reasons.
It's not up to LE to give people polys to remove doubt from the minds of a handful of people in the public. What a waste of tax dollars that would be. I sure don't want my tax dollars wasted that way. I want LE working on the people who really did harm this child, and thank God, they are doing that, as we know, since we have a named suspect/POI.

If Clint was involved, then he would have had to be working with the named suspect/POI, Shawn, and that just doesn't make any sense at all to me.

My opinion.

The purpose of the investigation is to find HD, not save public funds or salve people's feelings.

It wouldn't be to remove doubt in the public's mind (they dont reveal the results anyway) it would be to remove doubt in the investigation. These people have the potential to be involved in some way, so why not do it to find out so they can be eliminated for sure?

You can be damned sure that if this went to trial with what is currently known, the question of why it wasn't done would be brought up and it would form the basis for an alternate theory of events for the defence. If these people were willing to take a poly, why on earth would investigators leave that door open?
Your post just brought to my mind again how it must REALLY get under Billie's skin that she and Shawn had to take polys, but that LE found no reason to give Clint or Naomi one.

She's worked so hard to cast aspersions and suspicion on Clint and Naomi, but after all this time, LE still finds nothing suspicious about them.

She's so manipulative and controlling, and her games just aren't working this time. It must really rankle her.

Thank God Hailey had Clint and Naomi in her life. Not perfect people, but at least she had two people close to her that LE obviously has determined would not have harmed her. That makes me feel better.

It's terribly upsetting to me that LE has determined that the two adults in closest proximity to this sweet little girl were the ones who were the greatest danger to her. At some level, Hailey knew that - she was telling so many people that she was scared in that house - and that's no way for a child to exist.

We need to listen carefully to children when they express fears like that, and take action to protect them. There are too many abused and raped and murdered children. I want them alive and knowing they are safe.

My opinion.

bbm. Has anybody but Billie said this, or is it just a rumor? LE has stated that they didn't tell anyone poly results.

I think it's just a rumor that's being promulgated for obvious reasons.

LE would not have revealed that info, if they were conducting themselves professionally, so I think it is just a case of paranoia and "extrapolation" on the part of BD.

She may have been relaying her impressions of conversations with other family members/friends who took polys and got things mixed up as usual.
The purpose of the investigation is to find HD, not save public funds or salve people's feelings.

It wouldn't be to remove doubt in the public's mind (they dont reveal the results anyway) it would be to remove doubt in the investigation. These people have the potential to be involved in some way, so why not do it to find out so they can be eliminated for sure?

You can be damned sure that if this went to trial with what is currently known, the question of why it wasn't done would be brought up and it would form the basis for an alternate theory of events for the defence. If these people were willing to take a poly, why on earth would investigators leave that door open?

I don't think it would be brought up in a trial because polygraphs are not allowed to even be discussed in court because they are not allowed into evidence. They have no bearing on a court case.

And I don't think that giving a poly to Clint will help us to find Hailey either. But maybe SA or BD would want to try another one. That might help.

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