Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#11

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I would think police and responders always have flashlights because they never know what they may have to probe and look at. (even the postal police looking for cellphones in the grass).

The investigators had very large lamps they set up in the cottage, I don't know why they would rely on a small desk lamp.

The fact that it was behind the door and turned over to me says it was there when the door was broken down, otherwise we are to assume the PP went in Meredith's room and shut the door and placed the lamp behind it.

IMO had the police used the lamp it would be infront of her broken door.
How did he climb up the wall and break in and not show any evidence by the windowsill, like fibers from his clothes, handprints, nothing.
Just like the guy on TV. There were fibers and other traces but tested inconclusive.

Why is the glass on top of the things?
Because it fell on top of things that were there before, like the computer.

How did the murder scene get contained to only Meredith's room?
What do you mean by this?

How did he know automatically know the door was locked? If he did not automatically know, how comes there are no footprints going back and forth from door to purse and back to door?
The footprints faded. I wrote about it recently.

Where are his missing footprints?
Which are missing?

Where is the blood from locking the doors?
He wiped his hands.

Why would he lock Meredith's door but leave front door unlocked?
Why not? He locked Meredith's room to delay the discovery of the murder.

How did he restrain Meredith and attack her at the same time, to account for the what the evidence shows?
There is no evidence he did it at the same time.

How was he in the bathroom and there is no evidence of him in there, blood-wise?
His footprint is evidence.

If he wasn't in there, how did the smears/blood get in the bathroom yet in such a relatively small amount to what would have been on Rudy?
There is a lot of blood in the bathroom.

Where are the missing footprints going to the bathroom?
There are none. He stepped in blood later.

Why the overkill? Why use a knife when he could have killed her in a less messy way (such as strangiing her?)? Why choose the messiest way possible?
Now you're arguing with the evidence and not with me.

Why is the scene outside of the bedroom so relatively clean?
Because there was no stabbing outside. Let me facepalm already :facepalm:

Why didn't he also check Laura and Amanda's room for things to steal? Why only Filomena room and Meredith room?
How do you know that? I don't think there is evidence one way or the other.

If he was so calm about using a bathroom, acting like he wasn't worried if someone walked in, why wouldn't he turn on the lights?
How do you know he didn't?

And if the lights were on, why wouldn't Meredith notice? Why woudl she walk all the way to her room first??
I think that's what she did.

That is just off the top of my head.....

And it took me below a minute, go on :)

BTW Next time, paragraphs would be great :)
Was any testing done, for fingerprints and such, on the windowsill in Filomena's room? Since it was deemed a "staged break in" would they bother with any testing? Glass is on top of things because of the glass falling onto them. For instance the rug beside the bed has pieces of glass on it from the window being broken. The clothes on the floor in front of the dresser may have glass on them from the glass being pushed onto the floor from the windowsill when RG climbed into the window. The murder scene was contained to only Meredith's room because that is where RG attacked her. Meredith was already in her room and was unable to leave because of the attack. RG had been in the downstairs cottage more than once to visit the boys, I feel sure that he would have noticed how the doors locked while there since he was interested in B&E. It is not an illogical guess to think that the upstairs cottage of the same building has the same type of locking system on the doors. What missing footprints? It is possible that RG stepped in blood with only one shoe. That one shoe is the one that left the footprints in the bedroom, hallway and out to the front door. There were two towels in the bedroom that had blood on them. It is possible that RG opened the bedroom door with a bloody hand, then stopped to wipe away the blood before shutting the door and leaving the room, hence no bloody handprints on the outside of the door or on the front door. Meredith's door being locked is going to prevent her from being found for a while. The key to Meredith's bedroom door, did anyone else have a key to fit it? The key to the cottage was one that all 4 of the women had so even if the cottage was locked there were 3 other people that could enter with their key. RG was much stronger than Meredith. RG had the element of suprise, not to mention a weapon. It would be relatively easy for him to restrain while attacking a smaller woman. After all, we have seen a smaller female with a weapon or two restrain and attack a larger male all by herself. There is evidence that RG was in the bathroom, the bathmat matches his footprint much closer than it does to RS. Perhaps there was no blood on RG's shoe/s at the time that he went to the bathroom. Perhaps he took his shoe of to get the blood off his pantleg and the bloody footprint is from blood mixed with water from cleaning up. The overkill could be for several reasons. Meredith fought back. Meredith wouldn't die. RG was in a rage and couldn't stop himself. And of course since we don't have the mind of a killer and the killer will never admit the truth himself, then we will never know the real reason behind the overkill. RG apparently loved using knives. This was not the first crime he committed in which a knife was a part of. Perhaps he simply preferred a knife instead because that was a sure fire way to know that a person was dead. Because Meredith was attacked in and never left her bedroom. RG had just killed someone. He knew the boys would not be home. He did not know if AK or Filomena would be home soon or not. He didn't steal anything from the room he broke into. In fact the only things taken appear to be cash, two phones that were dumped and the keys. It also appears that he was interested in only the cash since there were other items that he could have taken, but those items would need to be pawned or sold for money. The layout of the house, with two doors from the larger bathroom toilet area to the living room/kitchen area, would prevent anyone to see who was using the toilet. It is not known if RG had a flashlight with him or not. Since he went there to break in during the night one would expect for him to have a flashlight with him.
I thought Meredith had an overhead light? Also, they could have just gotten the lamp which was already in her room (Meredith's own lamp). I still do not believe they would have needed any lamp at all. MOO.
Her own lamp was unreachable behind a mass of blood.
I think they were trying not to touch anything in the room unnecessarily, light switches included.


It's ok to say that you are trying to show us holes in our theory.

I believe Amber, and I second this, have said that we don't have all the answers.

No one has each and every single answer of what exactly happened except for the perps(s), that is true for every case, unless it just happens to be that the whole thing was video-recorded!

I would also like to add that for the innocent-side it is very easy, relatively speaking, as you don't need any answers! If they are innocent!

All you need to do is say Rudy did it. If someone asks questions regarding the how pertaining to specific points of how he did it, the supporters of her innocence can just fall back on well, he did it. We don't know how he did it, but he did.

It's the supporters of her guilt who are expected to somehow have been at the murder scene and be able to tell what happened second by second.

For my part, I am very interested in what precisely is the evidence that convinces you beyond a reasonable doubt. I am very interested in exactly what evidence is convincing, and exactly what it says to you.

I am perfectly happy to answer questions on what I believe... Please ask away.

Of course, if you don't believe in the beyond a reasonable doubt standard, I guess the discussion would be moot. I would like to know that as well, however.
For some reason the thumbnail attachment is not working for me. So here is the photo that shows the "over head light" in Meredith's room. It is actually a light that is on the wall and not one that is on the ceiling.

The investigators had very large lamps they set up in the cottage, I don't know why they would rely on a small desk lamp.

The fact that it was behind the door and turned over to me says it was there when the door was broken down, otherwise we are to assume the PP went in Meredith's room and shut the door and placed the lamp behind it.

IMO had the police used the lamp it would be infront of her broken door.

The postal police, the first ones on the scene, are not the investigators that came in later with the larger lights. The thought was that the first ones on the scene may have used the lamp, not the investigators that arrived later.
It has been asked before, on previous threads about Meredith, why RG did not simply break into the french doors from the back patio. My question is how would he have gotten onto the patio when there are no stairs or anything leading from the ground to the patio? There also appear to be no windows or anything for one to use to climb up onto the patio. Below shows the patio of the cottage and the french doors.

The postal police, the first ones on the scene, are not the investigators that came in later with the larger lights. The thought was that the first ones on the scene may have used the lamp, not the investigators that arrived later.

Pretty sure I referred to the postal police in my second sentence after discussing the investigators.

Like I said I would expect the lamp to be in front of Meredith's broken door had the PP used it, otherwise we are to assume he went in and shut Meredith's door placing the lamp behind it. Why would he do that?
It has been asked before, on previous threads about Meredith, why RG did not simply break into the french doors from the back patio. My question is how would he have gotten onto the patio when there are no stairs or anything leading from the ground to the patio? There also appear to be no windows or anything for one to use to climb up onto the patio. Below shows the patio of the cottage and the french doors.


Maybe you should look at a picture from the ground level, the balcony would be very easy to get on. In fact it was used for a breaking and entering sometime after the murder and I doubt they brought a ladder.
Maybe you should look at a picture from the ground level, the balcony would be very easy to get on. In fact it was used for a breaking and entering sometime after the murder and I doubt they brought a ladder.

Got a link that shows the back patio from the ground level? I haven't been able to find a picture of it.
How did he climb up the wall and break in and not show any evidence by the windowsill, like fibers from his clothes, handprints, nothing. Why is the glass on top of the things? How did the murder scene get contained to only Meredith's room? How did he know automatically know the door was locked? If he did not automatically know, how comes there are no footprints going back and forth from door to purse and back to door? Where are his missing footprints? Where is the blood from locking the doors? Why would he lock Meredith's door but leave front door unlocked? How did he restrain Meredith and attack her at the same time, to account for the what the evidence shows? How was he in the bathroom and there is no evidence of him in there, blood-wise? If he wasn't in there, how did the smears/blood get in the bathroom yet in such a relatively small amount to what would have been on Rudy? Where are the missing footprints going to the bathroom? Why the overkill? Why use a knife when he could have killed her in a less messy way (such as strangiing her?)? Why choose the messiest way possible? Why is the scene outside of the bedroom so relatively clean? Why didn't he also check Laura and Amanda's room for things to steal? Why only Filomena room and Meredith room? If he was already in the house when Meredith came in, why didn't she notice the broken window or Rudy in the bathroom, there must have been a light or two on for him to get to the bathroom or wherever he was going? If he was so calm about using a bathroom, acting like he wasn't worried if someone walked in, why wouldn't he turn on the lights? And if the lights were on, why wouldn't Meredith notice? Why woudl she walk all the way to her room first??

That is just off the top of my head.....

I realize that you have already gotten some answer, but I would like to add:

1. There was very little in the way of forensics done in Filomena's room. It is my belief that they did not question the nature of the break-in until after the first arrests, and consequently did very little investigation.

2. I believe that if you view the video of the flat (I will try to look for it) you will see a drawer open in Laura's otherwise immaculate room. The broken window and murder account for most of the disorder -- no reason to find much in other rooms.

3. The towels which were ruined for testing by the way they were stored May have been used by Rudy to do a bit of cleaning off. Since they were rendered useless for testing, we will never know.

4. The front door was broken in that it would open by itself without the deadbolt being latched. No reason why Rudy would know that just locking it at the knob would not be sufficient.
Would Postal Police officer Batistelli really have gone into Amanda's room, gotten her lamp, used it to view the Kercher room, and failed to say anything? It is noted, though, that Knox's lamp was not really a piece of evidence in the trial. I suppose because nothing could be proven about the lamp, one way or the other.

we know battistelli lied about not entering the room and lifting up the duvet...

I thought Meredith had an overhead light? Also, they could have just gotten the lamp which was already in her room (Meredith's own lamp). I still do not believe they would have needed any lamp at all. MOO.


crime scene preservation 101: don't touch anything
That was written by a known IIP poster and is no better than an opinion post on TJMK.

at least IIP has integrity. all TJMK does is badmouth both knox and sollecito and all their supporters. you don't see that on IIP.

btw, wismayer is british and studied at the same UK university MK did.
at least IIP has integrity. all TJMK does is badmouth both knox and sollecito and all their supporters. you don't see that on IIP.

btw, wismayer is british and studied at the same UK university MK did.

I won't get into a discussion about the other sites but I want it to be known that's your opinion and I feel the same way about IIP as you do about TJMK. Except they discuss people from the otherside and bad mouth anyone involved that doesn't believe them to be innocent down to reporters.

I don't care where someone went to school and where their from, I disagree with his opinion piece, was my point.
I won't get into a discussion about the other sites but I want it to be known that's your opinion and I feel the same way about IIP as you do about TJMK. Except they discuss people from the otherside and bad mouth anyone involved that doesn't believe them to be innocent down to reporters.

I don't care where someone went to school and where their from, I disagree with his opinion piece, was my point.
I would agree that neither "side" should make ad hominem attacks, going after personalities and character of the defendants, their families, attorneys, experts, judges, or posters and journalists of certain opinions. Whenever the pro-guilt side does this, it weakens my resolve to be open to guilt. It holds true for the other side as well.
we know battistelli lied about not entering the room and lifting up the duvet...


crime scene preservation 101: don't touch anything
Well, if there was any possibility, however remote, that the victim might still be alive - even a person with blue-tinged extremities may be alive, I have seen it - I would think he was within his rights to at least check and see her condition beneath that duvet. He was law enforcement , after all.

But even if MK's door had been left open, and I was there alone, I would have approached her and wanted to see what her actual condition was.
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